// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/thumbnail_generator.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/test/mock_render_process_host.h" #include "content/test/test_renderer_host.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorPriv.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/surface/transport_dib.h" using content::WebContents; typedef testing::Test ThumbnailGeneratorTest; TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, CalculateBoringScore_Empty) { SkBitmap bitmap; EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, ThumbnailGenerator::CalculateBoringScore(bitmap)); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, CalculateBoringScore_SingleColor) { const gfx::Size kSize(20, 10); gfx::Canvas canvas(kSize, true); // Fill all pixesl in black. canvas.FillRect(gfx::Rect(kSize), SK_ColorBLACK); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The thumbnail should deserve the highest boring score. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, ThumbnailGenerator::CalculateBoringScore(bitmap)); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, CalculateBoringScore_TwoColors) { const gfx::Size kSize(20, 10); gfx::Canvas canvas(kSize, true); // Fill all pixesl in black. canvas.FillRect(gfx::Rect(kSize), SK_ColorBLACK); // Fill the left half pixels in white. canvas.FillRect(gfx::Rect(0, 0, kSize.width() / 2, kSize.height()), SK_ColorWHITE); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); ASSERT_EQ(kSize.width(), bitmap.width()); ASSERT_EQ(kSize.height(), bitmap.height()); // The thumbnail should be less boring because two colors are used. EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.5, ThumbnailGenerator::CalculateBoringScore(bitmap)); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, GetClippedBitmap_TallerThanWide) { // The input bitmap is vertically long. gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(40, 90), true); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The desired size is square. ThumbnailGenerator::ClipResult clip_result = ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped; SkBitmap clipped_bitmap = ThumbnailGenerator::GetClippedBitmap( bitmap, 10, 10, &clip_result); // The clipped bitmap should be square. EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.width()); EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.height()); // The input was taller than wide. EXPECT_EQ(ThumbnailGenerator::kTallerThanWide, clip_result); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, GetClippedBitmap_WiderThanTall) { // The input bitmap is horizontally long. gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(70, 40), true); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The desired size is square. ThumbnailGenerator::ClipResult clip_result = ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped; SkBitmap clipped_bitmap = ThumbnailGenerator::GetClippedBitmap( bitmap, 10, 10, &clip_result); // The clipped bitmap should be square. EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.width()); EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.height()); // The input was wider than tall. EXPECT_EQ(ThumbnailGenerator::kWiderThanTall, clip_result); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, GetClippedBitmap_TooWiderThanTall) { // The input bitmap is horizontally very long. gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(90, 40), true); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The desired size is square. ThumbnailGenerator::ClipResult clip_result = ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped; SkBitmap clipped_bitmap = ThumbnailGenerator::GetClippedBitmap( bitmap, 10, 10, &clip_result); // The clipped bitmap should be square. EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.width()); EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.height()); // The input was wider than tall. EXPECT_EQ(ThumbnailGenerator::kTooWiderThanTall, clip_result); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, GetClippedBitmap_NotClipped) { // The input bitmap is square. gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(40, 40), true); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The desired size is square. ThumbnailGenerator::ClipResult clip_result = ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped; SkBitmap clipped_bitmap = ThumbnailGenerator::GetClippedBitmap( bitmap, 10, 10, &clip_result); // The clipped bitmap should be square. EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.width()); EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.height()); // There was no need to clip. EXPECT_EQ(ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped, clip_result); } TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, GetClippedBitmap_NonSquareOutput) { // The input bitmap is square. gfx::Canvas canvas(gfx::Size(40, 40), true); SkBitmap bitmap = skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas.sk_canvas())->accessBitmap(false); // The desired size is horizontally long. ThumbnailGenerator::ClipResult clip_result = ThumbnailGenerator::kNotClipped; SkBitmap clipped_bitmap = ThumbnailGenerator::GetClippedBitmap( bitmap, 20, 10, &clip_result); // The clipped bitmap should have the same aspect ratio of the desired size. EXPECT_EQ(40, clipped_bitmap.width()); EXPECT_EQ(20, clipped_bitmap.height()); // The input was taller than wide. EXPECT_EQ(ThumbnailGenerator::kTallerThanWide, clip_result); } // A mock version of TopSites, used for testing ShouldUpdateThumbnail(). class MockTopSites : public history::TopSites { public: explicit MockTopSites(Profile* profile) : history::TopSites(profile), capacity_(1) { } // history::TopSites overrides. virtual bool IsFull() { return known_url_map_.size() >= capacity_; } virtual bool IsKnownURL(const GURL& url) { return known_url_map_.find(url.spec()) != known_url_map_.end(); } virtual bool GetPageThumbnailScore(const GURL& url, ThumbnailScore* score) { std::map::const_iterator iter = known_url_map_.find(url.spec()); if (iter == known_url_map_.end()) { return false; } else { *score = iter->second; return true; } } // Adds a known URL with the associated thumbnail score. void AddKnownURL(const GURL& url, const ThumbnailScore& score) { known_url_map_[url.spec()] = score; } private: virtual ~MockTopSites() {} size_t capacity_; std::map known_url_map_; }; TEST_F(ThumbnailGeneratorTest, ShouldUpdateThumbnail) { const GURL kGoodURL("http://www.google.com/"); const GURL kBadURL("chrome://newtab"); // Set up the profile. TestingProfile profile; // Set up the top sites service. ScopedTempDir temp_dir; ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()); scoped_refptr top_sites(new MockTopSites(&profile)); // Should be false because it's a bad URL. EXPECT_FALSE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kBadURL)); // Should be true, as it's a good URL. EXPECT_TRUE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kGoodURL)); // Should be false, if it's in the incognito mode. profile.set_incognito(true); EXPECT_FALSE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kGoodURL)); // Should be true again, once turning off the incognito mode. profile.set_incognito(false); EXPECT_TRUE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kGoodURL)); // Add a known URL. This makes the top sites data full. ThumbnailScore bad_score; bad_score.time_at_snapshot = base::Time::UnixEpoch(); // Ancient time stamp. top_sites->AddKnownURL(kGoodURL, bad_score); ASSERT_TRUE(top_sites->IsFull()); // Should be false, as the top sites data is full, and the new URL is // not known. const GURL kAnotherGoodURL("http://www.youtube.com/"); EXPECT_FALSE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kAnotherGoodURL)); // Should be true, as the existing thumbnail is bad (i.e need a better one). EXPECT_TRUE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kGoodURL)); // Replace the thumbnail score with a really good one. ThumbnailScore good_score; good_score.time_at_snapshot = base::Time::Now(); // Very new. good_score.at_top = true; good_score.good_clipping = true; good_score.boring_score = 0.0; good_score.load_completed = true; top_sites->AddKnownURL(kGoodURL, good_score); // Should be false, as the existing thumbnail is good enough (i.e. don't // need to replace the existing thumbnail which is new and good). EXPECT_FALSE(ThumbnailGenerator::ShouldUpdateThumbnail( &profile, top_sites.get(), kGoodURL)); }