// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/task_manager.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/stats_table.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/task_manager_resource_providers.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/standard_layout.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/views/accelerator.h" #include "chrome/views/background.h" #include "chrome/views/link.h" #include "chrome/views/menu.h" #include "chrome/views/native_button.h" #include "chrome/views/window.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h" #include "chromium_strings.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // The task manager window default size. static const int kDefaultWidth = 460; static const int kDefaultHeight = 270; // The delay between updates of the information (in ms). static const int kUpdateTimeMs = 1000; // An id for the most important column, made sufficiently large so as not to // collide with anything else. static const int64 kNuthMagicNumber = 1737350766; static const int kBitMask = 0x7FFFFFFF; static const int kGoatsTeleportedColumn = (94024 * kNuthMagicNumber) & kBitMask; template <class T> static int ValueCompare(T value1, T value2) { if (value1 < value2) return -1; if (value1 == value2) return 0; return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TaskManagerTableModel class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static int TaskManagerTableModel::goats_teleported_ = 0; TaskManagerTableModel::TaskManagerTableModel(TaskManager* task_manager) : observer_(NULL), ui_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), update_state_(IDLE) { TaskManagerBrowserProcessResourceProvider* browser_provider = new TaskManagerBrowserProcessResourceProvider(task_manager); browser_provider->AddRef(); providers_.push_back(browser_provider); TaskManagerWebContentsResourceProvider* wc_provider = new TaskManagerWebContentsResourceProvider(task_manager); wc_provider->AddRef(); providers_.push_back(wc_provider); TaskManagerPluginProcessResourceProvider* plugin_provider = new TaskManagerPluginProcessResourceProvider(task_manager); plugin_provider->AddRef(); providers_.push_back(plugin_provider); } TaskManagerTableModel::~TaskManagerTableModel() { for (ResourceProviderList::iterator iter = providers_.begin(); iter != providers_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->Release(); } } int TaskManagerTableModel::RowCount() { return static_cast<int>(resources_.size()); } std::wstring TaskManagerTableModel::GetText(int row, int col_id) { // Let's find out if we are the first item in our group. TaskManager::Resource* resource = resources_[row]; ResourceList* group = group_map_[resource->GetProcess()]; DCHECK(group && !group->empty()); bool first_in_group = ((*group)[0] == resource); process_util::ProcessMetrics* process_metrics = NULL; if (first_in_group) { MetricsMap::iterator iter = metrics_map_.find(resource->GetProcess()); DCHECK(iter != metrics_map_.end()); process_metrics = iter->second; } switch (col_id) { case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PAGE_COLUMN: // Process return resource->GetTitle(); // Only the first item from a group shows the process info. case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN: { // Net int64 net_usage = GetNetworkUsage(resource); if (net_usage == -1) return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NA_CELL_TEXT); if (net_usage == 0) return std::wstring(L"0"); return FormatSpeed(net_usage, GetByteDisplayUnits(net_usage), true); } case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_CPU_COLUMN: // CPU if (!first_in_group) return std::wstring(); return IntToWString(GetCPUUsage(resource)); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN: // Memory // We report committed (working set + paged) private usage. This is NOT // going to match what Windows Task Manager shows (which is working set). if (!first_in_group) return std::wstring(); return l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_MEM_CELL_TEXT, FormatNumber(GetPrivateMemory(process_metrics))); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN: // Memory if (!first_in_group) return std::wstring(); return l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_MEM_CELL_TEXT, FormatNumber(GetSharedMemory(process_metrics))); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PHYSICAL_MEM_COLUMN: // Memory if (!first_in_group) return std::wstring(); return l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_MEM_CELL_TEXT, FormatNumber(GetPhysicalMemory(process_metrics))); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN: if (!first_in_group) return std::wstring(); return IntToWString(process_util::GetProcId(resource->GetProcess())); case kGoatsTeleportedColumn: // Goats Teleported. goats_teleported_ += rand(); return FormatNumber(goats_teleported_); default: return IntToWString(GetStatsValue(resource, col_id)); } } int64 TaskManagerTableModel::GetNetworkUsage(TaskManager::Resource* resource) { int64 net_usage = GetNetworkUsageForResource(resource); if (net_usage == 0 && !resource->SupportNetworkUsage()) return -1; return net_usage; } int TaskManagerTableModel::GetCPUUsage(TaskManager::Resource* resource) { CPUUsageMap::const_iterator iter = cpu_usage_map_.find(resource->GetProcess()); if (iter == cpu_usage_map_.end()) return 0; return iter->second; } size_t TaskManagerTableModel::GetPrivateMemory( process_util::ProcessMetrics* process_metrics) { return process_metrics->GetPrivateBytes() / 1024; } size_t TaskManagerTableModel::GetSharedMemory( process_util::ProcessMetrics* process_metrics) { process_util::WorkingSetKBytes ws_usage; process_metrics->GetWorkingSetKBytes(&ws_usage); return ws_usage.shared; } size_t TaskManagerTableModel::GetPhysicalMemory( process_util::ProcessMetrics* process_metrics) { // Memory = working_set.private + working_set.shareable. // We exclude the shared memory. size_t total_kbytes = process_metrics->GetWorkingSetSize() / 1024; process_util::WorkingSetKBytes ws_usage; process_metrics->GetWorkingSetKBytes(&ws_usage); total_kbytes -= ws_usage.shared; return total_kbytes; } int TaskManagerTableModel::GetStatsValue(TaskManager::Resource* resource, int col_id) { StatsTable* table = StatsTable::current(); if (table != NULL) { const wchar_t* counter = table->GetRowName(col_id); if (counter != NULL && counter[0] != '\0') { return table->GetCounterValue(counter, process_util::GetProcId(resource->GetProcess())); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid column."; } } return 0; } SkBitmap TaskManagerTableModel::GetIcon(int row) { DCHECK(row < RowCount()); SkBitmap icon = resources_[row]->GetIcon(); if (!icon.isNull()) return icon; static SkBitmap* default_icon = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(). GetBitmapNamed(IDR_DEFAULT_FAVICON); return *default_icon; } void TaskManagerTableModel::GetGroupRangeForItem(int item, views::GroupRange* range) { DCHECK((item >= 0) && (item < RowCount())) << " invalid item "<< item << " (items count=" << RowCount() << ")"; TaskManager::Resource* resource = resources_[item]; GroupMap::iterator group_iter = group_map_.find(resource->GetProcess()); DCHECK(group_iter != group_map_.end()); ResourceList* group = group_iter->second; DCHECK(group); if (group->size() == 1) { range->start = item; range->length = 1; } else { ResourceList::iterator iter = std::find(resources_.begin(), resources_.end(), (*group)[0]); DCHECK(iter != resources_.end()); range->start = static_cast<int>(iter - resources_.begin()); range->length = static_cast<int>(group->size()); } } HANDLE TaskManagerTableModel::GetProcessAt(int index) { DCHECK(index < RowCount()); return resources_[index]->GetProcess(); } void TaskManagerTableModel::StartUpdating() { DCHECK_NE(TASK_PENDING, update_state_); // If update_state_ is STOPPING, it means a task is still pending. Setting // it to TASK_PENDING ensures the tasks keep being posted (by Refresh()). if (update_state_ == IDLE) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &TaskManagerTableModel::Refresh), kUpdateTimeMs); } update_state_ = TASK_PENDING; // Register jobs notifications so we can compute network usage (it must be // done from the IO thread). base::Thread* thread = g_browser_process->io_thread(); if (thread) thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TaskManagerTableModel::RegisterForJobDoneNotifications)); // Notify resource providers that we are updating. for (ResourceProviderList::iterator iter = providers_.begin(); iter != providers_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->StartUpdating(); } } void TaskManagerTableModel::StopUpdating() { DCHECK_EQ(TASK_PENDING, update_state_); update_state_ = STOPPING; // Notify resource providers that we are done updating. for (ResourceProviderList::const_iterator iter = providers_.begin(); iter != providers_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->StopUpdating(); } // Unregister jobs notification (must be done from the IO thread). base::Thread* thread = g_browser_process->io_thread(); if (thread) thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TaskManagerTableModel::UnregisterForJobDoneNotifications)); } void TaskManagerTableModel::AddResourceProvider( TaskManager::ResourceProvider* provider) { DCHECK(provider); providers_.push_back(provider); } void TaskManagerTableModel::RemoveResourceProvider( TaskManager::ResourceProvider* provider) { DCHECK(provider); ResourceProviderList::iterator iter = std::find(providers_.begin(), providers_.end(), provider); DCHECK(iter != providers_.end()); providers_.erase(iter); } void TaskManagerTableModel::RegisterForJobDoneNotifications() { g_url_request_job_tracker.AddObserver(this); } void TaskManagerTableModel::UnregisterForJobDoneNotifications() { g_url_request_job_tracker.RemoveObserver(this); } void TaskManagerTableModel::AddResource(TaskManager::Resource* resource) { HANDLE process = resource->GetProcess(); ResourceList* group_entries = NULL; GroupMap::const_iterator group_iter = group_map_.find(process); int new_entry_index = 0; if (group_iter == group_map_.end()) { group_entries = new ResourceList(); group_map_[process] = group_entries; group_entries->push_back(resource); // Not part of a group, just put at the end of the list. resources_.push_back(resource); new_entry_index = static_cast<int>(resources_.size() - 1); } else { group_entries = group_iter->second; group_entries->push_back(resource); // Insert the new entry right after the last entry of its group. ResourceList::iterator iter = std::find(resources_.begin(), resources_.end(), (*group_entries)[group_entries->size() - 2]); DCHECK(iter != resources_.end()); new_entry_index = static_cast<int>(iter - resources_.begin()); resources_.insert(++iter, resource); } process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm = process_util::ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(process); metrics_map_[process] = pm; // Notify the table that the contents have changed for it to redraw. DCHECK(observer_); observer_->OnItemsAdded(new_entry_index, 1); } void TaskManagerTableModel::RemoveResource(TaskManager::Resource* resource) { HANDLE process = resource->GetProcess(); // Find the associated group. GroupMap::iterator group_iter = group_map_.find(process); DCHECK(group_iter != group_map_.end()); ResourceList* group_entries = group_iter->second; // Remove the entry from the group map. ResourceList::iterator iter = std::find(group_entries->begin(), group_entries->end(), resource); DCHECK(iter != group_entries->end()); group_entries->erase(iter); // If there are no more entries for that process, do the clean-up. if (group_entries->empty()) { delete group_entries; group_map_.erase(process); // Nobody is using this process, we don't need the process metrics anymore. MetricsMap::iterator pm_iter = metrics_map_.find(process); DCHECK(pm_iter != metrics_map_.end()); if (pm_iter != metrics_map_.end()) { delete pm_iter->second; metrics_map_.erase(process); } // And we don't need the CPU usage anymore either. CPUUsageMap::iterator cpu_iter = cpu_usage_map_.find(process); if (cpu_iter != cpu_usage_map_.end()) cpu_usage_map_.erase(cpu_iter); } // Remove the entry from the model list. iter = std::find(resources_.begin(), resources_.end(), resource); DCHECK(iter != resources_.end()); int index = static_cast<int>(iter - resources_.begin()); resources_.erase(iter); // Remove the entry from the network maps. ResourceValueMap::iterator net_iter = current_byte_count_map_.find(resource); if (net_iter != current_byte_count_map_.end()) current_byte_count_map_.erase(net_iter); net_iter = displayed_network_usage_map_.find(resource); if (net_iter != displayed_network_usage_map_.end()) displayed_network_usage_map_.erase(net_iter); // Notify the table that the contents have changed. observer_->OnItemsRemoved(index, 1); } void TaskManagerTableModel::Clear() { int size = RowCount(); if (size > 0) { resources_.clear(); // Clear the groups. for (GroupMap::iterator iter = group_map_.begin(); iter != group_map_.end(); ++iter) { delete iter->second; } group_map_.clear(); // Clear the process related info. for (MetricsMap::iterator iter = metrics_map_.begin(); iter != metrics_map_.end(); ++iter) { delete iter->second; } metrics_map_.clear(); cpu_usage_map_.clear(); // Clear the network maps. current_byte_count_map_.clear(); displayed_network_usage_map_.clear(); observer_->OnItemsRemoved(0, size); } } void TaskManagerTableModel::Refresh() { DCHECK_NE(IDLE, update_state_); if (update_state_ == STOPPING) { // We have been asked to stop. update_state_ = IDLE; return; } // Compute the CPU usage values. // Note that we compute the CPU usage for all resources (instead of doing it // lazily) as process_util::GetCPUUsage() returns the CPU usage since the last // time it was called, and not calling it everytime would skew the value the // next time it is retrieved (as it would be for more than 1 cycle). cpu_usage_map_.clear(); for (ResourceList::iterator iter = resources_.begin(); iter != resources_.end(); ++iter) { HANDLE process = (*iter)->GetProcess(); CPUUsageMap::iterator cpu_iter = cpu_usage_map_.find(process); if (cpu_iter != cpu_usage_map_.end()) continue; // Already computed. MetricsMap::iterator metrics_iter = metrics_map_.find(process); DCHECK(metrics_iter != metrics_map_.end()); cpu_usage_map_[process] = metrics_iter->second->GetCPUUsage(); } // Compute the new network usage values. displayed_network_usage_map_.clear(); for (ResourceValueMap::iterator iter = current_byte_count_map_.begin(); iter != current_byte_count_map_.end(); ++iter) { if (kUpdateTimeMs > 1000) { int divider = (kUpdateTimeMs / 1000); displayed_network_usage_map_[iter->first] = iter->second / divider; } else { displayed_network_usage_map_[iter->first] = iter->second * (1000 / kUpdateTimeMs); } // Then we reset the current byte count. iter->second = 0; } if (!resources_.empty()) observer_->OnItemsChanged(0, RowCount()); // Schedule the next update. MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &TaskManagerTableModel::Refresh), kUpdateTimeMs); } void TaskManagerTableModel::SetObserver(views::TableModelObserver* observer) { observer_ = observer; } int TaskManagerTableModel::CompareValues(int row1, int row2, int column_id) { switch (column_id) { case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PAGE_COLUMN: // Let's do the default, string compare on the resource title. return TableModel::CompareValues(row1, row2, column_id); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN: return ValueCompare<int64>(GetNetworkUsage(resources_[row1]), GetNetworkUsage(resources_[row2])); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_CPU_COLUMN: return ValueCompare<int>(GetCPUUsage(resources_[row1]), GetCPUUsage(resources_[row2])); case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN: { process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm1; process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm2; if (!GetProcessMetricsForRows(row1, row2, &pm1, &pm2)) return 0; return ValueCompare<size_t>(GetPrivateMemory(pm1), GetPrivateMemory(pm2)); } case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN: { process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm1; process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm2; if (!GetProcessMetricsForRows(row1, row2, &pm1, &pm2)) return 0; return ValueCompare<size_t>(GetSharedMemory(pm1), GetSharedMemory(pm2)); } case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PHYSICAL_MEM_COLUMN: { process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm1; process_util::ProcessMetrics* pm2; if (!GetProcessMetricsForRows(row1, row2, &pm1, &pm2)) return 0; return ValueCompare<size_t>(GetPhysicalMemory(pm1), GetPhysicalMemory(pm2)); } case IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN: { int proc1_id = process_util::GetProcId(resources_[row1]->GetProcess()); int proc2_id = process_util::GetProcId(resources_[row2]->GetProcess()); return ValueCompare<int>(proc1_id, proc2_id); } case kGoatsTeleportedColumn: return 0; // Don't bother, numbers are random. default: return ValueCompare<int>(GetStatsValue(resources_[row1], column_id), GetStatsValue(resources_[row2], column_id)); } } int64 TaskManagerTableModel::GetNetworkUsageForResource( TaskManager::Resource* resource) { ResourceValueMap::iterator iter = displayed_network_usage_map_.find(resource); if (iter == displayed_network_usage_map_.end()) return 0; return iter->second; } void TaskManagerTableModel::BytesRead(BytesReadParam param) { if (update_state_ != TASK_PENDING) { // A notification sneaked in while we were stopping the updating, just // ignore it. return; } if (param.byte_count == 0) { // Nothing to do if no bytes were actually read. return; } // TODO(jcampan): this should be improved once we have a better way of // linking a network notification back to the object that initiated it. TaskManager::Resource* resource = NULL; for (ResourceProviderList::iterator iter = providers_.begin(); iter != providers_.end(); ++iter) { resource = (*iter)->GetResource(param.origin_pid, param.render_process_host_id, param.routing_id); if (resource) break; } if (resource == NULL) { // We may not have that resource anymore (example: close a tab while a // a network resource is being retrieved), in which case we just ignore the // notification. return; } // We do support network usage, mark the resource as such so it can report 0 // instead of N/A. if (!resource->SupportNetworkUsage()) resource->SetSupportNetworkUsage(); ResourceValueMap::const_iterator iter_res = current_byte_count_map_.find(resource); if (iter_res == current_byte_count_map_.end()) current_byte_count_map_[resource] = param.byte_count; else current_byte_count_map_[resource] = iter_res->second + param.byte_count; } // In order to retrieve the network usage, we register for URLRequestJob // notifications. Every time we get notified some bytes were read we bump a // counter of read bytes for the associated resource. When the timer ticks, // we'll compute the actual network usage (see the Refresh method). void TaskManagerTableModel::OnJobAdded(URLRequestJob* job) { } void TaskManagerTableModel::OnJobRemoved(URLRequestJob* job) { } void TaskManagerTableModel::OnJobDone(URLRequestJob* job, const URLRequestStatus& status) { } void TaskManagerTableModel::OnJobRedirect(URLRequestJob* job, const GURL& location, int status_code) { } void TaskManagerTableModel::OnBytesRead(URLRequestJob* job, int byte_count) { int render_process_host_id = -1, routing_id = -1; tab_util::GetTabContentsID(job->request(), &render_process_host_id, &routing_id); // This happens in the IO thread, post it to the UI thread. ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TaskManagerTableModel::BytesRead, BytesReadParam(job->request()->origin_pid(), render_process_host_id, routing_id, byte_count))); } bool TaskManagerTableModel::GetProcessMetricsForRows( int row1, int row2, process_util::ProcessMetrics** proc_metrics1, process_util::ProcessMetrics** proc_metrics2) { DCHECK(row1 < static_cast<int>(resources_.size()) && row2 < static_cast<int>(resources_.size())); *proc_metrics1 = NULL; *proc_metrics2 = NULL; MetricsMap::iterator iter = metrics_map_.find(resources_[row1]->GetProcess()); if (iter == metrics_map_.end()) return false; *proc_metrics1 = iter->second; iter = metrics_map_.find(resources_[row2]->GetProcess()); if (iter == metrics_map_.end()) return false; *proc_metrics2 = iter->second; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TaskManagerContents class // // The view containing the different widgets. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TaskManagerContents : public views::View, public views::NativeButton::Listener, public views::TableViewObserver, public views::LinkController, public views::ContextMenuController, public Menu::Delegate { public: TaskManagerContents(TaskManager* task_manager, TaskManagerTableModel* table_model); virtual ~TaskManagerContents(); void Init(TaskManagerTableModel* table_model); virtual void Layout(); virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize(); virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child); void GetSelection(std::vector<int>* selection); void GetFocused(std::vector<int>* focused); // NativeButton::Listener implementation. virtual void ButtonPressed(views::NativeButton* sender); // views::TableViewObserver implementation. virtual void OnSelectionChanged(); virtual void OnDoubleClick(); virtual void OnKeyDown(unsigned short virtual_keycode); // views::LinkController implementation. virtual void LinkActivated(views::Link* source, int event_flags); // Called by the column picker to pick up any new stat counters that // may have appeared since last time. void UpdateStatsCounters(); // Menu::Delegate virtual void ShowContextMenu(views::View* source, int x, int y, bool is_mouse_gesture); virtual bool IsItemChecked(int id) const; virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id); private: scoped_ptr<views::NativeButton> kill_button_; scoped_ptr<views::Link> about_memory_link_; views::GroupTableView* tab_table_; TaskManager* task_manager_; // all possible columns, not necessarily visible std::vector<views::TableColumn> columns_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(TaskManagerContents); }; TaskManagerContents::TaskManagerContents(TaskManager* task_manager, TaskManagerTableModel* table_model) : task_manager_(task_manager) { Init(table_model); } TaskManagerContents::~TaskManagerContents() { } void TaskManagerContents::Init(TaskManagerTableModel* table_model) { columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PAGE_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::LEFT, -1, 1)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PHYSICAL_MEM_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_CPU_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(views::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; tab_table_ = new views::GroupTableView(table_model, columns_, views::ICON_AND_TEXT, false, true, true); // Hide some columns by default tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN, false); UpdateStatsCounters(); views::TableColumn col(kGoatsTeleportedColumn, L"Goats Teleported", views::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0); col.sortable = true; columns_.push_back(col); tab_table_->AddColumn(col); tab_table_->SetObserver(this); SetContextMenuController(this); kill_button_.reset(new views::NativeButton( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_KILL))); kill_button_->SetListener(this); about_memory_link_.reset(new views::Link( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_ABOUT_MEMORY_LINK))); about_memory_link_->SetController(this); AddChildView(tab_table_); // Makes sure our state is consistent. OnSelectionChanged(); } void TaskManagerContents::UpdateStatsCounters() { StatsTable* stats = StatsTable::current(); if (stats != NULL) { int max = stats->GetMaxCounters(); // skip the first row (it's header data) for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) { const wchar_t* row = stats->GetRowName(i); if (row != NULL && row[0] != L'\0' && !tab_table_->HasColumn(i)) { // TODO(erikkay): Use l10n to get display names for stats. Right // now we're just displaying the internal counter name. Perhaps // stat names not in the string table would be filtered out. // TODO(erikkay): Width is hard-coded right now, so many column // names are clipped. views::TableColumn col(i, row, views::TableColumn::RIGHT, 90, 0); col.sortable = true; columns_.push_back(col); tab_table_->AddColumn(col); } } } } void TaskManagerContents::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child) { // Since we want the Kill button and the Memory Details link to show up in // the same visual row as the close button, which is provided by the // framework, we must add the buttons to the non-client view, which is the // parent of this view. Similarly, when we're removed from the view // hierarchy, we must take care to clean up those items as well. if (child == this) { if (is_add) { parent->AddChildView(kill_button_.get()); parent->AddChildView(about_memory_link_.get()); } else { parent->RemoveChildView(kill_button_.get()); parent->RemoveChildView(about_memory_link_.get()); // Note that these items aren't deleted here, since this object is owned // by the TaskManager, whose lifetime surpasses the window, and the next // time we are inserted into a window these items will need to be valid. } } } void TaskManagerContents::Layout() { // kPanelHorizMargin is too big. const int kTableButtonSpacing = 12; gfx::Size size = kill_button_->GetPreferredSize(); int prefered_width = size.width(); int prefered_height = size.height(); tab_table_->SetBounds(x() + kPanelHorizMargin, y() + kPanelVertMargin, width() - 2 * kPanelHorizMargin, height() - 2 * kPanelVertMargin - prefered_height); // y-coordinate of button top left. gfx::Rect parent_bounds = GetParent()->GetLocalBounds(false); int y_buttons = parent_bounds.bottom() - prefered_height - kButtonVEdgeMargin; kill_button_->SetBounds(x() + width() - prefered_width - kPanelHorizMargin, y_buttons, prefered_width, prefered_height); size = about_memory_link_->GetPreferredSize(); int link_prefered_width = size.width(); int link_prefered_height = size.height(); // center between the two buttons horizontally, and line up with // bottom of buttons vertically. int link_y_offset = std::max(0, prefered_height - link_prefered_height) / 2; about_memory_link_->SetBounds( x() + kPanelHorizMargin, y_buttons + prefered_height - link_prefered_height - link_y_offset, link_prefered_width, link_prefered_height); } gfx::Size TaskManagerContents::GetPreferredSize() { return gfx::Size(kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight); } void TaskManagerContents::GetSelection(std::vector<int>* selection) { DCHECK(selection); for (views::TableSelectionIterator iter = tab_table_->SelectionBegin(); iter != tab_table_->SelectionEnd(); ++iter) { // The TableView returns the selection starting from the end. selection->insert(selection->begin(), *iter); } } void TaskManagerContents::GetFocused(std::vector<int>* focused) { DCHECK(focused); int row_count = tab_table_->RowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < row_count; ++i) { // The TableView returns the selection starting from the end. if (tab_table_->ItemHasTheFocus(i)) focused->insert(focused->begin(), i); } } // NativeButton::Listener implementation. void TaskManagerContents::ButtonPressed(views::NativeButton* sender) { if (sender == kill_button_) task_manager_->KillSelectedProcesses(); } // views::TableViewObserver implementation. void TaskManagerContents::OnSelectionChanged() { kill_button_->SetEnabled(!task_manager_->BrowserProcessIsSelected() && tab_table_->SelectedRowCount() > 0); } void TaskManagerContents::OnDoubleClick() { task_manager_->ActivateFocusedTab(); } void TaskManagerContents::OnKeyDown(unsigned short virtual_keycode) { if (virtual_keycode == VK_RETURN) task_manager_->ActivateFocusedTab(); } // views::LinkController implementation void TaskManagerContents::LinkActivated(views::Link* source, int event_flags) { DCHECK(source == about_memory_link_); Browser* browser = BrowserList::GetLastActive(); DCHECK(browser); browser->OpenURL(GURL("about:memory"), GURL(), NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, PageTransition::LINK); } void TaskManagerContents::ShowContextMenu(views::View* source, int x, int y, bool is_mouse_gesture) { UpdateStatsCounters(); Menu menu(this, Menu::TOPLEFT, source->GetContainer()->GetHWND()); for (std::vector<views::TableColumn>::iterator i = columns_.begin(); i != columns_.end(); ++i) { menu.AppendMenuItem(i->id, i->title, Menu::CHECKBOX); } menu.RunMenuAt(x, y); } bool TaskManagerContents::IsItemChecked(int id) const { return tab_table_->IsColumnVisible(id); } void TaskManagerContents::ExecuteCommand(int id) { tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(id, !tab_table_->IsColumnVisible(id)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TaskManager class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void TaskManager::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kTaskManagerWindowPlacement); } TaskManager::TaskManager() { table_model_ = new TaskManagerTableModel(this); contents_.reset(new TaskManagerContents(this, table_model_)); } TaskManager::~TaskManager() { } // static void TaskManager::Open() { TaskManager* task_manager = GetInstance(); if (task_manager->window()) { task_manager->window()->MoveToFront(true); } else { views::Window::CreateChromeWindow(NULL, gfx::Rect(), task_manager); task_manager->table_model_->StartUpdating(); task_manager->window()->Show(); } } void TaskManager::Close() { table_model_->StopUpdating(); table_model_->Clear(); } bool TaskManager::BrowserProcessIsSelected() { if (!contents_.get()) return false; std::vector<int> selection; contents_->GetSelection(&selection); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = selection.begin(); iter != selection.end(); ++iter) { // If some of the selection is out of bounds, ignore. This may happen when // killing a process that manages several pages. if (*iter >= table_model_->RowCount()) continue; if (table_model_->GetProcessAt(*iter) == GetCurrentProcess()) return true; } return false; } void TaskManager::KillSelectedProcesses() { std::vector<int> selection; contents_->GetSelection(&selection); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = selection.begin(); iter != selection.end(); ++iter) { HANDLE process = table_model_->GetProcessAt(*iter); DCHECK(process); TerminateProcess(process, 0); } } void TaskManager::ActivateFocusedTab() { std::vector<int> focused; contents_->GetFocused(&focused); int focused_size = static_cast<int>(focused.size()); DCHECK(focused_size == 1); // Gracefully return if there is not exactly one item in focus. if (focused_size != 1) return; // Otherwise, the one focused thing should be one the user intends to bring // forth, so get see if GetTabContents returns non-null. If it does, activate // those contents. int index = focused[0]; // GetTabContents returns a pointer to the relevant tab contents for the // resource. If the index doesn't correspond to a Tab (i.e. refers to the // Browser process or a plugin), GetTabContents will return NULL. TabContents* chosen_tab_contents = table_model_->resources_[index]->GetTabContents(); if (!chosen_tab_contents) return; chosen_tab_contents->Activate(); } void TaskManager::AddResourceProvider(ResourceProvider* provider) { table_model_->AddResourceProvider(provider); } void TaskManager::RemoveResourceProvider(ResourceProvider* provider) { table_model_->RemoveResourceProvider(provider); } void TaskManager::AddResource(Resource* resource) { table_model_->AddResource(resource); } void TaskManager::RemoveResource(Resource* resource) { table_model_->RemoveResource(resource); } // DialogDelegate implementation: bool TaskManager::CanResize() const { return true; } bool TaskManager::CanMaximize() const { return true; } bool TaskManager::ShouldShowWindowIcon() const { return false; } bool TaskManager::IsAlwaysOnTop() const { return true; } bool TaskManager::HasAlwaysOnTopMenu() const { return true; }; std::wstring TaskManager::GetWindowTitle() const { return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_TITLE); } void TaskManager::SaveWindowPosition(const CRect& bounds, bool maximized, bool always_on_top) { window()->SaveWindowPositionToPrefService(g_browser_process->local_state(), prefs::kTaskManagerWindowPlacement, bounds, maximized, always_on_top); } bool TaskManager::RestoreWindowPosition(CRect* bounds, bool* maximized, bool* always_on_top) { return window()->RestoreWindowPositionFromPrefService( g_browser_process->local_state(), prefs::kTaskManagerWindowPlacement, bounds, maximized, always_on_top); } int TaskManager::GetDialogButtons() const { return DIALOGBUTTON_NONE; } void TaskManager::WindowClosing() { // Remove the view from its parent to trigger the contents' // ViewHierarchyChanged notification to unhook the extra buttons from the // non-client view. contents_->GetParent()->RemoveChildView(contents_.get()); Close(); ReleaseWindow(); } views::View* TaskManager::GetContentsView() { return contents_.get(); } // static TaskManager* TaskManager::GetInstance() { return Singleton<TaskManager>::get(); }