#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unit tests for Web Development Style Guide checker.""" import os import re import sys import unittest test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.extend([ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(test_dir, '..', '..', 'tools')), os.path.join(test_dir), ]) import find_depot_tools # pylint: disable=W0611 from testing_support.super_mox import SuperMoxTestBase from web_dev_style import css_checker, js_checker # pylint: disable=F0401 class JsStyleGuideTest(SuperMoxTestBase): def setUp(self): SuperMoxTestBase.setUp(self) input_api = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() input_api.re = re output_api = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() self.checker = js_checker.JSChecker(input_api, output_api) def GetHighlight(self, line, error): """Returns the substring of |line| that is highlighted in |error|.""" error_lines = error.split('\n') highlight = error_lines[error_lines.index(line) + 1] return ''.join(ch1 for (ch1, ch2) in zip(line, highlight) if ch2 == '^') def ShouldFailConstCheck(self, line): """Checks that the 'const' checker flags |line| as a style error.""" error = self.checker.ConstCheck(1, line) self.assertNotEqual('', error, 'Should be flagged as style error: ' + line) self.assertEqual(self.GetHighlight(line, error), 'const') def ShouldPassConstCheck(self, line): """Checks that the 'const' checker doesn't flag |line| as a style error.""" self.assertEqual('', self.checker.ConstCheck(1, line), 'Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line) def testConstFails(self): lines = [ "const foo = 'bar';", " const bar = 'foo';", # Trying to use |const| as a variable name "var const = 0;", "var x = 5; const y = 6;", "for (var i=0, const e=10; i /* A hopefully safely ignored comment and @media statement. /**/ @media print { div { display: block; color: red; } } .rule { z-index: 5; background-image: url(chrome://resources/BLAH); /* TODO(dbeam): Fix this. */ background-color: rgb(235, 239, 249); background-color: white; background-image: url(chrome://resources/BLAH2); color: black; } .language-options-right { visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; /* TODO(dbeam): Fix this. */ } """, """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. display: block; color: red; z-index: 5; color: black;""") def testCssAlphaWithNonStandard(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div { /* A hopefully safely ignored comment and @media statement. /**/ color: red; -webkit-margin-start: 5px; }""", """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. color: red; -webkit-margin-start: 5px;""") def testCssAlphaWithLongerDashedProps(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div { border-left: 5px; /* A hopefully removed comment. */ border: 5px solid red; }""", """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. border-left: 5px; border: 5px solid red;""") def testCssBracesHaveSpaceBeforeAndNothingAfter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" /* Hello! */div/* Comment here*/{ display: block; } blah /* hey! */ { rule: value; } .this.is { /* allowed */ rule: value; }""", """ - Start braces ({) end a selector, have a space before them and no rules after. div{ {""") def testCssClassesUseDashes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .className, .ClassName, .class-name /* We should not catch this. */, .class_name { display: block; }""", """ - Classes use .dash-form. .className, .ClassName, .class_name {""") def testCssCloseBraceOnNewLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" @media { /* TODO(dbeam) Fix this case. */ .rule { display: block; }} @-webkit-keyframe blah { 100% { height: -500px 0; } } #rule { rule: value; }""", """ - Always put a rule closing brace (}) on a new line. rule: value; }""") def testCssColonsHaveSpaceAfter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div:not(.class):not([attr=5]), /* We should not catch this. */ div:not(.class):not([attr]) /* Nor this. */ { background: url(data:image/jpeg,asdfasdfsadf); /* Ignore this. */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red, 80% blah blee blar); color: red; display:block; }""", """ - Colons (:) should have a space after them. display:block; - Don't use data URIs in source files. Use grit instead. background: url(data:image/jpeg,asdfasdfsadf);""") def testCssFavorSingleQuotes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" html[dir="rtl"] body, html[dir=ltr] body /* TODO(dbeam): Require '' around rtl in future? */ { background: url("chrome://resources/BLAH"); font-family: "Open Sans"; blah: blee; }""", """ - Use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") in strings. html[dir="rtl"] body, background: url("chrome://resources/BLAH"); font-family: "Open Sans";""") def testCssHexCouldBeShorter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" #abc, #abc-, #abc-ghij, #abcdef-, #abcdef-ghij, #aaaaaa, #bbaacc { background-color: #336699; /* Ignore short hex rule if not gray. */ color: #999999; color: #666; }""", """ - Use abbreviated hex (#rgb) when in form #rrggbb. color: #999999; (replace with #999) - Use rgb() over #hex when not a shade of gray (like #333). background-color: #336699; (replace with rgb(51, 102, 153))""") def testCssUseMillisecondsForSmallTimes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .transition-0s /* This is gross but may happen. */ { transform: one 0.2s; transform: two .1s; transform: tree 1s; transform: four 300ms; }""", """ - Use milliseconds for time measurements under 1 second. transform: one 0.2s; (replace with 200ms) transform: two .1s; (replace with 100ms)""") def testCssNoDataUrisInSourceFiles(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" img { background: url( data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2 ); background: url('data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2'); }""", """ - Don't use data URIs in source files. Use grit instead. background: url( data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2 ); background: url('data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2');""") def testCssOneRulePerLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" a:not([hidden]):not(.custom-appearance):not([version=1]):first-of-type, a:not([hidden]):not(.custom-appearance):not([version=1]):first-of-type ~ input[type='checkbox']:not([hidden]), div { background: url(chrome://resources/BLAH); rule: value; /* rule: value; */ rule: value; rule: value; }""", """ - One rule per line (what not to do: color: red; margin: 0;). rule: value; rule: value;""") def testCssOneSelectorPerLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" a, div,a, div,/* Hello! */ span, #id.class([dir=rtl):not(.class):any(a, b, d) { rule: value; } a, div,a { some-other: rule here; }""", """ - One selector per line (what not to do: a, b {}). div,a, div, span, div,a {""") def testCssPseudoElementDoubleColon(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" a:href, br::after, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, a:not([empty]):hover:focus:active, /* shouldn't catch here and above */ abbr:after, .tree-label:empty:after, b:before, :-WebKit-ScrollBar { rule: value; }""", """ - Pseudo-elements should use double colon (i.e. ::after). :after (should be ::after) :after (should be ::after) :before (should be ::before) :-WebKit-ScrollBar (should be ::-WebKit-ScrollBar) """) def testCssRgbIfNotGray(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" #abc, #aaa, #aabbcc { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, from(#abc), to(#def)); color: #bad; color: #bada55; }""", """ - Use rgb() over #hex when not a shade of gray (like #333). background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, from(#abc), to(#def)); """ """(replace with rgb(170, 187, 204), rgb(221, 238, 255)) color: #bad; (replace with rgb(187, 170, 221)) color: #bada55; (replace with rgb(186, 218, 85))""") def testCssZeroLengthTerms(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" @-webkit-keyframe anim { 0% { /* Ignore key frames */ width: 0px; } 10% { width: 10px; } 100% { width: 100px; } } /* http://crbug.com/359682 */ #spinner-container #spinner { -webkit-animation-duration: 1.0s; } .media-button.play > .state0.active, .media-button[state='0'] > .state0.normal /* blah */, /* blee */ .media-button[state='0']:not(.disabled):hover > .state0.hover { -webkit-animation: anim 0s; -webkit-animation-duration: anim 0ms; -webkit-transform: scale(0%), translateX(0deg), translateY(0rad), translateZ(0grad); background-position-x: 0em; background-position-y: 0ex; border-width: 0em; color: hsl(0, 0%, 85%); /* Shouldn't trigger error. */ opacity: .0; opacity: 0.0; opacity: 0.; } @page { border-width: 0mm; height: 0cm; width: 0in; }""", """ - Make all zero length terms (i.e. 0px) 0 unless inside of hsl() or part of""" """ @keyframe. width: 0px; -webkit-animation: anim 0s; -webkit-animation-duration: anim 0ms; -webkit-transform: scale(0%), translateX(0deg), translateY(0rad), translateZ(0grad); background-position-x: 0em; background-position-y: 0ex; border-width: 0em; opacity: .0; opacity: 0.0; opacity: 0.; border-width: 0mm; height: 0cm; width: 0in; """) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()