// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/themes/browser_theme_pack.h" #include #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources_standard.h" #include "grit/ui_resources.h" #include "net/base/file_stream.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "ui/base/resource/data_pack.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/skbitmap_operations.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace { // Version number of the current theme pack. We just throw out and rebuild // theme packs that aren't int-equal to this. Increment this number if you // change default theme assets. const int kThemePackVersion = 20; // IDs that are in the DataPack won't clash with the positive integer // uint16. kHeaderID should always have the maximum value because we want the // "header" to be written last. That way we can detect whether the pack was // successfully written and ignore and regenerate if it was only partially // written (i.e. chrome crashed on a different thread while writing the pack). const int kMaxID = 0x0000FFFF; // Max unsigned 16-bit int. const int kHeaderID = kMaxID - 1; const int kTintsID = kMaxID - 2; const int kColorsID = kMaxID - 3; const int kDisplayPropertiesID = kMaxID - 4; const int kSourceImagesID = kMaxID - 5; // Static size of the tint/color/display property arrays that are mmapped. const int kTintArraySize = 6; const int kColorArraySize = 19; const int kDisplayPropertySize = 3; // The sum of kFrameBorderThickness and kNonClientRestoredExtraThickness from // OpaqueBrowserFrameView. const int kRestoredTabVerticalOffset = 15; // Persistent constants for the main images that we need. These have the same // names as their IDR_* counterparts but these values will always stay the // same. const int PRS_THEME_FRAME = 1; const int PRS_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE = 2; const int PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO = 3; const int PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE = 4; const int PRS_THEME_TOOLBAR = 5; const int PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND = 6; const int PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO = 7; const int PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_V = 8; const int PRS_THEME_NTP_BACKGROUND = 9; const int PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY = 10; const int PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE = 11; const int PRS_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = 12; const int PRS_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION = 13; const int PRS_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND = 14; struct PersistingImagesTable { // A non-changing integer ID meant to be saved in theme packs. This ID must // not change between versions of chrome. int persistent_id; // The IDR that depends on the whims of GRIT and therefore changes whenever // someone adds a new resource. int idr_id; // String to check for when parsing theme manifests or NULL if this isn't // supposed to be changeable by the user. const char* key; }; // IDR_* resource names change whenever new resources are added; use persistent // IDs when storing to a cached pack. PersistingImagesTable kPersistingImages[] = { { PRS_THEME_FRAME, IDR_THEME_FRAME, "theme_frame" }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE, IDR_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE, "theme_frame_inactive" }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO, IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO, "theme_frame_incognito" }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE, IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE, "theme_frame_incognito_inactive" }, { PRS_THEME_TOOLBAR, IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR, "theme_toolbar" }, { PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND, IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND, "theme_tab_background" }, { PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO, IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO, "theme_tab_background_incognito" }, { PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_V, IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_V, "theme_tab_background_v"}, { PRS_THEME_NTP_BACKGROUND, IDR_THEME_NTP_BACKGROUND, "theme_ntp_background" }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY, IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY, "theme_frame_overlay" }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE, IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE, "theme_frame_overlay_inactive" }, { PRS_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND, IDR_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND, "theme_button_background" }, { PRS_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION, IDR_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION, "theme_ntp_attribution" }, { PRS_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND, IDR_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND, "theme_window_control_background"}, // The rest of these entries have no key because they can't be overridden // from the json manifest. { 15, IDR_BACK, NULL }, { 16, IDR_BACK_D, NULL }, { 17, IDR_BACK_H, NULL }, { 18, IDR_BACK_P, NULL }, { 19, IDR_FORWARD, NULL }, { 20, IDR_FORWARD_D, NULL }, { 21, IDR_FORWARD_H, NULL }, { 22, IDR_FORWARD_P, NULL }, { 23, IDR_HOME, NULL }, { 24, IDR_HOME_H, NULL }, { 25, IDR_HOME_P, NULL }, { 26, IDR_RELOAD, NULL }, { 27, IDR_RELOAD_H, NULL }, { 28, IDR_RELOAD_P, NULL }, { 29, IDR_STOP, NULL }, { 30, IDR_STOP_D, NULL }, { 31, IDR_STOP_H, NULL }, { 32, IDR_STOP_P, NULL }, { 33, IDR_LOCATIONBG_C, NULL }, { 34, IDR_LOCATIONBG_L, NULL }, { 35, IDR_LOCATIONBG_R, NULL }, { 36, IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW, NULL }, { 37, IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW_H, NULL }, { 38, IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW_P, NULL }, { 39, IDR_TOOLS, NULL }, { 40, IDR_TOOLS_H, NULL }, { 41, IDR_TOOLS_P, NULL }, { 42, IDR_MENU_DROPARROW, NULL }, { 43, IDR_THROBBER, NULL }, { 44, IDR_THROBBER_WAITING, NULL }, { 45, IDR_THROBBER_LIGHT, NULL }, }; int GetPersistentIDByName(const std::string& key) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPersistingImages); ++i) { if (kPersistingImages[i].key != NULL && base::strcasecmp(key.c_str(), kPersistingImages[i].key) == 0) { return kPersistingImages[i].persistent_id; } } return -1; } int GetPersistentIDByIDR(int idr) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPersistingImages); ++i) { if (kPersistingImages[i].idr_id == idr) { return kPersistingImages[i].persistent_id; } } return -1; } struct StringToIntTable { const char* key; int id; }; // Strings used by themes to identify tints in the JSON. StringToIntTable kTintTable[] = { { "buttons", ThemeService::TINT_BUTTONS }, { "frame", ThemeService::TINT_FRAME }, { "frame_inactive", ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INACTIVE }, { "frame_incognito", ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO }, { "frame_incognito_inactive", ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE }, { "background_tab", ThemeService::TINT_BACKGROUND_TAB }, { NULL, 0 } }; // Strings used by themes to identify colors in the JSON. StringToIntTable kColorTable[] = { { "frame", ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME }, { "frame_inactive", ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INACTIVE }, { "frame_incognito", ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO }, { "frame_incognito_inactive", ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE }, { "toolbar", ThemeService::COLOR_TOOLBAR }, { "tab_text", ThemeService::COLOR_TAB_TEXT }, { "tab_background_text", ThemeService::COLOR_BACKGROUND_TAB_TEXT }, { "bookmark_text", ThemeService::COLOR_BOOKMARK_TEXT }, { "ntp_background", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_BACKGROUND }, { "ntp_text", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_TEXT }, { "ntp_link", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK }, { "ntp_link_underline", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK_UNDERLINE }, { "ntp_header", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_HEADER }, { "ntp_section", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION }, { "ntp_section_text", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_TEXT }, { "ntp_section_link", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK }, { "ntp_section_link_underline", ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK_UNDERLINE }, { "control_background", ThemeService::COLOR_CONTROL_BACKGROUND }, { "button_background", ThemeService::COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND }, { NULL, 0 } }; // Strings used by themes to identify display properties keys in JSON. StringToIntTable kDisplayProperties[] = { { "ntp_background_alignment", ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT }, { "ntp_background_repeat", ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_TILING }, { "ntp_logo_alternate", ThemeService::NTP_LOGO_ALTERNATE }, { NULL, 0 } }; // Strings used by the tiling values in JSON. StringToIntTable kTilingStrings[] = { { "no-repeat", ThemeService::NO_REPEAT }, { "repeat-x", ThemeService::REPEAT_X }, { "repeat-y", ThemeService::REPEAT_Y }, { "repeat", ThemeService::REPEAT }, { NULL, 0 } }; int GetIntForString(const std::string& key, StringToIntTable* table) { for (int i = 0; table[i].key != NULL; ++i) { if (base::strcasecmp(key.c_str(), table[i].key) == 0) { return table[i].id; } } return -1; } struct IntToIntTable { int key; int value; }; // Mapping used in GenerateFrameImages() to associate frame images with the // tint ID that should maybe be applied to it. IntToIntTable kFrameTintMap[] = { { PRS_THEME_FRAME, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INACTIVE }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INACTIVE }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO }, { PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE, ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE } }; // Mapping used in GenerateTabBackgroundImages() to associate what frame image // goes with which tab background. IntToIntTable kTabBackgroundMap[] = { { PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND, PRS_THEME_FRAME }, { PRS_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO, PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO } }; // A list of images that don't need tinting or any other modification and can // be byte-copied directly into the finished DataPack. This should contain the // persistent IDs for all themeable image IDs that aren't in kFrameTintMap or // kTabBackgroundMap. const int kPreloadIDs[] = { PRS_THEME_TOOLBAR, PRS_THEME_NTP_BACKGROUND, PRS_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND, PRS_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION, PRS_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND }; // Returns a piece of memory with the contents of the file |path|. RefCountedMemory* ReadFileData(const FilePath& path) { if (!path.empty()) { net::FileStream file(NULL); int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_OPEN | base::PLATFORM_FILE_READ; if (file.OpenSync(path, flags) == net::OK) { int64 avail = file.Available(); if (avail > 0 && avail < INT_MAX) { size_t size = static_cast(avail); std::vector raw_data; raw_data.resize(size); char* data = reinterpret_cast(&(raw_data.front())); if (file.ReadUntilComplete(data, size) == avail) return RefCountedBytes::TakeVector(&raw_data); } } } return NULL; } // Shifts a bitmap's HSL values. The caller is responsible for deleting // the returned image. gfx::Image* CreateHSLShiftedImage(const gfx::Image& image, const color_utils::HSL& hsl_shift) { std::vector bitmaps; for (size_t i = 0; i < image.GetNumberOfSkBitmaps(); ++i) { const SkBitmap* bitmap = image.GetSkBitmapAtIndex(i); bitmaps.push_back(new SkBitmap(SkBitmapOperations::CreateHSLShiftedBitmap( *bitmap, hsl_shift))); } return new gfx::Image(bitmaps); } } // namespace BrowserThemePack::~BrowserThemePack() { if (!data_pack_.get()) { delete header_; delete [] tints_; delete [] colors_; delete [] display_properties_; delete [] source_images_; } STLDeleteValues(&prepared_images_); STLDeleteValues(&loaded_images_); } // static scoped_refptr BrowserThemePack::BuildFromExtension( const Extension* extension) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK(extension); DCHECK(extension->is_theme()); scoped_refptr pack(new BrowserThemePack); pack->BuildHeader(extension); pack->BuildTintsFromJSON(extension->GetThemeTints()); pack->BuildColorsFromJSON(extension->GetThemeColors()); pack->BuildDisplayPropertiesFromJSON(extension->GetThemeDisplayProperties()); // Builds the images. (Image building is dependent on tints). FilePathMap file_paths; pack->ParseImageNamesFromJSON(extension->GetThemeImages(), extension->path(), &file_paths); pack->BuildSourceImagesArray(file_paths); if (!pack->LoadRawBitmapsTo(file_paths, &pack->prepared_images_)) return NULL; pack->GenerateFrameImages(&pack->prepared_images_); pack->GenerateTintedButtons( pack->GetTintInternal(ThemeService::TINT_BUTTONS), &pack->prepared_images_); pack->GenerateTabBackgroundImages(&pack->prepared_images_); // The BrowserThemePack is now in a consistent state. return pack; } // static scoped_refptr BrowserThemePack::BuildFromDataPack( FilePath path, const std::string& expected_id) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // Allow IO on UI thread due to deep-seated theme design issues. // (see http://crbug.com/80206) base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; scoped_refptr pack(new BrowserThemePack); pack->data_pack_.reset(new ui::DataPack); if (!pack->data_pack_->Load(path)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load theme data pack."; return NULL; } base::StringPiece pointer; if (!pack->data_pack_->GetStringPiece(kHeaderID, &pointer)) return NULL; pack->header_ = reinterpret_cast(const_cast( pointer.data())); if (pack->header_->version != kThemePackVersion) { DLOG(ERROR) << "BuildFromDataPack failure! Version mismatch!"; return NULL; } // TODO(erg): Check endianess once DataPack works on the other endian. std::string theme_id(reinterpret_cast(pack->header_->theme_id), Extension::kIdSize); std::string truncated_id = expected_id.substr(0, Extension::kIdSize); if (theme_id != truncated_id) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Wrong id: " << theme_id << " vs " << expected_id; return NULL; } if (!pack->data_pack_->GetStringPiece(kTintsID, &pointer)) return NULL; pack->tints_ = reinterpret_cast(const_cast( pointer.data())); if (!pack->data_pack_->GetStringPiece(kColorsID, &pointer)) return NULL; pack->colors_ = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(pointer.data())); if (!pack->data_pack_->GetStringPiece(kDisplayPropertiesID, &pointer)) return NULL; pack->display_properties_ = reinterpret_cast( const_cast(pointer.data())); if (!pack->data_pack_->GetStringPiece(kSourceImagesID, &pointer)) return NULL; pack->source_images_ = reinterpret_cast( const_cast(pointer.data())); return pack; } bool BrowserThemePack::WriteToDisk(const FilePath& path) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); // Add resources for each of the property arrays. RawDataForWriting resources; resources[kHeaderID] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(header_), sizeof(BrowserThemePackHeader)); resources[kTintsID] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(tints_), sizeof(TintEntry[kTintArraySize])); resources[kColorsID] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(colors_), sizeof(ColorPair[kColorArraySize])); resources[kDisplayPropertiesID] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(display_properties_), sizeof(DisplayPropertyPair[kDisplayPropertySize])); int source_count = 1; int* end = source_images_; for (; *end != -1 ; end++) source_count++; resources[kSourceImagesID] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(source_images_), source_count * sizeof(*source_images_)); AddRawImagesTo(image_memory_, &resources); RawImages reencoded_images; RepackImages(prepared_images_, &reencoded_images); AddRawImagesTo(reencoded_images, &resources); return ui::DataPack::WritePack(path, resources, ui::DataPack::BINARY); } bool BrowserThemePack::GetTint(int id, color_utils::HSL* hsl) const { if (tints_) { for (int i = 0; i < kTintArraySize; ++i) { if (tints_[i].id == id) { hsl->h = tints_[i].h; hsl->s = tints_[i].s; hsl->l = tints_[i].l; return true; } } } return false; } bool BrowserThemePack::GetColor(int id, SkColor* color) const { if (colors_) { for (int i = 0; i < kColorArraySize; ++i) { if (colors_[i].id == id) { *color = colors_[i].color; return true; } } } return false; } bool BrowserThemePack::GetDisplayProperty(int id, int* result) const { if (display_properties_) { for (int i = 0; i < kDisplayPropertySize; ++i) { if (display_properties_[i].id == id) { *result = display_properties_[i].property; return true; } } } return false; } SkBitmap* BrowserThemePack::GetBitmapNamed(int idr_id) const { const gfx::Image* image = GetImageNamed(idr_id); if (!image) return NULL; // TODO(sail): This cast should be removed. Currently we use this const_cast // to avoid changing the BrowserThemePack::GetBitmapNamed API. Once we // switch to using gfx::Image everywhere this can be removed. return const_cast(image->ToSkBitmap()); } const gfx::Image* BrowserThemePack::GetImageNamed(int idr_id) const { int prs_id = GetPersistentIDByIDR(idr_id); if (prs_id == -1) return NULL; // Check our cache of prepared images, first. ImageCache::const_iterator image_iter = prepared_images_.find(prs_id); if (image_iter != prepared_images_.end()) return image_iter->second; // Check if we've already loaded this image. image_iter = loaded_images_.find(prs_id); if (image_iter != loaded_images_.end()) return image_iter->second; scoped_refptr memory; if (data_pack_.get()) { memory = data_pack_->GetStaticMemory(prs_id); } else { RawImages::const_iterator it = image_memory_.find(prs_id); if (it != image_memory_.end()) { memory = it->second; } } if (memory.get()) { // Decode the PNG. SkBitmap bitmap; if (!gfx::PNGCodec::Decode(memory->front(), memory->size(), &bitmap)) { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to decode theme image resource " << idr_id << " from saved DataPack."; return NULL; } gfx::Image* ret = new gfx::Image(bitmap); loaded_images_[prs_id] = ret; return ret; } return NULL; } RefCountedMemory* BrowserThemePack::GetRawData(int idr_id) const { RefCountedMemory* memory = NULL; int prs_id = GetPersistentIDByIDR(idr_id); if (prs_id != -1) { if (data_pack_.get()) { memory = data_pack_->GetStaticMemory(prs_id); } else { RawImages::const_iterator it = image_memory_.find(prs_id); if (it != image_memory_.end()) { memory = it->second; } } } return memory; } bool BrowserThemePack::HasCustomImage(int idr_id) const { int prs_id = GetPersistentIDByIDR(idr_id); if (prs_id == -1) return false; int* img = source_images_; for (; *img != -1; ++img) { if (*img == prs_id) return true; } return false; } // private: BrowserThemePack::BrowserThemePack() : header_(NULL), tints_(NULL), colors_(NULL), display_properties_(NULL), source_images_(NULL) { } void BrowserThemePack::BuildHeader(const Extension* extension) { header_ = new BrowserThemePackHeader; header_->version = kThemePackVersion; // TODO(erg): Need to make this endian safe on other computers. Prerequisite // is that ui::DataPack removes this same check. #if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) // Linux check COMPILE_ASSERT(__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN, datapack_assumes_little_endian); #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) // Mac check #error DataPack assumes little endian #endif header_->little_endian = 1; const std::string& id = extension->id(); memcpy(header_->theme_id, id.c_str(), Extension::kIdSize); } void BrowserThemePack::BuildTintsFromJSON(DictionaryValue* tints_value) { tints_ = new TintEntry[kTintArraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < kTintArraySize; ++i) { tints_[i].id = -1; tints_[i].h = -1; tints_[i].s = -1; tints_[i].l = -1; } if (!tints_value) return; // Parse the incoming data from |tints_value| into an intermediary structure. std::map temp_tints; for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter(tints_value->begin_keys()); iter != tints_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { ListValue* tint_list; if (tints_value->GetList(*iter, &tint_list) && (tint_list->GetSize() == 3)) { color_utils::HSL hsl = { -1, -1, -1 }; if (tint_list->GetDouble(0, &hsl.h) && tint_list->GetDouble(1, &hsl.s) && tint_list->GetDouble(2, &hsl.l)) { int id = GetIntForString(*iter, kTintTable); if (id != -1) { temp_tints[id] = hsl; } } } } // Copy data from the intermediary data structure to the array. int count = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator it = temp_tints.begin(); it != temp_tints.end() && count < kTintArraySize; ++it, ++count) { tints_[count].id = it->first; tints_[count].h = it->second.h; tints_[count].s = it->second.s; tints_[count].l = it->second.l; } } void BrowserThemePack::BuildColorsFromJSON(DictionaryValue* colors_value) { colors_ = new ColorPair[kColorArraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < kColorArraySize; ++i) { colors_[i].id = -1; colors_[i].color = SkColorSetRGB(0, 0, 0); } std::map temp_colors; if (colors_value) ReadColorsFromJSON(colors_value, &temp_colors); GenerateMissingColors(&temp_colors); // Copy data from the intermediary data structure to the array. int count = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator it = temp_colors.begin(); it != temp_colors.end() && count < kColorArraySize; ++it, ++count) { colors_[count].id = it->first; colors_[count].color = it->second; } } void BrowserThemePack::ReadColorsFromJSON( DictionaryValue* colors_value, std::map* temp_colors) { // Parse the incoming data from |colors_value| into an intermediary structure. for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter(colors_value->begin_keys()); iter != colors_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { ListValue* color_list; if (colors_value->GetList(*iter, &color_list) && ((color_list->GetSize() == 3) || (color_list->GetSize() == 4))) { SkColor color = SK_ColorWHITE; int r, g, b; if (color_list->GetInteger(0, &r) && color_list->GetInteger(1, &g) && color_list->GetInteger(2, &b)) { if (color_list->GetSize() == 4) { double alpha; int alpha_int; if (color_list->GetDouble(3, &alpha)) { color = SkColorSetARGB(static_cast(alpha * 255), r, g, b); } else if (color_list->GetInteger(3, &alpha_int) && (alpha_int == 0 || alpha_int == 1)) { color = SkColorSetARGB(alpha_int ? 255 : 0, r, g, b); } else { // Invalid entry for part 4. continue; } } else { color = SkColorSetRGB(r, g, b); } int id = GetIntForString(*iter, kColorTable); if (id != -1) { (*temp_colors)[id] = color; } } } } } void BrowserThemePack::GenerateMissingColors( std::map* colors) { // Generate link colors, if missing. (See GetColor()). if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_HEADER) && colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION)) { (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_HEADER] = (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION]; } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK_UNDERLINE) && colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK)) { SkColor color_section_link = (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK]; (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_SECTION_LINK_UNDERLINE] = SkColorSetA(color_section_link, SkColorGetA(color_section_link) / 3); } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK_UNDERLINE) && colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK)) { SkColor color_link = (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK]; (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_NTP_LINK_UNDERLINE] = SkColorSetA(color_link, SkColorGetA(color_link) / 3); } // Generate frame colors, if missing. (See GenerateFrameColors()). SkColor frame; std::map::const_iterator it = colors->find(ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME); if (it != colors->end()) { frame = it->second; } else { frame = ThemeService::GetDefaultColor( ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME); } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME)) { (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME] = HSLShift(frame, GetTintInternal(ThemeService::TINT_FRAME)); } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INACTIVE)) { (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INACTIVE] = HSLShift(frame, GetTintInternal( ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INACTIVE)); } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO)) { (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO] = HSLShift(frame, GetTintInternal( ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO)); } if (!colors->count(ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE)) { (*colors)[ThemeService::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE] = HSLShift(frame, GetTintInternal( ThemeService::TINT_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE)); } } void BrowserThemePack::BuildDisplayPropertiesFromJSON( DictionaryValue* display_properties_value) { display_properties_ = new DisplayPropertyPair[kDisplayPropertySize]; for (int i = 0; i < kDisplayPropertySize; ++i) { display_properties_[i].id = -1; display_properties_[i].property = 0; } if (!display_properties_value) return; std::map temp_properties; for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter( display_properties_value->begin_keys()); iter != display_properties_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { int property_id = GetIntForString(*iter, kDisplayProperties); switch (property_id) { case ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT: { std::string val; if (display_properties_value->GetString(*iter, &val)) { temp_properties[ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_ALIGNMENT] = ThemeService::StringToAlignment(val); } break; } case ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_TILING: { std::string val; if (display_properties_value->GetString(*iter, &val)) { temp_properties[ThemeService::NTP_BACKGROUND_TILING] = GetIntForString(val, kTilingStrings); } break; } case ThemeService::NTP_LOGO_ALTERNATE: { int val = 0; if (display_properties_value->GetInteger(*iter, &val)) temp_properties[ThemeService::NTP_LOGO_ALTERNATE] = val; break; } } } // Copy data from the intermediary data structure to the array. int count = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator it = temp_properties.begin(); it != temp_properties.end() && count < kDisplayPropertySize; ++it, ++count) { display_properties_[count].id = it->first; display_properties_[count].property = it->second; } } void BrowserThemePack::ParseImageNamesFromJSON( DictionaryValue* images_value, const FilePath& images_path, FilePathMap* file_paths) const { if (!images_value) return; for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter(images_value->begin_keys()); iter != images_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { std::string val; if (images_value->GetString(*iter, &val)) { int id = GetPersistentIDByName(*iter); if (id != -1) (*file_paths)[id] = images_path.AppendASCII(val); } } } void BrowserThemePack::BuildSourceImagesArray(const FilePathMap& file_paths) { std::vector ids; for (FilePathMap::const_iterator it = file_paths.begin(); it != file_paths.end(); ++it) { ids.push_back(it->first); } source_images_ = new int[ids.size() + 1]; std::copy(ids.begin(), ids.end(), source_images_); source_images_[ids.size()] = -1; } bool BrowserThemePack::LoadRawBitmapsTo( const FilePathMap& file_paths, ImageCache* raw_bitmaps) { // Themes should be loaded on the file thread, not the UI thread. // http://crbug.com/61838 base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; for (FilePathMap::const_iterator it = file_paths.begin(); it != file_paths.end(); ++it) { scoped_refptr raw_data(ReadFileData(it->second)); if (!raw_data.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not load theme image"; return false; } int id = it->first; // Some images need to go directly into |image_memory_|. No modification is // necessary or desirable. bool is_copyable = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPreloadIDs); ++i) { if (kPreloadIDs[i] == id) { is_copyable = true; break; } } if (is_copyable) { image_memory_[id] = raw_data; } else if (raw_data.get() && raw_data->size()) { // Decode the PNG. SkBitmap bitmap; if (gfx::PNGCodec::Decode(raw_data->front(), raw_data->size(), &bitmap)) { (*raw_bitmaps)[it->first] = new gfx::Image(bitmap); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to decode theme image resource " << it->first; } } } return true; } void BrowserThemePack::GenerateFrameImages(ImageCache* bitmaps) const { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); // Create all the output bitmaps in a separate cache and move them back into // the input bitmaps because there can be name collisions. ImageCache temp_output; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kFrameTintMap); ++i) { int prs_id = kFrameTintMap[i].key; const gfx::Image* frame = NULL; // If there's no frame image provided for the specified id, then load // the default provided frame. If that's not provided, skip this whole // thing and just use the default images. int prs_base_id; if (prs_id == PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE) { prs_base_id = bitmaps->count(PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO) ? PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO : PRS_THEME_FRAME; } else if (prs_id == PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE) { prs_base_id = PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY; } else if (prs_id == PRS_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE) { prs_base_id = PRS_THEME_FRAME; } else if (prs_id == PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO && !bitmaps->count(PRS_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO)) { prs_base_id = PRS_THEME_FRAME; } else { prs_base_id = prs_id; } if (bitmaps->count(prs_id)) { frame = (*bitmaps)[prs_id]; } else if (prs_base_id != prs_id && bitmaps->count(prs_base_id)) { frame = (*bitmaps)[prs_base_id]; } else if (prs_base_id == PRS_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY && bitmaps->count(PRS_THEME_FRAME)) { // If there is no theme overlay, don't tint the default frame, // because it will overwrite the custom frame image when we cache and // reload from disk. frame = NULL; } else { // If the theme doesn't specify an image, then apply the tint to // the default frame. frame = &rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME); } if (frame) { temp_output[prs_id] = CreateHSLShiftedImage( *frame, GetTintInternal(kFrameTintMap[i].value)); } } MergeImageCaches(temp_output, bitmaps); } void BrowserThemePack::GenerateTintedButtons( const color_utils::HSL& button_tint, ImageCache* processed_bitmaps) const { if (button_tint.h != -1 || button_tint.s != -1 || button_tint.l != -1) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); const std::set& idr_ids = ThemeService::GetTintableToolbarButtons(); for (std::set::const_iterator it = idr_ids.begin(); it != idr_ids.end(); ++it) { int prs_id = GetPersistentIDByIDR(*it); DCHECK(prs_id > 0); // Fetch the image by IDR... gfx::Image& button = rb.GetImageNamed(*it); // but save a version with the persistent ID. (*processed_bitmaps)[prs_id] = CreateHSLShiftedImage(button, button_tint); } } } void BrowserThemePack::GenerateTabBackgroundImages(ImageCache* bitmaps) const { ImageCache temp_output; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTabBackgroundMap); ++i) { int prs_id = kTabBackgroundMap[i].key; int prs_base_id = kTabBackgroundMap[i].value; // We only need to generate the background tab images if we were provided // with a PRS_THEME_FRAME. ImageCache::const_iterator it = bitmaps->find(prs_base_id); if (it != bitmaps->end()) { const gfx::Image& image_to_tint = *(it->second); std::vector tinted_bitmaps; for (size_t j = 0; j < image_to_tint.GetNumberOfSkBitmaps(); ++j) { SkBitmap bg_tint = SkBitmapOperations::CreateHSLShiftedBitmap( *image_to_tint.GetSkBitmapAtIndex(j), GetTintInternal( ThemeService::TINT_BACKGROUND_TAB)); int vertical_offset = bitmaps->count(prs_id) ? kRestoredTabVerticalOffset : 0; SkBitmap* bg_tab = new SkBitmap(SkBitmapOperations::CreateTiledBitmap( bg_tint, 0, vertical_offset, bg_tint.width(), bg_tint.height())); // If they've provided a custom image, overlay it. ImageCache::const_iterator overlay_it = bitmaps->find(prs_id); if (overlay_it != bitmaps->end()) { const SkBitmap* overlay = overlay_it->second->ToSkBitmap(); SkCanvas canvas(*bg_tab); for (int x = 0; x < bg_tab->width(); x += overlay->width()) canvas.drawBitmap(*overlay, static_cast(x), 0, NULL); } tinted_bitmaps.push_back(bg_tab); } gfx::Image* tinted_image = new gfx::Image(tinted_bitmaps); temp_output[prs_id] = tinted_image; } } MergeImageCaches(temp_output, bitmaps); } void BrowserThemePack::RepackImages(const ImageCache& images, RawImages* reencoded_images) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); for (ImageCache::const_iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it) { std::vector image_data; if (!gfx::PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(*it->second->ToSkBitmap(), false, &image_data)) { NOTREACHED() << "Image file for resource " << it->first << " could not be encoded."; } else { (*reencoded_images)[it->first] = RefCountedBytes::TakeVector(&image_data); } } } void BrowserThemePack::MergeImageCaches( const ImageCache& source, ImageCache* destination) const { for (ImageCache::const_iterator it = source.begin(); it != source.end(); ++it) { ImageCache::const_iterator bitmap_it = destination->find(it->first); if (bitmap_it != destination->end()) delete bitmap_it->second; (*destination)[it->first] = it->second; } } void BrowserThemePack::AddRawImagesTo(const RawImages& images, RawDataForWriting* out) const { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); for (RawImages::const_iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it) { (*out)[it->first] = base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(it->second->front()), it->second->size()); } } color_utils::HSL BrowserThemePack::GetTintInternal(int id) const { if (tints_) { for (int i = 0; i < kTintArraySize; ++i) { if (tints_[i].id == id) { color_utils::HSL hsl; hsl.h = tints_[i].h; hsl.s = tints_[i].s; hsl.l = tints_[i].l; return hsl; } } } return ThemeService::GetDefaultTint(id); }