// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/system_tray_delegate_win.h" #include <string> #include "ash/shell.h" #include "ash/shell_delegate.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_delegate.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_notifier.h" #include "ash/volume_control_delegate.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_pages.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/host_desktop.h" #include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "grit/locale_settings.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" namespace { class SystemTrayDelegateWin : public ash::SystemTrayDelegate, public content::NotificationObserver { public: SystemTrayDelegateWin() : clock_type_(base::GetHourClockType()) { // Register notifications on construction so that events such as // PROFILE_CREATED do not get missed if they happen before Initialize(). registrar_.reset(new content::NotificationRegistrar); registrar_->Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_UPGRADE_RECOMMENDED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); } virtual ~SystemTrayDelegateWin() { registrar_.reset(); } // Overridden from ash::SystemTrayDelegate: virtual void Initialize() OVERRIDE { UpdateClockType(); } virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE { } virtual bool GetTrayVisibilityOnStartup() OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual ash::user::LoginStatus GetUserLoginStatus() const OVERRIDE { return ash::user::LOGGED_IN_OWNER; } virtual void ChangeProfilePicture() OVERRIDE { } virtual const std::string GetEnterpriseDomain() const OVERRIDE { return std::string(); } virtual const base::string16 GetEnterpriseMessage() const OVERRIDE { return base::string16(); } virtual const std::string GetSupervisedUserManager() const OVERRIDE { return std::string(); } virtual const base::string16 GetSupervisedUserManagerName() const OVERRIDE { return base::string16(); } virtual const base::string16 GetSupervisedUserMessage() const OVERRIDE { return base::string16(); } virtual bool SystemShouldUpgrade() const OVERRIDE { return UpgradeDetector::GetInstance()->notify_upgrade(); } virtual base::HourClockType GetHourClockType() const OVERRIDE { return clock_type_; } virtual void ShowSettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual bool ShouldShowSettings() OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual void ShowDateSettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowSetTimeDialog() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowNetworkSettings(const std::string& service_path) OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowBluetoothSettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowDisplaySettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowChromeSlow() OVERRIDE { } virtual bool ShouldShowDisplayNotification() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void ShowIMESettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowHelp() OVERRIDE { chrome::ShowHelpForProfile( ProfileManager::GetLastUsedProfile(), chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH, chrome::HELP_SOURCE_MENU); } virtual void ShowAccessibilityHelp() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowAccessibilitySettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowPublicAccountInfo() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowSupervisedUserInfo() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowEnterpriseInfo() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowUserLogin() OVERRIDE { } virtual bool ShowSpringChargerReplacementDialog() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool IsSpringChargerReplacementDialogVisible() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool HasUserConfirmedSafeSpringCharger() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void ShutDown() OVERRIDE { } virtual void SignOut() OVERRIDE { } virtual void RequestLockScreen() OVERRIDE { } virtual void RequestRestartForUpdate() OVERRIDE { chrome::AttemptRestart(); } virtual void GetAvailableBluetoothDevices( ash::BluetoothDeviceList* list) OVERRIDE { } virtual void BluetoothStartDiscovering() OVERRIDE { } virtual void BluetoothStopDiscovering() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ConnectToBluetoothDevice(const std::string& address) OVERRIDE { } virtual bool IsBluetoothDiscovering() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void GetCurrentIME(ash::IMEInfo* info) OVERRIDE { } virtual void GetAvailableIMEList(ash::IMEInfoList* list) OVERRIDE { } virtual void GetCurrentIMEProperties( ash::IMEPropertyInfoList* list) OVERRIDE { } virtual void SwitchIME(const std::string& ime_id) OVERRIDE { } virtual void ActivateIMEProperty(const std::string& key) OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowNetworkConfigure(const std::string& network_id, gfx::NativeWindow parent_window) OVERRIDE { } virtual bool EnrollNetwork(const std::string& network_id, gfx::NativeWindow parent_window) OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual void ManageBluetoothDevices() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ToggleBluetooth() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowMobileSimDialog() OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowMobileSetupDialog(const std::string& service_path) OVERRIDE { } virtual void ShowOtherNetworkDialog(const std::string& type) OVERRIDE { } virtual bool GetBluetoothAvailable() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool GetBluetoothEnabled() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool GetBluetoothDiscovering() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void ChangeProxySettings() OVERRIDE { } virtual ash::VolumeControlDelegate* GetVolumeControlDelegate() const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual void SetVolumeControlDelegate( scoped_ptr<ash::VolumeControlDelegate> delegate) OVERRIDE { } virtual bool GetSessionStartTime( base::TimeTicks* session_start_time) OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool GetSessionLengthLimit( base::TimeDelta* session_length_limit) OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual int GetSystemTrayMenuWidth() OVERRIDE { return l10n_util::GetLocalizedContentsWidthInPixels( IDS_SYSTEM_TRAY_MENU_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PIXELS); } virtual void ActiveUserWasChanged() OVERRIDE { } virtual bool IsSearchKeyMappedToCapsLock() OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual ash::tray::UserAccountsDelegate* GetUserAccountsDelegate( const std::string& user_id) OVERRIDE { return NULL; } private: ash::SystemTrayNotifier* GetSystemTrayNotifier() { return ash::Shell::GetInstance()->system_tray_notifier(); } void UpdateClockType() { clock_type_ = (base::GetHourClockType() == base::k24HourClock) ? base::k24HourClock : base::k12HourClock; GetSystemTrayNotifier()->NotifyDateFormatChanged(); } // content::NotificationObserver implementation. virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE { if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_UPGRADE_RECOMMENDED) { UpgradeDetector* detector = content::Source<UpgradeDetector>(source).ptr(); ash::UpdateObserver::UpdateSeverity severity = ash::UpdateObserver::UPDATE_NORMAL; switch (detector->upgrade_notification_stage()) { case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_CRITICAL: case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_SEVERE: severity = ash::UpdateObserver::UPDATE_SEVERE_RED; break; case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_HIGH: severity = ash::UpdateObserver::UPDATE_HIGH_ORANGE; break; case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_ELEVATED: severity = ash::UpdateObserver::UPDATE_LOW_GREEN; break; case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_LOW: case UpgradeDetector::UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_NONE: severity = ash::UpdateObserver::UPDATE_NORMAL; break; } GetSystemTrayNotifier()->NotifyUpdateRecommended(severity); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } scoped_ptr<content::NotificationRegistrar> registrar_; base::HourClockType clock_type_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SystemTrayDelegateWin); }; } // namespace ash::SystemTrayDelegate* CreateWindowsSystemTrayDelegate() { return new SystemTrayDelegateWin(); }