// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_popup_controller_impl.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/autofill_popup_view.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_popup_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/native_web_keyboard_event.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "grit/webkit_resources.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAutofillClient.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/events/event.h" #include "ui/gfx/display.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h" #include "ui/gfx/vector2d.h" using base::WeakPtr; using blink::WebAutofillClient; namespace autofill { namespace { // Used to indicate that no line is currently selected by the user. const int kNoSelection = -1; // The vertical height of each row in pixels. const size_t kRowHeight = 24; // The vertical height of a separator in pixels. const size_t kSeparatorHeight = 1; #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // Size difference between name and subtext in pixels. const int kLabelFontSizeDelta = -2; const size_t kNamePadding = AutofillPopupView::kNamePadding; const size_t kIconPadding = AutofillPopupView::kIconPadding; const size_t kEndPadding = AutofillPopupView::kEndPadding; #endif struct DataResource { const char* name; int id; }; const DataResource kDataResources[] = { { "americanExpressCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_AMEX }, { "dinersCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_DINERS }, { "discoverCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_DISCOVER }, { "genericCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_GENERIC }, { "jcbCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_JCB }, { "masterCardCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_MASTERCARD }, { "visaCC", IDR_AUTOFILL_CC_VISA }, }; } // namespace // static WeakPtr AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetOrCreate( WeakPtr previous, WeakPtr delegate, content::WebContents* web_contents, gfx::NativeView container_view, const gfx::RectF& element_bounds, base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction) { DCHECK(!previous.get() || previous->delegate_.get() == delegate.get()); if (previous.get() && previous->web_contents_ == web_contents && previous->container_view() == container_view && previous->element_bounds() == element_bounds) { previous->ClearState(); return previous; } if (previous.get()) previous->Hide(); AutofillPopupControllerImpl* controller = new AutofillPopupControllerImpl( delegate, web_contents, container_view, element_bounds, text_direction); return controller->GetWeakPtr(); } AutofillPopupControllerImpl::AutofillPopupControllerImpl( base::WeakPtr delegate, content::WebContents* web_contents, gfx::NativeView container_view, const gfx::RectF& element_bounds, base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction) : view_(NULL), delegate_(delegate), web_contents_(web_contents), container_view_(container_view), element_bounds_(element_bounds), text_direction_(text_direction), registered_key_press_event_callback_with_(NULL), hide_on_outside_click_(false), key_press_event_callback_( base::Bind(&AutofillPopupControllerImpl::HandleKeyPressEvent, base::Unretained(this))), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { ClearState(); #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) subtext_font_ = name_font_.DeriveFont(kLabelFontSizeDelta); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // There is no italic version of the system font. warning_font_ = name_font_; #else warning_font_ = name_font_.DeriveFont(0, gfx::Font::ITALIC); #endif #endif } AutofillPopupControllerImpl::~AutofillPopupControllerImpl() {} void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::Show( const std::vector& names, const std::vector& subtexts, const std::vector& icons, const std::vector& identifiers) { SetValues(names, subtexts, icons, identifiers); #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // Android displays the long text with ellipsis using the view attributes. UpdatePopupBounds(); int popup_width = popup_bounds().width(); // Elide the name and subtext strings so that the popup fits in the available // space. for (size_t i = 0; i < names_.size(); ++i) { int name_width = GetNameFontForRow(i).GetStringWidth(names_[i]); int subtext_width = subtext_font().GetStringWidth(subtexts_[i]); int total_text_length = name_width + subtext_width; // The line can have no strings if it represents a UI element, such as // a separator line. if (total_text_length == 0) continue; int available_width = popup_width - RowWidthWithoutText(i); // Each field recieves space in proportion to its length. int name_size = available_width * name_width / total_text_length; names_[i] = gfx::ElideText(names_[i], GetNameFontForRow(i), name_size, gfx::ELIDE_AT_END); int subtext_size = available_width * subtext_width / total_text_length; subtexts_[i] = gfx::ElideText(subtexts_[i], subtext_font(), subtext_size, gfx::ELIDE_AT_END); } #endif if (!view_) { view_ = AutofillPopupView::Create(this); // It is possible to fail to create the popup, in this case // treat the popup as hiding right away. if (!view_) { Hide(); return; } ShowView(); } else { UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); } delegate_->OnPopupShown(); if (web_contents_ && !registered_key_press_event_callback_with_) { registered_key_press_event_callback_with_ = web_contents_->GetRenderViewHost(); registered_key_press_event_callback_with_->AddKeyPressEventCallback( key_press_event_callback_); } } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::UpdateDataListValues( const std::vector& values, const std::vector& labels) { // Remove all the old data list values, which should always be at the top of // the list if they are present. while (!identifiers_.empty() && identifiers_[0] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry) { names_.erase(names_.begin()); subtexts_.erase(subtexts_.begin()); icons_.erase(icons_.begin()); identifiers_.erase(identifiers_.begin()); } // If there are no new data list values, exit (clearing the separator if there // is one). if (values.empty()) { if (!identifiers_.empty() && identifiers_[0] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator) { names_.erase(names_.begin()); subtexts_.erase(subtexts_.begin()); icons_.erase(icons_.begin()); identifiers_.erase(identifiers_.begin()); } // The popup contents have changed, so either update the bounds or hide it. if (HasSuggestions()) UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); else Hide(); return; } // Add a separator if there are any other values. if (!identifiers_.empty() && identifiers_[0] != WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator) { names_.insert(names_.begin(), base::string16()); subtexts_.insert(subtexts_.begin(), base::string16()); icons_.insert(icons_.begin(), base::string16()); identifiers_.insert(identifiers_.begin(), WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator); } names_.insert(names_.begin(), values.begin(), values.end()); subtexts_.insert(subtexts_.begin(), labels.begin(), labels.end()); // Add the values that are the same for all data list elements. icons_.insert(icons_.begin(), values.size(), base::string16()); identifiers_.insert(identifiers_.begin(), values.size(), WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry); UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::Hide() { if (web_contents_ && (!web_contents_->IsBeingDestroyed()) && (registered_key_press_event_callback_with_ == web_contents_->GetRenderViewHost())) { web_contents_->GetRenderViewHost()->RemoveKeyPressEventCallback( key_press_event_callback_); } registered_key_press_event_callback_with_ = NULL; if (delegate_.get()) delegate_->OnPopupHidden(); if (view_) view_->Hide(); delete this; } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::ViewDestroyed() { // The view has already been destroyed so clear the reference to it. view_ = NULL; Hide(); } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::HandleKeyPressEvent( const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { switch (event.windowsKeyCode) { case ui::VKEY_UP: SelectPreviousLine(); return true; case ui::VKEY_DOWN: SelectNextLine(); return true; case ui::VKEY_PRIOR: // Page up. SetSelectedLine(0); return true; case ui::VKEY_NEXT: // Page down. SetSelectedLine(names().size() - 1); return true; case ui::VKEY_ESCAPE: Hide(); return true; case ui::VKEY_DELETE: return (event.modifiers & content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent::ShiftKey) && RemoveSelectedLine(); case ui::VKEY_TAB: // A tab press should cause the selected line to be accepted, but still // return false so the tab key press propagates and changes the cursor // location. AcceptSelectedLine(); return false; case ui::VKEY_RETURN: return AcceptSelectedLine(); default: return false; } } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup() { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // TODO(csharp): Since UpdatePopupBounds can change the position of the popup, // the popup could end up jumping from above the element to below it. // It is unclear if it is better to keep the popup where it was, or if it // should try and move to its desired position. UpdatePopupBounds(); #endif view_->UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::LineSelectedAtPoint(int x, int y) { SetSelectedLine(LineFromY(y)); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::LineAcceptedAtPoint(int x, int y) { LineSelectedAtPoint(x, y); AcceptSelectedLine(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SelectionCleared() { SetSelectedLine(kNoSelection); } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::ShouldRepostEvent( const ui::MouseEvent& event) { return delegate_->ShouldRepostEvent(event); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::AcceptSuggestion(size_t index) { delegate_->DidAcceptSuggestion(full_names_[index], identifiers_[index]); } int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetIconResourceID( const base::string16& resource_name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDataResources); ++i) { if (resource_name == ASCIIToUTF16(kDataResources[i].name)) return kDataResources[i].id; } return -1; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::CanDelete(size_t index) const { // TODO(isherman): Native AddressBook suggestions on Mac and Android should // not be considered to be deleteable. int id = identifiers_[index]; return id > 0 || id == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutocompleteEntry || id == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDPasswordEntry; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::IsWarning(size_t index) const { return identifiers_[index] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDWarningMessage; } gfx::Rect AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetRowBounds(size_t index) { int top = AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness; for (size_t i = 0; i < index; ++i) { top += GetRowHeightFromId(identifiers()[i]); } return gfx::Rect( AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness, top, popup_bounds_.width() - 2 * AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness, GetRowHeightFromId(identifiers()[index])); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SetPopupBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { popup_bounds_ = bounds; UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); } const gfx::Rect& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::popup_bounds() const { return popup_bounds_; } gfx::NativeView AutofillPopupControllerImpl::container_view() const { return container_view_; } const gfx::RectF& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::element_bounds() const { return element_bounds_; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::IsRTL() const { return text_direction_ == base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::hide_on_outside_click() const { return hide_on_outside_click_; } const std::vector& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::names() const { return names_; } const std::vector& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::subtexts() const { return subtexts_; } const std::vector& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::icons() const { return icons_; } const std::vector& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::identifiers() const { return identifiers_; } #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) const gfx::Font& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetNameFontForRow(size_t index) const { if (identifiers_[index] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDWarningMessage) return warning_font_; return name_font_; } const gfx::Font& AutofillPopupControllerImpl::subtext_font() const { return subtext_font_; } #endif int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::selected_line() const { return selected_line_; } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::set_hide_on_outside_click( bool hide_on_outside_click) { hide_on_outside_click_ = hide_on_outside_click; } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SetSelectedLine(int selected_line) { if (selected_line_ == selected_line) return; if (selected_line_ != kNoSelection && static_cast(selected_line_) < identifiers_.size()) InvalidateRow(selected_line_); if (selected_line != kNoSelection) InvalidateRow(selected_line); selected_line_ = selected_line; if (selected_line_ != kNoSelection) delegate_->DidSelectSuggestion(identifiers_[selected_line_]); else delegate_->ClearPreviewedForm(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SelectNextLine() { int new_selected_line = selected_line_ + 1; // Skip over any lines that can't be selected. while (static_cast(new_selected_line) < names_.size() && !CanAccept(identifiers()[new_selected_line])) { ++new_selected_line; } if (new_selected_line >= static_cast(names_.size())) new_selected_line = 0; SetSelectedLine(new_selected_line); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SelectPreviousLine() { int new_selected_line = selected_line_ - 1; // Skip over any lines that can't be selected. while (new_selected_line > kNoSelection && !CanAccept(identifiers()[new_selected_line])) { --new_selected_line; } if (new_selected_line <= kNoSelection) new_selected_line = names_.size() - 1; SetSelectedLine(new_selected_line); } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::AcceptSelectedLine() { if (selected_line_ == kNoSelection) return false; DCHECK_GE(selected_line_, 0); DCHECK_LT(selected_line_, static_cast(names_.size())); if (!CanAccept(identifiers_[selected_line_])) return false; AcceptSuggestion(selected_line_); return true; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::RemoveSelectedLine() { if (selected_line_ == kNoSelection) return false; DCHECK_GE(selected_line_, 0); DCHECK_LT(selected_line_, static_cast(names_.size())); if (!CanDelete(selected_line_)) return false; delegate_->RemoveSuggestion(full_names_[selected_line_], identifiers_[selected_line_]); // Remove the deleted element. names_.erase(names_.begin() + selected_line_); full_names_.erase(full_names_.begin() + selected_line_); subtexts_.erase(subtexts_.begin() + selected_line_); icons_.erase(icons_.begin() + selected_line_); identifiers_.erase(identifiers_.begin() + selected_line_); SetSelectedLine(kNoSelection); if (HasSuggestions()) { delegate_->ClearPreviewedForm(); UpdateBoundsAndRedrawPopup(); } else { Hide(); } return true; } int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::LineFromY(int y) { int current_height = AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness; for (size_t i = 0; i < identifiers().size(); ++i) { current_height += GetRowHeightFromId(identifiers()[i]); if (y <= current_height) return i; } // The y value goes beyond the popup so stop the selection at the last line. return identifiers().size() - 1; } int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetRowHeightFromId(int identifier) const { if (identifier == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator) return kSeparatorHeight; return kRowHeight; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::CanAccept(int id) { return id != WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDSeparator && id != WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDWarningMessage; } bool AutofillPopupControllerImpl::HasSuggestions() { return identifiers_.size() != 0 && (identifiers_[0] > 0 || identifiers_[0] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDAutocompleteEntry || identifiers_[0] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDPasswordEntry || identifiers_[0] == WebAutofillClient::MenuItemIDDataListEntry); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::SetValues( const std::vector& names, const std::vector& subtexts, const std::vector& icons, const std::vector& identifiers) { names_ = names; full_names_ = names; subtexts_ = subtexts; icons_ = icons; identifiers_ = identifiers; } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::ShowView() { view_->Show(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::InvalidateRow(size_t row) { DCHECK(0 <= row); DCHECK(row < identifiers_.size()); view_->InvalidateRow(row); } #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetDesiredPopupWidth() const { if (!name_font_.platform_font() || !subtext_font_.platform_font()) { // We can't calculate the size of the popup if the fonts // aren't present. return 0; } int popup_width = RoundedElementBounds().width(); DCHECK_EQ(names().size(), subtexts().size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < names().size(); ++i) { int row_size = name_font_.GetStringWidth(names()[i]) + subtext_font_.GetStringWidth(subtexts()[i]) + RowWidthWithoutText(i); popup_width = std::max(popup_width, row_size); } return popup_width; } int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetDesiredPopupHeight() const { int popup_height = 2 * AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness; for (size_t i = 0; i < identifiers().size(); ++i) { popup_height += GetRowHeightFromId(identifiers()[i]); } return popup_height; } int AutofillPopupControllerImpl::RowWidthWithoutText(int row) const { int row_size = kEndPadding; if (!subtexts_[row].empty()) row_size += kNamePadding; // Add the Autofill icon size, if required. if (!icons_[row].empty()) { int icon_width = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( GetIconResourceID(icons_[row])).Width(); row_size += icon_width + kIconPadding; } // Add the padding at the end. row_size += kEndPadding; // Add room for the popup border. row_size += 2 * AutofillPopupView::kBorderThickness; return row_size; } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::UpdatePopupBounds() { int popup_required_width = GetDesiredPopupWidth(); int popup_height = GetDesiredPopupHeight(); // This is the top left point of the popup if the popup is above the element // and grows to the left (since that is the highest and furthest left the // popup go could). gfx::Point top_left_corner_of_popup = RoundedElementBounds().origin() + gfx::Vector2d(RoundedElementBounds().width() - popup_required_width, -popup_height); // This is the bottom right point of the popup if the popup is below the // element and grows to the right (since the is the lowest and furthest right // the popup could go). gfx::Point bottom_right_corner_of_popup = RoundedElementBounds().origin() + gfx::Vector2d(popup_required_width, RoundedElementBounds().height() + popup_height); gfx::Display top_left_display = GetDisplayNearestPoint( top_left_corner_of_popup); gfx::Display bottom_right_display = GetDisplayNearestPoint( bottom_right_corner_of_popup); std::pair popup_x_and_width = CalculatePopupXAndWidth( top_left_display, bottom_right_display, popup_required_width); std::pair popup_y_and_height = CalculatePopupYAndHeight( top_left_display, bottom_right_display, popup_height); popup_bounds_ = gfx::Rect(popup_x_and_width.first, popup_y_and_height.first, popup_x_and_width.second, popup_y_and_height.second); } #endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) WeakPtr AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetWeakPtr() { return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); } void AutofillPopupControllerImpl::ClearState() { // Don't clear view_, because otherwise the popup will have to get regenerated // and this will cause flickering. popup_bounds_ = gfx::Rect(); names_.clear(); subtexts_.clear(); icons_.clear(); identifiers_.clear(); full_names_.clear(); selected_line_ = kNoSelection; } const gfx::Rect AutofillPopupControllerImpl::RoundedElementBounds() const { return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(element_bounds_); } gfx::Display AutofillPopupControllerImpl::GetDisplayNearestPoint( const gfx::Point& point) const { return gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(container_view())->GetDisplayNearestPoint( point); } std::pair AutofillPopupControllerImpl::CalculatePopupXAndWidth( const gfx::Display& left_display, const gfx::Display& right_display, int popup_required_width) const { int leftmost_display_x = left_display.bounds().x(); int rightmost_display_x = right_display.GetSizeInPixel().width() + right_display.bounds().x(); // Calculate the start coordinates for the popup if it is growing right or // the end position if it is growing to the left, capped to screen space. int right_growth_start = std::max(leftmost_display_x, std::min(rightmost_display_x, RoundedElementBounds().x())); int left_growth_end = std::max(leftmost_display_x, std::min(rightmost_display_x, RoundedElementBounds().right())); int right_available = rightmost_display_x - right_growth_start; int left_available = left_growth_end - leftmost_display_x; int popup_width = std::min(popup_required_width, std::max(right_available, left_available)); // If there is enough space for the popup on the right, show it there, // otherwise choose the larger size. if (right_available >= popup_width || right_available >= left_available) return std::make_pair(right_growth_start, popup_width); else return std::make_pair(left_growth_end - popup_width, popup_width); } std::pair AutofillPopupControllerImpl::CalculatePopupYAndHeight( const gfx::Display& top_display, const gfx::Display& bottom_display, int popup_required_height) const { int topmost_display_y = top_display.bounds().y(); int bottommost_display_y = bottom_display.GetSizeInPixel().height() + bottom_display.bounds().y(); // Calculate the start coordinates for the popup if it is growing down or // the end position if it is growing up, capped to screen space. int top_growth_end = std::max(topmost_display_y, std::min(bottommost_display_y, RoundedElementBounds().y())); int bottom_growth_start = std::max(topmost_display_y, std::min(bottommost_display_y, RoundedElementBounds().bottom())); int top_available = bottom_growth_start - topmost_display_y; int bottom_available = bottommost_display_y - top_growth_end; // TODO(csharp): Restrict the popup height to what is available. if (bottom_available >= popup_required_height || bottom_available >= top_available) { // The popup can appear below the field. return std::make_pair(bottom_growth_start, popup_required_height); } else { // The popup must appear above the field. return std::make_pair(top_growth_end - popup_required_height, popup_required_height); } } } // namespace autofill