// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/download_test_observer.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_request_mock_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/active_downloads_ui.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h" #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h" #include "content/browser/net/url_request_slow_download_job.h" #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h" #include "content/public/common/page_transition_types.h" using content::BrowserThread; using content::DownloadItem; using content::DownloadManager; class BrowserCloseTest : public InProcessBrowserTest { public: // Structure defining test cases for DownloadsCloseCheck. struct DownloadsCloseCheckCase { std::string DebugString() const; // Input struct { struct { int windows; int downloads; } regular; struct { int windows; int downloads; } incognito; } profile_a; struct { struct { int windows; int downloads; } regular; struct { int windows; int downloads; } incognito; } profile_b; // We always probe a window in profile A. enum { REGULAR = 0, INCOGNITO = 1 } window_to_probe; // Output Browser::DownloadClosePreventionType type; // Unchecked if type == DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK. int num_blocking; }; protected: virtual void SetUpOnMainThread() OVERRIDE { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&chrome_browser_net::SetUrlRequestMocksEnabled, true)); } // Create a second profile to work within multi-profile. Profile* CreateSecondProfile() { FilePath user_data_dir; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir); if (!second_profile_data_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDirUnderPath(user_data_dir)) return NULL; Profile* second_profile = g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetProfile( second_profile_data_dir_.path()); if (!second_profile) return NULL; bool result = second_profile_downloads_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir(); if (!result) return NULL; second_profile->GetPrefs()->SetFilePath( prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory, second_profile_downloads_dir_.path()); return second_profile; } // Create |num_downloads| number of downloads that are stalled // (will quickly get to a place where the server won't // provide any more data) so that we can test closing the // browser with active downloads. void CreateStalledDownloads(Browser* browser, int num_downloads) { GURL url(URLRequestSlowDownloadJob::kKnownSizeUrl); if (num_downloads == 0) return; // Setup an observer waiting for the given number of downloads // to get to IN_PROGRESS. DownloadManager* download_manager = browser->profile()->GetDownloadManager(); scoped_ptr observer( new DownloadTestObserver( download_manager, num_downloads, DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, true, // Bail on select file. DownloadTestObserver::ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_FAIL)); // Set of that number of downloads. while (num_downloads--) ui_test_utils::NavigateToURLWithDisposition( browser, url, NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB, ui_test_utils::BROWSER_TEST_NONE); // Wait for them. observer->WaitForFinished(); } // All all downloads created in CreateStalledDownloads() to // complete, and block in this routine until they do complete. void CompleteAllDownloads(Browser* browser) { GURL finish_url(URLRequestSlowDownloadJob::kFinishDownloadUrl); ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser, finish_url); // Go through and, for every single profile, wait until there are // no active downloads on that download manager. std::vector profiles( g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetLoadedProfiles()); for (std::vector::const_iterator pit = profiles.begin(); pit != profiles.end(); ++pit) { DownloadService* download_service = DownloadServiceFactory::GetForProfile(*pit); if (download_service->HasCreatedDownloadManager()) { DownloadManager *mgr = download_service->GetDownloadManager(); scoped_refptr observer( new DownloadTestFlushObserver(mgr)); observer->WaitForFlush(); } if ((*pit)->HasOffTheRecordProfile()) { DownloadService* incognito_download_service = DownloadServiceFactory::GetForProfile( (*pit)->GetOffTheRecordProfile()); if (incognito_download_service->HasCreatedDownloadManager()) { DownloadManager *mgr = incognito_download_service->GetDownloadManager(); scoped_refptr observer( new DownloadTestFlushObserver(mgr)); observer->WaitForFlush(); } } } } // Create a Browser (with associated window) on the specified profile. Browser* CreateBrowserOnProfile(Profile* profile) { Browser* new_browser = Browser::Create(profile); new_browser->AddSelectedTabWithURL(GURL(chrome::kAboutBlankURL), content::PAGE_TRANSITION_START_PAGE); ui_test_utils::WaitForLoadStop( new_browser->GetSelectedWebContents()); new_browser->window()->Show(); return new_browser; } // Adjust the number of browsers and associated windows up or down // to |num_windows|. This routine assumes that there is only a single // browser associated with the profile on entry. |*base_browser| contains // this browser, and the profile is derived from that browser. On output, // if |*base_browser| was destroyed (because |num_windows == 0|), NULL // is assigned to that memory location. bool AdjustBrowsersOnProfile(Browser** base_browser, int num_windows) { int num_downloads_blocking; if (num_windows == 0) { if (Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK != (*base_browser)->OkToCloseWithInProgressDownloads( &num_downloads_blocking)) return false; (*base_browser)->window()->Close(); *base_browser = 0; return true; } // num_windows > 0 Profile* profile((*base_browser)->profile()); for (int w = 1; w < num_windows; ++w) { CreateBrowserOnProfile(profile); } return true; } int TotalUnclosedBrowsers() { int count = 0; for (BrowserList::const_iterator iter = BrowserList::begin(); iter != BrowserList::end(); ++iter) if (!(*iter)->IsAttemptingToCloseBrowser()) { count++; } return count; } // Note that this is invalid to call if TotalUnclosedBrowsers() == 0. Browser* FirstUnclosedBrowser() { for (BrowserList::const_iterator iter = BrowserList::begin(); iter != BrowserList::end(); ++iter) if (!(*iter)->IsAttemptingToCloseBrowser()) return (*iter); return NULL; } bool SetupForDownloadCloseCheck() { first_profile_ = browser()->profile(); bool result = first_profile_downloads_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir(); EXPECT_TRUE(result); if (!result) return false; first_profile_->GetPrefs()->SetFilePath( prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory, first_profile_downloads_dir_.path()); second_profile_ = CreateSecondProfile(); EXPECT_TRUE(second_profile_); if (!second_profile_) return false; return true; } // Test a specific DownloadsCloseCheckCase. Returns false if // an assertion has failed and the test should be aborted. bool ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(size_t i) { const DownloadsCloseCheckCase& check_case(download_close_check_cases[i]); // Test invariant: so that we don't actually try and close the browser, // we always enter the function with a single browser window open on the // main profile. That means we need to exit the function the same way. // So we setup everything except for the |first_profile_| regular, and then // flip the bit on the main window. // Note that this means that browser() is unreliable in the context // of this function or its callers; we'll be killing that main window // and recreating it fairly frequently. int unclosed_browsers = TotalUnclosedBrowsers(); EXPECT_EQ(1, unclosed_browsers); if (1 != unclosed_browsers) return false; Browser* entry_browser = FirstUnclosedBrowser(); EXPECT_EQ(first_profile_, entry_browser->profile()) << "Case" << i << ": " << check_case.DebugString(); if (first_profile_ != entry_browser->profile()) return false; int total_download_count = DownloadService::DownloadCountAllProfiles(); EXPECT_EQ(0, total_download_count) << "Case " << i << ": " << check_case.DebugString(); if (0 != total_download_count) return false; Profile* first_profile_incognito = first_profile_->GetOffTheRecordProfile(); Profile* second_profile_incognito = second_profile_->GetOffTheRecordProfile(); // For simplicty of coding, we create a window on each profile so that // we can easily create downloads, then we destroy or create windows // as necessary. Browser* browser_a_regular(CreateBrowserOnProfile(first_profile_)); Browser* browser_a_incognito( CreateBrowserOnProfile(first_profile_incognito)); Browser* browser_b_regular(CreateBrowserOnProfile(second_profile_)); Browser* browser_b_incognito( CreateBrowserOnProfile(second_profile_incognito)); // Kill our entry browser. entry_browser->window()->Close(); entry_browser = NULL; // Create all downloads needed. CreateStalledDownloads( browser_a_regular, check_case.profile_a.regular.downloads); CreateStalledDownloads( browser_a_incognito, check_case.profile_a.incognito.downloads); CreateStalledDownloads( browser_b_regular, check_case.profile_b.regular.downloads); CreateStalledDownloads( browser_b_incognito, check_case.profile_b.incognito.downloads); // Adjust the windows Browser** browsers[] = { &browser_a_regular, &browser_a_incognito, &browser_b_regular, &browser_b_incognito }; int window_counts[] = { check_case.profile_a.regular.windows, check_case.profile_a.incognito.windows, check_case.profile_b.regular.windows, check_case.profile_b.incognito.windows, }; for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(browsers); ++j) { bool result = AdjustBrowsersOnProfile(browsers[j], window_counts[j]); EXPECT_TRUE(result); if (!result) return false; } ui_test_utils::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop(); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Get rid of downloads panel on ChromeOS Browser* panel = ActiveDownloadsUI::GetPopup(); if (panel) panel->CloseWindow(); ui_test_utils::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop(); #endif // All that work, for this one little test. EXPECT_TRUE((check_case.window_to_probe == DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR) || (check_case.window_to_probe == DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO)); if (!((check_case.window_to_probe == DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR) || (check_case.window_to_probe == DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO))) return false; int num_downloads_blocking; Browser* browser_to_probe = (check_case.window_to_probe == DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR ? browser_a_regular : browser_a_incognito); Browser::DownloadClosePreventionType type = browser_to_probe->OkToCloseWithInProgressDownloads( &num_downloads_blocking); EXPECT_EQ(check_case.type, type) << "Case " << i << ": " << check_case.DebugString(); if (type != Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK) EXPECT_EQ(check_case.num_blocking, num_downloads_blocking) << "Case " << i << ": " << check_case.DebugString(); // Release all the downloads. CompleteAllDownloads(browser_to_probe); // Create a new main window and kill everything else. entry_browser = CreateBrowserOnProfile(first_profile_); for (BrowserList::const_iterator bit = BrowserList::begin(); bit != BrowserList::end(); ++bit) { if ((*bit) != entry_browser) { EXPECT_TRUE((*bit)->window()); if (!(*bit)->window()) return false; (*bit)->window()->Close(); } } ui_test_utils::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop(); return true; } static const DownloadsCloseCheckCase download_close_check_cases[]; // DownloadCloseCheck variables. Profile* first_profile_; Profile* second_profile_; ScopedTempDir first_profile_downloads_dir_; ScopedTempDir second_profile_data_dir_; ScopedTempDir second_profile_downloads_dir_; }; const BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase BrowserCloseTest::download_close_check_cases[] = { // Top level nesting is {profile_a, profile_b} // Second level nesting is {regular, incognito // Third level (inner) nesting is {windows, downloads} // Last window (incognito) triggers browser close warning. {{{0, 0}, {1, 1}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN, 1}, // Last incognito window triggers incognito close warning. {{{1, 0}, {1, 1}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_LAST_WINDOW_IN_INCOGNITO_PROFILE, 1}, // Last incognito window with no downloads triggers no warning. {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Last incognito window with window+download on another incognito profile // triggers no warning. {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {1, 1}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Non-last incognito window triggers no warning. {{{0, 0}, {2, 1}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Non-last regular window triggers no warning. {{{2, 1}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Last regular window triggers browser close. {{{1, 1}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN, 1}, // Last regular window triggers browser close for download on different // profile. {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 1}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN, 1}, // Last regular window triggers no warning if incognito // active (http://crbug.com/61257). {{{1, 0}, {1, 1}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Last regular window triggers no warning if other profile window active. {{{1, 1}, {0, 0}}, {{1, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Last regular window triggers no warning if other incognito window // active. {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {1, 1}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Last regular window triggers no warning if incognito active. {{{1, 1}, {1, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK}, // Test plural for regular. {{{1, 2}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::REGULAR, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN, 2}, // Test plural for incognito. {{{1, 0}, {1, 2}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::INCOGNITO, Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_LAST_WINDOW_IN_INCOGNITO_PROFILE, 2}, }; std::string BrowserCloseTest::DownloadsCloseCheckCase::DebugString() const { std::string result; result += "{"; if (profile_a.regular.windows || profile_a.regular.downloads) result += base::StringPrintf("Regular profile A: (%d w, %d d), ", profile_a.regular.windows, profile_a.regular.downloads); if (profile_a.incognito.windows || profile_a.incognito.downloads) result += base::StringPrintf("Incognito profile A: (%d w, %d d), ", profile_a.incognito.windows, profile_a.incognito.downloads); if (profile_b.regular.windows || profile_b.regular.downloads) result += base::StringPrintf("Regular profile B: (%d w, %d d), ", profile_b.regular.windows, profile_b.regular.downloads); if (profile_b.incognito.windows || profile_b.incognito.downloads) result += base::StringPrintf("Incognito profile B: (%d w, %d d), ", profile_b.incognito.windows, profile_b.incognito.downloads); result += (window_to_probe == REGULAR ? "Probe regular" : window_to_probe == INCOGNITO ? "Probe incognito" : "Probe unknown"); result += "} -> "; if (type == Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_OK) { result += "No warning"; } else { result += base::StringPrintf( "%s (%d downloads) warning", (type == Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN ? "Browser shutdown" : type == Browser::DOWNLOAD_CLOSE_LAST_WINDOW_IN_INCOGNITO_PROFILE ? "Incognito close" : "Unknown"), num_blocking); } return result; } // The following test is split into six chunks to reduce the chance // of hitting the 25s timeout. IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, DownloadsCloseCheck_0) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, DownloadsCloseCheck_1) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; i < 2 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } } // Timing out on XP debug. http://crbug.com/111914 #if defined(OS_WIN) #define MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_2 DISABLED_DownloadsCloseCheck_2 #else #define MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_2 DownloadsCloseCheck_2 #endif IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_2) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = 2 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; i < 3 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, DownloadsCloseCheck_3) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = 3 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; i < 4 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } } IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, DownloadsCloseCheck_4) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = 4 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; i < 5 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } } // Timing out on XP debug. http://crbug.com/111914 #if defined(OS_WIN) #define MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_5 DISABLED_DownloadsCloseCheck_5 #else #define MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_5 DownloadsCloseCheck_5 #endif IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserCloseTest, MAYBE_DownloadsCloseCheck_5) { ASSERT_TRUE(SetupForDownloadCloseCheck()); for (size_t i = 5 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; i < 6 * arraysize(download_close_check_cases) / 6; ++i) { ExecuteDownloadCloseCheckCase(i); } }