// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/download/download_show_all_cell.h" #import "chrome/browser/themes/theme_properties.h" #import "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/download/background_theme.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/themed_window.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" // Distance from top border to icon. const CGFloat kImagePaddingTop = 7; // Distance from left border to icon. const CGFloat kImagePaddingLeft = 11; // Width of icon. const CGFloat kImageWidth = 16; // Height of icon. const CGFloat kImageHeight = 16; // x distance between image and title. const CGFloat kImageTextPadding = 4; // x coordinate of download name string, in view coords. const CGFloat kTextPosLeft = kImagePaddingLeft + kImageWidth + kImageTextPadding; // Distance from end of title to right border. const CGFloat kTextPaddingRight = 13; // y coordinate of title, in view coords. const CGFloat kTextPosTop = 10; // Width of outer stroke const CGFloat kOuterStrokeWidth = 1; @interface DownloadShowAllCell(Private) - (const ui::ThemeProvider*)backgroundThemeWrappingProvider: (const ui::ThemeProvider*)provider; - (BOOL)pressedWithDefaultTheme; - (NSColor*)titleColor; @end @implementation DownloadShowAllCell - (void)setInitialState { [self setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize: [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]]; } // For nib instantiations - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder { if ((self = [super initWithCoder:decoder])) { [self setInitialState]; } return self; } // For programmatic instantiations. - (id)initTextCell:(NSString*)string { if ((self = [super initTextCell:string])) { [self setInitialState]; } return self; } - (void)setShowsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside:(BOOL)showOnly { // Override to make sure it doesn't do anything if it's called accidentally. } - (const ui::ThemeProvider*)backgroundThemeWrappingProvider: (const ui::ThemeProvider*)provider { if (!themeProvider_.get()) { themeProvider_.reset(new BackgroundTheme(provider)); } return themeProvider_.get(); } // Returns if the button was pressed while the default theme was active. - (BOOL)pressedWithDefaultTheme { const ui::ThemeProvider* themeProvider = [[[self controlView] window] themeProvider]; bool isDefaultTheme = !themeProvider->HasCustomImage(IDR_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND); return isDefaultTheme && [self isHighlighted]; } // Returns the text color that should be used to draw title text. - (NSColor*)titleColor { const ui::ThemeProvider* themeProvider = [[[self controlView] window] themeProvider]; if (!themeProvider || [self pressedWithDefaultTheme]) return [NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]; return themeProvider->GetNSColor(ThemeProperties::COLOR_BOOKMARK_TEXT); } - (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView { NSRect drawFrame = NSInsetRect(cellFrame, 1.5, 1.5); NSRect innerFrame = NSInsetRect(cellFrame, 2, 2); const float radius = 3; NSWindow* window = [controlView window]; BOOL active = [window isKeyWindow] || [window isMainWindow]; // In the default theme, draw download items with the bookmark button // gradient. For some themes, this leads to unreadable text, so draw the item // with a background that looks like windows (some transparent white) if a // theme is used. Use custom theme object with a white color gradient to trick // the superclass into drawing what we want. const ui::ThemeProvider* themeProvider = [[[self controlView] window] themeProvider]; if (!themeProvider) return; bool isDefaultTheme = !themeProvider->HasCustomImage(IDR_THEME_BUTTON_BACKGROUND); NSGradient* bgGradient = nil; if (!isDefaultTheme) { themeProvider = [self backgroundThemeWrappingProvider:themeProvider]; bgGradient = themeProvider->GetNSGradient( active ? ThemeProperties::GRADIENT_TOOLBAR_BUTTON : ThemeProperties::GRADIENT_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_INACTIVE); } NSBezierPath* buttonInnerPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:drawFrame xRadius:radius yRadius:radius]; // Stroke the borders and appropriate fill gradient. [self drawBorderAndFillForTheme:themeProvider controlView:controlView innerPath:buttonInnerPath showClickedGradient:[self isHighlighted] showHighlightGradient:[self isMouseInside] hoverAlpha:0.0 active:active cellFrame:cellFrame defaultGradient:bgGradient]; [self drawInteriorWithFrame:innerFrame inView:controlView]; } - (NSDictionary*)textAttributes { return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [self titleColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, [self font], NSFontAttributeName, nil]; } - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView { // Draw title NSPoint primaryPos = NSMakePoint( cellFrame.origin.x + kTextPosLeft, kTextPosTop); [[self title] drawAtPoint:primaryPos withAttributes:[self textAttributes]]; // Draw icon [[self image] drawInRect:[self imageRectForBounds:cellFrame] fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:[self isEnabled] ? 1.0 : 0.5 respectFlipped:YES hints:nil]; } - (NSRect)imageRectForBounds:(NSRect)cellFrame { return NSMakeRect(cellFrame.origin.x + kImagePaddingLeft, cellFrame.origin.y + kImagePaddingTop, kImageWidth, kImageHeight); } - (NSSize)cellSize { NSSize size = [super cellSize]; // Custom width: NSSize textSize = [[self title] sizeWithAttributes:[self textAttributes]]; size.width = kTextPosLeft + textSize.width + kTextPaddingRight + kOuterStrokeWidth * 2; return size; } @end