// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "browser_actions_controller.h" #include #include #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browser_event_router.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_toolbar_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/restore_tab_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/browser_action_button.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/browser_actions_container_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/chevron_menu_button.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_popup_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/image_button_cell.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/menu_button.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_action.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources_standard.h" #import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMNSAnimation+Duration.h" #include "ui/gfx/mac/nsimage_cache.h" NSString* const kBrowserActionVisibilityChangedNotification = @"BrowserActionVisibilityChangedNotification"; namespace { const CGFloat kAnimationDuration = 0.2; const CGFloat kChevronWidth = 14.0; // Since the container is the maximum height of the toolbar, we have // to move the buttons up by this amount in order to have them look // vertically centered within the toolbar. const CGFloat kBrowserActionOriginYOffset = 5.0; // The size of each button on the toolbar. const CGFloat kBrowserActionHeight = 29.0; const CGFloat kBrowserActionWidth = 29.0; // The padding between browser action buttons. const CGFloat kBrowserActionButtonPadding = 2.0; // Padding between Omnibox and first button. Since the buttons have a // pixel of internal padding, this needs an extra pixel. const CGFloat kBrowserActionLeftPadding = kBrowserActionButtonPadding + 1.0; // How far to inset from the bottom of the view to get the top border // of the popup 2px below the bottom of the Omnibox. const CGFloat kBrowserActionBubbleYOffset = 3.0; } // namespace @interface BrowserActionsController(Private) // Used during initialization to create the BrowserActionButton objects from the // stored toolbar model. - (void)createButtons; // Creates and then adds the given extension's action button to the container // at the given index within the container. It does not affect the toolbar model // object since it is called when the toolbar model changes. - (void)createActionButtonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension withIndex:(NSUInteger)index; // Removes an action button for the given extension from the container. This // method also does not affect the underlying toolbar model since it is called // when the toolbar model changes. - (void)removeActionButtonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension; // Useful in the case of a Browser Action being added/removed from the middle of // the container, this method repositions each button according to the current // toolbar model. - (void)positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:(BOOL)animate; // During container resizing, buttons become more transparent as they are pushed // off the screen. This method updates each button's opacity determined by the // position of the button. - (void)updateButtonOpacity; // Returns the existing button with the given extension backing it; nil if it // cannot be found or the extension's ID is invalid. - (BrowserActionButton*)buttonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension; // Returns the preferred width of the container given the number of visible // buttons |buttonCount|. - (CGFloat)containerWidthWithButtonCount:(NSUInteger)buttonCount; // Returns the number of buttons that can fit in the container according to its // current size. - (NSUInteger)containerButtonCapacity; // Notification handlers for events registered by the class. // Updates each button's opacity, the cursor rects and chevron position. - (void)containerFrameChanged:(NSNotification*)notification; // Hides the chevron and unhides every hidden button so that dragging the // container out smoothly shows the Browser Action buttons. - (void)containerDragStart:(NSNotification*)notification; // Sends a notification for the toolbar to reposition surrounding UI elements. - (void)containerDragging:(NSNotification*)notification; // Determines which buttons need to be hidden based on the new size, hides them // and updates the chevron overflow menu. Also fires a notification to let the // toolbar know that the drag has finished. - (void)containerDragFinished:(NSNotification*)notification; // Updates the image associated with the button should it be within the chevron // menu. - (void)actionButtonUpdated:(NSNotification*)notification; // Adjusts the position of the surrounding action buttons depending on where the // button is within the container. - (void)actionButtonDragging:(NSNotification*)notification; // Updates the position of the Browser Actions within the container. This fires // when _any_ Browser Action button is done dragging to keep all open windows in // sync visually. - (void)actionButtonDragFinished:(NSNotification*)notification; // Moves the given button both visually and within the toolbar model to the // specified index. - (void)moveButton:(BrowserActionButton*)button toIndex:(NSUInteger)index animate:(BOOL)animate; // Handles when the given BrowserActionButton object is clicked. - (void)browserActionClicked:(BrowserActionButton*)button; // Returns whether the given extension should be displayed. Only displays // incognito-enabled extensions in incognito mode. Otherwise returns YES. - (BOOL)shouldDisplayBrowserAction:(const Extension*)extension; // The reason |frame| is specified in these chevron functions is because the // container may be animating and the end frame of the animation should be // passed instead of the current frame (which may be off and cause the chevron // to jump at the end of its animation). // Shows the overflow chevron button depending on whether there are any hidden // extensions within the frame given. - (void)showChevronIfNecessaryInFrame:(NSRect)frame animate:(BOOL)animate; // Moves the chevron to its correct position within |frame|. - (void)updateChevronPositionInFrame:(NSRect)frame; // Shows or hides the chevron, animating as specified by |animate|. - (void)setChevronHidden:(BOOL)hidden inFrame:(NSRect)frame animate:(BOOL)animate; // Handles when a menu item within the chevron overflow menu is selected. - (void)chevronItemSelected:(id)menuItem; // Clears and then populates the overflow menu based on the contents of // |hiddenButtons_|. - (void)updateOverflowMenu; // Updates the container's grippy cursor based on the number of hidden buttons. - (void)updateGrippyCursors; // Returns the ID of the currently selected tab or -1 if none exists. - (int)currentTabId; @end // A helper class to proxy extension notifications to the view controller's // appropriate methods. class ExtensionServiceObserverBridge : public content::NotificationObserver, public ExtensionToolbarModel::Observer { public: ExtensionServiceObserverBridge(BrowserActionsController* owner, Profile* profile) : owner_(owner) { registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_HOST_VIEW_SHOULD_CLOSE, content::Source(profile)); } // Overridden from content::NotificationObserver. void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_HOST_VIEW_SHOULD_CLOSE: { ExtensionPopupController* popup = [ExtensionPopupController popup]; if (popup && ![popup isClosing]) [popup close]; break; } default: NOTREACHED() << L"Unexpected notification"; } } // ExtensionToolbarModel::Observer implementation. void BrowserActionAdded(const Extension* extension, int index) { [owner_ createActionButtonForExtension:extension withIndex:index]; [owner_ resizeContainerAndAnimate:NO]; } void BrowserActionRemoved(const Extension* extension) { [owner_ removeActionButtonForExtension:extension]; [owner_ resizeContainerAndAnimate:NO]; } private: // The object we need to inform when we get a notification. Weak. Owns us. BrowserActionsController* owner_; // Used for registering to receive notifications and automatic clean up. content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionServiceObserverBridge); }; @implementation BrowserActionsController @synthesize containerView = containerView_; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public Methods - (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser containerView:(BrowserActionsContainerView*)container { DCHECK(browser && container); if ((self = [super init])) { browser_ = browser; profile_ = browser->profile(); if (!profile_->GetPrefs()->FindPreference( prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth)) [BrowserActionsController registerUserPrefs:profile_->GetPrefs()]; observer_.reset(new ExtensionServiceObserverBridge(self, profile_)); ExtensionService* extensionsService = profile_->GetExtensionService(); // |extensionsService| can be NULL in Incognito. if (extensionsService) { toolbarModel_ = extensionsService->toolbar_model(); toolbarModel_->AddObserver(observer_.get()); } containerView_ = container; [containerView_ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(containerFrameChanged:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:containerView_]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(containerDragStart:) name:kBrowserActionGrippyDragStartedNotification object:containerView_]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(containerDragging:) name:kBrowserActionGrippyDraggingNotification object:containerView_]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(containerDragFinished:) name:kBrowserActionGrippyDragFinishedNotification object:containerView_]; // Listen for a finished drag from any button to make sure each open window // stays in sync. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(actionButtonDragFinished:) name:kBrowserActionButtonDragEndNotification object:nil]; chevronAnimation_.reset([[NSViewAnimation alloc] init]); [chevronAnimation_ gtm_setDuration:kAnimationDuration eventMask:NSLeftMouseUpMask]; [chevronAnimation_ setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking]; hiddenButtons_.reset([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]); buttons_.reset([[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]); [self createButtons]; [self showChevronIfNecessaryInFrame:[containerView_ frame] animate:NO]; [self updateGrippyCursors]; [container setResizable:!profile_->IsOffTheRecord()]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { if (toolbarModel_) toolbarModel_->RemoveObserver(observer_.get()); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)update { for (BrowserActionButton* button in [buttons_ allValues]) { [button setTabId:[self currentTabId]]; [button updateState]; } } - (NSUInteger)buttonCount { return [buttons_ count]; } - (NSUInteger)visibleButtonCount { return [self buttonCount] - [hiddenButtons_ count]; } - (MenuButton*)chevronMenuButton { return chevronMenuButton_.get(); } - (void)resizeContainerAndAnimate:(BOOL)animate { int iconCount = toolbarModel_->GetVisibleIconCount(); if (iconCount < 0) // If no buttons are hidden. iconCount = [self buttonCount]; [containerView_ resizeToWidth:[self containerWidthWithButtonCount:iconCount] animate:animate]; NSRect frame = animate ? [containerView_ animationEndFrame] : [containerView_ frame]; [self showChevronIfNecessaryInFrame:frame animate:animate]; if (!animate) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kBrowserActionVisibilityChangedNotification object:self]; } } - (NSView*)browserActionViewForExtension:(const Extension*)extension { for (BrowserActionButton* button in [buttons_ allValues]) { if ([button extension] == extension) return button; } NOTREACHED(); return nil; } - (CGFloat)savedWidth { if (!toolbarModel_) return 0; if (!profile_->GetPrefs()->HasPrefPath(prefs::kExtensionToolbarSize)) { // Migration code to the new VisibleIconCount pref. // TODO(mpcomplete): remove this at some point. double predefinedWidth = profile_->GetPrefs()->GetDouble(prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth); if (predefinedWidth != 0) { int iconWidth = kBrowserActionWidth + kBrowserActionButtonPadding; int extraWidth = kChevronWidth; toolbarModel_->SetVisibleIconCount( (predefinedWidth - extraWidth) / iconWidth); } } int savedButtonCount = toolbarModel_->GetVisibleIconCount(); if (savedButtonCount < 0 || // all icons are visible static_cast(savedButtonCount) > [self buttonCount]) savedButtonCount = [self buttonCount]; return [self containerWidthWithButtonCount:savedButtonCount]; } - (NSPoint)popupPointForBrowserAction:(const Extension*)extension { if (!extension->browser_action()) return NSZeroPoint; NSButton* button = [self buttonForExtension:extension]; if (!button) return NSZeroPoint; if ([hiddenButtons_ containsObject:button]) button = chevronMenuButton_.get(); // Anchor point just above the center of the bottom. const NSRect bounds = [button bounds]; DCHECK([button isFlipped]); NSPoint anchor = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds) - kBrowserActionBubbleYOffset); return [button convertPoint:anchor toView:nil]; } - (BOOL)chevronIsHidden { if (!chevronMenuButton_.get()) return YES; if (![chevronAnimation_ isAnimating]) return [chevronMenuButton_ isHidden]; DCHECK([[chevronAnimation_ viewAnimations] count] > 0); // The chevron is animating in or out. Determine which one and have the return // value reflect where the animation is headed. NSString* effect = [[[chevronAnimation_ viewAnimations] objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:NSViewAnimationEffectKey]; if (effect == NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect) { return NO; } else if (effect == NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect) { return YES; } NOTREACHED(); return YES; } + (void)registerUserPrefs:(PrefService*)prefs { prefs->RegisterDoublePref(prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth, 0, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private Methods - (void)createButtons { if (!toolbarModel_) return; NSUInteger i = 0; for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = toolbarModel_->begin(); iter != toolbarModel_->end(); ++iter) { if (![self shouldDisplayBrowserAction:*iter]) continue; [self createActionButtonForExtension:*iter withIndex:i++]; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(actionButtonUpdated:) name:kBrowserActionButtonUpdatedNotification object:nil]; CGFloat width = [self savedWidth]; [containerView_ resizeToWidth:width animate:NO]; } - (void)createActionButtonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension withIndex:(NSUInteger)index { if (!extension->browser_action()) return; if (![self shouldDisplayBrowserAction:extension]) return; if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) index = toolbarModel_->OriginalIndexToIncognito(index); // Show the container if it's the first button. Otherwise it will be shown // already. if ([self buttonCount] == 0) [containerView_ setHidden:NO]; NSRect buttonFrame = NSMakeRect(0.0, kBrowserActionOriginYOffset, kBrowserActionWidth, kBrowserActionHeight); BrowserActionButton* newButton = [[[BrowserActionButton alloc] initWithFrame:buttonFrame extension:extension profile:profile_ tabId:[self currentTabId]] autorelease]; [newButton setTarget:self]; [newButton setAction:@selector(browserActionClicked:)]; NSString* buttonKey = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(extension->id()); if (!buttonKey) return; [buttons_ setObject:newButton forKey:buttonKey]; [self positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:NO]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(actionButtonDragging:) name:kBrowserActionButtonDraggingNotification object:newButton]; [containerView_ setMaxWidth: [self containerWidthWithButtonCount:[self buttonCount]]]; [containerView_ setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (void)removeActionButtonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension { if (!extension->browser_action()) return; NSString* buttonKey = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(extension->id()); if (!buttonKey) return; BrowserActionButton* button = [buttons_ objectForKey:buttonKey]; // This could be the case in incognito, where only a subset of extensions are // shown. if (!button) return; [button removeFromSuperview]; // It may or may not be hidden, but it won't matter to NSMutableArray either // way. [hiddenButtons_ removeObject:button]; [self updateOverflowMenu]; [buttons_ removeObjectForKey:buttonKey]; if ([self buttonCount] == 0) { // No more buttons? Hide the container. [containerView_ setHidden:YES]; } else { [self positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:NO]; } [containerView_ setMaxWidth: [self containerWidthWithButtonCount:[self buttonCount]]]; [containerView_ setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (void)positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:(BOOL)animate { NSUInteger i = 0; for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = toolbarModel_->begin(); iter != toolbarModel_->end(); ++iter) { if (![self shouldDisplayBrowserAction:*iter]) continue; BrowserActionButton* button = [self buttonForExtension:(*iter)]; if (!button) continue; if (![button isBeingDragged]) [self moveButton:button toIndex:i animate:animate]; ++i; } } - (void)updateButtonOpacity { for (BrowserActionButton* button in [buttons_ allValues]) { NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; if (NSContainsRect([containerView_ bounds], buttonFrame)) { if ([button alphaValue] != 1.0) [button setAlphaValue:1.0]; continue; } CGFloat intersectionWidth = NSWidth(NSIntersectionRect([containerView_ bounds], buttonFrame)); CGFloat alpha = std::max(0.0f, intersectionWidth / NSWidth(buttonFrame)); [button setAlphaValue:alpha]; [button setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } - (BrowserActionButton*)buttonForExtension:(const Extension*)extension { NSString* extensionId = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(extension->id()); DCHECK(extensionId); if (!extensionId) return nil; return [buttons_ objectForKey:extensionId]; } - (CGFloat)containerWidthWithButtonCount:(NSUInteger)buttonCount { // Left-side padding which works regardless of whether a button or // chevron leads. CGFloat width = kBrowserActionLeftPadding; // Include the buttons and padding between. if (buttonCount > 0) { width += buttonCount * kBrowserActionWidth; width += (buttonCount - 1) * kBrowserActionButtonPadding; } // Make room for the chevron if any buttons are hidden. if ([self buttonCount] != [self visibleButtonCount]) { // Chevron and buttons both include 1px padding w/in their bounds, // so this leaves 2px between the last browser action and chevron, // and also works right if the chevron is the only button. width += kChevronWidth; } return width; } - (NSUInteger)containerButtonCapacity { // Edge-to-edge span of the browser action buttons. CGFloat actionSpan = [self savedWidth] - kBrowserActionLeftPadding; // Add in some padding for the browser action on the end, then // divide out to get the number of action buttons that fit. return (actionSpan + kBrowserActionButtonPadding) / (kBrowserActionWidth + kBrowserActionButtonPadding); } - (void)containerFrameChanged:(NSNotification*)notification { [self updateButtonOpacity]; [[containerView_ window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:containerView_]; [self updateChevronPositionInFrame:[containerView_ frame]]; } - (void)containerDragStart:(NSNotification*)notification { [self setChevronHidden:YES inFrame:[containerView_ frame] animate:YES]; while([hiddenButtons_ count] > 0) { [containerView_ addSubview:[hiddenButtons_ objectAtIndex:0]]; [hiddenButtons_ removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } } - (void)containerDragging:(NSNotification*)notification { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kBrowserActionGrippyDraggingNotification object:self]; } - (void)containerDragFinished:(NSNotification*)notification { for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = toolbarModel_->begin(); iter != toolbarModel_->end(); ++iter) { BrowserActionButton* button = [self buttonForExtension:(*iter)]; NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; if (NSContainsRect([containerView_ bounds], buttonFrame)) continue; CGFloat intersectionWidth = NSWidth(NSIntersectionRect([containerView_ bounds], buttonFrame)); // Pad the threshold by 5 pixels in order to have the buttons hide more // easily. if (([containerView_ grippyPinned] && intersectionWidth > 0) || (intersectionWidth <= (NSWidth(buttonFrame) / 2) + 5.0)) { [button setAlphaValue:0.0]; [button removeFromSuperview]; [hiddenButtons_ addObject:button]; } } [self updateOverflowMenu]; [self updateGrippyCursors]; if (!profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) toolbarModel_->SetVisibleIconCount([self visibleButtonCount]); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kBrowserActionGrippyDragFinishedNotification object:self]; } - (void)actionButtonUpdated:(NSNotification*)notification { BrowserActionButton* button = [notification object]; if (![hiddenButtons_ containsObject:button]) return; // +1 item because of the title placeholder. See |updateOverflowMenu|. NSUInteger menuIndex = [hiddenButtons_ indexOfObject:button] + 1; NSMenuItem* item = [[chevronMenuButton_ attachedMenu] itemAtIndex:menuIndex]; DCHECK(button == [item representedObject]); [item setImage:[button compositedImage]]; } - (void)actionButtonDragging:(NSNotification*)notification { if (![self chevronIsHidden]) [self setChevronHidden:YES inFrame:[containerView_ frame] animate:YES]; // Determine what index the dragged button should lie in, alter the model and // reposition the buttons. CGFloat dragThreshold = std::floor(kBrowserActionWidth / 2); BrowserActionButton* draggedButton = [notification object]; NSRect draggedButtonFrame = [draggedButton frame]; NSUInteger index = 0; for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = toolbarModel_->begin(); iter != toolbarModel_->end(); ++iter) { BrowserActionButton* button = [self buttonForExtension:(*iter)]; CGFloat intersectionWidth = NSWidth(NSIntersectionRect(draggedButtonFrame, [button frame])); if (intersectionWidth > dragThreshold && button != draggedButton && ![button isAnimating] && index < [self visibleButtonCount]) { toolbarModel_->MoveBrowserAction([draggedButton extension], index); [self positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:YES]; return; } ++index; } } - (void)actionButtonDragFinished:(NSNotification*)notification { [self showChevronIfNecessaryInFrame:[containerView_ frame] animate:YES]; [self positionActionButtonsAndAnimate:YES]; } - (void)moveButton:(BrowserActionButton*)button toIndex:(NSUInteger)index animate:(BOOL)animate { CGFloat xOffset = kBrowserActionLeftPadding + (index * (kBrowserActionWidth + kBrowserActionButtonPadding)); NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; buttonFrame.origin.x = xOffset; [button setFrame:buttonFrame animate:animate]; if (index < [self containerButtonCapacity]) { // Make sure the button is within the visible container. if ([button superview] != containerView_) { [containerView_ addSubview:button]; [button setAlphaValue:1.0]; [hiddenButtons_ removeObjectIdenticalTo:button]; } } else if (![hiddenButtons_ containsObject:button]) { [hiddenButtons_ addObject:button]; [button removeFromSuperview]; [button setAlphaValue:0.0]; [self updateOverflowMenu]; } } - (void)browserActionClicked:(BrowserActionButton*)button { int tabId = [self currentTabId]; if (tabId < 0) { NOTREACHED() << "No current tab."; return; } // If an extension popup is already open, it will get closed when it // loses focus. ExtensionAction* action = [button extension]->browser_action(); if (action->HasPopup(tabId)) { GURL popupUrl = action->GetPopupUrl(tabId); NSPoint arrowPoint = [self popupPointForBrowserAction:[button extension]]; [ExtensionPopupController showURL:popupUrl inBrowser:browser_ anchoredAt:arrowPoint arrowLocation:info_bubble::kTopRight devMode:NO]; } else { ExtensionService* service = profile_->GetExtensionService(); service->browser_event_router()->BrowserActionExecuted( profile_, action->extension_id(), browser_); } } - (BOOL)shouldDisplayBrowserAction:(const Extension*)extension { // Only display incognito-enabled extensions while in incognito mode. return (!profile_->IsOffTheRecord() || profile_->GetExtensionService()->IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id())); } - (void)showChevronIfNecessaryInFrame:(NSRect)frame animate:(BOOL)animate { [self setChevronHidden:([self buttonCount] == [self visibleButtonCount]) inFrame:frame animate:animate]; } - (void)updateChevronPositionInFrame:(NSRect)frame { CGFloat xPos = NSWidth(frame) - kChevronWidth; NSRect buttonFrame = NSMakeRect(xPos, kBrowserActionOriginYOffset, kChevronWidth, kBrowserActionHeight); [chevronMenuButton_ setFrame:buttonFrame]; } - (void)setChevronHidden:(BOOL)hidden inFrame:(NSRect)frame animate:(BOOL)animate { if (hidden == [self chevronIsHidden]) return; if (!chevronMenuButton_.get()) { chevronMenuButton_.reset([[ChevronMenuButton alloc] init]); [chevronMenuButton_ setBordered:NO]; [chevronMenuButton_ setShowsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside:YES]; [[chevronMenuButton_ cell] setImageID:IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW forButtonState:image_button_cell::kDefaultState]; [[chevronMenuButton_ cell] setImageID:IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW_H forButtonState:image_button_cell::kHoverState]; [[chevronMenuButton_ cell] setImageID:IDR_BROWSER_ACTIONS_OVERFLOW_P forButtonState:image_button_cell::kPressedState]; [containerView_ addSubview:chevronMenuButton_]; } if (!hidden) [self updateOverflowMenu]; [self updateChevronPositionInFrame:frame]; // Stop any running animation. [chevronAnimation_ stopAnimation]; if (!animate) { [chevronMenuButton_ setHidden:hidden]; return; } NSDictionary* animationDictionary; if (hidden) { animationDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: chevronMenuButton_.get(), NSViewAnimationTargetKey, NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect, NSViewAnimationEffectKey, nil]; } else { [chevronMenuButton_ setHidden:NO]; animationDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: chevronMenuButton_.get(), NSViewAnimationTargetKey, NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect, NSViewAnimationEffectKey, nil]; } [chevronAnimation_ setViewAnimations: [NSArray arrayWithObject:animationDictionary]]; [chevronAnimation_ startAnimation]; } - (void)chevronItemSelected:(id)menuItem { [self browserActionClicked:[menuItem representedObject]]; } - (void)updateOverflowMenu { overflowMenu_.reset([[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]); // See menu_button.h for documentation on why this is needed. [overflowMenu_ addItemWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]; for (BrowserActionButton* button in hiddenButtons_.get()) { NSString* name = base::SysUTF8ToNSString([button extension]->name()); NSMenuItem* item = [overflowMenu_ addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector(chevronItemSelected:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setRepresentedObject:button]; [item setImage:[button compositedImage]]; [item setTarget:self]; } [chevronMenuButton_ setAttachedMenu:overflowMenu_]; } - (void)updateGrippyCursors { [containerView_ setCanDragLeft:[hiddenButtons_ count] > 0]; [containerView_ setCanDragRight:[self visibleButtonCount] > 0]; [[containerView_ window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:containerView_]; } - (int)currentTabId { TabContentsWrapper* selected_tab = browser_->GetSelectedTabContentsWrapper(); if (!selected_tab) return -1; return selected_tab->restore_tab_helper()->session_id().id(); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Testing Methods - (NSButton*)buttonWithIndex:(NSUInteger)index { if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) index = toolbarModel_->IncognitoIndexToOriginal(index); if (index < toolbarModel_->size()) { const Extension* extension = toolbarModel_->GetExtensionByIndex(index); return [buttons_ objectForKey:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(extension->id())]; } return nil; } @end