// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/html_dialog_window_controller.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/browser_dialogs.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_command_executor.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_event_processing_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/dialog_style.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/html_dialog_tab_contents_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/html_dialog_ui.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "content/public/browser/native_web_keyboard_event.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "ui/gfx/size.h" // Thin bridge that routes notifications to // HtmlDialogWindowController's member variables. class HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge : public HtmlDialogUIDelegate, public HtmlDialogTabContentsDelegate { public: // All parameters must be non-NULL/non-nil. HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge(HtmlDialogWindowController* controller, Profile* profile, HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate); virtual ~HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge(); // Called when the window is directly closed, e.g. from the close // button or from an accelerator. void WindowControllerClosed(); // HtmlDialogUIDelegate declarations. virtual bool IsDialogModal() const OVERRIDE; virtual string16 GetDialogTitle() const OVERRIDE; virtual GURL GetDialogContentURL() const OVERRIDE; virtual void GetWebUIMessageHandlers( std::vector* handlers) const OVERRIDE; virtual void GetDialogSize(gfx::Size* size) const OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetDialogArgs() const OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDialogClosed(const std::string& json_retval) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnCloseContents(TabContents* source, bool* out_close_dialog) OVERRIDE; virtual void CloseContents(TabContents* source) OVERRIDE; virtual bool ShouldShowDialogTitle() const OVERRIDE { return true; } // HtmlDialogTabContentsDelegate declarations. virtual void MoveContents(TabContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos); virtual void HandleKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event); private: HtmlDialogWindowController* controller_; // weak HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate_; // weak, owned by controller_ // Calls delegate_'s OnDialogClosed() exactly once, nulling it out // afterwards so that no other HtmlDialogUIDelegate calls are sent // to it. Returns whether or not the OnDialogClosed() was actually // called on the delegate. bool DelegateOnDialogClosed(const std::string& json_retval); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge); }; // ChromeEventProcessingWindow expects its controller to implement the // BrowserCommandExecutor protocol. @interface HtmlDialogWindowController (InternalAPI) // BrowserCommandExecutor methods. - (void)executeCommand:(int)command; @end namespace browser { gfx::NativeWindow ShowHtmlDialog(gfx::NativeWindow parent, Profile* profile, HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate, DialogStyle style) { // It's not always safe to display an html dialog with an off the record // profile. If the last browser with that profile is closed it will go // away. // On most platforms we insist on the dialog being modal if we're off the // record to prevent that. That wont work on the Mac since we don't have // modal dialogs. // Fall back to the old (incorrect) behavior of grabbing the original // profile. // NOTE: Use the parent parameter once we implement modal dialogs. return [HtmlDialogWindowController showHtmlDialog:delegate profile:profile->GetOriginalProfile()]; } } // namespace html_dialog_window_controller HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge( HtmlDialogWindowController* controller, Profile* profile, HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate) : HtmlDialogTabContentsDelegate(profile), controller_(controller), delegate_(delegate) { DCHECK(controller_); DCHECK(delegate_); } HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::~HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge() {} void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::WindowControllerClosed() { Detach(); controller_ = nil; DelegateOnDialogClosed(""); } bool HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::DelegateOnDialogClosed( const std::string& json_retval) { if (delegate_) { HtmlDialogUIDelegate* real_delegate = delegate_; delegate_ = NULL; real_delegate->OnDialogClosed(json_retval); return true; } return false; } // HtmlDialogUIDelegate definitions. // All of these functions check for NULL first since delegate_ is set // to NULL when the window is closed. bool HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::IsDialogModal() const { // TODO(akalin): Support modal dialog boxes. if (delegate_ && delegate_->IsDialogModal()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Modal HTML dialogs are not supported yet"; } return false; } string16 HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::GetDialogTitle() const { return delegate_ ? delegate_->GetDialogTitle() : string16(); } GURL HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::GetDialogContentURL() const { return delegate_ ? delegate_->GetDialogContentURL() : GURL(); } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::GetWebUIMessageHandlers( std::vector* handlers) const { if (delegate_) { delegate_->GetWebUIMessageHandlers(handlers); } else { // TODO(akalin): Add this clause in the windows version. Also // make sure that everything expects handlers to be non-NULL and // document it. handlers->clear(); } } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::GetDialogSize(gfx::Size* size) const { if (delegate_) { delegate_->GetDialogSize(size); } else { *size = gfx::Size(); } } std::string HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::GetDialogArgs() const { return delegate_ ? delegate_->GetDialogArgs() : ""; } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::OnDialogClosed( const std::string& json_retval) { Detach(); // [controller_ close] should be called at most once, too. if (DelegateOnDialogClosed(json_retval)) { [controller_ close]; } controller_ = nil; } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::OnCloseContents(TabContents* source, bool* out_close_dialog) { if (out_close_dialog) *out_close_dialog = true; } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::CloseContents(TabContents* source) { bool close_dialog = false; OnCloseContents(source, &close_dialog); if (close_dialog) OnDialogClosed(std::string()); } void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::MoveContents(TabContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos) { // TODO(akalin): Actually set the window bounds. } // A simplified version of BrowserWindowCocoa::HandleKeyboardEvent(). // We don't handle global keyboard shortcuts here, but that's fine since // they're all browser-specific. (This may change in the future.) void HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge::HandleKeyboardEvent( const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { if (event.skip_in_browser || event.type == NativeWebKeyboardEvent::Char) return; // Close ourselves if the user hits Esc or Command-. . The normal // way to do this is to implement (void)cancel:(int)sender, but // since we handle keyboard events ourselves we can't do that. // // According to experiments, hitting Esc works regardless of the // presence of other modifiers (as long as it's not an app-level // shortcut, e.g. Commmand-Esc for Front Row) but no other modifiers // can be present for Command-. to work. // // TODO(thakis): It would be nice to get cancel: to work somehow. // Bug: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=32828 . if (event.type == NativeWebKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown && ((event.windowsKeyCode == ui::VKEY_ESCAPE) || (event.windowsKeyCode == ui::VKEY_OEM_PERIOD && event.modifiers == NativeWebKeyboardEvent::MetaKey))) { [controller_ close]; return; } ChromeEventProcessingWindow* event_window = static_cast([controller_ window]); DCHECK([event_window isKindOfClass:[ChromeEventProcessingWindow class]]); [event_window redispatchKeyEvent:event.os_event]; } @implementation HtmlDialogWindowController (InternalAPI) // This gets called whenever a chrome-specific keyboard shortcut is performed // in the HTML dialog window. We simply swallow all those events. - (void)executeCommand:(int)command {} @end @implementation HtmlDialogWindowController // NOTE(akalin): We'll probably have to add the parentWindow parameter back // in once we implement modal dialogs. + (NSWindow*)showHtmlDialog:(HtmlDialogUIDelegate*)delegate profile:(Profile*)profile { HtmlDialogWindowController* htmlDialogWindowController = [[HtmlDialogWindowController alloc] initWithDelegate:delegate profile:profile]; [htmlDialogWindowController loadDialogContents]; [htmlDialogWindowController showWindow:nil]; return [htmlDialogWindowController window]; } - (id)initWithDelegate:(HtmlDialogUIDelegate*)delegate profile:(Profile*)profile { DCHECK(delegate); DCHECK(profile); gfx::Size dialogSize; delegate->GetDialogSize(&dialogSize); NSRect dialogRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, dialogSize.width(), dialogSize.height()); NSUInteger style = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask; scoped_nsobject window( [[ChromeEventProcessingWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:dialogRect styleMask:style backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES]); if (!window.get()) { return nil; } self = [super initWithWindow:window]; if (!self) { return nil; } [window setWindowController:self]; [window setDelegate:self]; [window setTitle:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(delegate->GetDialogTitle())]; [window setMinSize:dialogRect.size]; [window center]; delegate_.reset(new HtmlDialogWindowDelegateBridge(self, profile, delegate)); return self; } - (void)loadDialogContents { contentsWrapper_.reset(new TabContentsWrapper(new TabContents( delegate_->profile(), NULL, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, NULL, NULL))); [[self window] setContentView:contentsWrapper_->tab_contents()->GetNativeView()]; contentsWrapper_->tab_contents()->SetDelegate(delegate_.get()); // This must be done before loading the page; see the comments in // HtmlDialogUI. HtmlDialogUI::GetPropertyAccessor().SetProperty( contentsWrapper_->tab_contents()->GetPropertyBag(), delegate_.get()); contentsWrapper_->tab_contents()->GetController().LoadURL( delegate_->GetDialogContentURL(), content::Referrer(), content::PAGE_TRANSITION_START_PAGE, std::string()); // TODO(akalin): add accelerator for ESC to close the dialog box. // // TODO(akalin): Figure out why implementing (void)cancel:(id)sender // to do the above doesn't work. } - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification { delegate_->WindowControllerClosed(); [self autorelease]; } @end