// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/info_bubble_view.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mac/foundation_util.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/info_bubble_window.h" #import "third_party/google_toolbox_for_mac/src/AppKit/GTMNSBezierPath+RoundRect.h" @implementation InfoBubbleView @synthesize arrowLocation = arrowLocation_; @synthesize alignment = alignment_; @synthesize cornerFlags = cornerFlags_; - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) { arrowLocation_ = info_bubble::kTopLeft; alignment_ = info_bubble::kAlignArrowToAnchor; cornerFlags_ = info_bubble::kRoundedAllCorners; backgroundColor_.reset([[NSColor whiteColor] retain]); } return self; } - (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)event { InfoBubbleWindow* info_bubble_window = base::mac::ObjCCast([self window]); if (info_bubble_window && [info_bubble_window isClosing]) { // When a keyboard shortcut is pressed, the method that handles it is // -[NSApplication _handleKeyEquivalent:], which calls the // -performKeyEquivalent methods on all windows in the window list, whether // they are open or closed, shown or hidden, active or dying. If a bubble // window is closed but lingers in an autorelease pool, it might receive // unexpected requests for key commands; see for // an example. In such a case, make sure the key equivalent search stops // here rather than proceeding down the view hierarchy and tickling stale // pointers. return NO; } return [super performKeyEquivalent:event]; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { // Make room for the border to be seen. NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; if (arrowLocation_ != info_bubble::kNoArrow) { bounds.size.height -= info_bubble::kBubbleArrowHeight; } rect.size.height -= info_bubble::kBubbleArrowHeight; float topRadius = cornerFlags_ & info_bubble::kRoundedTopCorners ? info_bubble::kBubbleCornerRadius : 0; float bottomRadius = cornerFlags_ & info_bubble::kRoundedBottomCorners ? info_bubble::kBubbleCornerRadius : 0; NSBezierPath* bezier = [NSBezierPath gtm_bezierPathWithRoundRect:bounds topLeftCornerRadius:topRadius topRightCornerRadius:topRadius bottomLeftCornerRadius:bottomRadius bottomRightCornerRadius:bottomRadius]; // Add the bubble arrow. CGFloat dX = 0; switch (arrowLocation_) { case info_bubble::kTopLeft: dX = info_bubble::kBubbleArrowXOffset; break; case info_bubble::kTopRight: dX = NSWidth(bounds) - info_bubble::kBubbleArrowXOffset - info_bubble::kBubbleArrowWidth; break; case info_bubble::kTopCenter: dX = NSMidX(bounds) - info_bubble::kBubbleArrowWidth / 2.0; break; case info_bubble::kNoArrow: break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } NSPoint arrowStart = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds)); arrowStart.x += dX; [bezier moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(arrowStart.x, arrowStart.y)]; if (arrowLocation_ != info_bubble::kNoArrow) { [bezier lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(arrowStart.x + info_bubble::kBubbleArrowWidth / 2.0, arrowStart.y + info_bubble::kBubbleArrowHeight)]; } [bezier lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(arrowStart.x + info_bubble::kBubbleArrowWidth, arrowStart.y)]; [bezier closePath]; [backgroundColor_ set]; [bezier fill]; } - (NSPoint)arrowTip { NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; CGFloat tipXOffset = info_bubble::kBubbleArrowXOffset + info_bubble::kBubbleArrowWidth / 2.0; CGFloat xOffset = 0.0; switch(arrowLocation_) { case info_bubble::kTopRight: xOffset = NSMaxX(bounds) - tipXOffset; break; case info_bubble::kTopLeft: xOffset = NSMinX(bounds) + tipXOffset; break; case info_bubble::kTopCenter: xOffset = NSMidX(bounds); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } NSPoint arrowTip = NSMakePoint(xOffset, NSMaxY(bounds)); return arrowTip; } - (NSColor*)backgroundColor { return backgroundColor_; } - (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor*)backgroundColor { backgroundColor_.reset([backgroundColor retain]); } @end