// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/nswindow_additions.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" typedef void* CGSConnectionID; typedef int CGSWindowID; typedef int CGSError; typedef int CGSWorkspaceID; // These are private APIs we look up at run time. typedef CGSConnectionID (*CGSDefaultConnectionFunc)(void); typedef CGSError (*CGSGetWindowWorkspaceFunc)(const CGSConnectionID cid, CGSWindowID wid, CGSWorkspaceID* workspace); typedef CGSError (*CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowListFunc)(const CGSConnectionID cid, CGSWindowID* wids, int count, CGSWorkspaceID workspace); static CGSDefaultConnectionFunc sCGSDefaultConnection; static CGSGetWindowWorkspaceFunc sCGSGetWindowWorkspace; static CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowListFunc sCGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList; @implementation NSWindow(ChromeAdditions) // Looks up private Spaces APIs using dlsym. - (BOOL)cr_initializeWorkspaceAPIs { static BOOL shouldInitialize = YES; if (shouldInitialize) { shouldInitialize = NO; NSBundle* coreGraphicsBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.CoreGraphics"]; NSString* coreGraphicsPath = [[coreGraphicsBundle bundlePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"CoreGraphics"]; void* coreGraphicsLibrary = dlopen([coreGraphicsPath UTF8String], RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY); if (coreGraphicsLibrary) { sCGSDefaultConnection = (CGSDefaultConnectionFunc)dlsym(coreGraphicsLibrary, "_CGSDefaultConnection"); if (!sCGSDefaultConnection) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to lookup _CGSDefaultConnection API" << dlerror(); } sCGSGetWindowWorkspace = (CGSGetWindowWorkspaceFunc)dlsym(coreGraphicsLibrary, "CGSGetWindowWorkspace"); if (!sCGSGetWindowWorkspace) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to lookup CGSGetWindowWorkspace API" << dlerror(); } sCGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList = (CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowListFunc)dlsym(coreGraphicsLibrary, "CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList"); if (!sCGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to lookup CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList API" << dlerror(); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load CoreGraphics lib" << dlerror(); } } return sCGSDefaultConnection != NULL && sCGSGetWindowWorkspace != NULL && sCGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList != NULL; } - (BOOL)cr_workspace:(CGSWorkspaceID*)outWorkspace { if (![self cr_initializeWorkspaceAPIs]) { return NO; } // If this ASSERT fails then consider using CGSDefaultConnectionForThread() // instead of CGSDefaultConnection(). DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]); CGSConnectionID cid = sCGSDefaultConnection(); CGSWindowID wid = [self windowNumber]; CGSError err = sCGSGetWindowWorkspace(cid, wid, outWorkspace); return err == 0; } - (BOOL)cr_moveToWorkspace:(CGSWorkspaceID)workspace { if (![self cr_initializeWorkspaceAPIs]) { return NO; } // If this ASSERT fails then consider using CGSDefaultConnectionForThread() // instead of CGSDefaultConnection(). DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]); CGSConnectionID cid = sCGSDefaultConnection(); CGSWindowID wid = [self windowNumber]; // CGSSetWorkspaceForWindow doesn't seem to work for some reason. CGSError err = sCGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList(cid, &wid, 1, workspace); return err == 0; } @end