// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_controller.h" #include #include #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h" #include "base/mac/mac_util.h" #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" #import "chrome/browser/themes/theme_properties.h" #import "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/media_indicator_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_controller_target.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/themed_window.h" #import "extensions/common/extension.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #import "third_party/google_toolbox_for_mac/src/AppKit/GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell.h" #import "ui/base/cocoa/menu_controller.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util_mac.h" @implementation TabController @synthesize action = action_; @synthesize app = app_; @synthesize loadingState = loadingState_; @synthesize mini = mini_; @synthesize pinned = pinned_; @synthesize target = target_; @synthesize url = url_; namespace TabControllerInternal { // A C++ delegate that handles enabling/disabling menu items and handling when // a menu command is chosen. Also fixes up the menu item label for "pin/unpin // tab". class MenuDelegate : public ui::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate { public: explicit MenuDelegate(id target, TabController* owner) : target_(target), owner_(owner) {} // Overridden from ui::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate virtual bool IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const OVERRIDE { TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand command = static_cast(command_id); return [target_ isCommandEnabled:command forController:owner_]; } virtual bool GetAcceleratorForCommandId( int command_id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator) OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void ExecuteCommand(int command_id, int event_flags) OVERRIDE { TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand command = static_cast(command_id); [target_ commandDispatch:command forController:owner_]; } private: id target_; // weak TabController* owner_; // weak, owns me }; } // TabControllerInternal namespace // The min widths is the smallest number at which the right edge of the right // tab border image is not visibly clipped. It is a bit smaller than the sum // of the two tab edge bitmaps because these bitmaps have a few transparent // pixels on the side. The selected tab width includes the close button width. + (CGFloat)minTabWidth { return 36; } + (CGFloat)minSelectedTabWidth { return 52; } + (CGFloat)maxTabWidth { return 214; } + (CGFloat)miniTabWidth { return 58; } + (CGFloat)appTabWidth { return 66; } - (TabView*)tabView { DCHECK([[self view] isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]); return static_cast([self view]); } - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { // Icon. // Remember the icon's frame, so that if the icon is ever removed, a new // one can later replace it in the proper location. originalIconFrame_ = NSMakeRect(19, 5, 16, 16); iconView_.reset([[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:originalIconFrame_]); [iconView_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin]; // When the icon is removed, the title expands to the left to fill the // space left by the icon. When the close button is removed, the title // expands to the right to fill its space. These are the amounts to expand // and contract titleView_ under those conditions. We don't have to // explicilty save the offset between the title and the close button since // we can just get that value for the close button's frame. NSRect titleFrame = NSMakeRect(35, 6, 92, 14); // Label. titleView_.reset([[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:titleFrame]); [titleView_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable]; base::scoped_nsobject labelCell( [[GTMFadeTruncatingTextFieldCell alloc] initTextCell:@"Label"]); [labelCell setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; CGFloat fontSize = [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithName: [[labelCell font] fontName] size:fontSize]; [labelCell setFont:font]; [titleView_ setCell:labelCell]; titleViewCell_ = labelCell; // Close button. closeButton_.reset([[HoverCloseButton alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(127, 4, 18, 18)]); [closeButton_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin]; [closeButton_ setTarget:self]; [closeButton_ setAction:@selector(closeTab:)]; base::scoped_nsobject view( [[TabView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 160, 25) controller:self closeButton:closeButton_]); [view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin]; [view addSubview:iconView_]; [view addSubview:titleView_]; [view addSubview:closeButton_]; [super setView:view]; isIconShowing_ = YES; NSNotificationCenter* defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(themeChangedNotification:) name:kBrowserThemeDidChangeNotification object:nil]; [self internalSetSelected:selected_]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [mediaIndicatorView_ setAnimationDoneCallbackObject:nil withSelector:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [[self tabView] setController:nil]; [super dealloc]; } // The internals of |-setSelected:| and |-setActive:| but doesn't set the // backing variables. This updates the drawing state and marks self as needing // a re-draw. - (void)internalSetSelected:(BOOL)selected { TabView* tabView = [self tabView]; DCHECK([tabView isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]); [tabView setState:selected]; if ([self active]) [tabView cancelAlert]; [self updateVisibility]; [self updateTitleColor]; } // Called when Cocoa wants to display the context menu. Lazily instantiate // the menu based off of the cross-platform model. Re-create the menu and // model every time to get the correct labels and enabling. - (NSMenu*)menu { contextMenuDelegate_.reset( new TabControllerInternal::MenuDelegate(target_, self)); contextMenuModel_.reset( [target_ contextMenuModelForController:self menuDelegate:contextMenuDelegate_.get()]); contextMenuController_.reset( [[MenuController alloc] initWithModel:contextMenuModel_.get() useWithPopUpButtonCell:NO]); return [contextMenuController_ menu]; } - (void)closeTab:(id)sender { if ([[self target] respondsToSelector:@selector(closeTab:)]) { [[self target] performSelector:@selector(closeTab:) withObject:[self view]]; } } - (void)selectTab:(id)sender { if ([[self tabView] isClosing]) return; if ([[self target] respondsToSelector:[self action]]) { [[self target] performSelector:[self action] withObject:[self view]]; } } - (void)setTitle:(NSString*)title { if ([[self title] isEqualToString:title]) return; [titleView_ setStringValue:title]; base::string16 title16 = base::SysNSStringToUTF16(title); bool isRTL = base::i18n::GetFirstStrongCharacterDirection(title16) == base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT; titleViewCell_.truncateMode = isRTL ? GTMFadeTruncatingHead : GTMFadeTruncatingTail; if ([self mini] && ![self selected]) { TabView* tabView = static_cast([self view]); DCHECK([tabView isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]); [tabView startAlert]; } [super setTitle:title]; } - (void)setToolTip:(NSString*)toolTip { [[self view] setToolTip:toolTip]; } - (void)setActive:(BOOL)active { if (active != active_) { active_ = active; [self internalSetSelected:[self selected]]; } } - (BOOL)active { return active_; } - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected { if (selected_ != selected) { selected_ = selected; [self internalSetSelected:[self selected]]; } } - (BOOL)selected { return selected_ || active_; } - (NSView*)iconView { return iconView_; } - (void)setIconView:(NSView*)iconView { [iconView_ removeFromSuperview]; iconView_.reset([iconView retain]); if ([self app] || [self mini]) { NSRect appIconFrame = [iconView frame]; appIconFrame.origin = originalIconFrame_.origin; const CGFloat tabWidth = [self app] ? [TabController appTabWidth] : [TabController miniTabWidth]; // Center the icon. appIconFrame.origin.x = std::floor((tabWidth - NSWidth(appIconFrame)) / 2.0); [iconView_ setFrame:appIconFrame]; } else { [iconView_ setFrame:originalIconFrame_]; } // Ensure that the icon is suppressed if no icon is set or if the tab is too // narrow to display one. [self updateVisibility]; if (iconView_) [[self view] addSubview:iconView_]; } - (NSTextField*)titleView { return titleView_; } - (MediaIndicatorView*)mediaIndicatorView { return mediaIndicatorView_; } - (void)setMediaIndicatorView:(MediaIndicatorView*)mediaIndicatorView { [mediaIndicatorView_ removeFromSuperview]; mediaIndicatorView_.reset([mediaIndicatorView retain]); [self updateVisibility]; if (mediaIndicatorView_) { [[self view] addSubview:mediaIndicatorView_]; [mediaIndicatorView_ setAnimationDoneCallbackObject:self withSelector:@selector(updateVisibility)]; } } - (HoverCloseButton*)closeButton { return closeButton_; } - (NSString*)toolTip { return [[self tabView] toolTipText]; } // Return a rough approximation of the number of icons we could fit in the // tab. We never actually do this, but it's a helpful guide for determining // how much space we have available. - (int)iconCapacity { const CGFloat availableWidth = std::max( 0, NSMaxX([closeButton_ frame]) - NSMinX(originalIconFrame_)); const CGFloat widthPerIcon = NSWidth(originalIconFrame_); const int kPaddingBetweenIcons = 2; if (availableWidth >= widthPerIcon && availableWidth < (widthPerIcon + kPaddingBetweenIcons)) { return 1; } return availableWidth / (widthPerIcon + kPaddingBetweenIcons); } - (BOOL)shouldShowIcon { return chrome::ShouldTabShowFavicon( [self iconCapacity], [self mini], [self selected], iconView_ != nil, !mediaIndicatorView_ ? TAB_MEDIA_STATE_NONE : [mediaIndicatorView_ animatingMediaState]); } - (BOOL)shouldShowMediaIndicator { if (!mediaIndicatorView_) return NO; return chrome::ShouldTabShowMediaIndicator( [self iconCapacity], [self mini], [self selected], iconView_ != nil, [mediaIndicatorView_ animatingMediaState]); } - (BOOL)shouldShowCloseButton { return chrome::ShouldTabShowCloseButton( [self iconCapacity], [self mini], [self selected]); } - (void)updateVisibility { // iconView_ may have been replaced or it may be nil, so [iconView_ isHidden] // won't work. Instead, the state of the icon is tracked separately in // isIconShowing_. BOOL newShowIcon = [self shouldShowIcon]; [iconView_ setHidden:!newShowIcon]; isIconShowing_ = newShowIcon; // If the tab is a mini-tab, hide the title. [titleView_ setHidden:[self mini]]; BOOL newShowCloseButton = [self shouldShowCloseButton]; [closeButton_ setHidden:!newShowCloseButton]; BOOL newShowMediaIndicator = [self shouldShowMediaIndicator]; [mediaIndicatorView_ setHidden:!newShowMediaIndicator]; if (newShowMediaIndicator) { NSRect newFrame = [mediaIndicatorView_ frame]; if ([self app] || [self mini]) { // Tab is pinned: Position the media indicator in the center. const CGFloat tabWidth = [self app] ? [TabController appTabWidth] : [TabController miniTabWidth]; newFrame.origin.x = std::floor((tabWidth - NSWidth(newFrame)) / 2); newFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(originalIconFrame_) - std::floor((NSHeight(newFrame) - NSHeight(originalIconFrame_)) / 2); } else { // The Frame for the mediaIndicatorView_ depends on whether iconView_ // and/or closeButton_ are visible, and where they have been positioned. const NSRect closeButtonFrame = [closeButton_ frame]; newFrame.origin.x = NSMinX(closeButtonFrame); // Position to the left of the close button when it is showing. if (newShowCloseButton) newFrame.origin.x -= NSWidth(newFrame); // Media indicator is centered vertically, with respect to closeButton_. newFrame.origin.y = NSMinY(closeButtonFrame) - std::floor((NSHeight(newFrame) - NSHeight(closeButtonFrame)) / 2); } [mediaIndicatorView_ setFrame:newFrame]; } // Adjust the title view based on changes to the icon's and close button's // visibility. NSRect oldTitleFrame = [titleView_ frame]; NSRect newTitleFrame; newTitleFrame.size.height = oldTitleFrame.size.height; newTitleFrame.origin.y = oldTitleFrame.origin.y; if (newShowIcon) { newTitleFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX([iconView_ frame]); } else { newTitleFrame.origin.x = originalIconFrame_.origin.x; } if (newShowMediaIndicator) { newTitleFrame.size.width = NSMinX([mediaIndicatorView_ frame]) - newTitleFrame.origin.x; } else if (newShowCloseButton) { newTitleFrame.size.width = NSMinX([closeButton_ frame]) - newTitleFrame.origin.x; } else { newTitleFrame.size.width = NSMaxX([closeButton_ frame]) - newTitleFrame.origin.x; } [titleView_ setFrame:newTitleFrame]; } - (void)updateTitleColor { NSColor* titleColor = nil; ui::ThemeProvider* theme = [[[self view] window] themeProvider]; if (theme && ![self selected]) titleColor = theme->GetNSColor(ThemeProperties::COLOR_BACKGROUND_TAB_TEXT); // Default to the selected text color unless told otherwise. if (theme && !titleColor) titleColor = theme->GetNSColor(ThemeProperties::COLOR_TAB_TEXT); [titleView_ setTextColor:titleColor ? titleColor : [NSColor textColor]]; } - (void)themeChangedNotification:(NSNotification*)notification { [self updateTitleColor]; } // Called by the tabs to determine whether we are in rapid (tab) closure mode. - (BOOL)inRapidClosureMode { if ([[self target] respondsToSelector:@selector(inRapidClosureMode)]) { return [[self target] performSelector:@selector(inRapidClosureMode)] ? YES : NO; } return NO; } // The following methods are invoked from the TabView and are forwarded to the // TabStripDragController. - (BOOL)tabCanBeDragged:(TabController*)controller { return [[target_ dragController] tabCanBeDragged:controller]; } - (void)maybeStartDrag:(NSEvent*)event forTab:(TabController*)tab { [[target_ dragController] maybeStartDrag:event forTab:tab]; } @end