// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/bubble/bubble_gtk.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/bubble/bubble_accelerators_gtk.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_theme_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_compat.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_hig_constants.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_windowing.h" #include "ui/gfx/gtk_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/path.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" namespace { // The height of the arrow, and the width will be about twice the height. const int kArrowSize = 8; // Number of pixels to the middle of the arrow from the close edge of the // window. const int kArrowX = 18; // Number of pixels between the tip of the arrow and the region we're // pointing to. const int kArrowToContentPadding = -4; // We draw flat diagonal corners, each corner is an NxN square. const int kCornerSize = 3; // Margins around the content. const int kTopMargin = kArrowSize + kCornerSize - 1; const int kBottomMargin = kCornerSize - 1; const int kLeftMargin = kCornerSize - 1; const int kRightMargin = kCornerSize - 1; const GdkColor kBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); const GdkColor kFrameColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0x63, 0x63, 0x63); // Helper functions that encapsulate arrow locations. bool HasArrow(BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk location) { return location != BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_NONE && location != BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_FLOAT; } bool IsArrowLeft(BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk location) { return location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT || location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT; } bool IsArrowRight(BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk location) { return location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT || location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } bool IsArrowTop(BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk location) { return location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT || location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT; } bool IsArrowBottom(BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk location) { return location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT || location == BubbleGtk::ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } } // namespace // static BubbleGtk* BubbleGtk::Show(GtkWidget* anchor_widget, const gfx::Rect* rect, GtkWidget* content, ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location, bool match_system_theme, bool grab_input, GtkThemeService* provider, BubbleDelegateGtk* delegate) { BubbleGtk* bubble = new BubbleGtk(provider, match_system_theme); bubble->Init(anchor_widget, rect, content, arrow_location, grab_input); bubble->set_delegate(delegate); return bubble; } BubbleGtk::BubbleGtk(GtkThemeService* provider, bool match_system_theme) : delegate_(NULL), window_(NULL), theme_service_(provider), accel_group_(gtk_accel_group_new()), toplevel_window_(NULL), anchor_widget_(NULL), mask_region_(NULL), preferred_arrow_location_(ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT), current_arrow_location_(ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT), match_system_theme_(match_system_theme), grab_input_(true), closed_by_escape_(false) { } BubbleGtk::~BubbleGtk() { // Notify the delegate that we're about to close. This gives the chance // to save state / etc from the hosted widget before it's destroyed. if (delegate_) delegate_->BubbleClosing(this, closed_by_escape_); g_object_unref(accel_group_); if (mask_region_) gdk_region_destroy(mask_region_); } void BubbleGtk::Init(GtkWidget* anchor_widget, const gfx::Rect* rect, GtkWidget* content, ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location, bool grab_input) { // If there is a current grab widget (menu, other bubble, etc.), hide it. GtkWidget* current_grab_widget = gtk_grab_get_current(); if (current_grab_widget) gtk_widget_hide(current_grab_widget); DCHECK(!window_); anchor_widget_ = anchor_widget; toplevel_window_ = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(anchor_widget_); DCHECK(gtk_widget_is_toplevel(toplevel_window_)); rect_ = rect ? *rect : gtk_util::WidgetBounds(anchor_widget); preferred_arrow_location_ = arrow_location; grab_input_ = grab_input; // Using a TOPLEVEL window may cause placement issues with certain WMs but it // is necessary to be able to focus the window. window_ = gtk_window_new(grab_input ? GTK_WINDOW_POPUP : GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(window_, TRUE); // Resizing is handled by the program, not user. gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(window_), FALSE); // Attach all of the accelerators to the bubble. for (BubbleAcceleratorsGtk::const_iterator i(BubbleAcceleratorsGtk::begin()); i != BubbleAcceleratorsGtk::end(); ++i) { gtk_accel_group_connect(accel_group_, i->keyval, i->modifier_type, GtkAccelFlags(0), g_cclosure_new(G_CALLBACK(&OnGtkAcceleratorThunk), this, NULL)); } gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(window_), accel_group_); GtkWidget* alignment = gtk_alignment_new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); gtk_alignment_set_padding(GTK_ALIGNMENT(alignment), kTopMargin, kBottomMargin, kLeftMargin, kRightMargin); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(alignment), content); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window_), alignment); // GtkWidget only exposes the bitmap mask interface. Use GDK to more // efficently mask a GdkRegion. Make sure the window is realized during // OnSizeAllocate, so the mask can be applied to the GdkWindow. gtk_widget_realize(window_); UpdateArrowLocation(true); // Force move and reshape. StackWindow(); gtk_widget_add_events(window_, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); signals_.Connect(window_, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(OnExposeThunk), this); signals_.Connect(window_, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(OnSizeAllocateThunk), this); signals_.Connect(window_, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(OnButtonPressThunk), this); signals_.Connect(window_, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(OnDestroyThunk), this); signals_.Connect(window_, "hide", G_CALLBACK(OnHideThunk), this); // If the toplevel window is being used as the anchor, then the signals below // are enough to keep us positioned correctly. if (anchor_widget_ != toplevel_window_) { signals_.Connect(anchor_widget_, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(OnAnchorAllocateThunk), this); signals_.Connect(anchor_widget_, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroyed), &anchor_widget_); } signals_.Connect(toplevel_window_, "configure-event", G_CALLBACK(OnToplevelConfigureThunk), this); signals_.Connect(toplevel_window_, "unmap-event", G_CALLBACK(OnToplevelUnmapThunk), this); // Set |toplevel_window_| to NULL if it gets destroyed. signals_.Connect(toplevel_window_, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroyed), &toplevel_window_); gtk_widget_show_all(window_); if (grab_input_) { gtk_grab_add(window_); GrabPointerAndKeyboard(); } registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_BROWSER_THEME_CHANGED, content::Source(theme_service_)); theme_service_->InitThemesFor(this); } // NOTE: This seems a bit overcomplicated, but it requires a bunch of careful // fudging to get the pixels rasterized exactly where we want them, the arrow to // have a 1 pixel point, etc. // TODO(deanm): Windows draws with Skia and uses some PNG images for the // corners. This is a lot more work, but they get anti-aliasing. // static std::vector BubbleGtk::MakeFramePolygonPoints( ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location, int width, int height, FrameType type) { using gtk_util::MakeBidiGdkPoint; std::vector points; int top_arrow_size = IsArrowTop(arrow_location) ? kArrowSize : 0; int bottom_arrow_size = IsArrowBottom(arrow_location) ? kArrowSize : 0; bool on_left = IsArrowLeft(arrow_location); // If we're stroking the frame, we need to offset some of our points by 1 // pixel. We do this when we draw horizontal lines that are on the bottom or // when we draw vertical lines that are closer to the end (where "end" is the // right side for ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT). int y_off = (type == FRAME_MASK) ? 0 : -1; // We use this one for arrows located on the left. int x_off_l = on_left ? y_off : 0; // We use this one for RTL. int x_off_r = !on_left ? -y_off : 0; // Top left corner. points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( x_off_r, top_arrow_size + kCornerSize - 1, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kCornerSize + x_off_r - 1, top_arrow_size, width, on_left)); // The top arrow. if (top_arrow_size) { points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX - top_arrow_size + x_off_r, top_arrow_size, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + x_off_r, 0, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + 1 + x_off_l, 0, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + top_arrow_size + 1 + x_off_l, top_arrow_size, width, on_left)); } // Top right corner. points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( width - kCornerSize + 1 + x_off_l, top_arrow_size, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( width + x_off_l, top_arrow_size + kCornerSize - 1, width, on_left)); // Bottom right corner. points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( width + x_off_l, height - bottom_arrow_size - kCornerSize, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( width - kCornerSize + x_off_r, height - bottom_arrow_size + y_off, width, on_left)); // The bottom arrow. if (bottom_arrow_size) { points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + bottom_arrow_size + 1 + x_off_l, height - bottom_arrow_size + y_off, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + 1 + x_off_l, height + y_off, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX + x_off_r, height + y_off, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kArrowX - bottom_arrow_size + x_off_r, height - bottom_arrow_size + y_off, width, on_left)); } // Bottom left corner. points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( kCornerSize + x_off_l, height -bottom_arrow_size + y_off, width, on_left)); points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint( x_off_r, height - bottom_arrow_size - kCornerSize, width, on_left)); return points; } BubbleGtk::ArrowLocationGtk BubbleGtk::GetArrowLocation( ArrowLocationGtk preferred_location, int arrow_x, int arrow_y, int width, int height) { int screen_width = gdk_screen_get_width(gdk_screen_get_default()); int screen_height = gdk_screen_get_height(gdk_screen_get_default()); // Choose whether we should show this bubble above the specified location or // below it. bool wants_top = IsArrowTop(preferred_location) || preferred_location == ARROW_LOCATION_NONE; bool top_is_onscreen = (arrow_y + height < screen_height); bool bottom_is_onscreen = (arrow_y - height >= 0); ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location_none; ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location_left; ArrowLocationGtk arrow_location_right; if (top_is_onscreen && (wants_top || !bottom_is_onscreen)) { arrow_location_none = ARROW_LOCATION_NONE; arrow_location_left = ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT; arrow_location_right =ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT; } else { arrow_location_none = ARROW_LOCATION_FLOAT; arrow_location_left = ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT; arrow_location_right =ARROW_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } if (!HasArrow(preferred_location)) return arrow_location_none; bool wants_left = IsArrowLeft(preferred_location); bool left_is_onscreen = (arrow_x - kArrowX + width < screen_width); bool right_is_onscreen = (arrow_x + kArrowX - width >= 0); // Use the requested location if it fits onscreen, use whatever fits // otherwise, and use the requested location if neither fits. if (left_is_onscreen && (wants_left || !right_is_onscreen)) return arrow_location_left; if (right_is_onscreen && (!wants_left || !left_is_onscreen)) return arrow_location_right; return (wants_left ? arrow_location_left : arrow_location_right); } bool BubbleGtk::UpdateArrowLocation(bool force_move_and_reshape) { if (!toplevel_window_ || !anchor_widget_) return false; gint toplevel_x = 0, toplevel_y = 0; gdk_window_get_position(gtk_widget_get_window(toplevel_window_), &toplevel_x, &toplevel_y); int offset_x, offset_y; gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(anchor_widget_, toplevel_window_, rect_.x(), rect_.y(), &offset_x, &offset_y); ArrowLocationGtk old_location = current_arrow_location_; GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(window_, &allocation); current_arrow_location_ = GetArrowLocation( preferred_arrow_location_, toplevel_x + offset_x + (rect_.width() / 2), // arrow_x toplevel_y + offset_y, allocation.width, allocation.height); if (force_move_and_reshape || current_arrow_location_ != old_location) { UpdateWindowShape(); MoveWindow(); // We need to redraw the entire window to repaint its border. gtk_widget_queue_draw(window_); return true; } return false; } void BubbleGtk::UpdateWindowShape() { if (mask_region_) { gdk_region_destroy(mask_region_); mask_region_ = NULL; } GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(window_, &allocation); std::vector points = MakeFramePolygonPoints( current_arrow_location_, allocation.width, allocation.height, FRAME_MASK); mask_region_ = gdk_region_polygon(&points[0], points.size(), GDK_EVEN_ODD_RULE); GdkWindow* gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(window_); gdk_window_shape_combine_region(gdk_window, NULL, 0, 0); gdk_window_shape_combine_region(gdk_window, mask_region_, 0, 0); } void BubbleGtk::MoveWindow() { if (!toplevel_window_ || !anchor_widget_) return; gint toplevel_x = 0, toplevel_y = 0; gdk_window_get_position(gtk_widget_get_window(toplevel_window_), &toplevel_x, &toplevel_y); int offset_x, offset_y; gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(anchor_widget_, toplevel_window_, rect_.x(), rect_.y(), &offset_x, &offset_y); GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(window_, &allocation); gint screen_x = 0; if (!HasArrow(current_arrow_location_)) { screen_x = toplevel_x + offset_x + (rect_.width() / 2) - allocation.width / 2; } else if (IsArrowLeft(current_arrow_location_)) { screen_x = toplevel_x + offset_x + (rect_.width() / 2) - kArrowX; } else if (IsArrowRight(current_arrow_location_)) { GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(window_, &allocation); screen_x = toplevel_x + offset_x + (rect_.width() / 2) - allocation.width + kArrowX; } else { NOTREACHED(); } gint screen_y = toplevel_y + offset_y + rect_.height(); if (IsArrowTop(current_arrow_location_) || current_arrow_location_ == ARROW_LOCATION_NONE) { screen_y += kArrowToContentPadding; } else { screen_y -= allocation.height + kArrowToContentPadding; } gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window_), screen_x, screen_y); } void BubbleGtk::StackWindow() { // Stack our window directly above the toplevel window. if (toplevel_window_) ui::StackPopupWindow(window_, toplevel_window_); } void BubbleGtk::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(type, chrome::NOTIFICATION_BROWSER_THEME_CHANGED); if (theme_service_->UsingNativeTheme() && match_system_theme_) { gtk_widget_modify_bg(window_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, NULL); } else { // Set the background color, so we don't need to paint it manually. gtk_widget_modify_bg(window_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &kBackgroundColor); } } void BubbleGtk::HandlePointerAndKeyboardUngrabbedByContent() { if (grab_input_) GrabPointerAndKeyboard(); } void BubbleGtk::Close() { // We don't need to ungrab the pointer or keyboard here; the X server will // automatically do that when we destroy our window. DCHECK(window_); gtk_widget_destroy(window_); // |this| has been deleted, see OnDestroy. } void BubbleGtk::GrabPointerAndKeyboard() { GdkWindow* gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(window_); // Install X pointer and keyboard grabs to make sure that we have the focus // and get all mouse and keyboard events until we're closed. GdkGrabStatus pointer_grab_status = gdk_pointer_grab(gdk_window, TRUE, // owner_events GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK, // event_mask NULL, // confine_to NULL, // cursor GDK_CURRENT_TIME); if (pointer_grab_status != GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS) { // This will fail if someone else already has the pointer grabbed, but // there's not really anything we can do about that. DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to grab pointer (status=" << pointer_grab_status << ")"; } GdkGrabStatus keyboard_grab_status = gdk_keyboard_grab(gdk_window, FALSE, // owner_events GDK_CURRENT_TIME); if (keyboard_grab_status != GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to grab keyboard (status=" << keyboard_grab_status << ")"; } } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnGtkAccelerator(GtkAccelGroup* group, GObject* acceleratable, guint keyval, GdkModifierType modifier) { GdkEventKey msg; GdkKeymapKey* keys; gint n_keys; switch (keyval) { case GDK_Escape: // Close on Esc and trap the accelerator closed_by_escape_ = true; Close(); return TRUE; case GDK_w: // Close on C-w and forward the accelerator if (modifier & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval(NULL, keyval, &keys, &n_keys); if (n_keys) { // Forward the accelerator to root window the bubble is anchored // to for further processing msg.type = GDK_KEY_PRESS; msg.window = gtk_widget_get_window(toplevel_window_); msg.send_event = TRUE; msg.time = GDK_CURRENT_TIME; msg.state = modifier | GDK_MOD2_MASK; msg.keyval = keyval; // length and string are deprecated and thus zeroed out msg.length = 0; msg.string = NULL; msg.hardware_keycode = keys[0].keycode; msg.group = keys[0].group; msg.is_modifier = 0; g_free(keys); gtk_main_do_event(reinterpret_cast(&msg)); } else { // This means that there isn't a h/w code for the keyval in the // current keymap, which is weird but possible if the keymap just // changed. This isn't a critical error, but might be indicative // of something off if it happens regularly. DLOG(WARNING) << "Found no keys for value " << keyval; } Close(); } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnExpose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* expose) { // TODO(erg): This whole method will need to be rewritten in cairo. GdkDrawable* drawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(gtk_widget_get_window(window_)); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(drawable); gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &kFrameColor); // Stroke the frame border. GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(window_, &allocation); std::vector points = MakeFramePolygonPoints( current_arrow_location_, allocation.width, allocation.height, FRAME_STROKE); gdk_draw_polygon(drawable, gc, FALSE, &points[0], points.size()); g_object_unref(gc); return FALSE; // Propagate so our children paint, etc. } // When our size is initially allocated or changed, we need to recompute // and apply our shape mask region. void BubbleGtk::OnSizeAllocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation) { if (!UpdateArrowLocation(false)) { UpdateWindowShape(); if (current_arrow_location_ != ARROW_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT) MoveWindow(); } } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnButtonPress(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event) { // If we got a click in our own window, that's okay (we need to additionally // check that it falls within our bounds, since we've grabbed the pointer and // some events that actually occurred in other windows will be reported with // respect to our window). GdkWindow* gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(window_); if (event->window == gdk_window && (mask_region_ && gdk_region_point_in(mask_region_, event->x, event->y))) { return FALSE; // Propagate. } // Our content widget got a click. if (event->window != gdk_window && gdk_window_get_toplevel(event->window) == gdk_window) { return FALSE; } if (grab_input_) { // Otherwise we had a click outside of our window, close ourself. Close(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnDestroy(GtkWidget* widget) { // We are self deleting, we have a destroy signal setup to catch when we // destroy the widget manually, or the window was closed via X. This will // delete the BubbleGtk object. delete this; return FALSE; // Propagate. } void BubbleGtk::OnHide(GtkWidget* widget) { gtk_widget_destroy(widget); } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnToplevelConfigure(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventConfigure* event) { if (!UpdateArrowLocation(false)) MoveWindow(); StackWindow(); return FALSE; } gboolean BubbleGtk::OnToplevelUnmap(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEvent* event) { Close(); return FALSE; } void BubbleGtk::OnAnchorAllocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation) { if (!UpdateArrowLocation(false)) MoveWindow(); }