// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_UI_GTK_OMNIBOX_OMNIBOX_VIEW_GTK_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_UI_GTK_OMNIBOX_OMNIBOX_VIEW_GTK_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_model.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "ui/base/animation/animation_delegate.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/gtk_signal_registrar.h" #include "ui/base/gtk/owned_widget_gtk.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h" class AutocompleteEditController; class AutocompleteEditModel; class AutocompletePopupView; class Profile; namespace gfx { class Font; } namespace ui { class MultiAnimation; } namespace views { class View; } #if !defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) class GtkThemeService; #endif class OmniboxViewGtk : public OmniboxView, public content::NotificationObserver, public ui::AnimationDelegate { public: // Modeled like the Windows CHARRANGE. Represent a pair of cursor position // offsets. Since GtkTextIters are invalid after the buffer is changed, we // work in character offsets (not bytes). struct CharRange { CharRange() : cp_min(0), cp_max(0) { } CharRange(int n, int x) : cp_min(n), cp_max(x) { } // Returns the start/end of the selection. int selection_min() const { return std::min(cp_min, cp_max); } int selection_max() const { return std::max(cp_min, cp_max); } // Work in integers to match the gint GTK APIs. int cp_min; // For a selection: Represents the start. int cp_max; // For a selection: Represents the end (insert position). }; OmniboxViewGtk(AutocompleteEditController* controller, ToolbarModel* toolbar_model, Profile* profile, CommandUpdater* command_updater, bool popup_window_mode, #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) views::View* location_bar #else GtkWidget* location_bar #endif ); virtual ~OmniboxViewGtk(); // Initialize, create the underlying widgets, etc. void Init(); // Returns the width in pixels needed to display the text from one character // before the caret to the end of the string. See comments in // LocationBarView::Layout as to why this uses -1. int WidthOfTextAfterCursor(); // OmniboxView: virtual AutocompleteEditModel* model() OVERRIDE; virtual const AutocompleteEditModel* model() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SaveStateToTab(content::WebContents* tab) OVERRIDE; virtual void Update( const content::WebContents* tab_for_state_restoring) OVERRIDE; virtual void OpenMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const GURL& alternate_nav_url, size_t index, const string16& keyword) OVERRIDE; virtual string16 GetText() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsEditingOrEmpty() const OVERRIDE; virtual int GetIcon() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetUserText(const string16& text) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetUserText(const string16& text, const string16& display_text, bool update_popup) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const string16& text, size_t caret_pos) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetForcedQuery() OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsSelectAll() OVERRIDE; virtual bool DeleteAtEndPressed() OVERRIDE; virtual void GetSelectionBounds(string16::size_type* start, string16::size_type* end) const OVERRIDE; virtual void SelectAll(bool reversed) OVERRIDE; virtual void RevertAll() OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdatePopup() OVERRIDE; virtual void ClosePopup() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetFocus() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged( const string16& display_text, bool save_original_selection) OVERRIDE; virtual bool OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged( const string16& display_text, size_t user_text_length) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnRevertTemporaryText() OVERRIDE; virtual void OnBeforePossibleChange() OVERRIDE; virtual bool OnAfterPossibleChange() OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeView GetRelativeWindowForPopup() const OVERRIDE; virtual CommandUpdater* GetCommandUpdater() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetInstantSuggestion(const string16& suggestion, bool animate_to_complete) OVERRIDE; virtual string16 GetInstantSuggestion() const OVERRIDE; virtual int TextWidth() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsImeComposing() const OVERRIDE; #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) virtual int GetMaxEditWidth(int entry_width) const OVERRIDE; virtual views::View* AddToView(views::View* parent) OVERRIDE; virtual int OnPerformDrop(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) OVERRIDE; #endif // Overridden from content::NotificationObserver: virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // Overridden from ui::AnimationDelegate. virtual void AnimationEnded(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE; virtual void AnimationProgressed(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE; virtual void AnimationCanceled(const ui::Animation* animation) OVERRIDE; // Sets the colors of the text view according to the theme. void SetBaseColor(); // Sets the colors of the instant suggestion view according to the theme and // the animation state. void UpdateInstantViewColors(); // Returns the text view gtk widget. May return NULL if the widget // has already been destroyed. GtkWidget* text_view() { return text_view_; } private: CHROMEG_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleBeginUserAction, GtkTextBuffer*); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleEndUserAction, GtkTextBuffer*); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_2(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleMarkSet, GtkTextBuffer*, GtkTextIter*, GtkTextMark*); // As above, but called after the default handler. CHROMEG_CALLBACK_2(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleMarkSetAfter, GtkTextBuffer*, GtkTextIter*, GtkTextMark*); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_3(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleInsertText, GtkTextBuffer*, GtkTextIter*, const gchar*, gint); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleKeymapDirectionChanged, GdkKeymap*); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_2(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDeleteRange, GtkTextBuffer*, GtkTextIter*, GtkTextIter*); // Unlike above HandleMarkSet and HandleMarkSetAfter, this handler will always // be connected to the signal. CHROMEG_CALLBACK_2(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleMarkSetAlways, GtkTextBuffer*, GtkTextIter*, GtkTextMark*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleKeyPress, GdkEventKey*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleKeyRelease, GdkEventKey*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleViewButtonPress, GdkEventButton*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleViewButtonRelease, GdkEventButton*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleViewFocusIn, GdkEventFocus*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleViewFocusOut, GdkEventFocus*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleViewMoveFocus, GtkDirectionType); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_3(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleViewMoveCursor, GtkMovementStep, gint, gboolean); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleViewSizeRequest, GtkRequisition*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandlePopulatePopup, GtkMenu*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleEditSearchEngines); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandlePasteAndGo); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_6(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDragDataReceived, GdkDragContext*, gint, gint, GtkSelectionData*, guint, guint); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_4(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDragDataGet, GdkDragContext*, GtkSelectionData*, guint, guint); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDragBegin, GdkDragContext*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDragEnd, GdkDragContext*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleBackSpace); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleCopyClipboard); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleCutClipboard); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandlePasteClipboard); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, gboolean, HandleExposeEvent, GdkEventExpose*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleWidgetDirectionChanged, GtkTextDirection); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_2(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleDeleteFromCursor, GtkDeleteType, gint); // We connect to this so we can determine our toplevel window, so we can // listen to focus change events on it. CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleHierarchyChanged, GtkWidget*); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandlePreEditChanged, const gchar*); // Undo/redo operations won't trigger "begin-user-action" and // "end-user-action" signals, so we need to hook into "undo" and "redo" // signals and call OnBeforePossibleChange()/OnAfterPossibleChange() by // ourselves. CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleUndoRedo); CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleUndoRedoAfter); CHROMEG_CALLBACK_1(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandleWindowSetFocus, GtkWindow*, GtkWidget*); // Callback function called after context menu is closed. CHROMEGTK_CALLBACK_0(OmniboxViewGtk, void, HandlePopupMenuDeactivate); // Callback for the PRIMARY selection clipboard. static void ClipboardGetSelectionThunk(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GtkSelectionData* selection_data, guint info, gpointer object); void ClipboardGetSelection(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GtkSelectionData* selection_data, guint info); void HandleCopyOrCutClipboard(bool copy); // Common implementation for performing a drop on the edit view. bool OnPerformDropImpl(const string16& text); // Returns the font used in |text_view_|. gfx::Font GetFont(); // Take control of the PRIMARY selection clipboard with |text|. Use // |text_buffer_| as the owner, so that this doesn't remove the selection on // it. This makes use of the above callbacks. void OwnPrimarySelection(const std::string& text); // Gets the GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET coordinates for |text_view_| that bound the // given iters. gfx::Rect WindowBoundsFromIters(GtkTextIter* iter1, GtkTextIter* iter2); // Actual implementation of SelectAll(), but also provides control over // whether the PRIMARY selection is set to the selected text (in SelectAll(), // it isn't, but we want set the selection when the user clicks in the entry). void SelectAllInternal(bool reversed, bool update_primary_selection); // Get ready to update |text_buffer_|'s highlighting without making changes to // the PRIMARY selection. Removes the clipboard from |text_buffer_| and // blocks the "mark-set" signal handler. void StartUpdatingHighlightedText(); // Finish updating |text_buffer_|'s highlighting such that future changes will // automatically update the PRIMARY selection. Undoes // StartUpdatingHighlightedText()'s changes. void FinishUpdatingHighlightedText(); // Get the character indices of the current selection. This honors // direction, cp_max is the insertion point, and cp_min is the bound. CharRange GetSelection() const; // Translate from character positions to iterators for the current buffer. void ItersFromCharRange(const CharRange& range, GtkTextIter* iter_min, GtkTextIter* iter_max); // Return the number of characters in the current buffer. int GetTextLength() const; // Places the caret at the given position. This clears any selection. void PlaceCaretAt(int pos); // Returns true if the caret is at the end of the content. bool IsCaretAtEnd() const; // Try to parse the current text as a URL and colorize the components. void EmphasizeURLComponents(); // Internally invoked whenever the text changes in some way. void TextChanged(); // Save |selected_text| as the PRIMARY X selection. Unlike // OwnPrimarySelection(), this won't set an owner or use callbacks. void SavePrimarySelection(const std::string& selected_text); // Update the field with |text| and set the selection. void SetTextAndSelectedRange(const string16& text, const CharRange& range); // Set the selection to |range|. void SetSelectedRange(const CharRange& range); // Adjust the text justification according to the text direction of the widget // and |text_buffer_|'s content, to make sure the real text justification is // always in sync with the UI language direction. void AdjustTextJustification(); // Get the text direction of |text_buffer_|'s content, by searching the first // character that has a strong direction. PangoDirection GetContentDirection(); // Returns the selected text. std::string GetSelectedText() const; // If the selected text parses as a URL OwnPrimarySelection is invoked. void UpdatePrimarySelectionIfValidURL(); // Retrieves the first and last iterators in the |text_buffer_|, but excludes // the anchor holding the |instant_view_| widget. void GetTextBufferBounds(GtkTextIter* start, GtkTextIter* end) const; // Validates an iterator in the |text_buffer_|, to make sure it doesn't go // beyond the anchor for holding the |instant_view_| widget. void ValidateTextBufferIter(GtkTextIter* iter) const; // Adjusts vertical alignment of the |instant_view_| in the |text_view_|, to // make sure they have the same baseline. void AdjustVerticalAlignmentOfInstantView(); // Stop showing the instant suggest auto-commit animation. void StopAnimation(); // The widget we expose, used for vertically centering the real text edit, // since the height will change based on the font / font size, etc. ui::OwnedWidgetGtk alignment_; // The actual text entry which will be owned by the alignment_. The // reference will be set to NULL upon destruction to tell if the gtk // widget tree has been destroyed. This is because gtk destroies child // widgets if the parent (alignemtn_)'s refcount does not go down to 0. GtkWidget* text_view_; GtkTextTagTable* tag_table_; GtkTextBuffer* text_buffer_; GtkTextTag* faded_text_tag_; GtkTextTag* secure_scheme_tag_; GtkTextTag* security_error_scheme_tag_; GtkTextTag* normal_text_tag_; // Objects for the instant suggestion text view. GtkTextTag* instant_anchor_tag_; // A widget for displaying instant suggestion text. It'll be attached to a // child anchor in the |text_buffer_| object. GtkWidget* instant_view_; // Animation from instant suggest (faded text) to autocomplete (selected // text). scoped_ptr instant_animation_; // A mark to split the content and the instant anchor. Wherever the end // iterator of the text buffer is required, the iterator to this mark should // be used. GtkTextMark* instant_mark_; scoped_ptr model_; scoped_ptr popup_view_; AutocompleteEditController* controller_; ToolbarModel* toolbar_model_; // The object that handles additional command functionality exposed on the // edit, such as invoking the keyword editor. CommandUpdater* command_updater_; // When true, the location bar view is read only and also is has a slightly // different presentation (smaller font size). This is used for popups. bool popup_window_mode_; ToolbarModel::SecurityLevel security_level_; // Selection at the point where the user started using the // arrows to move around in the popup. CharRange saved_temporary_selection_; // Tracking state before and after a possible change. string16 text_before_change_; CharRange sel_before_change_; // The most-recently-selected text from the entry that was copied to the // clipboard. This is updated on-the-fly as the user selects text. This may // differ from the actual selected text, such as when 'http://' is prefixed to // the text. It is used in cases where we need to make the PRIMARY selection // persist even after the user has unhighlighted the text in the view // (e.g. when they highlight some text and then click to unhighlight it, we // pass this string to SavePrimarySelection()). std::string selected_text_; std::string dragged_text_; // When we own the X clipboard, this is the text for it. std::string primary_selection_text_; // IDs of the signal handlers for "mark-set" on |text_buffer_|. gulong mark_set_handler_id_; gulong mark_set_handler_id2_; // Is the first mouse button currently down? When selection marks get moved, // we use this to determine if the user was highlighting text with the mouse // -- if so, we avoid selecting all the text on mouse-up. bool button_1_pressed_; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // The following variables are used to implement select-all-on-mouse-up, which // is disabled in the standard Linux build due to poor interaction with the // PRIMARY X selection. // Did the user change the selected text in the middle of the current click? // If so, we don't select all of the text when the button is released -- we // don't want to blow away their selection. bool text_selected_during_click_; // Was the text view already focused before the user clicked in it? We use // this to figure out whether we should select all of the text when the button // is released (we only do so if the view was initially unfocused). bool text_view_focused_before_button_press_; #endif #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) views::View* location_bar_view_; #else // Supplies colors, et cetera. GtkThemeService* theme_service_; content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; #endif // Indicates if Enter key was pressed. // // It's used in the key press handler to detect an Enter key press event // during sync dispatch of "end-user-action" signal so that an unexpected // change caused by the event can be ignored in OnAfterPossibleChange(). bool enter_was_pressed_; // Indicates if Tab key was pressed. // // It's only used in the key press handler to detect a Tab key press event // during sync dispatch of "move-focus" signal. bool tab_was_pressed_; // Indicates that user requested to paste clipboard. // The actual paste clipboard action might be performed later if the // clipboard is not empty. bool paste_clipboard_requested_; // Indicates if an Enter key press is inserted as text. // It's used in the key press handler to determine if an Enter key event is // handled by IME or not. bool enter_was_inserted_; // Indicates whether the IME changed the text. It's possible for the IME to // handle a key event but not change the text contents (e.g., when pressing // shift+del with no selection). bool text_changed_; // Contains the character range that should have a strikethrough (used for // insecure schemes). If the range is size one or less, no strikethrough // is needed. CharRange strikethrough_; // Indicates if the selected text is suggested text or not. If the selection // is not suggested text, that means the user manually made the selection. bool selection_suggested_; // Was delete pressed? bool delete_was_pressed_; // Was the delete key pressed with an empty selection at the end of the edit? bool delete_at_end_pressed_; // Indicates if we are handling a key press event. bool handling_key_press_; // Indicates if omnibox's content maybe changed by a key press event, so that // we need to call OnAfterPossibleChange() after handling the event. // This flag should be set for changes directly caused by a key press event, // including changes to content text, selection range and pre-edit string. // Changes caused by function calls like SetUserText() should not affect this // flag. bool content_maybe_changed_by_key_press_; // Set this flag to call UpdatePopup() in lost focus and need to update. // Because context menu might take the focus, before setting the flag, check // the focus with model_->has_focus(). bool update_popup_without_focus_; // On GTK 2.20+ |pre_edit_| and |pre_edit_size_before_change_| will be used. const bool supports_pre_edit_; // Stores the text being composed by the input method. string16 pre_edit_; // Tracking pre-edit state before and after a possible change. We don't need // to track pre-edit_'s content, as it'll be treated as part of text content. size_t pre_edit_size_before_change_; // The view that is going to be focused next. Only valid while handling // "focus-out" events. GtkWidget* going_to_focus_; ui::GtkSignalRegistrar signals_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OmniboxViewGtk); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_UI_GTK_OMNIBOX_OMNIBOX_VIEW_GTK_H_