// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_view.h" #include <map> #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_bounds_animation.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_frame_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/panel_manager.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/path.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include "ui/views/controls/webview/webview.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/base/win/shell.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/panels/taskbar_window_thumbnailer_win.h" #endif namespace { // Supported accelerators. // Note: We can't use the acclerator table defined in chrome/browser/ui/views // due to checkdeps violation. struct AcceleratorMapping { ui::KeyboardCode keycode; int modifiers; int command_id; }; const AcceleratorMapping kPanelAcceleratorMap[] = { { ui::VKEY_W, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW }, { ui::VKEY_W, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN | ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW }, { ui::VKEY_F4, ui::EF_ALT_DOWN, IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW }, { ui::VKEY_R, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_RELOAD }, { ui::VKEY_F5, ui::EF_NONE, IDC_RELOAD }, { ui::VKEY_R, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN | ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE }, { ui::VKEY_F5, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE }, { ui::VKEY_F5, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN, IDC_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE }, { ui::VKEY_ESCAPE, ui::EF_NONE, IDC_STOP }, { ui::VKEY_OEM_MINUS, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_MINUS }, { ui::VKEY_SUBTRACT, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_MINUS }, { ui::VKEY_0, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL }, { ui::VKEY_NUMPAD0, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL }, { ui::VKEY_OEM_PLUS, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_PLUS }, { ui::VKEY_ADD, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_ZOOM_PLUS }, { ui::VKEY_I, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN | ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_DEV_TOOLS }, { ui::VKEY_J, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN | ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN, IDC_DEV_TOOLS_CONSOLE }, }; const std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>& GetAcceleratorTable() { static std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>* accelerators = NULL; if (!accelerators) { accelerators = new std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPanelAcceleratorMap); ++i) { ui::Accelerator accelerator(kPanelAcceleratorMap[i].keycode, kPanelAcceleratorMap[i].modifiers); (*accelerators)[accelerator] = kPanelAcceleratorMap[i].command_id; } } return *accelerators; } // NativePanelTesting implementation. class NativePanelTestingWin : public NativePanelTesting { public: explicit NativePanelTestingWin(PanelView* panel_view); private: virtual void PressLeftMouseButtonTitlebar( const gfx::Point& mouse_location, panel::ClickModifier modifier) OVERRIDE; virtual void ReleaseMouseButtonTitlebar( panel::ClickModifier modifier) OVERRIDE; virtual void DragTitlebar(const gfx::Point& mouse_location) OVERRIDE; virtual void CancelDragTitlebar() OVERRIDE; virtual void FinishDragTitlebar() OVERRIDE; virtual bool VerifyDrawingAttention() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool VerifyActiveState(bool is_active) OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsWindowSizeKnown() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsAnimatingBounds() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsButtonVisible( panel::TitlebarButtonType button_type) const OVERRIDE; PanelView* panel_view_; }; NativePanelTestingWin::NativePanelTestingWin(PanelView* panel_view) : panel_view_(panel_view) { } void NativePanelTestingWin::PressLeftMouseButtonTitlebar( const gfx::Point& mouse_location, panel::ClickModifier modifier) { panel_view_->OnTitlebarMousePressed(mouse_location); } void NativePanelTestingWin::ReleaseMouseButtonTitlebar( panel::ClickModifier modifier) { panel_view_->OnTitlebarMouseReleased(modifier); } void NativePanelTestingWin::DragTitlebar(const gfx::Point& mouse_location) { panel_view_->OnTitlebarMouseDragged(mouse_location); } void NativePanelTestingWin::CancelDragTitlebar() { panel_view_->OnTitlebarMouseCaptureLost(); } void NativePanelTestingWin::FinishDragTitlebar() { panel_view_->OnTitlebarMouseReleased(panel::NO_MODIFIER); } bool NativePanelTestingWin::VerifyDrawingAttention() const { return panel_view_->GetFrameView()->paint_state() == PanelFrameView::PAINT_FOR_ATTENTION; } bool NativePanelTestingWin::VerifyActiveState(bool is_active) { return panel_view_->GetFrameView()->paint_state() == (is_active ? PanelFrameView::PAINT_AS_ACTIVE : PanelFrameView::PAINT_AS_INACTIVE); } bool NativePanelTestingWin::IsWindowSizeKnown() const { return true; } bool NativePanelTestingWin::IsAnimatingBounds() const { return panel_view_->IsAnimatingBounds(); } bool NativePanelTestingWin::IsButtonVisible( panel::TitlebarButtonType button_type) const { PanelFrameView* frame_view = panel_view_->GetFrameView(); switch (button_type) { case panel::CLOSE_BUTTON: return frame_view->close_button()->visible(); case panel::MINIMIZE_BUTTON: return frame_view->minimize_button()->visible(); case panel::RESTORE_BUTTON: return frame_view->restore_button()->visible(); default: NOTREACHED(); } return false; } } // namespace // static NativePanel* Panel::CreateNativePanel(Panel* panel, const gfx::Rect& bounds) { return new PanelView(panel, bounds); } // The panel window has to be created as always-on-top. We cannot create it // as non-always-on-top and then change it to always-on-top because Windows // system might deny making a window always-on-top if the application is not // a foreground application. In addition, we do not know if the panel should // be created as always-on-top at its creation time. To solve this issue, // always_on_top_ is default to true because we can always change from // always-on-top to not always-on-top but not the other way around. PanelView::PanelView(Panel* panel, const gfx::Rect& bounds) : panel_(panel), bounds_(bounds), window_(NULL), web_view_(NULL), always_on_top_(true), focused_(false), mouse_pressed_(false), mouse_dragging_state_(NO_DRAGGING), is_drawing_attention_(false), force_to_paint_as_inactive_(false), old_focused_view_(NULL) { window_ = new views::Widget; views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_PANEL); params.delegate = this; params.remove_standard_frame = true; params.keep_on_top = true; params.bounds = bounds; window_->Init(params); window_->set_frame_type(views::Widget::FRAME_TYPE_FORCE_CUSTOM); window_->set_focus_on_creation(false); window_->AddObserver(this); web_view_ = new views::WebView(NULL); AddChildView(web_view_); OnViewWasResized(); // Register accelarators supported by panels. views::FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); const std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>& accelerator_table = GetAcceleratorTable(); for (std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>::const_iterator iter = accelerator_table.begin(); iter != accelerator_table.end(); ++iter) { focus_manager->RegisterAccelerator( iter->first, ui::AcceleratorManager::kNormalPriority, this); } #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) ui::win::SetAppIdForWindow( ShellIntegration::GetAppModelIdForProfile(UTF8ToWide(panel->app_name()), panel->profile()->GetPath()), window_->GetNativeWindow()); #endif } PanelView::~PanelView() { web_view_->SetWebContents(NULL); } void PanelView::ShowPanel() { ShowPanelInactive(); ActivatePanel(); // Give web contents view a chance to set focus to the appropriate element // when it is created for the first time. content::WebContents* web_contents = panel_->GetWebContents(); if (web_contents) web_contents->GetView()->RestoreFocus(); } void PanelView::ShowPanelInactive() { if (window_->IsVisible()) return; window_->ShowInactive(); // No animation is used for initial creation of a panel on Win. // Signal immediately that pending actions can be performed. panel_->manager()->OnPanelAnimationEnded(panel_.get()); } gfx::Rect PanelView::GetPanelBounds() const { return bounds_; } void PanelView::SetPanelBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { SetBoundsInternal(bounds, true); } void PanelView::SetPanelBoundsInstantly(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { SetBoundsInternal(bounds, false); } void PanelView::SetBoundsInternal(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds, bool animate) { if (bounds_ == new_bounds) return; bounds_ = new_bounds; if (!animate) { // If no animation is in progress, apply bounds change instantly. Otherwise, // continue the animation with new target bounds. if (!IsAnimatingBounds()) GetWidget()->SetBounds(bounds_); return; } animation_start_bounds_ = window_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen(); bounds_animator_.reset(new PanelBoundsAnimation( this, panel_.get(), animation_start_bounds_, new_bounds)); bounds_animator_->Start(); } void PanelView::AnimationEnded(const ui::Animation* animation) { panel_->manager()->OnPanelAnimationEnded(panel_.get()); } void PanelView::AnimationProgressed(const ui::Animation* animation) { gfx::Rect new_bounds = bounds_animator_->CurrentValueBetween( animation_start_bounds_, bounds_); GetWidget()->SetBounds(new_bounds); } void PanelView::ClosePanel() { // We're already closing. Do nothing. if (!window_) return; if (!panel_->ShouldCloseWindow()) return; // Cancel any currently running animation since we're closing down. if (bounds_animator_.get()) bounds_animator_.reset(); if (panel_->GetWebContents()) { // Still have web contents. Allow renderer to shut down. // When web contents are destroyed, we will be called back again. panel_->OnWindowClosing(); return; } panel_->OnNativePanelClosed(); window_->Close(); window_ = NULL; } void PanelView::ActivatePanel() { window_->Activate(); } void PanelView::DeactivatePanel() { window_->Deactivate(); } bool PanelView::IsPanelActive() const { return focused_; } void PanelView::PreventActivationByOS(bool prevent_activation) { #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) // Set the flags "NoActivate" and "AppWindow" to make sure // the minimized panels do not get activated by the OS, but // do appear in the taskbar and Alt-Tab menu. UpdateWindowAttribute(GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WS_EX_APPWINDOW, prevent_activation); #endif } gfx::NativeWindow PanelView::GetNativePanelHandle() { return window_->GetNativeWindow(); } void PanelView::UpdatePanelTitleBar() { UpdateWindowTitle(); UpdateWindowIcon(); } void PanelView::UpdatePanelLoadingAnimations(bool should_animate) { GetFrameView()->UpdateThrobber(); } void PanelView::NotifyPanelOnUserChangedTheme() { GetFrameView()->SchedulePaint(); } void PanelView::PanelWebContentsFocused(content::WebContents* contents) { web_view_->OnWebContentsFocused(contents); } void PanelView::PanelCut() { // Nothing to do since we do not have panel-specific system menu. NOTREACHED(); } void PanelView::PanelCopy() { // Nothing to do since we do not have panel-specific system menu. NOTREACHED(); } void PanelView::PanelPaste() { // Nothing to do since we do not have panel-specific system menu. NOTREACHED(); } void PanelView::DrawAttention(bool draw_attention) { DCHECK((panel_->attention_mode() & Panel::USE_PANEL_ATTENTION) != 0); if (is_drawing_attention_ == draw_attention) return; is_drawing_attention_ = draw_attention; GetFrameView()->SchedulePaint(); if ((panel_->attention_mode() & Panel::USE_SYSTEM_ATTENTION) != 0) window_->FlashFrame(draw_attention); } bool PanelView::IsDrawingAttention() const { return is_drawing_attention_; } void PanelView::HandlePanelKeyboardEvent( const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { views::FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager->shortcut_handling_suspended()) return; ui::Accelerator accelerator( static_cast<ui::KeyboardCode>(event.windowsKeyCode), content::GetModifiersFromNativeWebKeyboardEvent(event)); if (event.type == WebKit::WebInputEvent::KeyUp) accelerator.set_type(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED); focus_manager->ProcessAccelerator(accelerator); } void PanelView::FullScreenModeChanged(bool is_full_screen) { if (is_full_screen) { if (window_->IsVisible()) window_->Hide(); } else { ShowPanelInactive(); } } bool PanelView::IsPanelAlwaysOnTop() const { return always_on_top_; } void PanelView::SetPanelAlwaysOnTop(bool on_top) { if (always_on_top_ == on_top) return; always_on_top_ = on_top; window_->SetAlwaysOnTop(on_top); window_->non_client_view()->Layout(); window_->client_view()->Layout(); } void PanelView::EnableResizeByMouse(bool enable) { // Nothing to do since we use system resizing. } void PanelView::UpdatePanelMinimizeRestoreButtonVisibility() { GetFrameView()->UpdateTitlebarMinimizeRestoreButtonVisibility(); } void PanelView::PanelExpansionStateChanging(Panel::ExpansionState old_state, Panel::ExpansionState new_state) { #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) // Live preview is only available since Windows 7. if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_WIN7) return; bool is_minimized = old_state != Panel::EXPANDED; bool will_be_minimized = new_state != Panel::EXPANDED; if (is_minimized == will_be_minimized) return; HWND native_window = window_->GetNativeWindow(); if (!thumbnailer_.get()) { DCHECK(native_window); thumbnailer_.reset(new TaskbarWindowThumbnailerWin(native_window)); ui::HWNDSubclass::AddFilterToTarget(native_window, thumbnailer_.get()); } // Cache the image at this point. if (will_be_minimized) { // If the panel is still active (we will deactivate the minimizd panel at // later time), we need to paint it immediately as inactive so that we can // take a snapshot of inactive panel. if (focused_) { force_to_paint_as_inactive_ = true; ::RedrawWindow(native_window, NULL, NULL, RDW_NOCHILDREN | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } thumbnailer_->Start(); } else { force_to_paint_as_inactive_ = false; thumbnailer_->Stop(); } #endif } gfx::Size PanelView::WindowSizeFromContentSize( const gfx::Size& content_size) const { gfx::Size frame = GetFrameView()->NonClientAreaSize(); return gfx::Size(content_size.width() + frame.width(), content_size.height() + frame.height()); } gfx::Size PanelView::ContentSizeFromWindowSize( const gfx::Size& window_size) const { gfx::Size frame = GetFrameView()->NonClientAreaSize(); return gfx::Size(window_size.width() - frame.width(), window_size.height() - frame.height()); } int PanelView::TitleOnlyHeight() const { return panel::kTitlebarHeight; } void PanelView::AttachWebContents(content::WebContents* contents) { web_view_->SetWebContents(contents); } void PanelView::DetachWebContents(content::WebContents* contents) { web_view_->SetWebContents(NULL); } NativePanelTesting* PanelView::CreateNativePanelTesting() { return new NativePanelTestingWin(this); } void PanelView::OnDisplayChanged() { panel_->manager()->display_settings_provider()->OnDisplaySettingsChanged(); } void PanelView::OnWorkAreaChanged() { panel_->manager()->display_settings_provider()->OnDisplaySettingsChanged(); } bool PanelView::WillProcessWorkAreaChange() const { return true; } views::View* PanelView::GetContentsView() { return this; } views::NonClientFrameView* PanelView::CreateNonClientFrameView( views::Widget* widget) { PanelFrameView* frame_view = new PanelFrameView(this); frame_view->Init(); return frame_view; } bool PanelView::CanResize() const { return true; } bool PanelView::CanMaximize() const { return false; } string16 PanelView::GetWindowTitle() const { return panel_->GetWindowTitle(); } gfx::ImageSkia PanelView::GetWindowAppIcon() { gfx::Image app_icon = panel_->app_icon(); if (app_icon.IsEmpty()) return GetWindowIcon(); else return *app_icon.ToImageSkia(); } gfx::ImageSkia PanelView::GetWindowIcon() { gfx::Image icon = panel_->GetCurrentPageIcon(); return icon.IsEmpty() ? gfx::ImageSkia() : *icon.ToImageSkia(); } void PanelView::DeleteDelegate() { delete this; } void PanelView::OnWindowBeginUserBoundsChange() { panel_->OnPanelStartUserResizing(); } void PanelView::OnWindowEndUserBoundsChange() { panel_->OnPanelEndUserResizing(); // No need to proceed with post-resizing update when there is no size change. gfx::Rect new_bounds = window_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen(); if (bounds_ == new_bounds) return; bounds_ = new_bounds; panel_->IncreaseMaxSize(bounds_.size()); panel_->set_full_size(bounds_.size()); panel_->panel_strip()->RefreshLayout(); } views::Widget* PanelView::GetWidget() { return window_; } const views::Widget* PanelView::GetWidget() const { return window_; } void PanelView::UpdateLoadingAnimations(bool should_animate) { GetFrameView()->UpdateThrobber(); } void PanelView::UpdateWindowTitle() { window_->UpdateWindowTitle(); GetFrameView()->UpdateTitle(); } void PanelView::UpdateWindowIcon() { window_->UpdateWindowIcon(); GetFrameView()->UpdateIcon(); } void PanelView::Layout() { // |web_view_| might not be created yet when the window is first created. if (web_view_) web_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, width(), height()); OnViewWasResized(); } gfx::Size PanelView::GetMinimumSize() { return gfx::Size(); } gfx::Size PanelView::GetMaximumSize() { return gfx::Size(); } bool PanelView::AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { if (mouse_pressed_ && accelerator.key_code() == ui::VKEY_ESCAPE) { OnTitlebarMouseCaptureLost(); return true; } // No other accelerator is allowed when the drag begins. if (mouse_dragging_state_ == DRAGGING_STARTED) return true; const std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>& accelerator_table = GetAcceleratorTable(); std::map<ui::Accelerator, int>::const_iterator iter = accelerator_table.find(accelerator); DCHECK(iter != accelerator_table.end()); return panel_->ExecuteCommandIfEnabled(iter->second); } void PanelView::OnWidgetActivationChanged(views::Widget* widget, bool active) { #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_AURA) // The panel window is in focus (actually accepting keystrokes) if it is // active and belongs to a foreground application. bool focused = active && widget->GetNativeWindow() == ::GetForegroundWindow(); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); bool focused = active; #endif if (focused_ == focused) return; focused_ = focused; // Expand the panel if the minimized panel is activated by means other than // clicking on its titlebar. This is the workaround to support restoring the // minimized panel by other means, like alt-tabbing, win-tabbing, or clicking // the taskbar icon. Note that this workaround does not work for one edge // case: the mouse happens to be at the minimized panel when the user tries to // bring up the panel with the above alternatives. // When the user clicks on the minimized panel, the panel expansion will be // done when we process the mouse button pressed message. if (focused_ && panel_->IsMinimized() && gfx::Screen::GetWindowAtCursorScreenPoint() != widget->GetNativeWindow()) { panel_->Restore(); } panel()->OnActiveStateChanged(focused); } bool PanelView::OnTitlebarMousePressed(const gfx::Point& mouse_location) { mouse_pressed_ = true; mouse_dragging_state_ = NO_DRAGGING; last_mouse_location_ = mouse_location; return true; } bool PanelView::OnTitlebarMouseDragged(const gfx::Point& mouse_location) { if (!mouse_pressed_) return false; int delta_x = mouse_location.x() - last_mouse_location_.x(); int delta_y = mouse_location.y() - last_mouse_location_.y(); if (mouse_dragging_state_ == NO_DRAGGING && ExceededDragThreshold(delta_x, delta_y)) { // When a drag begins, we do not want to the client area to still receive // the focus. We do not need to do this for the unfocused minimized panel. if (!panel_->IsMinimized()) { old_focused_view_ = GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedView(); GetFocusManager()->SetFocusedView(GetFrameView()); } panel_->manager()->StartDragging(panel_.get(), last_mouse_location_); mouse_dragging_state_ = DRAGGING_STARTED; } if (mouse_dragging_state_ == DRAGGING_STARTED) { panel_->manager()->Drag(mouse_location); // Once in drag, update |last_mouse_location_| on each drag fragment, since // we already dragged the panel up to the current mouse location. last_mouse_location_ = mouse_location; } return true; } bool PanelView::OnTitlebarMouseReleased(panel::ClickModifier modifier) { if (mouse_dragging_state_ != NO_DRAGGING) { // Ensure dragging a minimized panel does not leave it activated. // Windows activates a panel on mouse-down, regardless of our attempts // to prevent activation of a minimized panel. Now that we know mouse-down // resulted in a mouse-drag, we need to ensure the minimized panel is // deactivated. if (panel_->IsMinimized() && focused_) panel_->Deactivate(); if (mouse_dragging_state_ == DRAGGING_STARTED) { // When a drag ends, restore the focus. if (old_focused_view_) { GetFocusManager()->SetFocusedView(old_focused_view_); old_focused_view_ = NULL; } return EndDragging(false); } // The panel drag was cancelled before the mouse is released. Do not // treat this as a click. return true; } panel_->OnTitlebarClicked(modifier); return true; } bool PanelView::OnTitlebarMouseCaptureLost() { if (mouse_dragging_state_ == DRAGGING_STARTED) return EndDragging(true); return true; } bool PanelView::EndDragging(bool cancelled) { // Only handle clicks that started in our window. if (!mouse_pressed_) return false; mouse_pressed_ = false; mouse_dragging_state_ = DRAGGING_ENDED; panel_->manager()->EndDragging(cancelled); return true; } PanelFrameView* PanelView::GetFrameView() const { return static_cast<PanelFrameView*>(window_->non_client_view()->frame_view()); } bool PanelView::IsAnimatingBounds() const { return bounds_animator_.get() && bounds_animator_->is_animating(); } bool PanelView::IsWithinResizingArea(const gfx::Point& mouse_location) const { gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetWindowBoundsInScreen(); DCHECK(bounds.Contains(mouse_location)); return mouse_location.x() < bounds.x() + kResizeInsideBoundsSize || mouse_location.x() >= bounds.right() - kResizeInsideBoundsSize || mouse_location.y() < bounds.y() + kResizeInsideBoundsSize || mouse_location.y() >= bounds.bottom() - kResizeInsideBoundsSize; } #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) void PanelView::UpdateWindowAttribute(int attribute_index, int attribute_value, bool to_set) { gfx::NativeWindow native_window = window_->GetNativeWindow(); int value = ::GetWindowLong(native_window, attribute_index); int expected_value; if (to_set) expected_value = value | attribute_value; else expected_value = value & ~attribute_value; if (value != expected_value) ::SetWindowLong(native_window, attribute_index, expected_value); } #endif void PanelView::OnViewWasResized() { #if defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(USE_ASH) && !defined(USE_AURA) content::WebContents* web_contents = panel_->GetWebContents(); if (!web_view_ || !web_contents) return; // Make part of the inner area be used for mouse resizing. int width = web_view_->size().width(); int height = web_view_->size().height(); SkRegion* region = new SkRegion; region->op(0, 0, kResizeInsideBoundsSize, height, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); region->op(width - kResizeInsideBoundsSize, 0, width, height, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); region->op(0, height - kResizeInsideBoundsSize, width, height, SkRegion::kUnion_Op); web_contents->GetRenderViewHost()->GetView()->SetClickthroughRegion(region); #endif }