// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/search_engines/edit_search_engine_controller.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h" #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" using content::UserMetricsAction; EditSearchEngineController::EditSearchEngineController( const TemplateURL* template_url, EditSearchEngineControllerDelegate* edit_keyword_delegate, Profile* profile) : template_url_(template_url), edit_keyword_delegate_(edit_keyword_delegate), profile_(profile) { DCHECK(profile_); } bool EditSearchEngineController::IsTitleValid( const string16& title_input) const { return !CollapseWhitespace(title_input, true).empty(); } bool EditSearchEngineController::IsURLValid( const std::string& url_input) const { std::string url = GetFixedUpURL(url_input); if (url.empty()) return false; // Use TemplateURLRef to extract the search placeholder. TemplateURLRef template_ref(url, 0, 0); if (!template_ref.IsValid()) return false; if (!template_ref.SupportsReplacement()) { // If this is the default search engine, there must be a search term // placeholder. if (template_url_ == TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)-> GetDefaultSearchProvider()) return false; return GURL(url).is_valid(); } // If the url has a search term, replace it with a random string and make // sure the resulting URL is valid. We don't check the validity of the url // with the search term as that is not necessarily valid. return GURL(template_ref.ReplaceSearchTerms(TemplateURL(), ASCIIToUTF16("a"), TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE, string16())).is_valid(); } bool EditSearchEngineController::IsKeywordValid( const string16& keyword_input) const { string16 keyword_input_trimmed(CollapseWhitespace(keyword_input, true)); if (keyword_input_trimmed.empty()) return false; // Do not allow empty keyword. const TemplateURL* turl_with_keyword = TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)-> GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword_input_trimmed); return (turl_with_keyword == NULL || turl_with_keyword == template_url_); } void EditSearchEngineController::AcceptAddOrEdit( const string16& title_input, const string16& keyword_input, const std::string& url_input) { std::string url_string = GetFixedUpURL(url_input); DCHECK(!url_string.empty()); TemplateURLService* template_url_service = TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); const TemplateURL* existing = template_url_service->GetTemplateURLForKeyword( keyword_input); if (existing && (!edit_keyword_delegate_ || existing != template_url_)) { // An entry may have been added with the same keyword string while the // user edited the dialog, either automatically or by the user (if we're // confirming a JS addition, they could have the Options dialog open at the // same time). If so, just ignore this add. // TODO(pamg): Really, we should modify the entry so this later one // overwrites it. But we don't expect this case to be common. CleanUpCancelledAdd(); return; } if (!edit_keyword_delegate_) { // Confiming an entry we got from JS. We have a template_url_, but it // hasn't yet been added to the model. DCHECK(template_url_); // const_cast is ugly, but this is the same thing the TemplateURLService // does in a similar situation (updating an existing TemplateURL with // data from a new one). TemplateURL* modifiable_url = const_cast(template_url_); modifiable_url->set_short_name(title_input); modifiable_url->set_keyword(keyword_input); modifiable_url->SetURL(url_string, 0, 0); // TemplateURLService takes ownership of template_url_. template_url_service->Add(modifiable_url); content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("KeywordEditor_AddKeywordJS")); } else { // Adding or modifying an entry via the Delegate. edit_keyword_delegate_->OnEditedKeyword(template_url_, title_input, keyword_input, url_string); } } void EditSearchEngineController::CleanUpCancelledAdd() { if (!edit_keyword_delegate_ && template_url_) { // When we have no Delegate, we know that the template_url_ hasn't yet been // added to the model, so we need to clean it up. delete template_url_; template_url_ = NULL; } } std::string EditSearchEngineController::GetFixedUpURL( const std::string& url_input) const { std::string url; TrimWhitespace(TemplateURLRef::DisplayURLToURLRef(UTF8ToUTF16(url_input)), TRIM_ALL, &url); if (url.empty()) return url; // Parse the string as a URL to determine the scheme. If we need to, add the // scheme. As the scheme may be expanded (as happens with {google:baseURL}) // we need to replace the search terms before testing for the scheme. TemplateURL t_url; t_url.SetURL(url, 0, 0); std::string expanded_url = t_url.url()->ReplaceSearchTerms(t_url, ASCIIToUTF16("x"), 0, string16()); url_parse::Parsed parts; std::string scheme( URLFixerUpper::SegmentURL(expanded_url, &parts)); if (!parts.scheme.is_valid()) { scheme.append("://"); url.insert(0, scheme); } return url; }