// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_browser_creator_impl.h" #include #include #include "apps/app_restore_service.h" #include "apps/app_restore_service_factory.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "chrome/browser/auto_launch_trial.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/protocol_handler_registry.h" #include "chrome/browser/custom_handlers/protocol_handler_registry_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/defaults.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_creator.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/launch_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/pack_extension_job.h" #include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/infobars/infobar_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/predictor.h" #include "chrome/browser/notifications/desktop_notification_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/performance_monitor/startup_timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/incognito_mode_prefs.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/session_startup_pref.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_io_data.h" #include "chrome/browser/rlz/rlz.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_restore.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_promo.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_list/app_list_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_navigator.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tabrestore.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_tabstrip.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/application_launch.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/host_desktop.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/autolaunch_prompt.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/bad_flags_prompt.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/default_browser_prompt.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/google_api_keys_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/obsolete_os_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/session_crashed_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_browser_creator.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/pinned_tab_codec.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/core_app_launcher_handler.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_result_codes.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #include "content/public/browser/child_process_security_policy.h" #include "content/public/browser/dom_storage_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_view.h" #include "extensions/common/constants.h" #include "grit/locale_settings.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "base/mac/mac_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/keystone_infobar_delegate.h" #endif #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) #include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/gtk_util.h" #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "chrome/browser/apps/app_launch_for_metro_restart_win.h" #endif using content::ChildProcessSecurityPolicy; using content::WebContents; using extensions::Extension; namespace { // Utility functions ---------------------------------------------------------- enum LaunchMode { LM_TO_BE_DECIDED = 0, // Possibly direct launch or via a shortcut. LM_AS_WEBAPP, // Launched as a installed web application. LM_WITH_URLS, // Launched with urls in the cmd line. LM_SHORTCUT_NONE, // Not launched from a shortcut. LM_SHORTCUT_NONAME, // Launched from shortcut but no name available. LM_SHORTCUT_UNKNOWN, // Launched from user-defined shortcut. LM_SHORTCUT_QUICKLAUNCH, // Launched from the quick launch bar. LM_SHORTCUT_DESKTOP, // Launched from a desktop shortcut. LM_SHORTCUT_TASKBAR, // Launched from the taskbar. LM_LINUX_MAC_BEOS // Other OS buckets start here. }; #if defined(OS_WIN) // Undocumented flag in the startup info structure tells us what shortcut was // used to launch the browser. See http://www.catch22.net/tuts/undoc01 for // more information. Confirmed to work on XP, Vista and Win7. LaunchMode GetLaunchShortcutKind() { STARTUPINFOW si = { sizeof(si) }; GetStartupInfoW(&si); if (si.dwFlags & 0x800) { if (!si.lpTitle) return LM_SHORTCUT_NONAME; base::string16 shortcut(si.lpTitle); // The windows quick launch path is not localized. if (shortcut.find(L"\\Quick Launch\\") != base::string16::npos) { if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7) return LM_SHORTCUT_TASKBAR; else return LM_SHORTCUT_QUICKLAUNCH; } scoped_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); std::string appdata_path; env->GetVar("USERPROFILE", &appdata_path); if (!appdata_path.empty() && shortcut.find(ASCIIToWide(appdata_path)) != std::wstring::npos) return LM_SHORTCUT_DESKTOP; return LM_SHORTCUT_UNKNOWN; } return LM_SHORTCUT_NONE; } #else // TODO(cpu): Port to other platforms. LaunchMode GetLaunchShortcutKind() { return LM_LINUX_MAC_BEOS; } #endif // Log in a histogram the frequency of launching by the different methods. See // LaunchMode enum for the actual values of the buckets. void RecordLaunchModeHistogram(LaunchMode mode) { int bucket = (mode == LM_TO_BE_DECIDED) ? GetLaunchShortcutKind() : mode; UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Launch.Modes", bucket); } void UrlsToTabs(const std::vector& urls, StartupTabs* tabs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) { StartupTab tab; tab.is_pinned = false; tab.url = urls[i]; tabs->push_back(tab); } } // Return true if the command line option --app-id is used. Set // |out_extension| to the app to open, and |out_launch_container| // to the type of window into which the app should be open. bool GetAppLaunchContainer( Profile* profile, const std::string& app_id, const Extension** out_extension, extensions::LaunchContainer* out_launch_container) { ExtensionService* extensions_service = profile->GetExtensionService(); const Extension* extension = extensions_service->GetExtensionById(app_id, false); // The extension with id |app_id| may have been uninstalled. if (!extension) return false; // Don't launch platform apps in incognito mode. if (profile->IsOffTheRecord() && extension->is_platform_app()) return false; // Look at preferences to find the right launch container. If no // preference is set, launch as a window. extensions::LaunchContainer launch_container = extensions::GetLaunchContainer( extensions_service->extension_prefs(), extension); if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableStreamlinedHostedApps) && !extensions::HasPreferredLaunchContainer( extensions_service->extension_prefs(), extension)) { launch_container = extensions::LAUNCH_CONTAINER_WINDOW; } *out_extension = extension; *out_launch_container = launch_container; return true; } // Parse two comma-separated integers from string. Return true on success. bool ParseCommaSeparatedIntegers(const std::string& str, int* ret_num1, int* ret_num2) { std::vector dimensions; base::SplitString(str, ',', &dimensions); if (dimensions.size() != 2) return false; int num1, num2; if (!base::StringToInt(dimensions[0], &num1) || !base::StringToInt(dimensions[1], &num2)) return false; *ret_num1 = num1; *ret_num2 = num2; return true; } void RecordCmdLineAppHistogram(extensions::Manifest::Type app_type) { CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_CMD_LINE_APP, app_type); } void RecordAppLaunches(Profile* profile, const std::vector& cmd_line_urls, StartupTabs& autolaunch_tabs) { ExtensionService* extension_service = profile->GetExtensionService(); DCHECK(extension_service); for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd_line_urls.size(); ++i) { const extensions::Extension* extension = extension_service->GetInstalledApp(cmd_line_urls.at(i)); if (extension) { CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_CMD_LINE_URL, extension->GetType()); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < autolaunch_tabs.size(); ++i) { const extensions::Extension* extension = extension_service->GetInstalledApp(autolaunch_tabs.at(i).url); if (extension) { CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_AUTOLAUNCH, extension->GetType()); } } } bool IsNewTabURL(Profile* profile, const GURL& url) { GURL ntp_url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL); return url == ntp_url || (url.is_empty() && profile->GetHomePage() == ntp_url); } class WebContentsCloseObserver : public content::NotificationObserver { public: WebContentsCloseObserver() : contents_(NULL) {} virtual ~WebContentsCloseObserver() {} void SetContents(content::WebContents* contents) { DCHECK(!contents_); contents_ = contents; registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, content::Source(contents_)); } content::WebContents* contents() { return contents_; } private: // content::NotificationObserver overrides: virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE { DCHECK_EQ(type, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED); contents_ = NULL; } content::WebContents* contents_; content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebContentsCloseObserver); }; const Extension* GetDisabledPlatformApp(Profile* profile, const std::string& extension_id) { ExtensionService* service = extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)->extension_service(); const Extension* extension = service->GetExtensionById(extension_id, true); return extension && extension->is_platform_app() ? extension : NULL; } } // namespace namespace internals { GURL GetWelcomePageURL() { std::string welcome_url = l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_WELCOME_PAGE_URL); return GURL(welcome_url); } } // namespace internals StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::StartupBrowserCreatorImpl( const base::FilePath& cur_dir, const CommandLine& command_line, chrome::startup::IsFirstRun is_first_run) : cur_dir_(cur_dir), command_line_(command_line), profile_(NULL), browser_creator_(NULL), is_first_run_(is_first_run == chrome::startup::IS_FIRST_RUN) { } StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::StartupBrowserCreatorImpl( const base::FilePath& cur_dir, const CommandLine& command_line, StartupBrowserCreator* browser_creator, chrome::startup::IsFirstRun is_first_run) : cur_dir_(cur_dir), command_line_(command_line), profile_(NULL), browser_creator_(browser_creator), is_first_run_(is_first_run == chrome::startup::IS_FIRST_RUN) { } StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::~StartupBrowserCreatorImpl() { } bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::Launch(Profile* profile, const std::vector& urls_to_open, bool process_startup, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { DCHECK(profile); profile_ = profile; if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kDnsLogDetails)) chrome_browser_net::EnablePredictorDetailedLog(true); if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kDnsPrefetchDisable) && profile->GetNetworkPredictor()) { profile->GetNetworkPredictor()->EnablePredictor(false); } AppListService::InitAll(profile); if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kAppId)) { std::string app_id = command_line_.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppId); const Extension* extension = GetDisabledPlatformApp(profile, app_id); // If |app_id| is a disabled platform app we handle it specially here, // otherwise it will be handled below. if (extension) { RecordCmdLineAppHistogram(extensions::Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP); AppLaunchParams params(profile, extension, extensions::LAUNCH_CONTAINER_NONE, NEW_WINDOW); params.command_line = command_line_; params.current_directory = cur_dir_; OpenApplicationWithReenablePrompt(params); return true; } } else if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kShowAppList)) { // This switch is used for shortcuts on the native desktop. AppListService::RecordShowTimings(command_line_); AppListService::Get(chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_NATIVE)-> ShowForProfile(profile); return true; } // Open the required browser windows and tabs. First, see if // we're being run as an application window. If so, the user // opened an app shortcut. Don't restore tabs or open initial // URLs in that case. The user should see the window as an app, // not as chrome. // Special case is when app switches are passed but we do want to restore // session. In that case open app window + focus it after session is restored. content::WebContents* app_contents = NULL; if (OpenApplicationWindow(profile, &app_contents)) { RecordLaunchModeHistogram(LM_AS_WEBAPP); } else { RecordLaunchModeHistogram(urls_to_open.empty() ? LM_TO_BE_DECIDED : LM_WITH_URLS); ProcessLaunchURLs(process_startup, urls_to_open, desktop_type); // If this is an app launch, but we didn't open an app window, it may // be an app tab. OpenApplicationTab(profile); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (process_startup) { // Check whether the auto-update system needs to be promoted from user // to system. KeystoneInfoBar::PromotionInfoBar(profile); } #endif } #if defined(OS_WIN) if (process_startup) ShellIntegration::MigrateChromiumShortcuts(); #endif // defined(OS_WIN) return true; } void StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::ExtractOptionalAppWindowSize( gfx::Rect* bounds) { if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kAppWindowSize)) { int width, height; width = height = 0; std::string switch_value = command_line_.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppWindowSize); if (ParseCommaSeparatedIntegers(switch_value, &width, &height)) { // TODO(scottmg): NativeScreen might be wrong. http://crbug.com/133312 const gfx::Rect work_area = gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen()->GetPrimaryDisplay().work_area(); width = std::min(width, work_area.width()); height = std::min(height, work_area.height()); bounds->set_size(gfx::Size(width, height)); bounds->set_x((work_area.width() - bounds->width()) / 2); // TODO(nkostylev): work_area does include launcher but should not. // Launcher auto hide pref is synced and is most likely not applied here. bounds->set_y((work_area.height() - bounds->height()) / 2); } } } bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::IsAppLaunch(std::string* app_url, std::string* app_id) { if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kApp)) { if (app_url) *app_url = command_line_.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kApp); return true; } if (command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kAppId)) { if (app_id) *app_id = command_line_.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppId); return true; } return false; } bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenApplicationTab(Profile* profile) { std::string app_id; // App shortcuts to URLs always open in an app window. Because this // function will open an app that should be in a tab, there is no need // to look at the app URL. OpenApplicationWindow() will open app url // shortcuts. if (!IsAppLaunch(NULL, &app_id) || app_id.empty()) return false; extensions::LaunchContainer launch_container; const Extension* extension; if (!GetAppLaunchContainer(profile, app_id, &extension, &launch_container)) return false; // If the user doesn't want to open a tab, fail. if (launch_container != extensions::LAUNCH_CONTAINER_TAB) return false; RecordCmdLineAppHistogram(extension->GetType()); WebContents* app_tab = OpenApplication(AppLaunchParams( profile, extension, extensions::LAUNCH_CONTAINER_TAB, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB)); return (app_tab != NULL); } bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenApplicationWindow( Profile* profile, content::WebContents** out_app_contents) { // Set |out_app_contents| to NULL early on (just in case). if (out_app_contents) *out_app_contents = NULL; std::string url_string, app_id; if (!IsAppLaunch(&url_string, &app_id)) return false; // This can fail if the app_id is invalid. It can also fail if the // extension is external, and has not yet been installed. // TODO(skerner): Do something reasonable here. Pop up a warning panel? // Open an URL to the gallery page of the extension id? if (!app_id.empty()) { extensions::LaunchContainer launch_container; const Extension* extension; if (!GetAppLaunchContainer(profile, app_id, &extension, &launch_container)) return false; // TODO(skerner): Could pass in |extension| and |launch_container|, // and avoid calling GetAppLaunchContainer() both here and in // OpenApplicationTab(). if (launch_container == extensions::LAUNCH_CONTAINER_TAB) return false; RecordCmdLineAppHistogram(extension->GetType()); AppLaunchParams params(profile, extension, launch_container, NEW_WINDOW); params.command_line = command_line_; params.current_directory = cur_dir_; WebContents* tab_in_app_window = OpenApplication(params); if (out_app_contents) *out_app_contents = tab_in_app_window; // Platform apps fire off a launch event which may or may not open a window. return (tab_in_app_window != NULL || extension->is_platform_app()); } if (url_string.empty()) return false; #if defined(OS_WIN) // Fix up Windows shortcuts. ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&url_string, 0, "\\x", "%"); #endif GURL url(url_string); // Restrict allowed URLs for --app switch. if (!url.is_empty() && url.is_valid()) { ChildProcessSecurityPolicy* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::GetInstance(); if (policy->IsWebSafeScheme(url.scheme()) || url.SchemeIs(chrome::kFileScheme)) { const extensions::Extension* extension = profile->GetExtensionService()->GetInstalledApp(url); if (extension) { RecordCmdLineAppHistogram(extension->GetType()); } else { CoreAppLauncherHandler::RecordAppLaunchType( extension_misc::APP_LAUNCH_CMD_LINE_APP_LEGACY, extensions::Manifest::TYPE_HOSTED_APP); } gfx::Rect override_bounds; ExtractOptionalAppWindowSize(&override_bounds); WebContents* app_tab = OpenAppShortcutWindow(profile, url, override_bounds); if (out_app_contents) *out_app_contents = app_tab; return (app_tab != NULL); } } return false; } void StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::ProcessLaunchURLs( bool process_startup, const std::vector& urls_to_open, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { // If we're starting up in "background mode" (no open browser window) then // don't open any browser windows, unless kAutoLaunchAtStartup is also // specified. if (process_startup && command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kNoStartupWindow) && !command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kAutoLaunchAtStartup)) { return; } // TODO(tapted): Move this to startup_browser_creator_win.cc after refactor. #if defined(OS_WIN) if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN8) { // See if there are apps for this profile that should be launched on startup // due to a switch from Metro mode. app_metro_launch::HandleAppLaunchForMetroRestart(profile_); } #endif if (process_startup && ProcessStartupURLs(urls_to_open, desktop_type)) { // ProcessStartupURLs processed the urls, nothing else to do. return; } chrome::startup::IsProcessStartup is_process_startup = process_startup ? chrome::startup::IS_PROCESS_STARTUP : chrome::startup::IS_NOT_PROCESS_STARTUP; if (!process_startup) { // Even if we're not starting a new process, this may conceptually be // "startup" for the user and so should be handled in a similar way. Eg., // Chrome may have been running in the background due to an app with a // background page being installed, or running with only an app window // displayed. SessionService* service = SessionServiceFactory::GetForProfileForSessionRestore(profile_); if (service && service->ShouldNewWindowStartSession()) { // Restore the last session if any. if (!HasPendingUncleanExit(profile_) && service->RestoreIfNecessary(urls_to_open)) { return; } // Open user-specified URLs like pinned tabs and startup tabs. Browser* browser = ProcessSpecifiedURLs(urls_to_open, desktop_type); if (browser) { AddInfoBarsIfNecessary(browser, is_process_startup); return; } } } // Session startup didn't occur, open the urls. Browser* browser = NULL; std::vector adjust_urls = urls_to_open; if (adjust_urls.empty()) { AddStartupURLs(&adjust_urls); if (StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenStartupURLsInExistingBrowser( profile_, adjust_urls)) return; } else if (!command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kOpenInNewWindow)) { // Always open a list of urls in a window on the native desktop. browser = chrome::FindTabbedBrowser(profile_, false, chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_NATIVE); } // This will launch a browser; prevent session restore. StartupBrowserCreator::in_synchronous_profile_launch_ = true; browser = OpenURLsInBrowser(browser, process_startup, adjust_urls, desktop_type); StartupBrowserCreator::in_synchronous_profile_launch_ = false; AddInfoBarsIfNecessary(browser, is_process_startup); } bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::ProcessStartupURLs( const std::vector& urls_to_open, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { VLOG(1) << "StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::ProcessStartupURLs"; SessionStartupPref pref = StartupBrowserCreator::GetSessionStartupPref(command_line_, profile_); if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::LAST) VLOG(1) << "Pref: last"; else if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::URLS) VLOG(1) << "Pref: urls"; else if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::DEFAULT) VLOG(1) << "Pref: default"; apps::AppRestoreService* restore_service = apps::AppRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_); // NULL in incognito mode. if (restore_service) { restore_service->HandleStartup(apps::AppRestoreService::ShouldRestoreApps( StartupBrowserCreator::WasRestarted())); } if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::LAST) { if (profile_->GetLastSessionExitType() == Profile::EXIT_CRASHED && !command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kRestoreLastSession)) { // The last session crashed. It's possible automatically loading the // page will trigger another crash, locking the user out of chrome. // To avoid this, don't restore on startup but instead show the crashed // infobar. VLOG(1) << "Unclean exit; not processing"; return false; } uint32 restore_behavior = SessionRestore::SYNCHRONOUS; if (browser_defaults::kAlwaysCreateTabbedBrowserOnSessionRestore || CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kCreateBrowserOnStartupForTests)) { restore_behavior |= SessionRestore::ALWAYS_CREATE_TABBED_BROWSER; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // On Mac, when restoring a session with no windows, suppress the creation // of a new window in the case where the system is launching Chrome via a // login item or Lion's resume feature. if (base::mac::WasLaunchedAsLoginOrResumeItem()) { restore_behavior = restore_behavior & ~SessionRestore::ALWAYS_CREATE_TABBED_BROWSER; } #endif // Pause the StartupTimer. Since the restore here is synchronous, we can // keep these two metrics (browser startup time and session restore time) // separate. performance_monitor::StartupTimer::PauseTimer(); // The startup code only executes for browsers launched in desktop mode. // i.e. HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_NATIVE. Ash should never get here. Browser* browser = SessionRestore::RestoreSession( profile_, NULL, desktop_type, restore_behavior, urls_to_open); performance_monitor::StartupTimer::UnpauseTimer(); AddInfoBarsIfNecessary(browser, chrome::startup::IS_PROCESS_STARTUP); return true; } Browser* browser = ProcessSpecifiedURLs(urls_to_open, desktop_type); if (!browser) return false; AddInfoBarsIfNecessary(browser, chrome::startup::IS_PROCESS_STARTUP); // Session restore may occur if the startup preference is "last" or if the // crash infobar is displayed. Otherwise, it's safe for the DOM storage system // to start deleting leftover data. if (pref.type != SessionStartupPref::LAST && !HasPendingUncleanExit(profile_)) { content::BrowserContext::GetDefaultStoragePartition(profile_)-> GetDOMStorageContext()->StartScavengingUnusedSessionStorage(); } return true; } Browser* StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::ProcessSpecifiedURLs( const std::vector& urls_to_open, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { SessionStartupPref pref = StartupBrowserCreator::GetSessionStartupPref(command_line_, profile_); StartupTabs tabs; // Pinned tabs should not be displayed when chrome is launched in incognito // mode. Also, no pages should be opened automatically if the session // crashed. Otherwise it might trigger another crash, locking the user out of // chrome. The crash infobar is shown in this case. if (!IncognitoModePrefs::ShouldLaunchIncognito(command_line_, profile_->GetPrefs()) && !HasPendingUncleanExit(profile_)) { tabs = PinnedTabCodec::ReadPinnedTabs(profile_); } RecordAppLaunches(profile_, urls_to_open, tabs); if (!urls_to_open.empty()) { // If urls were specified on the command line, use them. UrlsToTabs(urls_to_open, &tabs); } else if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::DEFAULT || (is_first_run_ && browser_creator_ && !browser_creator_->first_run_tabs_.empty())) { std::vector urls; AddStartupURLs(&urls); UrlsToTabs(urls, &tabs); } else if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::URLS && !pref.urls.empty() && !HasPendingUncleanExit(profile_)) { // Only use the set of urls specified in preferences if nothing was // specified on the command line. Filter out any urls that are to be // restored by virtue of having been previously pinned. AddUniqueURLs(pref.urls, &tabs); } else if (pref.type == SessionStartupPref::HOMEPAGE) { // If 'homepage' selected, either by the user or by a policy, we should // have migrated them to another value. NOTREACHED() << "SessionStartupPref has deprecated type HOMEPAGE"; } if (tabs.empty()) return NULL; Browser* browser = OpenTabsInBrowser(NULL, true, tabs, desktop_type); return browser; } void StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::AddUniqueURLs(const std::vector& urls, StartupTabs* tabs) { size_t num_existing_tabs = tabs->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) { bool in_tabs = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < num_existing_tabs; ++j) { if (urls[i] == (*tabs)[j].url) { in_tabs = true; break; } } if (!in_tabs) { StartupTab tab; tab.is_pinned = false; tab.url = urls[i]; tabs->push_back(tab); } } } Browser* StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenURLsInBrowser( Browser* browser, bool process_startup, const std::vector& urls, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { StartupTabs tabs; UrlsToTabs(urls, &tabs); return OpenTabsInBrowser(browser, process_startup, tabs, desktop_type); } Browser* StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenTabsInBrowser( Browser* browser, bool process_startup, const StartupTabs& tabs, chrome::HostDesktopType desktop_type) { DCHECK(!tabs.empty()); // If we don't yet have a profile, try to use the one we're given from // |browser|. While we may not end up actually using |browser| (since it // could be a popup window), we can at least use the profile. if (!profile_ && browser) profile_ = browser->profile(); if (!browser || !browser->is_type_tabbed()) { browser = new Browser(Browser::CreateParams(profile_, desktop_type)); } else { #if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) // Setting the time of the last action on the window here allows us to steal // focus, which is what the user wants when opening a new tab in an existing // browser window. gtk_util::SetWMLastUserActionTime(browser->window()->GetNativeWindow()); #endif } // In kiosk mode, we want to always be fullscreen, so switch to that now. if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kKioskMode)) chrome::ToggleFullscreenMode(browser); bool first_tab = true; ProtocolHandlerRegistry* registry = profile_ ? ProtocolHandlerRegistryFactory::GetForProfile(profile_) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { // We skip URLs that we'd have to launch an external protocol handler for. // This avoids us getting into an infinite loop asking ourselves to open // a URL, should the handler be (incorrectly) configured to be us. Anyone // asking us to open such a URL should really ask the handler directly. bool handled_by_chrome = ProfileIOData::IsHandledURL(tabs[i].url) || (registry && registry->IsHandledProtocol(tabs[i].url.scheme())); if (!process_startup && !handled_by_chrome) continue; int add_types = first_tab ? TabStripModel::ADD_ACTIVE : TabStripModel::ADD_NONE; add_types |= TabStripModel::ADD_FORCE_INDEX; if (tabs[i].is_pinned) add_types |= TabStripModel::ADD_PINNED; chrome::NavigateParams params(browser, tabs[i].url, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_TOPLEVEL); params.disposition = first_tab ? NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB : NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB; params.tabstrip_add_types = add_types; params.extension_app_id = tabs[i].app_id; #if defined(ENABLE_RLZ) if (process_startup && google_util::IsGoogleHomePageUrl(tabs[i].url)) { params.extra_headers = RLZTracker::GetAccessPointHttpHeader( RLZTracker::CHROME_HOME_PAGE); } #endif chrome::Navigate(¶ms); first_tab = false; } if (!browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()) { // TODO: this is a work around for 110909. Figure out why it's needed. if (!browser->tab_strip_model()->count()) chrome::AddTabAt(browser, GURL(), -1, true); else browser->tab_strip_model()->ActivateTabAt(0, false); } // The default behavior is to show the window, as expressed by the default // value of StartupBrowserCreated::show_main_browser_window_. If this was set // to true ahead of this place, it means another task must have been spawned // to take care of that. if (!browser_creator_ || browser_creator_->show_main_browser_window()) browser->window()->Show(); return browser; } void StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::AddInfoBarsIfNecessary( Browser* browser, chrome::startup::IsProcessStartup is_process_startup) { if (!browser || !profile_ || browser->tab_strip_model()->count() == 0) return; if (HasPendingUncleanExit(browser->profile())) SessionCrashedInfoBarDelegate::Create(browser); // The below info bars are only added to the first profile which is launched. // Other profiles might be restoring the browsing sessions asynchronously, // so we cannot add the info bars to the focused tabs here. if (is_process_startup == chrome::startup::IS_PROCESS_STARTUP && !command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kTestType)) { chrome::ShowBadFlagsPrompt(browser); GoogleApiKeysInfoBarDelegate::Create(InfoBarService::FromWebContents( browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents())); ObsoleteOSInfoBarDelegate::Create(InfoBarService::FromWebContents( browser->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents())); #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (!command_line_.HasSwitch(switches::kNoDefaultBrowserCheck)) { // Generally, the default browser prompt should not be shown on first // run. However, when the set-as-default dialog has been suppressed, we // need to allow it. if ((!is_first_run_ || (browser_creator_ && browser_creator_->is_default_browser_dialog_suppressed())) && !chrome::ShowAutolaunchPrompt(browser)) { chrome::ShowDefaultBrowserPrompt(profile_, browser->host_desktop_type()); } } #endif } } void StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::AddStartupURLs( std::vector* startup_urls) const { // TODO(atwilson): Simplify the logic that decides which tabs to open on // start-up and make it more consistent. http://crbug.com/248883 // If we have urls specified by the first run master preferences use them // and nothing else. if (browser_creator_ && startup_urls->empty()) { if (!browser_creator_->first_run_tabs_.empty()) { std::vector::iterator it = browser_creator_->first_run_tabs_.begin(); while (it != browser_creator_->first_run_tabs_.end()) { // Replace magic names for the actual urls. if (it->host() == "new_tab_page") { startup_urls->push_back(GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL)); } else if (it->host() == "welcome_page") { startup_urls->push_back(internals::GetWelcomePageURL()); } else { startup_urls->push_back(*it); } ++it; } browser_creator_->first_run_tabs_.clear(); } } // Otherwise open at least the new tab page (and the welcome page, if this // is the first time the browser is being started), or the set of URLs // specified on the command line. if (startup_urls->empty()) { startup_urls->push_back(GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL)); if (first_run::ShouldShowWelcomePage()) startup_urls->push_back(internals::GetWelcomePageURL()); } if (signin::ShouldShowPromoAtStartup(profile_, is_first_run_)) { signin::DidShowPromoAtStartup(profile_); const GURL sync_promo_url = signin::GetPromoURL(signin::SOURCE_START_PAGE, false); // No need to add if the sync promo is already in the startup list. bool add_promo = true; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = startup_urls->begin(); it != startup_urls->end(); ++it) { if (*it == sync_promo_url) { add_promo = false; break; } } if (add_promo) { // If the first URL is the NTP, replace it with the sync promo. This // behavior is desired because completing or skipping the sync promo // causes a redirect to the NTP. if (!startup_urls->empty() && IsNewTabURL(profile_, startup_urls->at(0))) startup_urls->at(0) = sync_promo_url; else startup_urls->insert(startup_urls->begin(), sync_promo_url); } } } #if !defined(OS_WIN) // static bool StartupBrowserCreatorImpl::OpenStartupURLsInExistingBrowser( Profile* profile, const std::vector& startup_urls) { return false; } #endif