// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view_layout.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/download/download_shelf_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view_layout_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/contents_layout_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/immersive_mode_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/top_container_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/fullscreen_exit_bubble_views.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/infobars/infobar_container_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip.h" #include "components/web_modal/web_contents_modal_dialog_host.h" #include "ui/base/hit_test.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/scrollbar_size.h" #include "ui/gfx/size.h" #include "ui/views/controls/webview/webview.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/window/client_view.h" using views::View; using web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogHost; using web_modal::ModalDialogHostObserver; namespace { // The visible height of the shadow above the tabs. Clicks in this area are // treated as clicks to the frame, rather than clicks to the tab. const int kTabShadowSize = 2; // The number of pixels the constrained window should overlap the bottom // of the omnibox. const int kConstrainedWindowOverlap = 3; // Combines View::ConvertPointToTarget and View::HitTest for a given |point|. // Converts |point| from |src| to |dst| and hit tests it against |dst|. The // converted |point| can then be retrieved and used for additional tests. bool ConvertedHitTest(views::View* src, views::View* dst, gfx::Point* point) { DCHECK(src); DCHECK(dst); DCHECK(point); views::View::ConvertPointToTarget(src, dst, point); return dst->HitTestPoint(*point); } } // namespace class BrowserViewLayout::WebContentsModalDialogHostViews : public WebContentsModalDialogHost { public: explicit WebContentsModalDialogHostViews( BrowserViewLayout* browser_view_layout) : browser_view_layout_(browser_view_layout) { } virtual ~WebContentsModalDialogHostViews() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ModalDialogHostObserver, observer_list_, OnHostDestroying()); } void NotifyPositionRequiresUpdate() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ModalDialogHostObserver, observer_list_, OnPositionRequiresUpdate()); } virtual gfx::Point GetDialogPosition(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE { views::View* view = browser_view_layout_->contents_container_; gfx::Rect content_area = view->ConvertRectToWidget(view->GetLocalBounds()); const int middle_x = content_area.x() + content_area.width() / 2; const int top = browser_view_layout_->web_contents_modal_dialog_top_y_; return gfx::Point(middle_x - size.width() / 2, top); } virtual gfx::Size GetMaximumDialogSize() OVERRIDE { views::View* view = browser_view_layout_->contents_container_; gfx::Rect content_area = view->ConvertRectToWidget(view->GetLocalBounds()); const int top = browser_view_layout_->web_contents_modal_dialog_top_y_; return gfx::Size(content_area.width(), content_area.bottom() - top); } private: virtual gfx::NativeView GetHostView() const OVERRIDE { gfx::NativeWindow window = browser_view_layout_->browser()->window()->GetNativeWindow(); return views::Widget::GetWidgetForNativeWindow(window)->GetNativeView(); } // Add/remove observer. virtual void AddObserver(ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) OVERRIDE { observer_list_.AddObserver(observer); } virtual void RemoveObserver(ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) OVERRIDE { observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } BrowserViewLayout* const browser_view_layout_; ObserverList observer_list_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebContentsModalDialogHostViews); }; // static const int BrowserViewLayout::kToolbarTabStripVerticalOverlap = 3; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserViewLayout, public: BrowserViewLayout::BrowserViewLayout() : browser_(NULL), browser_view_(NULL), top_container_(NULL), tab_strip_(NULL), toolbar_(NULL), bookmark_bar_(NULL), infobar_container_(NULL), contents_container_(NULL), contents_layout_manager_(NULL), download_shelf_(NULL), immersive_mode_controller_(NULL), dialog_host_(new WebContentsModalDialogHostViews(this)), web_contents_modal_dialog_top_y_(-1) {} BrowserViewLayout::~BrowserViewLayout() { } void BrowserViewLayout::Init( BrowserViewLayoutDelegate* delegate, Browser* browser, views::ClientView* browser_view, views::View* top_container, TabStrip* tab_strip, views::View* toolbar, InfoBarContainerView* infobar_container, views::View* contents_container, ContentsLayoutManager* contents_layout_manager, ImmersiveModeController* immersive_mode_controller) { delegate_.reset(delegate); browser_ = browser; browser_view_ = browser_view; top_container_ = top_container; tab_strip_ = tab_strip; toolbar_ = toolbar; infobar_container_ = infobar_container; contents_container_ = contents_container; contents_layout_manager_ = contents_layout_manager; immersive_mode_controller_ = immersive_mode_controller; } WebContentsModalDialogHost* BrowserViewLayout::GetWebContentsModalDialogHost() { return dialog_host_.get(); } gfx::Size BrowserViewLayout::GetMinimumSize() { gfx::Size tabstrip_size( browser()->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_TABSTRIP) ? tab_strip_->GetMinimumSize() : gfx::Size()); gfx::Size toolbar_size( (browser()->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_TOOLBAR) || browser()->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR)) ? toolbar_->GetMinimumSize() : gfx::Size()); if (tabstrip_size.height() && toolbar_size.height()) toolbar_size.Enlarge(0, -kToolbarTabStripVerticalOverlap); gfx::Size bookmark_bar_size; if (bookmark_bar_ && bookmark_bar_->visible() && browser()->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR)) { bookmark_bar_size = bookmark_bar_->GetMinimumSize(); bookmark_bar_size.Enlarge(0, -bookmark_bar_->GetToolbarOverlap()); } gfx::Size infobar_container_size(infobar_container_->GetMinimumSize()); // TODO: Adjust the minimum height for the find bar. gfx::Size contents_size(contents_container_->GetMinimumSize()); int min_height = delegate_->GetTopInsetInBrowserView() + tabstrip_size.height() + toolbar_size.height() + bookmark_bar_size.height() + infobar_container_size.height() + contents_size.height(); int widths[] = { tabstrip_size.width(), toolbar_size.width(), bookmark_bar_size.width(), infobar_container_size.width(), contents_size.width() }; int min_width = *std::max_element(&widths[0], &widths[arraysize(widths)]); return gfx::Size(min_width, min_height); } gfx::Rect BrowserViewLayout::GetFindBarBoundingBox() const { // This function returns the area the Find Bar can be laid out within. This // basically implies the "user-perceived content area" of the browser // window excluding the vertical scrollbar. The "user-perceived content area" // excludes the detached bookmark bar (in the New Tab case) and any infobars // since they are not _visually_ connected to the Toolbar. // First determine the bounding box of the content area in Widget // coordinates. gfx::Rect bounding_box = contents_container_->ConvertRectToWidget( contents_container_->GetLocalBounds()); gfx::Rect top_container_bounds = top_container_->ConvertRectToWidget( top_container_->GetLocalBounds()); int find_bar_y = 0; if (immersive_mode_controller_->IsEnabled() && !immersive_mode_controller_->IsRevealed()) { // Position the find bar exactly below the top container. In immersive // fullscreen, when the top-of-window views are not revealed, only the // miniature immersive style tab strip is visible. Do not overlap the // find bar and the tab strip. find_bar_y = top_container_bounds.bottom(); } else { // Position the find bar 1 pixel above the bottom of the top container // so that it occludes the border between the content area and the top // container and looks connected to the top container. find_bar_y = top_container_bounds.bottom() - 1; } // Grow the height of |bounding_box| by the height of any elements between // the top container and |contents_container_| such as the detached bookmark // bar and any infobars. int height_delta = bounding_box.y() - find_bar_y; bounding_box.set_y(find_bar_y); bounding_box.set_height(std::max(0, bounding_box.height() + height_delta)); // Finally decrease the width of the bounding box by the width of // the vertical scroll bar. int scrollbar_width = gfx::scrollbar_size(); bounding_box.set_width(std::max(0, bounding_box.width() - scrollbar_width)); if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) bounding_box.set_x(bounding_box.x() + scrollbar_width); return bounding_box; } int BrowserViewLayout::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) { // Since the TabStrip only renders in some parts of the top of the window, // the un-obscured area is considered to be part of the non-client caption // area of the window. So we need to treat hit-tests in these regions as // hit-tests of the titlebar. views::View* parent = browser_view_->parent(); gfx::Point point_in_browser_view_coords(point); views::View::ConvertPointToTarget( parent, browser_view_, &point_in_browser_view_coords); gfx::Point test_point(point); // Determine if the TabStrip exists and is capable of being clicked on. We // might be a popup window without a TabStrip. if (delegate_->IsTabStripVisible()) { // See if the mouse pointer is within the bounds of the TabStrip. if (ConvertedHitTest(parent, tab_strip_, &test_point)) { if (tab_strip_->IsPositionInWindowCaption(test_point)) return HTCAPTION; return HTCLIENT; } // The top few pixels of the TabStrip are a drop-shadow - as we're pretty // starved of dragable area, let's give it to window dragging (this also // makes sense visually). views::Widget* widget = browser_view_->GetWidget(); if (!(widget->IsMaximized() || widget->IsFullscreen()) && (point_in_browser_view_coords.y() < (tab_strip_->y() + kTabShadowSize))) { // We return HTNOWHERE as this is a signal to our containing // NonClientView that it should figure out what the correct hit-test // code is given the mouse position... return HTNOWHERE; } } // If the point's y coordinate is below the top of the toolbar and otherwise // within the bounds of this view, the point is considered to be within the // client area. gfx::Rect bv_bounds = browser_view_->bounds(); bv_bounds.Offset(0, toolbar_->y()); bv_bounds.set_height(bv_bounds.height() - toolbar_->y()); if (bv_bounds.Contains(point)) return HTCLIENT; // If the point's y coordinate is above the top of the toolbar, but not // over the tabstrip (per previous checking in this function), then we // consider it in the window caption (e.g. the area to the right of the // tabstrip underneath the window controls). However, note that we DO NOT // return HTCAPTION here, because when the window is maximized the window // controls will fall into this space (since the BrowserView is sized to // entire size of the window at that point), and the HTCAPTION value will // cause the window controls not to work. So we return HTNOWHERE so that the // caller will hit-test the window controls before finally falling back to // HTCAPTION. bv_bounds = browser_view_->bounds(); bv_bounds.set_height(toolbar_->y()); if (bv_bounds.Contains(point)) return HTNOWHERE; // If the point is somewhere else, delegate to the default implementation. return browser_view_->views::ClientView::NonClientHitTest(point); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserViewLayout, views::LayoutManager implementation: void BrowserViewLayout::Layout(views::View* browser_view) { vertical_layout_rect_ = browser_view->GetLocalBounds(); int top = delegate_->GetTopInsetInBrowserView(); top = LayoutTabStripRegion(top); if (delegate_->IsTabStripVisible()) { int x = tab_strip_->GetMirroredX() + browser_view_->GetMirroredX() + delegate_->GetThemeBackgroundXInset(); int y = browser_view_->y() + delegate_->GetTopInsetInBrowserView(); tab_strip_->SetBackgroundOffset(gfx::Point(x, y)); } top = LayoutToolbar(top); top = LayoutBookmarkAndInfoBars(top, browser_view->y()); // Top container requires updated toolbar and bookmark bar to compute bounds. UpdateTopContainerBounds(); int bottom = LayoutDownloadShelf(browser_view->height()); // Treat a detached bookmark bar as if the web contents container is shifted // upwards and overlaps it. int active_top_margin = GetContentsOffsetForBookmarkBar(); contents_layout_manager_->SetActiveTopMargin(active_top_margin); top -= active_top_margin; LayoutContentsContainerView(top, bottom); // This must be done _after_ we lay out the WebContents since this // code calls back into us to find the bounding box the find bar // must be laid out within, and that code depends on the // TabContentsContainer's bounds being up to date. if (browser()->HasFindBarController()) { browser()->GetFindBarController()->find_bar()->MoveWindowIfNecessary( gfx::Rect(), true); } // Adjust the fullscreen exit bubble bounds for |top_container_|'s new bounds. // This makes the fullscreen exit bubble look like it animates with // |top_container_| in immersive fullscreen. FullscreenExitBubbleViews* fullscreen_exit_bubble = delegate_->GetFullscreenExitBubble(); if (fullscreen_exit_bubble) fullscreen_exit_bubble->RepositionIfVisible(); // Adjust any hosted dialogs if the browser's dialog hosting bounds changed. const gfx::Rect dialog_bounds(dialog_host_->GetDialogPosition(gfx::Size()), dialog_host_->GetMaximumDialogSize()); if (latest_dialog_bounds_ != dialog_bounds) { latest_dialog_bounds_ = dialog_bounds; dialog_host_->NotifyPositionRequiresUpdate(); } } // Return the preferred size which is the size required to give each // children their respective preferred size. gfx::Size BrowserViewLayout::GetPreferredSize(const views::View* host) const { return gfx::Size(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserViewLayout, private: int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutTabStripRegion(int top) { if (!delegate_->IsTabStripVisible()) { tab_strip_->SetVisible(false); tab_strip_->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); return top; } // This retrieves the bounds for the tab strip based on whether or not we show // anything to the left of it, like the incognito avatar. gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds(delegate_->GetBoundsForTabStripInBrowserView()); tab_strip_->SetVisible(true); tab_strip_->SetBoundsRect(tabstrip_bounds); return tabstrip_bounds.bottom(); } int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutToolbar(int top) { int browser_view_width = vertical_layout_rect_.width(); bool toolbar_visible = delegate_->IsToolbarVisible(); int y = top; y -= (toolbar_visible && delegate_->IsTabStripVisible()) ? kToolbarTabStripVerticalOverlap : 0; int height = toolbar_visible ? toolbar_->GetPreferredSize().height() : 0; toolbar_->SetVisible(toolbar_visible); toolbar_->SetBounds(vertical_layout_rect_.x(), y, browser_view_width, height); return y + height; } int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutBookmarkAndInfoBars(int top, int browser_view_y) { web_contents_modal_dialog_top_y_ = top + browser_view_y - kConstrainedWindowOverlap; if (bookmark_bar_) { // If we're showing the Bookmark bar in detached style, then we // need to show any Info bar _above_ the Bookmark bar, since the // Bookmark bar is styled to look like it's part of the page. if (bookmark_bar_->IsDetached()) { web_contents_modal_dialog_top_y_ = top + browser_view_y - kConstrainedWindowOverlap; return LayoutBookmarkBar(LayoutInfoBar(top)); } // Otherwise, Bookmark bar first, Info bar second. top = std::max(toolbar_->bounds().bottom(), LayoutBookmarkBar(top)); } return LayoutInfoBar(top); } int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutBookmarkBar(int top) { int y = top; if (!delegate_->IsBookmarkBarVisible()) { bookmark_bar_->SetVisible(false); // TODO(jamescook): Don't change the bookmark bar height when it is // invisible, so we can use its height for layout even in that state. bookmark_bar_->SetBounds(0, y, browser_view_->width(), 0); return y; } bookmark_bar_->set_infobar_visible(InfobarVisible()); int bookmark_bar_height = bookmark_bar_->GetPreferredSize().height(); y -= bookmark_bar_->GetToolbarOverlap(); bookmark_bar_->SetBounds(vertical_layout_rect_.x(), y, vertical_layout_rect_.width(), bookmark_bar_height); // Set visibility after setting bounds, as the visibility update uses the // bounds to determine if the mouse is hovering over a button. bookmark_bar_->SetVisible(true); return y + bookmark_bar_height; } int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutInfoBar(int top) { // In immersive fullscreen, the infobar always starts near the top of the // screen, just under the "light bar" rectangular stripes. if (immersive_mode_controller_->IsEnabled()) { top = browser_view_->y(); if (!immersive_mode_controller_->ShouldHideTabIndicators()) top += TabStrip::GetImmersiveHeight(); } // Raise the |infobar_container_| by its vertical overlap. infobar_container_->SetVisible(InfobarVisible()); int height; int overlapped_top = top - infobar_container_->GetVerticalOverlap(&height); infobar_container_->SetBounds(vertical_layout_rect_.x(), overlapped_top, vertical_layout_rect_.width(), height); return overlapped_top + height; } void BrowserViewLayout::LayoutContentsContainerView(int top, int bottom) { // |contents_container_| contains web page contents and devtools. // See browser_view.h for details. gfx::Rect contents_container_bounds(vertical_layout_rect_.x(), top, vertical_layout_rect_.width(), std::max(0, bottom - top)); contents_container_->SetBoundsRect(contents_container_bounds); } void BrowserViewLayout::UpdateTopContainerBounds() { // Set the bounds of the top container view such that it is tall enough to // fully show all of its children. In particular, the bottom of the bookmark // bar can be above the bottom of the toolbar while the bookmark bar is // animating. The top container view is positioned relative to the top of the // client view instead of relative to GetTopInsetInBrowserView() because the // top container view paints parts of the frame (title, window controls) // during an immersive fullscreen reveal. int height = 0; for (int i = 0; i < top_container_->child_count(); ++i) { views::View* child = top_container_->child_at(i); if (!child->visible()) continue; int child_bottom = child->bounds().bottom(); if (child_bottom > height) height = child_bottom; } // Ensure that the top container view reaches the topmost view in the // ClientView because the bounds of the top container view are used in // layout and we assume that this is the case. height = std::max(height, delegate_->GetTopInsetInBrowserView()); gfx::Rect top_container_bounds(vertical_layout_rect_.width(), height); // If the immersive mode controller is animating the top container, it may be // partly offscreen. top_container_bounds.set_y( immersive_mode_controller_->GetTopContainerVerticalOffset( top_container_bounds.size())); top_container_->SetBoundsRect(top_container_bounds); } int BrowserViewLayout::GetContentsOffsetForBookmarkBar() { // If the bookmark bar is hidden or attached to the omnibox the web contents // will appear directly underneath it and does not need an offset. if (!bookmark_bar_ || !delegate_->IsBookmarkBarVisible() || !bookmark_bar_->IsDetached()) { return 0; } // Offset for the detached bookmark bar. return bookmark_bar_->height() - bookmark_bar_->GetFullyDetachedToolbarOverlap(); } int BrowserViewLayout::LayoutDownloadShelf(int bottom) { if (delegate_->DownloadShelfNeedsLayout()) { bool visible = browser()->SupportsWindowFeature( Browser::FEATURE_DOWNLOADSHELF); DCHECK(download_shelf_); int height = visible ? download_shelf_->GetPreferredSize().height() : 0; download_shelf_->SetVisible(visible); download_shelf_->SetBounds(vertical_layout_rect_.x(), bottom - height, vertical_layout_rect_.width(), height); download_shelf_->Layout(); bottom -= height; } return bottom; } bool BrowserViewLayout::InfobarVisible() const { // Cast to a views::View to access GetPreferredSize(). views::View* infobar_container = infobar_container_; // NOTE: Can't check if the size IsEmpty() since it's always 0-width. return browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_INFOBAR) && (infobar_container->GetPreferredSize().height() != 0); }