// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/reload_button.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/event_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReloadButton, public: ReloadButton::ReloadButton(LocationBarView* location_bar, Browser* browser) : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(ToggleImageButton(this)), location_bar_(location_bar), browser_(browser), intended_mode_(MODE_RELOAD), visible_mode_(MODE_RELOAD), double_click_timer_delay_( base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(GetDoubleClickTimeMS())), stop_to_reload_timer_delay_(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1350)), testing_mouse_hovered_(false), testing_reload_count_(0) { } ReloadButton::~ReloadButton() { } void ReloadButton::ChangeMode(Mode mode, bool force) { intended_mode_ = mode; // If the change is forced, or the user isn't hovering the icon, or it's safe // to change it to the other image type, make the change immediately; // otherwise we'll let it happen later. if (force || (!IsMouseHovered() && !testing_mouse_hovered_) || ((mode == MODE_STOP) ? !double_click_timer_.IsRunning() : (visible_mode_ != MODE_STOP))) { double_click_timer_.Stop(); stop_to_reload_timer_.Stop(); SetToggled(mode == MODE_STOP); visible_mode_ = mode; SetEnabled(true); // We want to disable the button if we're preventing a change from stop to // reload due to hovering, but not if we're preventing a change from reload to // stop due to the double-click timer running. (There is no disabled reload // state.) } else if (visible_mode_ != MODE_RELOAD) { SetEnabled(false); // Go ahead and change to reload after a bit, which allows repeated reloads // without moving the mouse. if (!stop_to_reload_timer_.IsRunning()) { stop_to_reload_timer_.Start(stop_to_reload_timer_delay_, this, &ReloadButton::OnStopToReloadTimer); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReloadButton, views::ButtonListener implementation: void ReloadButton::ButtonPressed(views::Button* /* button */, const views::Event& event) { if (visible_mode_ == MODE_STOP) { if (browser_) browser_->Stop(); // The user has clicked, so we can feel free to update the button, // even if the mouse is still hovering. ChangeMode(MODE_RELOAD, true); } else if (!double_click_timer_.IsRunning()) { // Shift-clicking or ctrl-clicking the reload button means we should ignore // any cached content. // TODO(avayvod): eliminate duplication of this logic in // CompactLocationBarView. int command; int flags = mouse_event_flags(); if (event.IsShiftDown() || event.IsControlDown()) { command = IDC_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE; // Mask off Shift and Control so they don't affect the disposition below. flags &= ~(views::Event::EF_SHIFT_DOWN | views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN); } else { command = IDC_RELOAD; } WindowOpenDisposition disposition = event_utils::DispositionFromEventFlags(flags); if ((disposition == CURRENT_TAB) && location_bar_) { // Forcibly reset the location bar, since otherwise it won't discard any // ongoing user edits, since it doesn't realize this is a user-initiated // action. location_bar_->Revert(); } // Start a timer - while this timer is running, the reload button cannot be // changed to a stop button. We do not set |intended_mode_| to MODE_STOP // here as the browser will do that when it actually starts loading (which // may happen synchronously, thus the need to do this before telling the // browser to execute the reload command). double_click_timer_.Start(double_click_timer_delay_, this, &ReloadButton::OnDoubleClickTimer); if (browser_) browser_->ExecuteCommandWithDisposition(command, disposition); ++testing_reload_count_; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReloadButton, View overrides: void ReloadButton::OnMouseExited(const views::MouseEvent& e) { ChangeMode(intended_mode_, true); if (state() != BS_DISABLED) SetState(BS_NORMAL); } bool ReloadButton::GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p, std::wstring* tooltip) { tooltip->assign(l10n_util::GetString((visible_mode_ == MODE_RELOAD) ? IDS_TOOLTIP_RELOAD : IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP)); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReloadButton, private: void ReloadButton::OnDoubleClickTimer() { ChangeMode(intended_mode_, false); } void ReloadButton::OnStopToReloadTimer() { ChangeMode(intended_mode_, true); }