// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_pages.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h" #include "chrome/test/base/interactive_test_utils.h" #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" namespace { // This class tests the language dictionary settings. // This test is part of the interactive_ui_tests instead of browser_tests // because it is necessary to emulate pushing the tab key. class LanguageDictionaryWebUITest : public InProcessBrowserTest { public: LanguageDictionaryWebUITest() {} // Navigate to the editDictionary page. void SetUpOnMainThread() override { const GURL url = chrome::GetSettingsUrl("editDictionary"); ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url); } protected: const std::string kDictionaryListSelector = "#language-dictionary-overlay-word-list"; content::RenderFrameHost* GetActiveFrame() { return GetActiveWebContents()->GetFocusedFrame(); } content::RenderViewHost* GetRenderViewHost() { return GetActiveWebContents()->GetRenderViewHost(); } content::WebContents* GetActiveWebContents() { return browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(); } // Add a few test words to the dictionary. void SetTestWords(const std::string& list_selector) { const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "document.querySelector('%s').setWordList(['cat', 'dog', 'bird']);", list_selector.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript(GetActiveFrame(), script)); // Expected list size is 4: 3 word items + 1 placeholder. EXPECT_EQ(4, GetListSize(list_selector)); } // Returns the number of items in the list. int GetListSize(const std::string& list_selector) { const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('%s').items.length);", list_selector.c_str()); int length = -1; EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt( GetActiveFrame(), script, &length)); return length; } // Returns true if element contains document.activeElement. bool ContainsActiveElement(const std::string& element_selector) { const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('%s').contains(document.activeElement));", element_selector.c_str()); bool result; EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( GetActiveFrame(), script, &result)); return result; } // Returns true if list item[|index|] contains document.activeElement. bool ListItemContainsActiveElement(const std::string& list_selector, int index) { EXPECT_GE(index, 0); // EXPECT_TRUE will fail if index is out of bounds. const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('%s').items[%d].contains(" "document.activeElement));", list_selector.c_str(), index); bool result; EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( GetActiveFrame(), script, &result)); return result; } // Returns true if list item[|index|] has 'selected' attribute. bool ListItemSelected(const std::string& list_selector, int index) { EXPECT_GE(index, 0); // EXPECT_TRUE will fail if index is out of bounds. const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "domAutomationController.send(" "document.querySelector('%s').items[%d].hasAttribute('selected'));", list_selector.c_str(), index); bool result = false; EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool( GetActiveFrame(), script, &result)); return result; } // Returns true if list item[|index|] has 'selected' attribute and contains // document.activeElement. bool ListItemSelectedAndFocused(const std::string& list_selector, int index) { EXPECT_GE(index, 0); return ListItemSelected(list_selector, index) && ListItemContainsActiveElement(list_selector, index); } // Press and release a key in the browser. This will wait for the element on // the page to change. bool PressKey(ui::KeyboardCode key_code, bool shift) { return ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWait( browser(), key_code, false, shift, false, false, content::NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_CHANGED_IN_PAGE, content::Source(GetRenderViewHost())); } void InitializeDomMessageQueue() { dom_message_queue_.reset(new content::DOMMessageQueue); } // Wait for a message from the DOM automation controller. void WaitForDomMessage(const std::string& message) { const std::string expected = "\"" + message + "\""; std::string received; do { ASSERT_TRUE(dom_message_queue_->WaitForMessage(&received)); } while (received != expected); } // Add a JavaScript event listener to send a DOM automation controller message // whenever the |selected| property of the list item changes. void ListenForItemSelectedChange(const std::string& list_selector, int index) { EXPECT_GE(index, 0); // EXPECT_TRUE will fail if index is out of bounds. const std::string script = base::StringPrintf( "document.querySelector('%s').items[%d].addEventListener(" "'selectedChange', function() {" "domAutomationController.setAutomationId(0);" "domAutomationController.send('selected=' + this.selected);" "});", list_selector.c_str(), index); EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScript( GetActiveFrame(), script)); } private: scoped_ptr dom_message_queue_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LanguageDictionaryWebUITest); }; } // namespace // Test InlineEditableItemList keyboard focus behavior in editDictionary // overlay. // editDictionary overlay doesn't exist on OSX so disable it there. #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // Crashes on Win 7. http://crbug.com/500609 #if defined(OS_WIN) #define MAYBE_TestListKeyboardFocus DISABLED_TestListKeyboardFocus #else #define MAYBE_TestListKeyboardFocus TestListKeyboardFocus #endif IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(LanguageDictionaryWebUITest, MAYBE_TestListKeyboardFocus) { const std::string list_selector = kDictionaryListSelector; // Populate the list with some test words. SetTestWords(list_selector); int placeholder_index = GetListSize(list_selector) - 1; // Listen for changes of the placeholder item's |selected| property so that // test can wait until change has taken place after key press before // continuing. InitializeDomMessageQueue(); ListenForItemSelectedChange(list_selector, placeholder_index); // Press tab to focus the placeholder. PressKey(ui::VKEY_TAB, false); // Wait for placeholder item to become selected. WaitForDomMessage("selected=true"); // Verify that the placeholder is selected and has focus. EXPECT_TRUE(ListItemSelectedAndFocused(list_selector, placeholder_index)); // Press up arrow to select item above the placeholder. PressKey(ui::VKEY_UP, false); // Wait for placeholder to become unselected. WaitForDomMessage("selected=false"); // Verify that the placeholder is no longer selected. EXPECT_FALSE(ListItemSelected(list_selector, placeholder_index)); // Verify that the item above the placeholder is selected and has focus. EXPECT_TRUE(ListItemSelectedAndFocused(list_selector, placeholder_index - 1)); // Press tab to leave the list. PressKey(ui::VKEY_TAB, false); // Verify that focus has left the list. EXPECT_FALSE(ContainsActiveElement(list_selector)); // Verify that the item above the placeholder is still selected. EXPECT_TRUE(ListItemSelected(list_selector, placeholder_index - 1)); // Press shift+tab to go back to the list. PressKey(ui::VKEY_TAB, true); // Verify that the item above the placeholder is selected and has focus. EXPECT_TRUE(ListItemSelectedAndFocused(list_selector, placeholder_index - 1)); } #endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)