// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. GEN('#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/options_browsertest.h"'); /** @const */ var MANAGED_USERS_PREF = 'profile.managed_users'; /** * Wait for the method specified by |methodName|, on the |object| object, to be * called, then execute |afterFunction|. * @param {*} object Object with callable property named |methodName|. * @param {string} methodName The name of the property on |object| to use as a * callback. * @param {!Function} afterFunction A function to call after object.methodName() * is called. */ function waitForResponse(object, methodName, afterFunction) { var originalCallback = object[methodName]; // Install a wrapper that temporarily replaces the original function. object[methodName] = function() { object[methodName] = originalCallback; originalCallback.apply(this, arguments); afterFunction(); }; } /** * Wait for the global window.onpopstate callback to be called (after a tab * history navigation), then execute |afterFunction|. * @param {!Function} afterFunction A function to call after pop state events. */ function waitForPopstate(afterFunction) { waitForResponse(window, 'onpopstate', afterFunction); } /** * TestFixture for OptionsPage WebUI testing. * @extends {testing.Test} * @constructor */ function OptionsWebUITest() {} OptionsWebUITest.prototype = { __proto__: testing.Test.prototype, /** @override */ accessibilityIssuesAreErrors: true, /** @override */ setUp: function() { // user-image-stream is a streaming video element used for capturing a // user image during OOBE. this.accessibilityAuditConfig.ignoreSelectors('videoWithoutCaptions', '.user-image-stream'); }, /** * Browse to the options page & call our preLoad(). */ browsePreload: 'chrome://settings-frame', isAsync: true, /** * Register a mock handler to ensure expectations are met and options pages * behave correctly. */ preLoad: function() { this.makeAndRegisterMockHandler( ['defaultZoomFactorAction', 'fetchPrefs', 'observePrefs', 'setBooleanPref', 'setIntegerPref', 'setDoublePref', 'setStringPref', 'setObjectPref', 'clearPref', 'coreOptionsUserMetricsAction', ]); // Register stubs for methods expected to be called before/during tests. // Specific expectations can be made in the tests themselves. this.mockHandler.stubs().fetchPrefs(ANYTHING); this.mockHandler.stubs().observePrefs(ANYTHING); this.mockHandler.stubs().coreOptionsUserMetricsAction(ANYTHING); }, }; // Crashes on Mac only. See http://crbug.com/79181 GEN('#if defined(OS_MACOSX)'); GEN('#define MAYBE_testSetBooleanPrefTriggers ' + 'DISABLED_testSetBooleanPrefTriggers'); GEN('#else'); GEN('#define MAYBE_testSetBooleanPrefTriggers testSetBooleanPrefTriggers'); GEN('#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)'); TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'MAYBE_testSetBooleanPrefTriggers', function() { // TODO(dtseng): make generic to click all buttons. var showHomeButton = $('show-home-button'); var trueListValue = [ 'browser.show_home_button', true, 'Options_Homepage_HomeButton', ]; // Note: this expectation is checked in testing::Test::tearDown. this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setBooleanPref(trueListValue); // Cause the handler to be called. showHomeButton.click(); showHomeButton.blur(); testDone(); }); // Not meant to run on ChromeOS at this time. // Not finishing in windows. http://crbug.com/81723 TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'DISABLED_testRefreshStaysOnCurrentPage', function() { assertTrue($('search-engine-manager-page').hidden); var item = $('manage-default-search-engines'); item.click(); assertFalse($('search-engine-manager-page').hidden); window.location.reload(); assertEquals('chrome://settings-frame/searchEngines', document.location.href); assertFalse($('search-engine-manager-page').hidden); testDone(); }); /** * Test the default zoom factor select element. */ TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'testDefaultZoomFactor', function() { // The expected minimum length of the |defaultZoomFactor| element. var defaultZoomFactorMinimumLength = 10; // Verify that the zoom factor element exists. var defaultZoomFactor = $('defaultZoomFactor'); assertNotEquals(defaultZoomFactor, null); // Verify that the zoom factor element has a reasonable number of choices. expectGE(defaultZoomFactor.options.length, defaultZoomFactorMinimumLength); // Simulate a change event, selecting the highest zoom value. Verify that // the javascript handler was invoked once. this.mockHandler.expects(once()).defaultZoomFactorAction(NOT_NULL). will(callFunction(function() { })); defaultZoomFactor.selectedIndex = defaultZoomFactor.options.length - 1; var event = {target: defaultZoomFactor}; if (defaultZoomFactor.onchange) defaultZoomFactor.onchange(event); testDone(); }); /** * If |confirmInterstitial| is true, the OK button of the Do Not Track * interstitial is pressed, otherwise the abort button is pressed. * @param {boolean} confirmInterstitial Whether to confirm the Do Not Track * interstitial. */ OptionsWebUITest.prototype.testDoNotTrackInterstitial = function(confirmInterstitial) { Preferences.prefsFetchedCallback({'enable_do_not_track': {'value': false}}); var buttonToClick = confirmInterstitial ? $('do-not-track-confirm-ok') : $('do-not-track-confirm-cancel'); var dntCheckbox = $('do-not-track-enabled'); var dntOverlay = OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages['donottrackconfirm']; assertFalse(dntCheckbox.checked); var visibleChangeCounter = 0; var visibleChangeHandler = function() { ++visibleChangeCounter; switch (visibleChangeCounter) { case 1: window.setTimeout(function() { assertTrue(dntOverlay.visible); buttonToClick.click(); }, 0); break; case 2: window.setTimeout(function() { assertFalse(dntOverlay.visible); assertEquals(confirmInterstitial, dntCheckbox.checked); dntOverlay.removeEventListener(visibleChangeHandler); testDone(); }, 0); break; default: assertTrue(false); } }; dntOverlay.addEventListener('visibleChange', visibleChangeHandler); if (confirmInterstitial) { this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setBooleanPref( ['enable_do_not_track', true, 'Options_DoNotTrackCheckbox']); } else { // The mock handler complains if setBooleanPref is called even though // it should not be. } dntCheckbox.click(); }; TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'EnableDoNotTrackAndConfirmInterstitial', function() { this.testDoNotTrackInterstitial(true); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'EnableDoNotTrackAndCancelInterstitial', function() { this.testDoNotTrackInterstitial(false); }); // Check that the "Do not Track" preference can be correctly disabled. // In order to do that, we need to enable it first. TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'EnableAndDisableDoNotTrack', function() { Preferences.prefsFetchedCallback({'enable_do_not_track': {'value': false}}); var dntCheckbox = $('do-not-track-enabled'); var dntOverlay = OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages.donottrackconfirm; assertFalse(dntCheckbox.checked); var visibleChangeCounter = 0; var visibleChangeHandler = function() { ++visibleChangeCounter; switch (visibleChangeCounter) { case 1: window.setTimeout(function() { assertTrue(dntOverlay.visible); $('do-not-track-confirm-ok').click(); }, 0); break; case 2: window.setTimeout(function() { assertFalse(dntOverlay.visible); assertTrue(dntCheckbox.checked); dntOverlay.removeEventListener(visibleChangeHandler); dntCheckbox.click(); }, 0); break; default: assertNotReached(); } } dntOverlay.addEventListener('visibleChange', visibleChangeHandler); this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setBooleanPref( eq(['enable_do_not_track', true, 'Options_DoNotTrackCheckbox'])); var verifyCorrectEndState = function() { window.setTimeout(function() { assertFalse(dntOverlay.visible); assertFalse(dntCheckbox.checked); testDone(); }, 0); } this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setBooleanPref( eq(['enable_do_not_track', false, 'Options_DoNotTrackCheckbox'])).will( callFunction(verifyCorrectEndState)); dntCheckbox.click(); }); // Verify that preventDefault() is called on 'Enter' keydown events that trigger // the default button. If this doesn't happen, other elements that may get // focus (by the overlay closing for instance), will execute in addition to the // default button. See crbug.com/268336. TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'EnterPreventsDefault', function() { var page = HomePageOverlay.getInstance(); OptionsPage.showPageByName(page.name); var event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { 'bubbles': true, 'cancelable': true, 'keyIdentifier': 'Enter' }); assertFalse(event.defaultPrevented); page.pageDiv.dispatchEvent(event); assertTrue(event.defaultPrevented); testDone(); }); // Verifies that sending an empty list of indexes to move doesn't crash chrome. TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'emptySelectedIndexesDoesntCrash', function() { chrome.send('dragDropStartupPage', [0, []]); setTimeout(testDone); }); // This test turns out to be flaky on all platforms. // See http://crbug.com/315250. // An overlay's position should remain the same as it shows. TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'DISABLED_OverlayShowDoesntShift', function() { var overlayName = 'startup'; var overlay = $('startup-overlay'); var frozenPages = document.getElementsByClassName('frozen'); // Gets updated. expectEquals(0, frozenPages.length); document.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', function(e) { if (e.target != overlay) return; assertFalse(overlay.classList.contains('transparent')); expectEquals(numFrozenPages, frozenPages.length); testDone(); }); OptionsPage.navigateToPage(overlayName); var numFrozenPages = frozenPages.length; expectGT(numFrozenPages, 0); }); GEN('#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)'); // Verify that range inputs respond to touch events. Currently only Chrome OS // uses slider options. TEST_F('OptionsWebUITest', 'RangeInputHandlesTouchEvents', function() { this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setIntegerPref([ 'settings.touchpad.sensitivity2', 1]); var touchpadRange = $('touchpad-sensitivity-range'); var event = document.createEvent('UIEvent'); event.initUIEvent('touchstart', true, true, window); touchpadRange.dispatchEvent(event); event = document.createEvent('UIEvent'); event.initUIEvent('touchmove', true, true, window); touchpadRange.dispatchEvent(event); touchpadRange.value = 1; event = document.createEvent('UIEvent'); event.initUIEvent('touchend', true, true, window); touchpadRange.dispatchEvent(event); // touchcancel should also trigger the handler, since it // changes the slider position. this.mockHandler.expects(once()).setIntegerPref([ 'settings.touchpad.sensitivity2', 2]); event = document.createEvent('UIEvent'); event.initUIEvent('touchstart', true, true, window); touchpadRange.dispatchEvent(event); touchpadRange.value = 2; event = document.createEvent('UIEvent'); event.initUIEvent('touchcancel', true, true, window); touchpadRange.dispatchEvent(event); testDone(); }); GEN('#endif'); // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) /** * TestFixture for OptionsPage WebUI testing including tab history and support * for preference manipulation. If you don't need the features in the C++ * fixture, use the simpler OptionsWebUITest (above) instead. * @extends {testing.Test} * @constructor */ function OptionsWebUIExtendedTest() {} OptionsWebUIExtendedTest.prototype = { __proto__: testing.Test.prototype, /** @override */ browsePreload: 'chrome://settings-frame', /** @override */ typedefCppFixture: 'OptionsBrowserTest', testGenPreamble: function() { // Start with no supervised users managed by this profile. GEN(' ClearPref("' + MANAGED_USERS_PREF + '");'); }, /** @override */ isAsync: true, /** @override */ setUp: function() { // user-image-stream is a streaming video element used for capturing a // user image during OOBE. this.accessibilityAuditConfig.ignoreSelectors('videoWithoutCaptions', '.user-image-stream'); }, /** * Asserts that two non-nested arrays are equal. The arrays must contain only * plain data types, no nested arrays or other objects. * @param {Array} expected An array of expected values. * @param {Array} result An array of actual values. * @param {boolean} doSort If true, the arrays will be sorted before being * compared. * @param {string} description A brief description for the array of actual * values, to use in an error message if the arrays differ. * @private */ compareArrays_: function(expected, result, doSort, description) { var errorMessage = '\n' + description + ': ' + result + '\nExpected: ' + expected; assertEquals(expected.length, result.length, errorMessage); var expectedSorted = expected.slice(); var resultSorted = result.slice(); if (doSort) { expectedSorted.sort(); resultSorted.sort(); } for (var i = 0; i < expectedSorted.length; ++i) { assertEquals(expectedSorted[i], resultSorted[i], errorMessage); } }, /** * Verifies that the correct pages are currently open/visible. * @param {!Array.<string>} expectedPages An array of page names expected to * be open, with the topmost listed last. * @param {string=} opt_expectedUrl The URL path, including hash, expected to * be open. If undefined, the topmost (last) page name in |expectedPages| * will be used. In either case, 'chrome://settings-frame/' will be * prepended. * @private */ verifyOpenPages_: function(expectedPages, opt_expectedUrl) { // Check the topmost page. expectEquals(null, OptionsPage.getVisibleBubble()); var currentPage = OptionsPage.getTopmostVisiblePage(); var lastExpected = expectedPages[expectedPages.length - 1]; expectEquals(lastExpected, currentPage.name); // We'd like to check the title too, but we have to load the settings-frame // instead of the outer settings page in order to have access to // OptionsPage, and setting the title from within the settings-frame fails // because of cross-origin access restrictions. // TODO(pamg): Add a test fixture that loads chrome://settings and uses // UI elements to access sub-pages, so we can test the titles and // search-page URLs. var expectedUrl = (typeof opt_expectedUrl == 'undefined') ? lastExpected : opt_expectedUrl; var fullExpectedUrl = 'chrome://settings-frame/' + expectedUrl; expectEquals(fullExpectedUrl, window.location.href); // Collect open pages. var allPageNames = Object.keys(OptionsPage.registeredPages).concat( Object.keys(OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages)); var openPages = []; for (var i = 0; i < allPageNames.length; ++i) { var name = allPageNames[i]; var page = OptionsPage.registeredPages[name] || OptionsPage.registeredOverlayPages[name]; if (page.visible) openPages.push(page.name); } this.compareArrays_(expectedPages, openPages, true, 'Open pages'); }, /* * Verifies that the correct URLs are listed in the history. Asynchronous. * @param {!Array.<string>} expectedHistory An array of URL paths expected to * be in the tab navigation history, sorted by visit time, including the * current page as the last entry. The base URL (chrome://settings-frame/) * will be prepended to each. An initial 'about:blank' history entry is * assumed and should not be included in this list. * @param {Function=} callback A function to be called after the history has * been verified successfully. May be undefined. * @private */ verifyHistory_: function(expectedHistory, callback) { var self = this; OptionsWebUIExtendedTest.verifyHistoryCallback = function(results) { // The history always starts with a blank page. assertEquals('about:blank', results.shift()); var fullExpectedHistory = []; for (var i = 0; i < expectedHistory.length; ++i) { fullExpectedHistory.push( 'chrome://settings-frame/' + expectedHistory[i]); } self.compareArrays_(fullExpectedHistory, results, false, 'History'); callback(); }; // The C++ fixture will call verifyHistoryCallback with the results. chrome.send('optionsTestReportHistory'); }, /** * Overrides the page callbacks for the given OptionsPage overlay to verify * that they are not called. * @param {Object} overlay The singleton instance of the overlay. * @private */ prohibitChangesToOverlay_: function(overlay) { overlay.initializePage = overlay.didShowPage = overlay.didClosePage = function() { assertTrue(false, 'Overlay was affected when changes were prohibited.'); }; }, }; /** * Set by verifyHistory_ to incorporate a followup callback, then called by the * C++ fixture with the navigation history to be verified. * @type {Function} */ OptionsWebUIExtendedTest.verifyHistoryCallback = null; // Show the search page with no query string, to fall back to the settings page. // Test disabled because it's flaky. crbug.com/303841 TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'DISABLED_ShowSearchPageNoQuery', function() { OptionsPage.showPageByName('search'); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings']); this.verifyHistory_(['settings'], testDone); }); // Show a page without updating history. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowPageNoHistory', function() { this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], ''); // There are only two main pages, 'settings' and 'search'. It's not possible // to show the search page using OptionsPage.showPageByName, because it // reverts to the settings page if it has no search text set. So we show the // search page by performing a search, then test showPageByName. $('search-field').onsearch({currentTarget: {value: 'query'}}); // The settings page is also still "open" (i.e., visible), in order to show // the search results. Furthermore, the URL hasn't been updated in the parent // page, because we've loaded the chrome-settings frame instead of the whole // settings page, so the cross-origin call to set the URL fails. this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'search'], 'search#query'); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query'], function() { OptionsPage.showPageByName('settings', false); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], 'search#query'); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query'], testDone); }); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowPageWithHistory', function() { // See comments for ShowPageNoHistory. $('search-field').onsearch({currentTarget: {value: 'query'}}); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query'], function() { OptionsPage.showPageByName('settings', true); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], '#query'); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query', '#query'], testDone); }); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowPageReplaceHistory', function() { // See comments for ShowPageNoHistory. $('search-field').onsearch({currentTarget: {value: 'query'}}); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query'], function() { OptionsPage.showPageByName('settings', true, {'replaceState': true}); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], '#query'); self.verifyHistory_(['', '#query'], testDone); }); }); // This should be identical to ShowPageWithHisory. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'NavigateToPage', function() { // See comments for ShowPageNoHistory. $('search-field').onsearch({currentTarget: {value: 'query'}}); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query'], function() { OptionsPage.navigateToPage('settings'); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], '#query'); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'search#query', '#query'], testDone); }); }); // Settings overlays are much more straightforward than settings pages, opening // normally with none of the latter's quirks in the expected history or URL. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowOverlayNoHistory', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, not updating history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', false); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages'], ''); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_([''], function() { // Open a layer-2 overlay for which the layer-1 is a parent, not updating // history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', false); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], ''); self.verifyHistory_([''], testDone); }); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowOverlayWithHistory', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, updating history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages'], function() { // Open a layer-2 overlay, updating history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], testDone); }); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowOverlayReplaceHistory', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, updating history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages'], function() { // Open a layer-2 overlay, replacing history. OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true, {'replaceState': true}); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'addLanguage'], testDone); }); }); // Directly show an overlay further above this page, i.e. one for which the // current page is an ancestor but not a parent. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowOverlayFurtherAbove', function() { // Open a layer-2 overlay directly. OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'addLanguage'], testDone); }); // Directly show a layer-2 overlay for which the layer-1 overlay is not a // parent. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'ShowUnrelatedOverlay', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages'], function() { // Open an unrelated layer-2 overlay. OptionsPage.showPageByName('cookies', true); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'content', 'cookies']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'cookies'], testDone); }); }); // Close an overlay. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'CloseOverlay', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, then a layer-2 overlay on top of it. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); var self = this; this.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], function() { // Close the layer-2 overlay. OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); self.verifyHistory_( ['', 'languages', 'addLanguage', 'languages'], function() { // Close the layer-1 overlay. OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], ''); self.verifyHistory_( ['', 'languages', 'addLanguage', 'languages', ''], testDone); }); }); }); // Test that closing an overlay that did not push history when opening does not // again push history. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'CloseOverlayNoHistory', function() { // Open the do not track confirmation prompt. OptionsPage.showPageByName('doNotTrackConfirm', false); // Opening the prompt does not add to the history. this.verifyHistory_([''], function() { // Close the overlay. OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); // Still no history changes. this.verifyHistory_([''], testDone); }.bind(this)); }); // Make sure an overlay isn't closed (even temporarily) when another overlay is // opened on top. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'OverlayAboveNoReset', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); // Open a layer-2 overlay on top. This should not close 'languages'. this.prohibitChangesToOverlay_(options.LanguageOptions.getInstance()); OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); this.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); testDone(); }); TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'OverlayTabNavigation', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, then a layer-2 overlay on top of it. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); var self = this; // Go back twice, then forward twice. self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], function() { window.history.back(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages'], function() { window.history.back(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings'], ''); self.verifyHistory_([''], function() { window.history.forward(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages'], function() { window.history.forward(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_( ['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_( ['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], testDone); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); // Going "back" to an overlay that's a child of the current overlay shouldn't // close the current one. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'OverlayBackToChild', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, then a layer-2 overlay on top of it. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); OptionsPage.showPageByName('addLanguage', true); var self = this; self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], function() { // Close the top overlay, then go back to it. OptionsPage.closeOverlay(); self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); self.verifyHistory_( ['', 'languages', 'addLanguage', 'languages'], function() { // Going back to the 'addLanguage' page should not close 'languages'. self.prohibitChangesToOverlay_(options.LanguageOptions.getInstance()); window.history.back(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages', 'addLanguage']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'addLanguage'], testDone); }); }); }); }); // Going back to an unrelated overlay should close the overlay and its parent. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'OverlayBackToUnrelated', function() { // Open a layer-1 overlay, then an unrelated layer-2 overlay. OptionsPage.showPageByName('languages', true); OptionsPage.showPageByName('cookies', true); var self = this; self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'content', 'cookies']); self.verifyHistory_(['', 'languages', 'cookies'], function() { window.history.back(); waitForPopstate(function() { self.verifyOpenPages_(['settings', 'languages']); testDone(); }); }); }); // Verify history changes properly while the page is loading. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'HistoryUpdatedAfterLoading', function() { var loc = location.href; document.documentElement.classList.add('loading'); assertTrue(OptionsPage.isLoading()); OptionsPage.navigateToPage('searchEngines'); expectNotEquals(loc, location.href); document.documentElement.classList.remove('loading'); assertFalse(OptionsPage.isLoading()); OptionsPage.showDefaultPage(); expectEquals(loc, location.href); testDone(); }); // A tip should be shown or hidden depending on whether this profile manages any // supervised users. TEST_F('OptionsWebUIExtendedTest', 'SupervisingUsers', function() { // We start managing no supervised users. assertTrue($('profiles-supervised-dashboard-tip').hidden); // Remove all supervised users, then add some, watching for the pref change // notifications and UI updates in each case. Any non-empty pref dictionary // is interpreted as having supervised users. chrome.send('optionsTestSetPref', [MANAGED_USERS_PREF, {key: 'value'}]); waitForResponse(BrowserOptions, 'updateManagesSupervisedUsers', function() { assertFalse($('profiles-supervised-dashboard-tip').hidden); chrome.send('optionsTestSetPref', [MANAGED_USERS_PREF, {}]); waitForResponse(BrowserOptions, 'updateManagesSupervisedUsers', function() { assertTrue($('profiles-supervised-dashboard-tip').hidden); testDone(); }); }); }); /** * TestFixture that loads the options page at a bogus URL. * @extends {OptionsWebUIExtendedTest} * @constructor */ function OptionsWebUIRedirectTest() { OptionsWebUIExtendedTest.call(this); } OptionsWebUIRedirectTest.prototype = { __proto__: OptionsWebUIExtendedTest.prototype, /** @override */ browsePreload: 'chrome://settings-frame/nonexistantPage', }; TEST_F('OptionsWebUIRedirectTest', 'TestURL', function() { assertEquals('chrome://settings-frame/', document.location.href); this.verifyHistory_([''], testDone); });