// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/sync_setup_handler.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_info_cache.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_global_error.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_promo.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_navigator.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/sync/signin_histogram.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/login_ui_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/login_ui_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h" #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_util.h" #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_constants.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/locale_settings.h" #include "net/base/url_util.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager_base.h" #else #include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager.h" #endif using content::WebContents; using l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16; using l10n_util::GetStringUTF16; namespace { // A structure which contains all the configuration information for sync. struct SyncConfigInfo { SyncConfigInfo(); ~SyncConfigInfo(); bool encrypt_all; bool sync_everything; bool sync_nothing; syncer::ModelTypeSet data_types; std::string passphrase; bool passphrase_is_gaia; }; SyncConfigInfo::SyncConfigInfo() : encrypt_all(false), sync_everything(false), sync_nothing(false), passphrase_is_gaia(false) { } SyncConfigInfo::~SyncConfigInfo() {} // Note: The order of these types must match the ordering of // the respective types in ModelType const char* kDataTypeNames[] = { "bookmarks", "preferences", "passwords", "autofill", "themes", "typedUrls", "extensions", "apps", "tabs" }; COMPILE_ASSERT(31 == syncer::MODEL_TYPE_COUNT, update_kDataTypeNames_to_match_UserSelectableTypes); typedef std::map ModelTypeNameMap; ModelTypeNameMap GetSelectableTypeNameMap() { ModelTypeNameMap type_names; syncer::ModelTypeSet type_set = syncer::UserSelectableTypes(); syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = type_set.First(); DCHECK_EQ(arraysize(kDataTypeNames), type_set.Size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDataTypeNames) && it.Good(); ++i, it.Inc()) { type_names[it.Get()] = kDataTypeNames[i]; } return type_names; } bool GetConfiguration(const std::string& json, SyncConfigInfo* config) { scoped_ptr parsed_value(base::JSONReader::Read(json)); DictionaryValue* result; if (!parsed_value || !parsed_value->GetAsDictionary(&result)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a Dictionary"; return false; } if (!result->GetBoolean("syncAllDataTypes", &config->sync_everything)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a syncAllDataTypes value"; return false; } if (!result->GetBoolean("syncNothing", &config->sync_nothing)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a syncNothing value"; return false; } DCHECK(!(config->sync_everything && config->sync_nothing)) << "syncAllDataTypes and syncNothing cannot both be true"; ModelTypeNameMap type_names = GetSelectableTypeNameMap(); for (ModelTypeNameMap::const_iterator it = type_names.begin(); it != type_names.end(); ++it) { std::string key_name = it->second + std::string("Synced"); bool sync_value; if (!result->GetBoolean(key_name, &sync_value)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a value for " << key_name; return false; } if (sync_value) config->data_types.Put(it->first); } // Encryption settings. if (!result->GetBoolean("encryptAllData", &config->encrypt_all)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a value for encryptAllData"; return false; } // Passphrase settings. bool have_passphrase; if (!result->GetBoolean("usePassphrase", &have_passphrase)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a usePassphrase value"; return false; } if (have_passphrase) { if (!result->GetBoolean("isGooglePassphrase", &config->passphrase_is_gaia)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed isGooglePassphrase value"; return false; } if (!result->GetString("passphrase", &config->passphrase)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "GetConfiguration() not passed a passphrase value"; return false; } } return true; } } // namespace SyncSetupHandler::SyncSetupHandler(ProfileManager* profile_manager) : configuring_sync_(false), profile_manager_(profile_manager) { } SyncSetupHandler::~SyncSetupHandler() { // Just exit if running unit tests (no actual WebUI is attached). if (!web_ui()) return; // This case is hit when the user performs a back navigation. CloseSyncSetup(); } void SyncSetupHandler::GetLocalizedValues(DictionaryValue* localized_strings) { GetStaticLocalizedValues(localized_strings, web_ui()); } void SyncSetupHandler::GetStaticLocalizedValues( DictionaryValue* localized_strings, content::WebUI* web_ui) { DCHECK(localized_strings); base::string16 product_name(GetStringUTF16(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); localized_strings->SetString( "chooseDataTypesInstructions", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_CHOOSE_DATATYPES_INSTRUCTIONS, product_name)); localized_strings->SetString( "encryptionInstructions", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_ENCRYPTION_INSTRUCTIONS, product_name)); localized_strings->SetString( "encryptionHelpURL", chrome::kSyncEncryptionHelpURL); localized_strings->SetString( "encryptionSectionMessage", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_ENCRYPTION_SECTION_MESSAGE, product_name)); localized_strings->SetString( "passphraseRecover", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_RECOVER, ASCIIToUTF16(google_util::StringAppendGoogleLocaleParam( chrome::kSyncGoogleDashboardURL)))); localized_strings->SetString("stopSyncingExplanation", l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16( IDS_SYNC_STOP_SYNCING_EXPLANATION_LABEL, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME), ASCIIToUTF16(google_util::StringAppendGoogleLocaleParam( chrome::kSyncGoogleDashboardURL)))); localized_strings->SetString("stopSyncingTitle", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_STOP_SYNCING_DIALOG_TITLE)); localized_strings->SetString("stopSyncingConfirm", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_STOP_SYNCING_CONFIRM_BUTTON_LABEL)); localized_strings->SetString( "syncEverythingHelpURL", chrome::kSyncEverythingLearnMoreURL); localized_strings->SetString( "syncErrorHelpURL", chrome::kSyncErrorsHelpURL); static OptionsStringResource resources[] = { { "syncSetupConfigureTitle", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_CONFIGURE_TITLE }, { "syncSetupSpinnerTitle", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_SPINNER_TITLE }, { "syncSetupTimeoutTitle", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_TIME_OUT_TITLE }, { "syncSetupTimeoutContent", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_TIME_OUT_CONTENT }, { "errorLearnMore", IDS_LEARN_MORE }, { "cancel", IDS_CANCEL }, { "loginSuccess", IDS_SYNC_SUCCESS }, { "settingUp", IDS_SYNC_LOGIN_SETTING_UP }, { "syncAllDataTypes", IDS_SYNC_EVERYTHING }, { "chooseDataTypes", IDS_SYNC_CHOOSE_DATATYPES }, { "syncNothing", IDS_SYNC_NOTHING }, { "bookmarks", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_BOOKMARKS }, { "preferences", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_PREFERENCES }, { "autofill", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_AUTOFILL }, { "themes", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_THEMES }, { "passwords", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_PASSWORDS }, { "extensions", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_EXTENSIONS }, { "typedURLs", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_TYPED_URLS }, { "apps", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_APPS }, { "openTabs", IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_TABS }, { "syncZeroDataTypesError", IDS_SYNC_ZERO_DATA_TYPES_ERROR }, { "serviceUnavailableError", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_ABORTED_BY_PENDING_CLEAR }, { "confirmLabel", IDS_SYNC_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE_LABEL }, { "emptyErrorMessage", IDS_SYNC_EMPTY_PASSPHRASE_ERROR }, { "mismatchErrorMessage", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_MISMATCH_ERROR }, { "customizeLinkLabel", IDS_SYNC_CUSTOMIZE_LINK_LABEL }, { "confirmSyncPreferences", IDS_SYNC_CONFIRM_SYNC_PREFERENCES }, { "syncEverything", IDS_SYNC_SYNC_EVERYTHING }, { "useDefaultSettings", IDS_SYNC_USE_DEFAULT_SETTINGS }, { "enterPassphraseBody", IDS_SYNC_ENTER_PASSPHRASE_BODY }, { "enterGooglePassphraseBody", IDS_SYNC_ENTER_GOOGLE_PASSPHRASE_BODY }, { "passphraseLabel", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_LABEL }, { "incorrectPassphrase", IDS_SYNC_INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE }, { "passphraseWarning", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_WARNING }, { "yes", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_CANCEL_YES }, { "no", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_CANCEL_NO }, { "sectionExplicitMessagePrefix", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_MSG_EXPLICIT_PREFIX }, { "sectionExplicitMessagePostfix", IDS_SYNC_PASSPHRASE_MSG_EXPLICIT_POSTFIX }, // TODO(rogerta): browser/resource/sync_promo/sync_promo.html and related // file may not be needed any more. If not, then the following promo // strings can also be removed. { "promoPageTitle", IDS_SYNC_PROMO_TAB_TITLE }, { "promoSkipButton", IDS_SYNC_PROMO_SKIP_BUTTON }, { "promoAdvanced", IDS_SYNC_PROMO_ADVANCED }, { "promoLearnMore", IDS_LEARN_MORE }, { "promoTitleShort", IDS_SYNC_PROMO_MESSAGE_TITLE_SHORT }, { "encryptionSectionTitle", IDS_SYNC_ENCRYPTION_SECTION_TITLE }, { "basicEncryptionOption", IDS_SYNC_BASIC_ENCRYPTION_DATA }, { "fullEncryptionOption", IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_DATA }, }; RegisterStrings(localized_strings, resources, arraysize(resources)); RegisterTitle(localized_strings, "syncSetupOverlay", IDS_SYNC_SETUP_TITLE); } void SyncSetupHandler::DisplayConfigureSync(bool show_advanced, bool passphrase_failed) { // Should never call this when we are not signed in. DCHECK(!SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile( GetProfile())->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()); ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); DCHECK(service); if (!service->sync_initialized()) { service->UnsuppressAndStart(); // See if it's even possible to bring up the sync backend - if not // (unrecoverable error?), don't bother displaying a spinner that will be // immediately closed because this leads to some ugly infinite UI loop (see // http://crbug.com/244769). if (SyncStartupTracker::GetSyncServiceState(GetProfile()) != SyncStartupTracker::SYNC_STARTUP_ERROR) { DisplaySpinner(); } // Start SyncSetupTracker to wait for sync to initialize. sync_startup_tracker_.reset( new SyncStartupTracker(GetProfile(), this)); return; } // Should only get here if user is signed in and sync is initialized, so no // longer need a SyncStartupTracker. sync_startup_tracker_.reset(); configuring_sync_ = true; DCHECK(service->sync_initialized()) << "Cannot configure sync until the sync backend is initialized"; // Setup args for the sync configure screen: // showSyncEverythingPage: false to skip directly to the configure screen // syncAllDataTypes: true if the user wants to sync everything // syncNothing: true if the user wants to sync nothing // Registered: true if the associated data type is supported // Synced: true if the user wants to sync that specific data type // encryptionEnabled: true if sync supports encryption // encryptAllData: true if user wants to encrypt all data (not just // passwords) // usePassphrase: true if the data is encrypted with a secondary passphrase // show_passphrase: true if a passphrase is needed to decrypt the sync data DictionaryValue args; // Tell the UI layer which data types are registered/enabled by the user. const syncer::ModelTypeSet registered_types = service->GetRegisteredDataTypes(); const syncer::ModelTypeSet preferred_types = service->GetPreferredDataTypes(); ModelTypeNameMap type_names = GetSelectableTypeNameMap(); for (ModelTypeNameMap::const_iterator it = type_names.begin(); it != type_names.end(); ++it) { syncer::ModelType sync_type = it->first; const std::string key_name = it->second; args.SetBoolean(key_name + "Registered", registered_types.Has(sync_type)); args.SetBoolean(key_name + "Synced", preferred_types.Has(sync_type)); } browser_sync::SyncPrefs sync_prefs(GetProfile()->GetPrefs()); args.SetBoolean("passphraseFailed", passphrase_failed); args.SetBoolean("showSyncEverythingPage", !show_advanced); args.SetBoolean("syncAllDataTypes", sync_prefs.HasKeepEverythingSynced()); args.SetBoolean("syncNothing", false); // Always false during initial setup. args.SetBoolean("encryptAllData", service->EncryptEverythingEnabled()); // We call IsPassphraseRequired() here, instead of calling // IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption(), because we want to show the passphrase // UI even if no encrypted data types are enabled. args.SetBoolean("showPassphrase", service->IsPassphraseRequired()); // To distinguish between FROZEN_IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE and CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE // we only set usePassphrase for CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE. args.SetBoolean("usePassphrase", service->GetPassphraseType() == syncer::CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE); base::Time passphrase_time = service->GetExplicitPassphraseTime(); syncer::PassphraseType passphrase_type = service->GetPassphraseType(); if (!passphrase_time.is_null()) { base::string16 passphrase_time_str = base::TimeFormatShortDate(passphrase_time); args.SetString( "enterPassphraseBody", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_ENTER_PASSPHRASE_BODY_WITH_DATE, passphrase_time_str)); args.SetString( "enterGooglePassphraseBody", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_ENTER_GOOGLE_PASSPHRASE_BODY_WITH_DATE, passphrase_time_str)); switch (passphrase_type) { case syncer::FROZEN_IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE: args.SetString( "fullEncryptionBody", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_GOOGLE_WITH_DATE, passphrase_time_str)); break; case syncer::CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE: args.SetString( "fullEncryptionBody", GetStringFUTF16(IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_CUSTOM_WITH_DATE, passphrase_time_str)); break; default: args.SetString( "fullEncryptionBody", GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_CUSTOM)); break; } } else if (passphrase_type == syncer::CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE) { args.SetString( "fullEncryptionBody", GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_CUSTOM)); } else { args.SetString( "fullEncryptionBody", GetStringUTF16(IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_DATA)); } StringValue page("configure"); web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction( "SyncSetupOverlay.showSyncSetupPage", page, args); // Make sure the tab used for the Gaia sign in does not cover the settings // tab. FocusUI(); } void SyncSetupHandler::ConfigureSyncDone() { StringValue page("done"); web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction( "SyncSetupOverlay.showSyncSetupPage", page); // Suppress the sign in promo once the user starts sync. This way the user // doesn't see the sign in promo even if they sign out later on. signin::SetUserSkippedPromo(GetProfile()); ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); DCHECK(service); if (!service->HasSyncSetupCompleted()) { // This is the first time configuring sync, so log it. base::FilePath profile_file_path = GetProfile()->GetPath(); ProfileMetrics::LogProfileSyncSignIn(profile_file_path); // We're done configuring, so notify ProfileSyncService that it is OK to // start syncing. service->SetSetupInProgress(false); service->SetSyncSetupCompleted(); } } bool SyncSetupHandler::IsActiveLogin() const { // LoginUIService can be NULL if page is brought up in incognito mode // (i.e. if the user is running in guest mode in cros and brings up settings). LoginUIService* service = GetLoginUIService(); return service && (service->current_login_ui() == this); } void SyncSetupHandler::RegisterMessages() { web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback( "SyncSetupDidClosePage", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::OnDidClosePage, base::Unretained(this))); web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback( "SyncSetupConfigure", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleConfigure, base::Unretained(this))); web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback( "SyncSetupShowSetupUI", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleShowSetupUI, base::Unretained(this))); web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("CloseTimeout", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleCloseTimeout, base::Unretained(this))); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback( "SyncSetupDoSignOutOnAuthError", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleDoSignOutOnAuthError, base::Unretained(this))); #else web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("SyncSetupStopSyncing", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleStopSyncing, base::Unretained(this))); web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback("SyncSetupStartSignIn", base::Bind(&SyncSetupHandler::HandleStartSignin, base::Unretained(this))); #endif } #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void SyncSetupHandler::DisplayGaiaLogin() { DCHECK(!sync_startup_tracker_); // Advanced options are no longer being configured if the login screen is // visible. If the user exits the signin wizard after this without // configuring sync, CloseSyncSetup() will ensure they are logged out. configuring_sync_ = false; DisplayGaiaLoginInNewTabOrWindow(); } void SyncSetupHandler::DisplayGaiaLoginInNewTabOrWindow() { GURL url(signin::GetPromoURL(signin::SOURCE_SETTINGS, true)); // auto close after success. Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents( web_ui()->GetWebContents()); if (!browser) { // Settings is not displayed in a browser window. Open a new window. browser = new Browser(Browser::CreateParams( Browser::TYPE_TABBED, GetProfile(), chrome::GetActiveDesktop())); } // If the signin manager already has an authenticated username, this is a // re-auth scenario, and we need to ensure that the user signs in with the // same email address. std::string email = SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile( browser->profile())->GetAuthenticatedUsername(); if (!email.empty()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Signin.Reauth", signin::HISTOGRAM_SHOWN, signin::HISTOGRAM_MAX); url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, "Email", email); } browser->OpenURL( content::OpenURLParams(url, content::Referrer(), SINGLETON_TAB, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_BOOKMARK, false)); } #endif bool SyncSetupHandler::PrepareSyncSetup() { // If the wizard is already visible, just focus that one. if (FocusExistingWizardIfPresent()) { if (!IsActiveLogin()) CloseSyncSetup(); return false; } // Notify services that login UI is now active. GetLoginUIService()->SetLoginUI(this); ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); if (service) service->SetSetupInProgress(true); return true; } void SyncSetupHandler::DisplaySpinner() { configuring_sync_ = true; StringValue page("spinner"); DictionaryValue args; const int kTimeoutSec = 30; DCHECK(!backend_start_timer_); backend_start_timer_.reset(new base::OneShotTimer()); backend_start_timer_->Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kTimeoutSec), this, &SyncSetupHandler::DisplayTimeout); web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction( "SyncSetupOverlay.showSyncSetupPage", page, args); } // TODO(kochi): Handle error conditions other than timeout. // http://crbug.com/128692 void SyncSetupHandler::DisplayTimeout() { // Stop a timer to handle timeout in waiting for checking network connection. backend_start_timer_.reset(); // Do not listen to sync startup events. sync_startup_tracker_.reset(); StringValue page("timeout"); DictionaryValue args; web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction( "SyncSetupOverlay.showSyncSetupPage", page, args); } void SyncSetupHandler::OnDidClosePage(const ListValue* args) { CloseSyncSetup(); } void SyncSetupHandler::SyncStartupFailed() { // Stop a timer to handle timeout in waiting for checking network connection. backend_start_timer_.reset(); // Just close the sync overlay (the idea is that the base settings page will // display the current error.) CloseUI(); } void SyncSetupHandler::SyncStartupCompleted() { ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); DCHECK(service->sync_initialized()); // Stop a timer to handle timeout in waiting for checking network connection. backend_start_timer_.reset(); DisplayConfigureSync(true, false); } Profile* SyncSetupHandler::GetProfile() const { return Profile::FromWebUI(web_ui()); } ProfileSyncService* SyncSetupHandler::GetSyncService() const { Profile* profile = GetProfile(); return profile->IsSyncAccessible() ? ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile()) : NULL; } void SyncSetupHandler::HandleConfigure(const ListValue* args) { DCHECK(!sync_startup_tracker_); std::string json; if (!args->GetString(0, &json)) { NOTREACHED() << "Could not read JSON argument"; return; } if (json.empty()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } SyncConfigInfo configuration; if (!GetConfiguration(json, &configuration)) { // The page sent us something that we didn't understand. // This probably indicates a programming error. NOTREACHED(); return; } // Start configuring the ProfileSyncService using the configuration passed // to us from the JS layer. ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); // If the sync engine has shutdown for some reason, just close the sync // dialog. if (!service || !service->sync_initialized()) { CloseUI(); return; } // Disable sync, but remain signed in if the user selected "Sync nothing" in // the advanced settings dialog. Note: In order to disable sync across // restarts on Chrome OS, we must call OnStopSyncingPermanently(), which // suppresses sync startup in addition to disabling it. if (configuration.sync_nothing) { ProfileSyncService::SyncEvent( ProfileSyncService::STOP_FROM_ADVANCED_DIALOG); CloseUI(); service->OnStopSyncingPermanently(); service->SetSetupInProgress(false); return; } // Note: Data encryption will not occur until configuration is complete // (when the PSS receives its CONFIGURE_DONE notification from the sync // backend), so the user still has a chance to cancel out of the operation // if (for example) some kind of passphrase error is encountered. if (configuration.encrypt_all) service->EnableEncryptEverything(); bool passphrase_failed = false; if (!configuration.passphrase.empty()) { // We call IsPassphraseRequired() here (instead of // IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption()) because the user may try to enter // a passphrase even though no encrypted data types are enabled. if (service->IsPassphraseRequired()) { // If we have pending keys, try to decrypt them with the provided // passphrase. We track if this succeeds or fails because a failed // decryption should result in an error even if there aren't any encrypted // data types. passphrase_failed = !service->SetDecryptionPassphrase(configuration.passphrase); } else { // OK, the user sent us a passphrase, but we don't have pending keys. So // it either means that the pending keys were resolved somehow since the // time the UI was displayed (re-encryption, pending passphrase change, // etc) or the user wants to re-encrypt. if (!configuration.passphrase_is_gaia && !service->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) { // User passed us a secondary passphrase, and the data is encrypted // with a GAIA passphrase so they must want to encrypt. service->SetEncryptionPassphrase(configuration.passphrase, ProfileSyncService::EXPLICIT); } } } bool user_was_prompted_for_passphrase = service->IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption(); service->OnUserChoseDatatypes(configuration.sync_everything, configuration.data_types); // Need to call IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() *after* calling // OnUserChoseDatatypes() because the user may have just disabled the // encrypted datatypes (in which case we just want to exit, not prompt the // user for a passphrase). if (passphrase_failed || service->IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption()) { // We need a passphrase, or the user's attempt to set a passphrase failed - // prompt them again. This covers a few subtle cases: // 1) The user enters an incorrect passphrase *and* disabled the encrypted // data types. In that case we want to notify the user that the // passphrase was incorrect even though there are no longer any encrypted // types enabled (IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() == false). // 2) The user doesn't enter any passphrase. In this case, we won't call // SetDecryptionPassphrase() (passphrase_failed == false), but we still // want to display an error message to let the user know that their // blank passphrase entry is not acceptable. // 3) The user just enabled an encrypted data type - in this case we don't // want to display an "invalid passphrase" error, since it's the first // time the user is seeing the prompt. DisplayConfigureSync( true, passphrase_failed || user_was_prompted_for_passphrase); } else { // No passphrase is required from the user so mark the configuration as // complete and close the sync setup overlay. ConfigureSyncDone(); } ProfileMetrics::LogProfileSyncInfo(ProfileMetrics::SYNC_CUSTOMIZE); if (configuration.encrypt_all) ProfileMetrics::LogProfileSyncInfo(ProfileMetrics::SYNC_ENCRYPT); if (configuration.passphrase_is_gaia && !configuration.passphrase.empty()) ProfileMetrics::LogProfileSyncInfo(ProfileMetrics::SYNC_PASSPHRASE); if (!configuration.sync_everything) ProfileMetrics::LogProfileSyncInfo(ProfileMetrics::SYNC_CHOOSE); } void SyncSetupHandler::HandleShowSetupUI(const ListValue* args) { ProfileSyncService* service = GetSyncService(); DCHECK(service); SigninManagerBase* signin = SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile()); if (signin->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()) { // For web-based signin, the signin page is not displayed in an overlay // on the settings page. So if we get here, it must be due to the user // cancelling signin (by reloading the sync settings page during initial // signin) or by directly navigating to settings/syncSetup // (http://crbug.com/229836). So just exit and go back to the settings page. DLOG(WARNING) << "Cannot display sync setup UI when not signed in"; CloseUI(); return; } // If a setup wizard is already present, but not on this page, close the // blank setup overlay on this page by showing the "done" page. This can // happen if the user navigates to chrome://settings/syncSetup in more than // one tab. See crbug.com/261566. // Note: The following block will transfer focus to the existing wizard. if (IsExistingWizardPresent() && !IsActiveLogin()) { CloseUI(); } // If a setup wizard is present on this page or another, bring it to focus. // Otherwise, display a new one on this page. if (!FocusExistingWizardIfPresent()) OpenSyncSetup(); } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // On ChromeOS, we need to sign out the user session to fix an auth error, so // the user goes through the real signin flow to generate a new auth token. void SyncSetupHandler::HandleDoSignOutOnAuthError(const ListValue* args) { DVLOG(1) << "Signing out the user to fix a sync error."; chrome::AttemptUserExit(); } #endif #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void SyncSetupHandler::HandleStartSignin(const ListValue* args) { // Should only be called if the user is not already signed in. DCHECK(SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile())-> GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty()); OpenSyncSetup(); } void SyncSetupHandler::HandleStopSyncing(const ListValue* args) { if (GetSyncService()) ProfileSyncService::SyncEvent(ProfileSyncService::STOP_FROM_OPTIONS); #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile())->SignOut(); #endif } #endif void SyncSetupHandler::HandleCloseTimeout(const ListValue* args) { CloseSyncSetup(); } void SyncSetupHandler::CloseSyncSetup() { // Stop a timer to handle timeout in waiting for checking network connection. backend_start_timer_.reset(); // Clear the sync startup tracker, since the setup wizard is being closed. sync_startup_tracker_.reset(); ProfileSyncService* sync_service = GetSyncService(); if (IsActiveLogin()) { // Don't log a cancel event if the sync setup dialog is being // automatically closed due to an auth error. if (!sync_service || (!sync_service->HasSyncSetupCompleted() && sync_service->GetAuthError().state() == GoogleServiceAuthError::NONE)) { if (configuring_sync_) { ProfileSyncService::SyncEvent( ProfileSyncService::CANCEL_DURING_CONFIGURE); } // If the user clicked "Cancel" while setting up sync, disable sync // because we don't want the sync backend to remain in the initialized // state. Note: In order to disable sync across restarts on Chrome OS, we // must call OnStopSyncingPermanently(), which suppresses sync startup in // addition to disabling it. if (sync_service) { DVLOG(1) << "Sync setup aborted by user action"; sync_service->OnStopSyncingPermanently(); #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Sign out the user on desktop Chrome if they click cancel during // initial setup. // TODO(rsimha): Revisit this for M30. See http://crbug.com/252049. if (sync_service->FirstSetupInProgress()) SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile())->SignOut(); #endif } } GetLoginUIService()->LoginUIClosed(this); } // Alert the sync service anytime the sync setup dialog is closed. This can // happen due to the user clicking the OK or Cancel button, or due to the // dialog being closed by virtue of sync being disabled in the background. if (sync_service) sync_service->SetSetupInProgress(false); configuring_sync_ = false; } void SyncSetupHandler::OpenSyncSetup() { if (!PrepareSyncSetup()) return; // There are several different UI flows that can bring the user here: // 1) Signin promo. // 2) Normal signin through settings page (GetAuthenticatedUsername() is // empty). // 3) Previously working credentials have expired. // 4) User is signed in, but has stopped sync via the google dashboard, and // signout is prohibited by policy so we need to force a re-auth. // 5) User clicks [Advanced Settings] button on options page while already // logged in. // 6) One-click signin (credentials are already available, so should display // sync configure UI, not login UI). // 7) User re-enables sync after disabling it via advanced settings. #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) SigninManagerBase* signin = SigninManagerFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile()); if (signin->GetAuthenticatedUsername().empty() || SigninGlobalError::GetForProfile(GetProfile())->HasMenuItem()) { // User is not logged in (cases 1-2), or login has been specially requested // because previously working credentials have expired (case 3). Close sync // setup including any visible overlays, and display the gaia auth page. // Control will be returned to the sync settings page once auth is complete. CloseUI(); DisplayGaiaLogin(); return; } #endif if (!GetSyncService()) { // This can happen if the user directly navigates to /settings/syncSetup. DLOG(WARNING) << "Cannot display sync UI when sync is disabled"; CloseUI(); return; } // User is already logged in. They must have brought up the config wizard // via the "Advanced..." button or through One-Click signin (cases 4-6), or // they are re-enabling sync after having disabled it (case 7). DisplayConfigureSync(true, false); } void SyncSetupHandler::OpenConfigureSync() { if (!PrepareSyncSetup()) return; DisplayConfigureSync(true, false); } void SyncSetupHandler::FocusUI() { DCHECK(IsActiveLogin()); WebContents* web_contents = web_ui()->GetWebContents(); web_contents->GetDelegate()->ActivateContents(web_contents); } void SyncSetupHandler::CloseUI() { CloseSyncSetup(); StringValue page("done"); web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction( "SyncSetupOverlay.showSyncSetupPage", page); } bool SyncSetupHandler::IsExistingWizardPresent() { LoginUIService* service = GetLoginUIService(); DCHECK(service); return service->current_login_ui() != NULL; } bool SyncSetupHandler::FocusExistingWizardIfPresent() { if (!IsExistingWizardPresent()) return false; LoginUIService* service = GetLoginUIService(); DCHECK(service); service->current_login_ui()->FocusUI(); return true; } LoginUIService* SyncSetupHandler::GetLoginUIService() const { return LoginUIServiceFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile()); }