// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bubble_view.h" #include "app/gfx/canvas.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_editor.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/info_bubble.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "views/standard_layout.h" #include "views/controls/button/native_button.h" #include "views/controls/text_field.h" using views::ComboBox; using views::ColumnSet; using views::GridLayout; using views::Label; using views::Link; using views::NativeButton; using views::View; // Color of the title. static const SkColor kTitleColor = SkColorSetRGB(6, 45, 117); // Padding between "Title:" and the actual title. static const int kTitlePadding = 4; // Minimum width for the fields - they will push out the size of the bubble if // necessary. This should be big enough so that the field pushes the right side // of the bubble far enough so that the edit button's left edge is to the right // of the field's left edge. static const int kMinimumFieldSize = 180; // Max number of most recently used folders. static const size_t kMaxMRUFolders = 5; // Bubble close image. static SkBitmap* kCloseImage = NULL; // Declared in browser_dialogs.h so callers don't have to depend on our header. namespace browser { void ShowBookmarkBubbleView(views::Window* parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds, InfoBubbleDelegate* delegate, Profile* profile, const GURL& url, bool newly_bookmarked) { BookmarkBubbleView::Show(parent, bounds, delegate, profile, url, newly_bookmarked); } void HideBookmarkBubbleView() { BookmarkBubbleView::Hide(); } bool IsBookmarkBubbleViewShowing() { return BookmarkBubbleView::IsShowing(); } } // namespace browser // RecentlyUsedFoldersModel --------------------------------------------------- BookmarkBubbleView::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel( BookmarkModel* bb_model, BookmarkNode* node) // Use + 2 to account for bookmark bar and other node. : nodes_(bookmark_utils::GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroups( bb_model, kMaxMRUFolders + 2)), node_parent_index_(0) { // TODO(sky): bug 1173415 add a separator in the combobox here. // We special case the placement of these, so remove them from the list, then // fix up the order. RemoveNode(bb_model->GetBookmarkBarNode()); RemoveNode(bb_model->other_node()); RemoveNode(node->GetParent()); // Make the parent the first item, unless it's the bookmark bar or other node. if (node->GetParent() != bb_model->GetBookmarkBarNode() && node->GetParent() != bb_model->other_node()) { nodes_.insert(nodes_.begin(), node->GetParent()); } // Make sure we only have kMaxMRUFolders in the first chunk. if (nodes_.size() > kMaxMRUFolders) nodes_.erase(nodes_.begin() + kMaxMRUFolders, nodes_.end()); // And put the bookmark bar and other nodes at the end of the list. nodes_.push_back(bb_model->GetBookmarkBarNode()); nodes_.push_back(bb_model->other_node()); node_parent_index_ = static_cast( find(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), node->GetParent()) - nodes_.begin()); } int BookmarkBubbleView::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel::GetItemCount( ComboBox* source) { return static_cast(nodes_.size() + 1); } std::wstring BookmarkBubbleView::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel::GetItemAt( ComboBox* source, int index) { if (index == nodes_.size()) return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_CHOOSER_ANOTHER_FOLDER); return nodes_[index]->GetTitle(); } BookmarkNode* BookmarkBubbleView::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel::GetNodeAt( int index) { return nodes_[index]; } void BookmarkBubbleView::RecentlyUsedFoldersModel::RemoveNode( BookmarkNode* node) { std::vector::iterator i = find(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), node); if (i != nodes_.end()) nodes_.erase(i); } // BookmarkBubbleView --------------------------------------------------------- BookmarkBubbleView* BookmarkBubbleView::bubble_ = NULL; // static void BookmarkBubbleView::Show(views::Window* parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds, InfoBubbleDelegate* delegate, Profile* profile, const GURL& url, bool newly_bookmarked) { if (IsShowing()) return; bubble_ = new BookmarkBubbleView(delegate, profile, url, newly_bookmarked); InfoBubble::Show(parent, bounds, bubble_, bubble_); GURL url_ptr(url); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_SHOWN, Source(profile->GetOriginalProfile()), Details(&url_ptr)); bubble_->BubbleShown(); } // static bool BookmarkBubbleView::IsShowing() { return bubble_ != NULL; } void BookmarkBubbleView::Hide() { if (IsShowing()) bubble_->Close(); } BookmarkBubbleView::~BookmarkBubbleView() { if (apply_edits_) { ApplyEdits(); } else if (remove_bookmark_) { BookmarkModel* model = profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); BookmarkNode* node = model->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url_); if (node) model->Remove(node->GetParent(), node->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(node)); } } void BookmarkBubbleView::DidChangeBounds(const gfx::Rect& previous, const gfx::Rect& current) { Layout(); } void BookmarkBubbleView::BubbleShown() { DCHECK(GetWidget()); views::FocusManager* focus_manager = views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetWidget()->GetNativeView()); focus_manager->RegisterAccelerator( views::Accelerator(VK_RETURN, false, false, false), this); title_tf_->RequestFocus(); title_tf_->SelectAll(); } bool BookmarkBubbleView::AcceleratorPressed( const views::Accelerator& accelerator) { if (accelerator.GetKeyCode() != VK_RETURN) return false; if (edit_button_->HasFocus()) ButtonPressed(edit_button_); else ButtonPressed(close_button_); return true; } BookmarkBubbleView::BookmarkBubbleView(InfoBubbleDelegate* delegate, Profile* profile, const GURL& url, bool newly_bookmarked) : delegate_(delegate), profile_(profile), url_(url), newly_bookmarked_(newly_bookmarked), parent_model_( profile_->GetBookmarkModel(), profile_->GetBookmarkModel()->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url)), remove_bookmark_(false), apply_edits_(true) { Init(); } void BookmarkBubbleView::Init() { if (!kCloseImage) { kCloseImage = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_INFO_BUBBLE_CLOSE); } remove_link_ = new Link(l10n_util::GetString( IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_REMOVE_BOOKMARK)); remove_link_->SetController(this); edit_button_ = new NativeButton( this, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_OPTIONS)); close_button_ = new NativeButton(this, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_CLOSE)); close_button_->SetIsDefault(true); parent_combobox_ = new ComboBox(&parent_model_); parent_combobox_->SetSelectedItem(parent_model_.node_parent_index()); parent_combobox_->SetListener(this); Label* title_label = new Label(l10n_util::GetString( newly_bookmarked_ ? IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARKED : IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARK)); title_label->SetFont( ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::MediumFont)); title_label->SetColor(kTitleColor); GridLayout* layout = new GridLayout(this); SetLayoutManager(layout); ColumnSet* cs = layout->AddColumnSet(0); // Top (title) row. cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::CENTER, GridLayout::CENTER, 0, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0); cs->AddPaddingColumn(1, kUnrelatedControlHorizontalSpacing); cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::CENTER, GridLayout::CENTER, 0, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0); // Middle (input field) rows. cs = layout->AddColumnSet(2); cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0); cs->AddPaddingColumn(0, kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing); cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::FILL, GridLayout::CENTER, 1, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, kMinimumFieldSize); // Bottom (buttons) row. cs = layout->AddColumnSet(3); cs->AddPaddingColumn(1, kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing); cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::TRAILING, 0, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0); // We subtract 2 to account for the natural button padding, and // to bring the separation visually in line with the row separation // height. cs->AddPaddingColumn(0, kRelatedButtonHSpacing - 2); cs->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::TRAILING, 0, GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0); layout->StartRow(0, 0); layout->AddView(title_label); layout->AddView(remove_link_); layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing); layout->StartRow(0, 2); layout->AddView( new Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_TITLE_TEXT))); title_tf_ = new views::TextField(); title_tf_->SetText(GetTitle()); layout->AddView(title_tf_); layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing); layout->StartRow(0, 2); layout->AddView( new Label(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BUBBLE_FOLDER_TEXT))); layout->AddView(parent_combobox_); layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlSmallVerticalSpacing); layout->StartRow(0, 3); layout->AddView(edit_button_); layout->AddView(close_button_); } std::wstring BookmarkBubbleView::GetTitle() { BookmarkModel* bookmark_model= profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); BookmarkNode* node = bookmark_model->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url_); if (node) return node->GetTitle(); else NOTREACHED(); return std::wstring(); } void BookmarkBubbleView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender) { if (sender == edit_button_) { UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBubble_Edit", profile_); ShowEditor(); } else { DCHECK(sender == close_button_); Close(); } // WARNING: we've most likely been deleted when CloseWindow returns. } void BookmarkBubbleView::LinkActivated(Link* source, int event_flags) { DCHECK(source == remove_link_); UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBubble_Unstar", profile_); // Set this so we remove the bookmark after the window closes. remove_bookmark_ = true; apply_edits_ = false; Close(); } void BookmarkBubbleView::ItemChanged(ComboBox* combo_box, int prev_index, int new_index) { if (new_index + 1 == parent_model_.GetItemCount(parent_combobox_)) { UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBubble_EditFromCombobox", profile_); ShowEditor(); return; } } void BookmarkBubbleView::InfoBubbleClosing(InfoBubble* info_bubble, bool closed_by_escape) { if (closed_by_escape) { remove_bookmark_ = newly_bookmarked_; apply_edits_ = false; } // We have to reset |bubble_| here, not in our destructor, because we'll be // destroyed asynchronously and the shown state will be checked before then. DCHECK(bubble_ == this); bubble_ = NULL; if (delegate_) delegate_->InfoBubbleClosing(info_bubble, closed_by_escape); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_HIDDEN, Source(profile_->GetOriginalProfile()), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } bool BookmarkBubbleView::CloseOnEscape() { return delegate_ ? delegate_->CloseOnEscape() : true; } void BookmarkBubbleView::Close() { static_cast(GetWidget())->Close(); } void BookmarkBubbleView::ShowEditor() { BookmarkNode* node = profile_->GetBookmarkModel()->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url_); // Commit any edits now. ApplyEdits(); // Parent the editor to our root ancestor (not the root we're in, as that // is the info bubble and will close shortly). HWND parent = GetAncestor(GetWidget()->GetNativeView(), GA_ROOTOWNER); // We're about to show the bookmark editor. When the bookmark editor closes // we want the browser to become active. WidgetWin::Hide() does a hide in // a such way that activation isn't changed, which means when we close // Windows gets confused as to who it should give active status to. We // explicitly hide the bookmark bubble window in such a way that activation // status changes. That way, when the editor closes, activation is properly // restored to the browser. ShowWindow(GetWidget()->GetNativeView(), SW_HIDE); // Even though we just hid the window, we need to invoke Close to schedule // the delete and all that. Close(); if (node) { BookmarkEditor::Show(parent, profile_, NULL, node, BookmarkEditor::SHOW_TREE, NULL); } } void BookmarkBubbleView::ApplyEdits() { // Set this to make sure we don't attempt to apply edits again. apply_edits_ = false; BookmarkModel* model = profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); BookmarkNode* node = model->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url_); if (node) { const std::wstring new_title = title_tf_->GetText(); if (new_title != node->GetTitle()) { model->SetTitle(node, new_title); UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBubble_ChangeTitleInBubble", profile_); } // Last index means 'Choose another folder...' if (parent_combobox_->GetSelectedItem() < parent_model_.GetItemCount(parent_combobox_) - 1) { BookmarkNode* new_parent = parent_model_.GetNodeAt(parent_combobox_->GetSelectedItem()); if (new_parent != node->GetParent()) { UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBubble_ChangeParent", profile_); model->Move(node, new_parent, new_parent->GetChildCount()); } } } }