// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_folder_tree_view.h" #include #include "app/drag_drop_types.h" #include "app/os_exchange_data.h" #include "base/base_drag_source.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_folder_tree_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "views/view_constants.h" void BookmarkFolderTreeView::DropInfo::Scrolled() { view_->UpdateDropInfo(); } BookmarkFolderTreeView::BookmarkFolderTreeView(Profile* profile, BookmarkFolderTreeModel* model) : views::TreeView(), profile_(profile), is_dragging_(false) { SetModel(model); SetEditable(false); SetRootShown(false); set_drag_enabled(true); } bool BookmarkFolderTreeView::CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data) { if (!profile_->GetBookmarkModel()->IsLoaded()) return false; BookmarkDragData drag_data; if (!drag_data.Read(data)) return false; drop_info_.reset(new DropInfo(this)); drop_info_->SetData(drag_data); // See if there are any urls being dropped. for (size_t i = 0; i < drop_info_->data().size(); ++i) { if (drop_info_->data().elements[0].is_url) { drop_info_->set_only_folders(false); break; } } return true; } void BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnDragEntered( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { } int BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnDragUpdated(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { drop_info_->Update(event); return UpdateDropInfo(); } void BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnDragExited() { SetDropPosition(DropPosition()); drop_info_.reset(); } int BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnPerformDrop(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { OnPerformDropImpl(); int drop_operation = drop_info_->drop_operation(); SetDropPosition(DropPosition()); drop_info_.reset(); return drop_operation; } BookmarkNode* BookmarkFolderTreeView::GetSelectedBookmarkNode() { TreeModelNode* selected_node = GetSelectedNode(); if (!selected_node) return NULL; return TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(folder_model()->AsNode(selected_node)); } LRESULT BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnNotify(int w_param, LPNMHDR l_param) { switch (l_param->code) { case TVN_BEGINDRAG: { HTREEITEM tree_item = reinterpret_cast(l_param)->itemNew.hItem; FolderNode* folder_node = folder_model()->AsNode(GetNodeForTreeItem(tree_item)); BeginDrag(TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(folder_node)); return 0; // Return value ignored. } } return TreeView::OnNotify(w_param, l_param); } int BookmarkFolderTreeView::UpdateDropInfo() { DropPosition position = CalculateDropPosition(drop_info_->last_y(), drop_info_->only_folders()); drop_info_->set_drop_operation(CalculateDropOperation(position)); if (drop_info_->drop_operation() == DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE) position = DropPosition(); SetDropPosition(position); return drop_info_->drop_operation(); } void BookmarkFolderTreeView::BeginDrag(BookmarkNode* node) { BookmarkModel* model = profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); // Only allow the drag if the user has selected a node of type bookmark and it // isn't the bookmark bar or other bookmarks folders. if (!node || node == model->other_node() || node == model->GetBookmarkBarNode()) { return; } std::vector nodes_to_drag; nodes_to_drag.push_back(node); scoped_refptr data = new OSExchangeData; BookmarkDragData(nodes_to_drag).Write(profile_, data); scoped_refptr drag_source(new BaseDragSource); DWORD effects; is_dragging_ = true; DoDragDrop(data, drag_source, DROPEFFECT_LINK | DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_MOVE, &effects); is_dragging_ = false; } BookmarkFolderTreeView::DropPosition BookmarkFolderTreeView:: CalculateDropPosition(int y, bool only_folders) { HWND hwnd = GetNativeControlHWND(); HTREEITEM item = TreeView_GetFirstVisible(hwnd); while (item) { RECT bounds; TreeView_GetItemRect(hwnd, item, &bounds, TRUE); if (y < bounds.bottom) { TreeModelNode* model_node = GetNodeForTreeItem(item); if (folder_model()->GetNodeType(model_node) != BookmarkFolderTreeModel::BOOKMARK) { // Only allow drops on bookmark nodes. return DropPosition(); } FolderNode* node = folder_model()->AsNode(model_node); if (!only_folders || !node->GetParent() || !node->GetParent()->GetParent()) { // If some of the elements being dropped are urls, then we only allow // dropping on a folder. Similarly you can't drop between the // bookmark bar and other folder nodes. return DropPosition(node, node->GetChildCount(), true); } // Drop contains all folders, allow them to be dropped between // folders. if (y < bounds.top + views::kDropBetweenPixels) { return DropPosition(node->GetParent(), node->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(node), false); } if (y >= bounds.bottom - views::kDropBetweenPixels) { if (IsExpanded(node) && folder_model()->GetChildCount(node) > 0) { // The node is expanded and has children, treat the drop as occurring // as the first child. This is done to avoid the selection highlight // dancing around when dragging over expanded folders. Without this // the highlight jumps past the last expanded child of node. return DropPosition(node, 0, false); } return DropPosition(node->GetParent(), node->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(node) + 1, false); } return DropPosition(node, node->GetChildCount(), true); } item = TreeView_GetNextVisible(hwnd, item); } return DropPosition(); } int BookmarkFolderTreeView::CalculateDropOperation( const DropPosition& position) { if (!position.parent) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; if (drop_info_->data().IsFromProfile(profile_)) { int bookmark_model_drop_index = FolderIndexToBookmarkIndex(position); if (!bookmark_utils::IsValidDropLocation( profile_, drop_info_->data(), TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(position.parent), bookmark_model_drop_index)) { return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } // Data from the same profile. Prefer move, but do copy if the user wants // that. if (drop_info_->is_control_down()) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_COPY; return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } // We're going to copy, but return an operation compatible with the source // operations so that the user can drop. return bookmark_utils::PreferredDropOperation( drop_info_->source_operations(), DragDropTypes::DRAG_COPY | DragDropTypes::DRAG_LINK); } void BookmarkFolderTreeView::OnPerformDropImpl() { BookmarkNode* parent_node = TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(drop_info_->position().parent); int drop_index = FolderIndexToBookmarkIndex(drop_info_->position()); BookmarkModel* model = profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); // If the data is not from this profile we return an operation compatible // with the source. As such, we need to need to check the data here too. if (!drop_info_->data().IsFromProfile(profile_) || drop_info_->drop_operation() == DragDropTypes::DRAG_COPY) { bookmark_utils::CloneDragData(model, drop_info_->data().elements, parent_node, drop_index); return; } // else, move. std::vector nodes = drop_info_->data().GetNodes(profile_); if (nodes.empty()) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { model->Move(nodes[i], parent_node, drop_index); // Reset the drop_index, just in case the index didn't really change. drop_index = parent_node->IndexOfChild(nodes[i]) + 1; if (nodes[i]->is_folder()) { Expand(folder_model()->GetFolderNodeForBookmarkNode(nodes[i])); } } if (is_dragging_ && nodes[0]->is_folder()) { // We're the drag source. Select the node that was moved. SetSelectedNode(folder_model()->GetFolderNodeForBookmarkNode(nodes[0])); } } void BookmarkFolderTreeView::SetDropPosition(const DropPosition& position) { if (drop_info_->position().equals(position)) return; // Remove the indicator over the previous location. if (drop_info_->position().on) { HTREEITEM item = GetTreeItemForNode(drop_info_->position().parent); if (item) TreeView_SetItemState(GetNativeControlHWND(), item, 0, TVIS_DROPHILITED); } else if (drop_info_->position().index != -1) { TreeView_SetInsertMark(GetNativeControlHWND(), NULL, FALSE); } drop_info_->set_position(position); // And show the new indicator. if (position.on) { HTREEITEM item = GetTreeItemForNode(position.parent); if (item) { TreeView_SetItemState(GetNativeControlHWND(), item, TVIS_DROPHILITED, TVIS_DROPHILITED); } } else if (position.index != -1) { BOOL after = FALSE; FolderNode* node = position.parent; if (folder_model()->GetChildCount(position.parent) == position.index) { after = TRUE; node = folder_model()->GetChild(position.parent, position.index - 1); } else { node = folder_model()->GetChild(position.parent, position.index); } HTREEITEM item = GetTreeItemForNode(node); if (item) TreeView_SetInsertMark(GetNativeControlHWND(), item, after); } } BookmarkFolderTreeModel* BookmarkFolderTreeView::folder_model() const { return static_cast(model()); } BookmarkNode* BookmarkFolderTreeView::TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(FolderNode* node) { return folder_model()->TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(node); } int BookmarkFolderTreeView::FolderIndexToBookmarkIndex( const DropPosition& position) { BookmarkNode* parent_node = TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(position.parent); if (position.on || position.index == position.parent->GetChildCount()) return parent_node->GetChildCount(); if (position.index != 0) { return parent_node->IndexOfChild( TreeNodeAsBookmarkNode(position.parent->GetChild(position.index))); } return 0; }