// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/browser_actions_container.h" #include "app/gfx/canvas.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "app/slide_animation.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browser_event_router.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tabs_module.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/detachable_toolbar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/extensions/browser_action_drag_data.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_source.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "grit/app_resources.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" #include "views/controls/button/menu_button.h" #include "views/controls/button/text_button.h" #include "views/drag_utils.h" #include "views/window/window.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" namespace { // The size (both dimensions) of the buttons for page actions. static const int kButtonSize = 29; // The padding between the browser actions and the OmniBox/page menu. static const int kHorizontalPadding = 4; static const int kHorizontalPaddingRtl = 8; // The padding between browser action buttons. Visually, the actual number of // empty (non-drawing) pixels is this value + 2 when adjacent browser icons // use their maximum allowed size. static const int kBrowserActionButtonPadding = 3; // This is the same value from toolbar.cc. We position the browser actions // container flush with the edges of the toolbar as a special case so that we // can draw the badge outside the visual bounds of the container. static const int kControlVertOffset = 6; // The margin between the divider and the chrome menu buttons. static const int kDividerHorizontalMargin = 2; // The padding above and below the divider. static const int kDividerVerticalPadding = 9; // The margin above the chevron. static const int kChevronTopMargin = 9; // The margin to the right of the chevron. static const int kChevronRightMargin = 4; // Extra hit-area for the resize gripper. static const int kExtraResizeArea = 4; // Width of the drop indicator. static const int kDropIndicatorWidth = 2; // Color of the drop indicator. static const SkColor kDropIndicatorColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // The x offset for the drop indicator (how much we shift it by). static const int kDropIndicatorOffsetLtr = 3; static const int kDropIndicatorOffsetRtl = 9; } // namespace. // Static. bool BrowserActionsContainer::disable_animations_during_testing_ = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserActionButton BrowserActionButton::BrowserActionButton(Extension* extension, BrowserActionsContainer* panel) : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(MenuButton(this, L"", NULL, false)), browser_action_(extension->browser_action()), extension_(extension), tracker_(NULL), showing_context_menu_(false), panel_(panel) { set_alignment(TextButton::ALIGN_CENTER); // No UpdateState() here because View hierarchy not setup yet. Our parent // should call UpdateState() after creation. registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::EXTENSION_BROWSER_ACTION_UPDATED, Source(browser_action_)); // The Browser Action API does not allow the default icon path to be changed // at runtime, so we can load this now and cache it. std::string relative_path = browser_action_->default_icon_path(); if (relative_path.empty()) return; // This is a bit sketchy because if ImageLoadingTracker calls // ::OnImageLoaded() before our creator appends up to the view hierarchy, we // will crash. But since we know that ImageLoadingTracker is asynchronous, // this should be OK. And doing this in the constructor means that we don't // have to protect against it getting done multiple times. tracker_ = new ImageLoadingTracker(this, 1); tracker_->PostLoadImageTask( extension->GetResource(relative_path), gfx::Size(Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize, Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize)); } BrowserActionButton::~BrowserActionButton() { if (tracker_) tracker_->StopTrackingImageLoad(); } gfx::Insets BrowserActionButton::GetInsets() const { static gfx::Insets zero_inset; return zero_inset; } void BrowserActionButton::ButtonPressed( views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) { panel_->OnBrowserActionExecuted(this); } void BrowserActionButton::OnImageLoaded(SkBitmap* image, size_t index) { if (image) default_icon_ = *image; tracker_ = NULL; // The tracker object will delete itself when we return. // Call back to UpdateState() because a more specific icon might have been set // while the load was outstanding. UpdateState(); } void BrowserActionButton::UpdateState() { int tab_id = panel_->GetCurrentTabId(); if (tab_id < 0) return; SkBitmap image = browser_action()->GetIcon(tab_id); if (!image.isNull()) SetIcon(image); else if (!default_icon_.isNull()) SetIcon(default_icon_); SetTooltipText(UTF8ToWide(browser_action()->GetTitle(tab_id))); GetParent()->SchedulePaint(); } void BrowserActionButton::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NotificationType::EXTENSION_BROWSER_ACTION_UPDATED) { UpdateState(); // The browser action may have become visible/hidden so we need to make // sure the state gets updated. panel_->OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged(); } else { NOTREACHED() << L"Received unexpected notification"; } } bool BrowserActionButton::IsPopup() { int tab_id = panel_->GetCurrentTabId(); if (tab_id < 0) { NOTREACHED() << "Button is not on a specific tab."; return false; } return browser_action_->HasPopup(tab_id); } GURL BrowserActionButton::GetPopupUrl() { int tab_id = panel_->GetCurrentTabId(); if (tab_id < 0) { NOTREACHED() << "Button is not on a specific tab."; GURL empty_url; return empty_url; } return browser_action_->GetPopupUrl(tab_id); } bool BrowserActionButton::Activate() { if (IsPopup()) { panel_->OnBrowserActionExecuted(this); // TODO(erikkay): Run a nested modal loop while the mouse is down to // enable menu-like drag-select behavior. // The return value of this method is returned via OnMousePressed. // We need to return false here since we're handing off focus to another // widget/view, and true will grab it right back and try to send events // to us. return false; } return true; } bool BrowserActionButton::OnMousePressed(const views::MouseEvent& e) { showing_context_menu_ = e.IsRightMouseButton(); if (showing_context_menu_) { SetButtonPushed(); // Get the top left point of this button in screen coordinates. gfx::Point point = gfx::Point(0, 0); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &point); // Make the menu appear below the button. point.Offset(0, height()); panel_->GetContextMenu()->Run(extension(), point); SetButtonNotPushed(); return false; } else if (IsPopup()) { return MenuButton::OnMousePressed(e); } return TextButton::OnMousePressed(e); } void BrowserActionButton::OnMouseReleased(const views::MouseEvent& e, bool canceled) { if (IsPopup() || showing_context_menu_) { // TODO(erikkay) this never actually gets called (probably because of the // loss of focus). MenuButton::OnMouseReleased(e, canceled); } else { TextButton::OnMouseReleased(e, canceled); } } bool BrowserActionButton::OnKeyReleased(const views::KeyEvent& e) { if (IsPopup()) return MenuButton::OnKeyReleased(e); return TextButton::OnKeyReleased(e); } void BrowserActionButton::OnMouseExited(const views::MouseEvent& e) { if (IsPopup() || showing_context_menu_) MenuButton::OnMouseExited(e); else TextButton::OnMouseExited(e); } void BrowserActionButton::SetButtonPushed() { SetState(views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED); menu_visible_ = true; } void BrowserActionButton::SetButtonNotPushed() { SetState(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL); menu_visible_ = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserActionView BrowserActionView::BrowserActionView(Extension* extension, BrowserActionsContainer* panel) : panel_(panel) { button_ = new BrowserActionButton(extension, panel); button_->SetDragController(panel_); AddChildView(button_); button_->UpdateState(); } gfx::Canvas* BrowserActionView::GetIconWithBadge() { int tab_id = panel_->GetCurrentTabId(); SkBitmap icon = button_->extension()->browser_action()->GetIcon(tab_id); if (icon.isNull()) icon = button_->default_icon(); gfx::Canvas* canvas = new gfx::Canvas(icon.width(), icon.height(), false); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(icon, 0, 0); if (tab_id >= 0) { gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect(icon.width(), icon.height() + kControlVertOffset); button_->extension()->browser_action()->PaintBadge(canvas, bounds, tab_id); } return canvas; } void BrowserActionView::Layout() { button_->SetBounds(0, kControlVertOffset, width(), kButtonSize); } void BrowserActionView::PaintChildren(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { View::PaintChildren(canvas); ExtensionAction* action = button()->browser_action(); int tab_id = panel_->GetCurrentTabId(); if (tab_id < 0) return; action->PaintBadge(canvas, gfx::Rect(width(), height()), tab_id); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserActionsContainer BrowserActionsContainer::BrowserActionsContainer( Browser* browser, View* owner_view) : profile_(browser->profile()), browser_(browser), owner_view_(owner_view), popup_(NULL), popup_button_(NULL), model_(NULL), resize_gripper_(NULL), chevron_(NULL), overflow_menu_(NULL), suppress_chevron_(false), resize_amount_(0), animation_target_size_(0), drop_indicator_position_(-1), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_factory_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(show_menu_task_factory_(this)) { SetID(VIEW_ID_BROWSER_ACTION_TOOLBAR); ExtensionsService* extension_service = profile_->GetExtensionsService(); if (!extension_service) // The |extension_service| can be NULL in Incognito. return; registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::EXTENSION_HOST_VIEW_SHOULD_CLOSE, Source(profile_)); model_ = extension_service->toolbar_model(); model_->AddObserver(this); resize_animation_.reset(new SlideAnimation(this)); resize_gripper_ = new views::ResizeGripper(this); resize_gripper_->SetVisible(false); AddChildView(resize_gripper_); // TODO(glen): Come up with a new bitmap for the chevron. ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); SkBitmap* chevron_image = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_BOOKMARK_BAR_CHEVRONS); chevron_ = new views::MenuButton(NULL, std::wstring(), this, false); chevron_->SetVisible(false); chevron_->SetIcon(*chevron_image); // Chevron contains >> that should point left in LTR locales. chevron_->EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI(true); AddChildView(chevron_); int predefined_width = profile_->GetPrefs()->GetInteger(prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth); if (predefined_width == 0) { // The width will never be 0 (due to container min size restriction) // except when no width has been saved. So, in that case ask the model // how many icons we'll show and set initial size to that. predefined_width = IconCountToWidth(model_->size()); } container_size_ = gfx::Size(predefined_width, kButtonSize); } BrowserActionsContainer::~BrowserActionsContainer() { if (model_) model_->RemoveObserver(this); StopShowFolderDropMenuTimer(); CloseMenus(); HidePopup(); DeleteBrowserActionViews(); } // Static. void BrowserActionsContainer::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth, 0); } int BrowserActionsContainer::GetCurrentTabId() const { TabContents* tab_contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); if (!tab_contents) return -1; return tab_contents->controller().session_id().id(); } ExtensionActionContextMenu* BrowserActionsContainer::GetContextMenu() { if (!context_menu_.get()) context_menu_.reset(new ExtensionActionContextMenu()); return context_menu_.get(); } BrowserActionView* BrowserActionsContainer::GetBrowserActionView( Extension* extension) { for (BrowserActionViews::iterator iter = browser_action_views_.begin(); iter != browser_action_views_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->button()->extension() == extension) return *iter; } return NULL; } void BrowserActionsContainer::RefreshBrowserActionViews() { for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) browser_action_views_[i]->button()->UpdateState(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::CloseMenus() { if (context_menu_.get()) context_menu_->Cancel(); // Close the overflow menu if open. if (overflow_menu_) overflow_menu_->CancelMenu(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::StopShowFolderDropMenuTimer() { show_menu_task_factory_.RevokeAll(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::StartShowFolderDropMenuTimer() { int delay = View::GetMenuShowDelay(); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, show_menu_task_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &BrowserActionsContainer::ShowDropFolder), delay); } void BrowserActionsContainer::ShowDropFolder() { DCHECK(!overflow_menu_); SetDropIndicator(-1); overflow_menu_ = new BrowserActionOverflowMenuController( this, chevron_, browser_action_views_, VisibleBrowserActions()); overflow_menu_->set_observer(this); overflow_menu_->RunMenu(GetWindow()->GetNativeWindow(), true); } void BrowserActionsContainer::SetDropIndicator(int x_pos) { if (drop_indicator_position_ != x_pos) { drop_indicator_position_ = x_pos; SchedulePaint(); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::CreateBrowserActionViews() { DCHECK(browser_action_views_.empty()); for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = model_->begin(); iter != model_->end(); ++iter) { if (!ShouldDisplayBrowserAction(*iter)) continue; BrowserActionView* view = new BrowserActionView(*iter, this); browser_action_views_.push_back(view); AddChildView(view); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::DeleteBrowserActionViews() { if (!browser_action_views_.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) RemoveChildView(browser_action_views_[i]); STLDeleteContainerPointers(browser_action_views_.begin(), browser_action_views_.end()); browser_action_views_.clear(); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged() { resize_gripper_->SetVisible(browser_action_views_.size() > 0); owner_view_->Layout(); owner_view_->SchedulePaint(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::HidePopup() { if (popup_) { // This sometimes gets called via a timer (See BubbleLostFocus), so clear // the task factory in case one is pending. task_factory_.RevokeAll(); // Save these variables in local temporaries since destroying the popup // calls BubbleLostFocus to be called, which will try to call HidePopup() // again if popup_ is non-null. ExtensionPopup* closing_popup = popup_; BrowserActionButton* closing_button = popup_button_; popup_ = NULL; popup_button_ = NULL; closing_popup->DetachFromBrowser(); delete closing_popup; closing_button->SetButtonNotPushed(); return; } } void BrowserActionsContainer::TestExecuteBrowserAction(int index) { BrowserActionButton* button = browser_action_views_[index]->button(); OnBrowserActionExecuted(button); } void BrowserActionsContainer::TestSetIconVisibilityCount(size_t icons) { chevron_->SetVisible(icons < browser_action_views_.size()); container_size_.set_width(IconCountToWidth(icons)); Layout(); SchedulePaint(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::OnBrowserActionExecuted( BrowserActionButton* button) { ExtensionAction* browser_action = button->browser_action(); // Popups just display. No notification to the extension. // TODO(erikkay): should there be? if (button->IsPopup()) { // If we're showing the same popup, just hide it and return. bool same_showing = popup_ && button == popup_button_; // Always hide the current popup, even if it's not the same. // Only one popup should be visible at a time. HidePopup(); if (same_showing) return; // We can get the execute event for browser actions that are not visible, // since buttons can be activated from the overflow menu (chevron). In that // case we show the popup as originating from the chevron. View* reference_view = button->GetParent()->IsVisible() ? button : chevron_; gfx::Point origin; View::ConvertPointToScreen(reference_view, &origin); gfx::Rect rect = reference_view->bounds(); rect.set_x(origin.x()); rect.set_y(origin.y()); gfx::NativeWindow frame_window = browser_->window()->GetNativeHandle(); BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_location = UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT : BubbleBorder::TOP_RIGHT; popup_ = ExtensionPopup::Show( button->GetPopupUrl(), browser_, browser_->profile(), frame_window, rect, arrow_location, true, // Activate the popup window. ExtensionPopup::BUBBLE_CHROME); popup_->set_delegate(this); popup_button_ = button; popup_button_->SetButtonPushed(); return; } // Otherwise, we send the action to the extension. ExtensionBrowserEventRouter::GetInstance()->BrowserActionExecuted( profile_, browser_action->extension_id(), browser_); } gfx::Size BrowserActionsContainer::GetPreferredSize() { if (browser_action_views_.empty()) return gfx::Size(0, 0); // We calculate the size of the view by taking the current width and // subtracting resize_amount_ (the latter represents how far the user is // resizing the view or, if animating the snapping, how far to animate it). // But we also clamp it to a minimum size and the maximum size, so that the // container can never shrink too far or take up more space than it needs. In // other words: ContainerMinSize() < width() - resize < ClampTo(MAX). int width = std::max(ContainerMinSize(), container_size_.width() - resize_amount_); int max_width = ClampToNearestIconCount(-1, false); // -1 gives max width. width = std::min(width, max_width); return gfx::Size(width, kButtonSize); } void BrowserActionsContainer::Layout() { if (!resize_gripper_ || !chevron_) return; // These classes are not created in Incognito mode. if (browser_action_views_.size() == 0) { resize_gripper_->SetVisible(false); chevron_->SetVisible(false); return; } int x = 0; if (resize_gripper_->IsVisible()) { // We'll draw the resize gripper a little wider, to add some invisible hit // target area - but we don't account for it anywhere. gfx::Size sz = resize_gripper_->GetPreferredSize(); resize_gripper_->SetBounds(x, (height() - sz.height()) / 2 + 1, sz.width() + kExtraResizeArea, sz.height()); x += sz.width(); } x += UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? kHorizontalPaddingRtl : kHorizontalPadding; // Calculate if all icons fit without showing the chevron. We need to know // this beforehand, because showing the chevron will decrease the space that // we have to draw the visible ones (ie. if one icon is visible and another // doesn't have enough room). int last_x_of_icons = x + (browser_action_views_.size() * kButtonSize) + ((browser_action_views_.size() - 1) * kBrowserActionButtonPadding); gfx::Size sz = GetPreferredSize(); int max_x = sz.width() - kDividerHorizontalMargin - kChevronRightMargin; // If they don't all fit, show the chevron (unless suppressed). gfx::Size chevron_size; if (last_x_of_icons >= max_x && !suppress_chevron_) { chevron_->SetVisible(true); chevron_size = chevron_->GetPreferredSize(); max_x -= chevron_size.width(); chevron_->SetBounds(width() - chevron_size.width() - kChevronRightMargin, kChevronTopMargin, chevron_size.width(), chevron_size.height()); } else { chevron_->SetVisible(false); } // Now draw the icons for the browser actions in the available space. for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) { BrowserActionView* view = browser_action_views_[i]; // Add padding between buttons if multiple buttons. int padding = (i > 0) ? kBrowserActionButtonPadding : 0; if (x + kButtonSize + padding < max_x) { x += padding; view->SetBounds(x, 0, kButtonSize, height()); view->SetVisible(true); x += kButtonSize; } else { view->SetVisible(false); } } } void BrowserActionsContainer::Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // The one-pixel themed vertical divider to the right of the browser actions. int x = UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? kDividerHorizontalMargin : width() - kDividerHorizontalMargin; DetachableToolbarView::PaintVerticalDivider( canvas, x, height(), kDividerVerticalPadding, DetachableToolbarView::kEdgeDividerColor, DetachableToolbarView::kMiddleDividerColor, GetThemeProvider()->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_TOOLBAR)); // The two-pixel width drop indicator. if (drop_indicator_position_ > -1) { x = drop_indicator_position_; int y = kDividerVerticalPadding; gfx::Rect indicator_bounds(x - kDropIndicatorWidth / 2, y, kDropIndicatorWidth, height() - (2 * kDividerVerticalPadding)); // TODO(sky/glen): make me pretty! canvas->FillRectInt(kDropIndicatorColor, indicator_bounds.x(), indicator_bounds.y(), indicator_bounds.width(), indicator_bounds.height()); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child) { // No extensions (e.g., incognito). if (!model_) return; if (is_add && child == this) { // Initial toolbar button creation and placement in the widget hierarchy. // We do this here instead of in the constructor because AddBrowserAction // calls Layout on the Toolbar, which needs this object to be constructed // before its Layout function is called. CreateBrowserActionViews(); } } bool BrowserActionsContainer::GetDropFormats( int* formats, std::set* custom_formats) { custom_formats->insert(BrowserActionDragData::GetBrowserActionCustomFormat()); return true; } bool BrowserActionsContainer::AreDropTypesRequired() { return true; } bool BrowserActionsContainer::CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data) { BrowserActionDragData drop_data; if (!drop_data.Read(data)) return false; return drop_data.IsFromProfile(profile_); } void BrowserActionsContainer::OnDragEntered( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { } int BrowserActionsContainer::OnDragUpdated( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { // First check if we are above the chevron (overflow) menu. if (GetViewForPoint(event.location()) == chevron_) { if (show_menu_task_factory_.empty() && !overflow_menu_) StartShowFolderDropMenuTimer(); return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } else { StopShowFolderDropMenuTimer(); } // Modifying the x value before clamping affects how far you have to drag to // get the drop indicator to shift to another position. Modifying after // clamping affects where the drop indicator is drawn. // We add half a button size so that when you drag a button to the right and // you are half-way dragging across a button the drop indicator moves from the // left of that button to the right of that button. int x = event.x() + (kButtonSize / 2) + (2 * kBrowserActionButtonPadding); if (chevron_->IsVisible()) x += chevron_->bounds().width(); x = ClampToNearestIconCount(x, false); if (!UILayoutIsRightToLeft() && chevron_->IsVisible()) { // The clamping function includes the chevron width. In LTR locales, the // chevron is on the right and we never want to account for its width. In // RTL it is on the left and we always want to count the width. x -= chevron_->width(); } // Clamping gives us a value where the next button will be drawn, but we want // to subtract the padding (and then some) to make it appear in-between the // buttons. SetDropIndicator(x - kBrowserActionButtonPadding - (UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? kDropIndicatorOffsetRtl : kDropIndicatorOffsetLtr)); return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } void BrowserActionsContainer::OnDragExited() { StopShowFolderDropMenuTimer(); drop_indicator_position_ = -1; SchedulePaint(); } int BrowserActionsContainer::OnPerformDrop( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { BrowserActionDragData data; if (!data.Read(event.GetData())) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; // Make sure we have the same view as we started with. DCHECK(browser_action_views_[data.index()]->button()->extension()->id() == data.id()); Extension* dragging = browser_action_views_[data.index()]->button()->extension(); int target_x = drop_indicator_position_; size_t i = 0; for (; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) { int view_x = browser_action_views_[i]->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).x(); if (!browser_action_views_[i]->IsVisible() || (UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? view_x < target_x : view_x >= target_x)) { // We have reached the end of the visible icons or found one that has a // higher x position than the drop point. break; } } // |i| now points to the item to the right of the drop indicator*, which is // correct when dragging an icon to the left. When dragging to the right, // however, we want the icon being dragged to get the index of the item to // the left of the drop indicator, so we subtract one. // * Well, it can also point to the end, but not when dragging to the left. :) if (i > data.index()) --i; if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) i = model_->IncognitoIndexToOriginal(i); model_->MoveBrowserAction(dragging, i); OnDragExited(); // Perform clean up after dragging. return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } void BrowserActionsContainer::MoveBrowserAction( const std::string& extension_id, size_t new_index) { ExtensionsService* service = profile_->GetExtensionsService(); Extension* extension = service->GetExtensionById(extension_id, false); model_->MoveBrowserAction(extension, new_index); SchedulePaint(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type.value) { case NotificationType::EXTENSION_HOST_VIEW_SHOULD_CLOSE: // If we aren't the host of the popup, then disregard the notification. if (!popup_ || Details(popup_->host()) != details) return; HidePopup(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected notification"; } } void BrowserActionsContainer::BubbleBrowserWindowMoved(BrowserBubble* bubble) { } void BrowserActionsContainer::BubbleBrowserWindowClosing( BrowserBubble* bubble) { HidePopup(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::BubbleGotFocus(BrowserBubble* bubble) { if (!popup_) return; // Forward the focus to the renderer. popup_->host()->render_view_host()->view()->Focus(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::BubbleLostFocus(BrowserBubble* bubble, gfx::NativeView focused_view) { if (!popup_) return; #if defined(OS_WIN) // Don't hide when we are loosing focus to a child window. This is the case // with select popups. // TODO(jcampan): http://crbugs.com/29131 make that work on toolkit views // so this #if defined can be removed. gfx::NativeView popup_native_view = popup_->native_view(); gfx::NativeView parent = focused_view; while (parent = ::GetParent(parent)) { if (parent == popup_native_view) return; } #endif // This is a bit annoying. If you click on the button that generated the // current popup, then we first get this lost focus message, and then // we get the click action. This results in the popup being immediately // shown again. To workaround this, we put in a delay. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&BrowserActionsContainer::HidePopup)); } void BrowserActionsContainer::RunMenu(View* source, const gfx::Point& pt) { if (source == chevron_) { overflow_menu_ = new BrowserActionOverflowMenuController( this, chevron_, browser_action_views_, VisibleBrowserActions()); overflow_menu_->set_observer(this); overflow_menu_->RunMenu(GetWindow()->GetNativeWindow(), false); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::WriteDragData( View* sender, int press_x, int press_y, OSExchangeData* data) { DCHECK(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) { BrowserActionButton* button = browser_action_views_[i]->button(); if (button == sender) { // Set the dragging image for the icon. scoped_ptr canvas( browser_action_views_[i]->GetIconWithBadge()); drag_utils::SetDragImageOnDataObject(*canvas, button->width(), button->height(), press_x, press_y, data); // Fill in the remaining info. BrowserActionDragData drag_data( browser_action_views_[i]->button()->extension()->id(), i); drag_data.Write(profile_, data); break; } } } int BrowserActionsContainer::GetDragOperations(View* sender, int x, int y) { return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } bool BrowserActionsContainer::CanStartDrag( View* sender, int press_x, int press_y, int x, int y) { return true; } int BrowserActionsContainer::ClampToNearestIconCount( int pixelWidth, bool allow_shrink_to_minimum) const { // Calculate the width of one icon. int icon_width = (kButtonSize + kBrowserActionButtonPadding); // Calculate pixel count for the area not used by the icons. int extras = WidthOfNonIconArea(); size_t icon_count = 0u; if (pixelWidth >= 0) { // Caller wants to know how many icons fit within a given space so we start // by subtracting the padding, gripper and dividers. int icon_area = pixelWidth - extras; icon_area = std::max(0, icon_area); // Make sure we never throw an icon into the chevron menu just because // there isn't enough enough space for the invisible padding around buttons. icon_area += kBrowserActionButtonPadding - 1; // Count the number of icons that fit within that area. icon_count = icon_area / icon_width; if (icon_count == 0 && allow_shrink_to_minimum) { extras = ContainerMinSize(); // Allow very narrow width if no icons. } else if (icon_count > browser_action_views_.size()) { // No use allowing more than what we have. icon_count = browser_action_views_.size(); } } else { // A negative |pixels| count indicates caller wants to know the max width // that fits all icons; icon_count = browser_action_views_.size(); } return extras + (icon_count * icon_width); } void BrowserActionsContainer::BrowserActionAdded(Extension* extension, int index) { #if defined(DEBUG) for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) { DCHECK(browser_action_views_[i]->button()->extension() != extension) << "Asked to add a browser action view for an extension that already " "exists."; } #endif CloseMenus(); if (!ShouldDisplayBrowserAction(extension)) return; if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) index = model_->OriginalIndexToIncognito(index); // Before we change anything, determine the number of visible browser actions. size_t visible_actions = VisibleBrowserActions(); // Add the new browser action to the vector and the view hierarchy. BrowserActionView* view = new BrowserActionView(extension, this); browser_action_views_.insert(browser_action_views_.begin() + index, view); AddChildView(index, view); // For details on why we do the following see the class comments in the // header. // Determine if we need to increase (we only do that if the container was // showing all icons before the addition of this icon). We use -1 because // we don't want to count the view that we just added. if (visible_actions < browser_action_views_.size() - 1 || extension->being_upgraded()) { // Some icons were hidden, don't increase the size of the container. OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged(); } else { // Container was at max, increase the size of it by one icon. animation_target_size_ = IconCountToWidth(visible_actions + 1); // We don't want the chevron to appear while we animate. See documentation // in the header for why we do this. suppress_chevron_ = !chevron_->IsVisible(); Animate(SlideAnimation::NONE); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::BrowserActionRemoved(Extension* extension) { CloseMenus(); if (popup_ && popup_->host()->extension() == extension) HidePopup(); // Before we change anything, determine the number of visible browser // actions. size_t visible_actions = VisibleBrowserActions(); for (BrowserActionViews::iterator iter = browser_action_views_.begin(); iter != browser_action_views_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->button()->extension() == extension) { RemoveChildView(*iter); delete *iter; browser_action_views_.erase(iter); // If the extension is being upgraded we don't want the bar to shrink // because the icon is just going to get re-added to the same location. if (extension->being_upgraded()) return; // For details on why we do the following see the class comments in the // header. // Calculate the target size we'll animate to (end state). This might be // the same size (if the icon we are removing is in the overflow bucket // and there are other icons there). We don't decrement visible_actions // because we want the container to stay the same size (clamping will take // care of shrinking the container if there aren't enough icons to show). animation_target_size_ = ClampToNearestIconCount(IconCountToWidth(visible_actions), true); Animate(SlideAnimation::EASE_OUT); return; } } } void BrowserActionsContainer::BrowserActionMoved(Extension* extension, int index) { if (!ShouldDisplayBrowserAction(extension)) return; if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) index = model_->OriginalIndexToIncognito(index); DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast(browser_action_views_.size())); DeleteBrowserActionViews(); CreateBrowserActionViews(); Layout(); SchedulePaint(); } int BrowserActionsContainer::WidthOfNonIconArea() const { int chevron_size = (chevron_->IsVisible()) ? chevron_->GetPreferredSize().width() : 0; int padding = UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? kHorizontalPaddingRtl : kHorizontalPadding; return resize_gripper_->GetPreferredSize().width() + padding + chevron_size + kChevronRightMargin + kDividerHorizontalMargin; } int BrowserActionsContainer::IconCountToWidth(int icons) const { DCHECK(icons >= 0); if (icons == 0) return ContainerMinSize(); int icon_width = kButtonSize + kBrowserActionButtonPadding; return WidthOfNonIconArea() + (icons * icon_width); } int BrowserActionsContainer::ContainerMinSize() const { return resize_gripper_->width() + chevron_->width() + kChevronRightMargin; } void BrowserActionsContainer::Animate( SlideAnimation::TweenType tween_type) { if (!disable_animations_during_testing_) { // Animate! resize_animation_->Reset(); resize_animation_->SetTweenType(tween_type); resize_animation_->Show(); } else { AnimationEnded(resize_animation_.get()); } } size_t BrowserActionsContainer::VisibleBrowserActions() const { size_t visible_actions = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_action_views_.size(); ++i) { if (browser_action_views_[i]->IsVisible()) ++visible_actions; } return visible_actions; } void BrowserActionsContainer::OnResize(int resize_amount, bool done_resizing) { if (!done_resizing) { resize_amount_ = resize_amount; OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged(); } else { // For details on why we do the following see the class comments in the // header. // Clamp lower limit to 0 and upper limit to the amount that allows enough // room for all icons to show. int new_width = std::max(0, container_size_.width() - resize_amount); int max_width = ClampToNearestIconCount(-1, false); new_width = std::min(new_width, max_width); // Up until now we've only been modifying the resize_amount, but now it is // time to set the container size to the size we have resized to, but then // animate to the nearest icon count size (or down to min size if no icon). container_size_.set_width(new_width); animation_target_size_ = ClampToNearestIconCount(new_width, true); resize_animation_->Reset(); resize_animation_->SetTweenType(SlideAnimation::EASE_OUT); resize_animation_->Show(); } } void BrowserActionsContainer::AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) { DCHECK(animation == resize_animation_.get()); double e = resize_animation_->GetCurrentValue(); int difference = container_size_.width() - animation_target_size_; resize_amount_ = static_cast(e * difference); OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged(); } void BrowserActionsContainer::AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) { container_size_.set_width(animation_target_size_); animation_target_size_ = 0; resize_amount_ = 0; OnBrowserActionVisibilityChanged(); suppress_chevron_ = false; profile_->GetPrefs()->SetInteger(prefs::kBrowserActionContainerWidth, container_size_.width()); } void BrowserActionsContainer::NotifyMenuDeleted( BrowserActionOverflowMenuController* controller) { DCHECK(controller == overflow_menu_); overflow_menu_ = NULL; } bool BrowserActionsContainer::ShouldDisplayBrowserAction(Extension* extension) { // Only display incognito-enabled extensions while in incognito mode. return (!profile_->IsOffTheRecord() || profile_->GetExtensionsService()-> IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id())); }