// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/aero_glass_frame.h" #include #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/frame_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/aero_glass_non_client_view.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/views/window_delegate.h" // static // The width of the sizing borders. static const int kResizeBorder = 8; // By how much the toolbar overlaps with the tab strip. static const int kToolbarOverlapVertOffset = 5; // This is the width of the default client edge provided by Windows. In some // circumstances we provide our own client edge, so we use this width to // remove it. static const int kWindowsDWMBevelSize = 2; HICON AeroGlassFrame::throbber_icons_[AeroGlassFrame::kThrobberIconCount]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AeroGlassFrame, public: AeroGlassFrame::AeroGlassFrame(BrowserView* browser_view) : Window(browser_view), browser_view_(browser_view), frame_initialized_(false), throbber_running_(false), throbber_frame_(0) { non_client_view_ = new AeroGlassNonClientView(this, browser_view); browser_view_->set_frame(this); if (window_delegate()->ShouldShowWindowIcon()) InitThrobberIcons(); } AeroGlassFrame::~AeroGlassFrame() { } void AeroGlassFrame::Init() { Window::Init(NULL, gfx::Rect()); } int AeroGlassFrame::GetMinimizeButtonOffset() const { TITLEBARINFOEX titlebar_info; titlebar_info.cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFOEX); SendMessage(GetHWND(), WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX, 0, (WPARAM)&titlebar_info); RECT wr; GetWindowRect(&wr); return wr.right - titlebar_info.rgrect[2].left; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AeroGlassFrame, BrowserFrame implementation: gfx::Rect AeroGlassFrame::GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( const gfx::Rect& client_bounds) { RECT rect = client_bounds.ToRECT(); AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, window_style(), FALSE, window_ex_style()); return gfx::Rect(rect); } gfx::Rect AeroGlassFrame::GetBoundsForTabStrip(TabStrip* tabstrip) const { return GetAeroGlassNonClientView()->GetBoundsForTabStrip(tabstrip); } void AeroGlassFrame::UpdateThrobber(bool running) { if (throbber_running_) { if (running) { DisplayNextThrobberFrame(); } else { StopThrobber(); } } else if (running) { StartThrobber(); } } views::Window* AeroGlassFrame::GetWindow() { return this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AeroGlassFrame, views::ContainerWin overrides: bool AeroGlassFrame::AcceleratorPressed(views::Accelerator* accelerator) { return browser_view_->AcceleratorPressed(*accelerator); } bool AeroGlassFrame::GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, views::Accelerator* accelerator) { return browser_view_->GetAccelerator(cmd_id, accelerator); } void AeroGlassFrame::OnInitMenuPopup(HMENU menu, UINT position, BOOL is_system_menu) { browser_view_->PrepareToRunSystemMenu(menu); } void AeroGlassFrame::OnEndSession(BOOL ending, UINT logoff) { FrameUtil::EndSession(); } LRESULT AeroGlassFrame::OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hittest_code, UINT message) { return browser_view_->ActivateAppModalDialog() ? MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT : MA_ACTIVATE; } void AeroGlassFrame::OnMove(const CPoint& point) { browser_view_->WindowMoved(); } void AeroGlassFrame::OnMoving(UINT param, const RECT* new_bounds) { browser_view_->WindowMoved(); } LRESULT AeroGlassFrame::OnNCActivate(BOOL active) { if (browser_view_->ActivateAppModalDialog()) return TRUE; if (!frame_initialized_) { ::SetWindowPos(GetHWND(), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); UpdateDWMFrame(); frame_initialized_ = true; } browser_view_->ActivationChanged(!!active); return TRUE; } LRESULT AeroGlassFrame::OnNCCalcSize(BOOL mode, LPARAM l_param) { // By default the client side is set to the window size which is what // we want. if (browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible() && mode == TRUE) { // To be on the safe side and avoid side-effects, we only adjust the client // size to non-standard values when we must - i.e. when we're showing a // TabStrip. if (browser_view_->IsTabStripVisible()) { // Calculate new NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS based on custom NCA inset. NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* params = reinterpret_cast(l_param); // Hack necessary to stop black background flicker, we cut out // resizeborder here to save us from having to do too much // addition and subtraction in Layout(). We don't cut off the // top + titlebar as that prevents the window controls from // highlighting. params->rgrc[0].left += kResizeBorder; params->rgrc[0].right -= kResizeBorder; params->rgrc[0].bottom -= kResizeBorder; SetMsgHandled(TRUE); } else { // We don't adjust the client size for detached popups, so we need to // tell Windows we didn't handle the message here so that it doesn't // screw up the non-client area. SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } // We need to reset the frame, as Vista resets it whenever it changes // composition modes (and NCCALCSIZE is the closest thing we get to // a reliable message about the change). UpdateDWMFrame(); return 0; } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } LRESULT AeroGlassFrame::OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& pt) { LRESULT result; if (DwmDefWindowProc(GetHWND(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y), &result)) { return result; } return Window::OnNCHitTest(pt); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AeroGlassFrame, views::CustomFrameWindow overrides: int AeroGlassFrame::GetShowState() const { return browser_view_->GetShowState(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AeroGlassFrame, private: void AeroGlassFrame::UpdateDWMFrame() { // Nothing to do yet. if (!client_view()) return; // We only adjust the DWM's glass rendering when we're a browser window or a // detached popup. App windows get the standard client edge. if (browser_view_->IsTabStripVisible() || browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible()) { // By default, we just want to adjust the glass by the width of the inner // bevel that aero renders to demarcate the client area. We supply our own // client edge for the browser window and detached popups, so we don't want // to show the default one. int client_edge_left_width = kWindowsDWMBevelSize; int client_edge_right_width = kWindowsDWMBevelSize; int client_edge_bottom_height = kWindowsDWMBevelSize; int client_edge_top_height = kWindowsDWMBevelSize; if (browser_view_->IsTabStripVisible()) { gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds = GetBoundsForTabStrip(browser_view_->tabstrip()); client_edge_top_height = client_view()->y() + tabstrip_bounds.bottom(); } // Now poke the DWM. MARGINS margins = { client_edge_left_width, client_edge_right_width, client_edge_top_height, client_edge_bottom_height }; // Note: we don't use DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow because any region not // included in the glass region is composited source over. This means // that anything drawn directly with GDI appears fully transparent. DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(GetHWND(), &margins); } } AeroGlassNonClientView* AeroGlassFrame::GetAeroGlassNonClientView() const { // We can safely assume that this conversion is true. return static_cast(non_client_view_); } void AeroGlassFrame::StartThrobber() { if (!throbber_running_) { throbber_running_ = true; throbber_frame_ = 0; InitThrobberIcons(); ::SendMessage(GetHWND(), WM_SETICON, static_cast(ICON_SMALL), reinterpret_cast(throbber_icons_[throbber_frame_])); } } void AeroGlassFrame::StopThrobber() { if (throbber_running_) throbber_running_ = false; } void AeroGlassFrame::DisplayNextThrobberFrame() { throbber_frame_ = (throbber_frame_ + 1) % kThrobberIconCount; ::SendMessage(GetHWND(), WM_SETICON, static_cast(ICON_SMALL), reinterpret_cast(throbber_icons_[throbber_frame_])); } // static void AeroGlassFrame::InitThrobberIcons() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { ResourceBundle &rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < kThrobberIconCount; ++i) { throbber_icons_[i] = rb.LoadThemeIcon(IDR_THROBBER_01 + i); DCHECK(throbber_icons_[i]); } initialized = true; } }