// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_frame_win.h" #include #include #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "app/win_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/dock_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_non_client_frame_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_root_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/glass_browser_frame_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/opaque_browser_frame_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/browser_tab_strip.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "views/screen.h" #include "views/window/window_delegate.h" // static static const int kClientEdgeThickness = 3; static const int kTabDragWindowAlpha = 200; // static (Factory method.) BrowserFrame* BrowserFrame::Create(BrowserView* browser_view, Profile* profile) { BrowserFrameWin* frame = new BrowserFrameWin(browser_view, profile); frame->Init(); return frame; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserFrame, public: BrowserFrameWin::BrowserFrameWin(BrowserView* browser_view, Profile* profile) : WindowWin(browser_view), browser_view_(browser_view), saved_window_style_(0), saved_window_ex_style_(0), detached_drag_mode_(false), drop_tabstrip_(NULL), root_view_(NULL), frame_initialized_(false), profile_(profile) { browser_view_->set_frame(this); GetNonClientView()->SetFrameView(CreateFrameViewForWindow()); // Don't focus anything on creation, selecting a tab will set the focus. set_focus_on_creation(false); } void BrowserFrameWin::Init() { WindowWin::Init(NULL, gfx::Rect()); } BrowserFrameWin::~BrowserFrameWin() { } views::Window* BrowserFrameWin::GetWindow() { return this; } void BrowserFrameWin::TabStripCreated(TabStripWrapper* tabstrip) { root_view_->set_tabstrip(tabstrip); } int BrowserFrameWin::GetMinimizeButtonOffset() const { TITLEBARINFOEX titlebar_info; titlebar_info.cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFOEX); SendMessage(GetNativeView(), WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX, 0, (WPARAM)&titlebar_info); CPoint minimize_button_corner(titlebar_info.rgrect[2].left, titlebar_info.rgrect[2].top); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetNativeView(), &minimize_button_corner, 1); return minimize_button_corner.x; } gfx::Rect BrowserFrameWin::GetBoundsForTabStrip(TabStripWrapper* tabstrip) const { return browser_frame_view_->GetBoundsForTabStrip(tabstrip); } void BrowserFrameWin::UpdateThrobber(bool running) { browser_frame_view_->UpdateThrobber(running); } void BrowserFrameWin::ContinueDraggingDetachedTab() { detached_drag_mode_ = true; // Set the frame to partially transparent. UpdateWindowAlphaForTabDragging(detached_drag_mode_); // Send the message directly, so that the window is positioned appropriately. SendMessage(GetNativeWindow(), WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM(0, 0)); } ThemeProvider* BrowserFrameWin::GetThemeProviderForFrame() const { // This is implemented for a different interface than GetThemeProvider is, // but they mean the same things. return GetThemeProvider(); } ThemeProvider* BrowserFrameWin::GetThemeProvider() const { return profile_->GetThemeProvider(); } ThemeProvider* BrowserFrameWin::GetDefaultThemeProvider() const { return profile_->GetThemeProvider(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserFrame, views::WidgetWin overrides: bool BrowserFrameWin::AcceleratorPressed(views::Accelerator* accelerator) { return browser_view_->AcceleratorPressed(*accelerator); } bool BrowserFrameWin::GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, views::Accelerator* accelerator) { return browser_view_->GetAccelerator(cmd_id, accelerator); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnEndSession(BOOL ending, UINT logoff) { BrowserList::WindowsSessionEnding(); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnEnterSizeMove() { drop_tabstrip_ = NULL; browser_view_->WindowMoveOrResizeStarted(); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnExitSizeMove() { if (TabStrip2::Enabled()) { if (detached_drag_mode_) { detached_drag_mode_ = false; if (drop_tabstrip_) { gfx::Point screen_point = views::Screen::GetCursorScreenPoint(); BrowserTabStrip* tabstrip = browser_view_->tabstrip()->AsBrowserTabStrip(); gfx::Rect tsb = tabstrip->GetDraggedTabScreenBounds(screen_point); drop_tabstrip_->AttachTab(tabstrip->DetachTab(0), screen_point, tsb); } else { UpdateWindowAlphaForTabDragging(detached_drag_mode_); browser_view_->tabstrip()->AsBrowserTabStrip()->SendDraggedTabHome(); } } } WidgetWin::OnExitSizeMove(); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnInitMenuPopup(HMENU menu, UINT position, BOOL is_system_menu) { browser_view_->PrepareToRunSystemMenu(menu); } LRESULT BrowserFrameWin::OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hittest_code, UINT message) { return browser_view_->ActivateAppModalDialog() ? MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT : MA_ACTIVATE; } void BrowserFrameWin::OnMove(const CPoint& point) { browser_view_->WindowMoved(); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnMoving(UINT param, const RECT* new_bounds) { browser_view_->WindowMoved(); } LRESULT BrowserFrameWin::OnNCActivate(BOOL active) { if (browser_view_->ActivateAppModalDialog()) return TRUE; // Perform first time initialization of the DWM frame insets, only if we're // using the native frame. if (GetNonClientView()->UseNativeFrame() && !frame_initialized_) { if (browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { ::SetWindowPos(GetNativeView(), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); UpdateDWMFrame(); } frame_initialized_ = true; } browser_view_->ActivationChanged(!!active); return WindowWin::OnNCActivate(active); } LRESULT BrowserFrameWin::OnNCCalcSize(BOOL mode, LPARAM l_param) { // We don't adjust the client area unless we're a tabbed browser window and // are using the native frame. if (!GetNonClientView()->UseNativeFrame() || !browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { return WindowWin::OnNCCalcSize(mode, l_param); } RECT* client_rect = mode ? &reinterpret_cast(l_param)->rgrc[0] : reinterpret_cast(l_param); int border_thickness = 0; if (browser_view_->IsMaximized()) { // Make the maximized mode client rect fit the screen exactly, by // subtracting the border Windows automatically adds for maximized mode. border_thickness = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); // Find all auto-hide taskbars along the screen edges and adjust in by the // thickness of the auto-hide taskbar on each such edge, so the window isn't // treated as a "fullscreen app", which would cause the taskbars to // disappear. HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(GetNativeView(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if (win_util::EdgeHasTopmostAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_LEFT, monitor)) client_rect->left += win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx; if (win_util::EdgeHasTopmostAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_RIGHT, monitor)) client_rect->right -= win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx; if (win_util::EdgeHasTopmostAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_BOTTOM, monitor)) { client_rect->bottom -= win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx; } else if (win_util::EdgeHasTopmostAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_TOP, monitor)) { // Tricky bit. Due to a bug in DwmDefWindowProc()'s handling of // WM_NCHITTEST, having any nonclient area atop the window causes the // caption buttons to draw onscreen but not respond to mouse hover/clicks. // So for a taskbar at the screen top, we can't push the client_rect->top // down; instead, we move the bottom up by one pixel, which is the // smallest change we can make and still get a client area less than the // screen size. This is visibly ugly, but there seems to be no better // solution. --client_rect->bottom; } } else if (!browser_view_->IsFullscreen()) { // We draw our own client edge over part of the default frame would be. border_thickness = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) - kClientEdgeThickness; } client_rect->left += border_thickness; client_rect->right -= border_thickness; client_rect->bottom -= border_thickness; UpdateDWMFrame(); // Non-client metrics such as the window control positions may change as a // result of us processing this message so we need to re-layout the frame view // which may position items (such as the distributor logo) based on these // metrics. We only do this once the non-client view has been properly // initialized and added to the view hierarchy. views::NonClientView* non_client_view = GetNonClientView(); if (non_client_view && non_client_view->GetParent()) non_client_view->LayoutFrameView(); // We'd like to return WVR_REDRAW in some cases here, but because we almost // always have nonclient area (except in fullscreen mode, where it doesn't // matter), we can't. See comments in window.cc:OnNCCalcSize() for more info. return 0; } LRESULT BrowserFrameWin::OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& pt) { // Only do DWM hit-testing when we are using the native frame. if (GetNonClientView()->UseNativeFrame()) { LRESULT result; if (DwmDefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y), &result)) { return result; } } return WindowWin::OnNCHitTest(pt); } void BrowserFrameWin::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* window_pos) { if (TabStrip2::Enabled()) { if (detached_drag_mode_) { // TODO(beng): move all to BrowserTabStrip... // We check to see if the mouse cursor is in the magnetism zone of another // visible TabStrip. If so, we should dock to it. std::set ignore_windows; ignore_windows.insert(GetNativeWindow()); gfx::Point screen_point = views::Screen::GetCursorScreenPoint(); HWND local_window = DockInfo::GetLocalProcessWindowAtPoint(screen_point, ignore_windows); if (local_window) { BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForNativeWindow(local_window); drop_tabstrip_ = browser_view->tabstrip()->AsBrowserTabStrip(); if (TabStrip2::IsDragRearrange(drop_tabstrip_, screen_point)) { ReleaseCapture(); return; } } drop_tabstrip_ = NULL; } } // Windows lies to us about the position of the minimize button before a // window is visible. We use the position of the minimize button to place the // distributor logo in official builds. When the window is shown, we need to // re-layout and schedule a paint for the non-client frame view so that the // distributor logo has the correct position when the window becomes visible. // This fixes bugs where the distributor logo appears to overlay the minimize // button. http://crbug.com/15520 // Note that we will call Layout every time SetWindowPos is called with // SWP_SHOWWINDOW, however callers typically are careful about not specifying // this flag unless necessary to avoid flicker. if (window_pos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) { GetNonClientView()->Layout(); GetNonClientView()->SchedulePaint(); } // Let the default window procedure handle - IMPORTANT! WindowWin::OnWindowPosChanged(window_pos); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserFrame, views::CustomFrameWindow overrides: int BrowserFrameWin::GetShowState() const { return browser_view_->GetShowState(); } views::NonClientFrameView* BrowserFrameWin::CreateFrameViewForWindow() { if (GetThemeProvider()->ShouldUseNativeFrame()) browser_frame_view_ = new GlassBrowserFrameView(this, browser_view_); else browser_frame_view_ = new OpaqueBrowserFrameView(this, browser_view_); return browser_frame_view_; } void BrowserFrameWin::UpdateFrameAfterFrameChange() { WindowWin::UpdateFrameAfterFrameChange(); UpdateDWMFrame(); } views::RootView* BrowserFrameWin::CreateRootView() { root_view_ = new BrowserRootView(this); return root_view_; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserFrame, private: void BrowserFrameWin::UpdateDWMFrame() { // Nothing to do yet. if (!GetClientView() || !browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal() || !win_util::ShouldUseVistaFrame()) return; // In fullscreen mode, we don't extend glass into the client area at all, // because the GDI-drawn text in the web content composited over it will // become semi-transparent over any glass area. MARGINS margins = { 0 }; if (!IsMaximized() && !IsFullscreen()) { margins.cxLeftWidth = kClientEdgeThickness + 1; margins.cxRightWidth = kClientEdgeThickness + 1; margins.cyBottomHeight = kClientEdgeThickness + 1; } // In maximized mode, we only have a titlebar strip of glass, no side/bottom // borders. if (!browser_view_->IsFullscreen() && !TabStrip2::Enabled()) { margins.cyTopHeight = GetBoundsForTabStrip(browser_view_->tabstrip()).bottom(); } DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(GetNativeView(), &margins); } void BrowserFrameWin::UpdateWindowAlphaForTabDragging(bool dragging) { HWND frame_hwnd = GetNativeWindow(); if (dragging) { // Make the frame slightly transparent during the drag operation. saved_window_style_ = ::GetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_STYLE); saved_window_ex_style_ = ::GetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); ::SetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, saved_window_ex_style_ | WS_EX_LAYERED); // Remove the captions tyle so the window doesn't have window controls for a // more "transparent" look. ::SetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_STYLE, saved_window_style_ & ~WS_CAPTION); SetLayeredWindowAttributes(frame_hwnd, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), kTabDragWindowAlpha, LWA_ALPHA); } else { ::SetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_STYLE, saved_window_style_); ::SetWindowLong(frame_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, saved_window_ex_style_); } }