// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/command_line.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/app_modal_dialog_queue.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/encoding_menu_controller_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/about_chrome_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_manager_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bug_report_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/clear_browsing_data.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/download_shelf_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_frame.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/html_dialog_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/importer_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/infobars/infobar_container.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/keyword_editor_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/password_manager_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/status_bubble_views.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tab_contents_container_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/toolbar_star_toggle.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/toolbar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents_view.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/drag_drop_types.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_notification_source.h" #include "chrome/views/view.h" #include "chrome/views/window.h" #include "chromium_strings.h" #include "generated_resources.h" using base::TimeDelta; // static SkBitmap BrowserView::default_favicon_; SkBitmap BrowserView::otr_avatar_; // The vertical overlap between the TabStrip and the Toolbar. static const int kToolbarTabStripVerticalOverlap = 3; // The visible height of the shadow above the tabs. Clicks in this area are // treated as clicks to the frame, rather than clicks to the tab. static const int kTabShadowSize = 2; // The height of the status bubble. static const int kStatusBubbleHeight = 20; // The overlap of the status bubble with the left edge of the window. static const int kStatusBubbleHorizontalOverlap = 2; // The overlap of the status bubble with the bottom edge of the window. static const int kStatusBubbleVerticalOverlap = 2; // An offset distance between certain toolbars and the toolbar that preceded // them in layout. static const int kSeparationLineHeight = 1; // The name of a key to store on the window handle so that other code can // locate this object using just the handle. static const wchar_t* kBrowserViewKey = L"__BROWSER_VIEW__"; // The distance between tiled windows. static const int kWindowTilePixels = 10; // How frequently we check for hung plugin windows. static const int kDefaultHungPluginDetectFrequency = 2000; // How long do we wait before we consider a window hung (in ms). static const int kDefaultPluginMessageResponseTimeout = 30000; // The number of milliseconds between loading animation frames. static const int kLoadingAnimationFrameTimeMs = 30; static const struct { bool separator; int command; int label; } kMenuLayout[] = { { true, 0, 0 }, { false, IDC_TASK_MANAGER, IDS_TASK_MANAGER }, { true, 0, 0 }, { false, IDC_ENCODING_MENU, IDS_ENCODING_MENU }, { false, IDC_ZOOM_MENU, IDS_ZOOM_MENU }, { false, IDC_PRINT, IDS_PRINT }, { false, IDC_SAVE_PAGE, IDS_SAVE_PAGE }, { false, IDC_FIND, IDS_FIND }, { true, 0, 0 }, { false, IDC_PASTE, IDS_PASTE }, { false, IDC_COPY, IDS_COPY }, { false, IDC_CUT, IDS_CUT }, { true, 0, 0 }, { false, IDC_NEW_TAB, IDS_APP_MENU_NEW_WEB_PAGE }, { false, IDC_SHOW_AS_TAB, IDS_SHOW_AS_TAB }, { false, IDC_COPY_URL, IDS_APP_MENU_COPY_URL }, { false, IDC_DUPLICATE_TAB, IDS_APP_MENU_DUPLICATE_APP_WINDOW }, { true, 0, 0 }, { false, IDC_RELOAD, IDS_APP_MENU_RELOAD }, { false, IDC_FORWARD, IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_FORWARD }, { false, IDC_BACK, IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_BACK } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, public: BrowserView::BrowserView(Browser* browser) : ClientView(NULL, NULL), frame_(NULL), browser_(browser), active_bookmark_bar_(NULL), active_info_bar_(NULL), active_download_shelf_(NULL), toolbar_(NULL), contents_container_(NULL), initialized_(false), can_drop_(false), hung_window_detector_(&hung_plugin_action_), ticker_(0), #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION personalization_enabled_(false), personalization_(NULL), #endif forwarding_to_tab_strip_(false) { InitClass(); show_bookmark_bar_pref_.Init(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar, browser_->profile()->GetPrefs(), this); browser_->tabstrip_model()->AddObserver(this); } BrowserView::~BrowserView() { browser_->tabstrip_model()->RemoveObserver(this); // Stop hung plugin monitoring. ticker_.Stop(); ticker_.UnregisterTickHandler(&hung_window_detector_); } // static BrowserView* BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(HWND window) { if (IsWindow(window)) { HANDLE data = GetProp(window, kBrowserViewKey); if (data) return reinterpret_cast(data); } return NULL; } int BrowserView::GetShowState() const { STARTUPINFO si = {0}; si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; GetStartupInfo(&si); // When launched from bash, for some reason si.wShowWindow is set to SW_HIDE, // so we need to correct that condition. return si.wShowWindow == SW_HIDE ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : si.wShowWindow; } void BrowserView::WindowMoved() { // Cancel any tabstrip animations, some of them may be invalidated by the // window being repositioned. // Comment out for one cycle to see if this fixes dist tests. //tabstrip_->DestroyDragController(); status_bubble_->Reposition(); // Close the omnibox popup, if any. if (GetLocationBarView()) GetLocationBarView()->location_entry()->ClosePopup(); } gfx::Rect BrowserView::GetToolbarBounds() const { return toolbar_->bounds(); } gfx::Rect BrowserView::GetClientAreaBounds() const { gfx::Rect container_bounds = contents_container_->bounds(); gfx::Point container_origin = container_bounds.origin(); ConvertPointToView(this, GetParent(), &container_origin); container_bounds.set_origin(container_origin); return container_bounds; } int BrowserView::GetTabStripHeight() const { return tabstrip_->GetPreferredHeight(); } bool BrowserView::IsToolbarVisible() const { return SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TOOLBAR) || SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR); } bool BrowserView::IsTabStripVisible() const { return SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TABSTRIP); } bool BrowserView::IsOffTheRecord() const { return browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord(); } bool BrowserView::ShouldShowOffTheRecordAvatar() const { return IsOffTheRecord() && browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL; } bool BrowserView::AcceleratorPressed(const views::Accelerator& accelerator) { DCHECK(accelerator_table_.get()); std::map::const_iterator iter = accelerator_table_->find(accelerator); DCHECK(iter != accelerator_table_->end()); int command_id = iter->second; if (browser_->command_updater()->SupportsCommand(command_id) && browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command_id)) { browser_->ExecuteCommand(command_id); return true; } return false; } bool BrowserView::GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, views::Accelerator* accelerator) { std::map::iterator it = accelerator_table_->begin(); for (; it != accelerator_table_->end(); ++it) { if (it->second == cmd_id) { *accelerator = it->first; return true; } } return false; } bool BrowserView::SystemCommandReceived(UINT notification_code, const gfx::Point& point) { bool handled = false; if (browser_->command_updater()->SupportsCommand(notification_code) && browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(notification_code)) { browser_->ExecuteCommand(notification_code); handled = true; } return handled; } void BrowserView::AddViewToDropList(views::View* view) { dropable_views_.insert(view); } bool BrowserView::ActivateAppModalDialog() const { // If another browser is app modal, flash and activate the modal browser. if (AppModalDialogQueue::HasActiveDialog()) { Browser* active_browser = BrowserList::GetLastActive(); if (active_browser && (browser_ != active_browser)) { active_browser->window()->FlashFrame(); active_browser->window()->Activate(); } AppModalDialogQueue::ActivateModalDialog(); return true; } return false; } void BrowserView::ActivationChanged(bool activated) { if (activated) BrowserList::SetLastActive(browser_.get()); } TabContents* BrowserView::GetSelectedTabContents() const { return browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); } SkBitmap BrowserView::GetOTRAvatarIcon() { if (otr_avatar_.isNull()) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); otr_avatar_ = *rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OTR_ICON); } return otr_avatar_; } void BrowserView::PrepareToRunSystemMenu(HMENU menu) { for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kMenuLayout); ++i) { int command = kMenuLayout[i].command; // |command| can be zero on submenu items (IDS_ENCODING, // IDS_ZOOM) and on separators. if (command != 0) { system_menu_->EnableMenuItemByID( command, browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command)); } } } bool BrowserView::SupportsWindowFeature(WindowFeature feature) const { return !!(FeaturesForBrowserType(browser_->type()) & feature); } // static unsigned int BrowserView::FeaturesForBrowserType(Browser::Type type) { unsigned int features = FEATURE_INFOBAR | FEATURE_DOWNLOADSHELF; if (type == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL) features |= FEATURE_TABSTRIP | FEATURE_TOOLBAR | FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR; if (type != Browser::TYPE_APP) features |= FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR; if (type != Browser::TYPE_NORMAL) features |= FEATURE_TITLEBAR; return features; } // static void BrowserView::RegisterBrowserViewPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout, kDefaultPluginMessageResponseTimeout); prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency, kDefaultHungPluginDetectFrequency); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, BrowserWindow implementation: void BrowserView::Init() { // Stow a pointer to this object onto the window handle so that we can get // at it later when all we have is a HWND. SetProp(GetWidget()->GetHWND(), kBrowserViewKey, this); // Start a hung plugin window detector for this browser object (as long as // hang detection is not disabled). if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kDisableHangMonitor)) { InitHangMonitor(); } LoadAccelerators(); SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); tabstrip_ = new TabStrip(browser_->tabstrip_model()); tabstrip_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_TABSTRIP)); AddChildView(tabstrip_); toolbar_ = new BrowserToolbarView(browser_.get()); AddChildView(toolbar_); toolbar_->SetID(VIEW_ID_TOOLBAR); toolbar_->Init(browser_->profile()); toolbar_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_TOOLBAR)); infobar_container_ = new InfoBarContainer(this); AddChildView(infobar_container_); contents_container_ = new TabContentsContainerView; set_contents_view(contents_container_); AddChildView(contents_container_); status_bubble_.reset(new StatusBubbleViews(GetWidget())); #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); EnablePersonalization(command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kEnableP13n)); if (IsPersonalizationEnabled()) { personalization_ = Personalization::CreateFramePersonalization( browser_->profile(), this); } #endif InitSystemMenu(); } void BrowserView::Show() { // If the window is already visible, just activate it. if (frame_->GetWindow()->IsVisible()) { frame_->GetWindow()->Activate(); return; } // Setting the focus doesn't work when the window is invisible, so any focus // initialization that happened before this will be lost. // // We really "should" restore the focus whenever the window becomes unhidden, // but I think initializing is the only time where this can happen where // there is some focus change we need to pick up, and this is easier than // plumbing through an un-hide message all the way from the frame. // // If we do find there are cases where we need to restore the focus on show, // that should be added and this should be removed. TabContents* selected_tab_contents = GetSelectedTabContents(); if (selected_tab_contents) selected_tab_contents->RestoreFocus(); frame_->GetWindow()->Show(); int show_state = frame_->GetWindow()->GetShowState(); if (show_state == SW_SHOWNORMAL || show_state == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) frame_->GetWindow()->Activate(); } void BrowserView::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { frame_->GetWindow()->SetBounds(bounds); } void BrowserView::Close() { frame_->GetWindow()->Close(); } void BrowserView::Activate() { frame_->GetWindow()->Activate(); } void BrowserView::FlashFrame() { FLASHWINFO fwi; fwi.cbSize = sizeof(fwi); fwi.hwnd = frame_->GetWindow()->GetHWND(); fwi.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL; fwi.uCount = 4; fwi.dwTimeout = 0; FlashWindowEx(&fwi); } void* BrowserView::GetNativeHandle() { return GetWidget()->GetHWND(); } BrowserWindowTesting* BrowserView::GetBrowserWindowTesting() { return this; } StatusBubble* BrowserView::GetStatusBubble() { return status_bubble_.get(); } void BrowserView::SelectedTabToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating) { if (is_animating) { contents_container_->set_fast_resize(true); UpdateUIForContents(browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()); contents_container_->set_fast_resize(false); } else { UpdateUIForContents(browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()); contents_container_->UpdateHWNDBounds(); } } void BrowserView::UpdateTitleBar() { frame_->GetWindow()->UpdateWindowTitle(); if (ShouldShowWindowIcon()) frame_->GetWindow()->UpdateWindowIcon(); } void BrowserView::UpdateLoadingAnimations(bool should_animate) { if (should_animate) { if (!loading_animation_timer_.IsRunning()) { // Loads are happening, and the timer isn't running, so start it. loading_animation_timer_.Start( TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kLoadingAnimationFrameTimeMs), this, &BrowserView::LoadingAnimationCallback); } } else { if (loading_animation_timer_.IsRunning()) { loading_animation_timer_.Stop(); // Loads are now complete, update the state if a task was scheduled. LoadingAnimationCallback(); } } } void BrowserView::SetStarredState(bool is_starred) { toolbar_->star_button()->SetToggled(is_starred); } gfx::Rect BrowserView::GetNormalBounds() const { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(wp); const bool ret = !!GetWindowPlacement(frame_->GetWindow()->GetHWND(), &wp); DCHECK(ret); return gfx::Rect(wp.rcNormalPosition); } bool BrowserView::IsMaximized() { return frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized(); } LocationBarView* BrowserView::GetLocationBarView() const { return toolbar_->GetLocationBarView(); } BrowserView* BrowserView::GetBrowserView() const { return NULL; } void BrowserView::UpdateStopGoState(bool is_loading) { toolbar_->GetGoButton()->ChangeMode( is_loading ? GoButton::MODE_STOP : GoButton::MODE_GO); } void BrowserView::UpdateToolbar(TabContents* contents, bool should_restore_state) { toolbar_->Update(contents, should_restore_state); } void BrowserView::FocusToolbar() { // Do not restore the button that previously had accessibility focus, if // focus is set by using the toolbar focus keyboard shortcut. toolbar_->set_acc_focused_view(NULL); toolbar_->RequestFocus(); } void BrowserView::DestroyBrowser() { // Explicitly delete the BookmarkBarView now. That way we don't have to // worry about the BookmarkBarView potentially outliving the Browser & // Profile. bookmark_bar_view_.reset(); browser_.reset(); } bool BrowserView::IsBookmarkBarVisible() const { if (!bookmark_bar_view_.get()) return false; if (bookmark_bar_view_->OnNewTabPage() || bookmark_bar_view_->IsAnimating()) return true; // 1 is the minimum in GetPreferredSize for the bookmark bar. return bookmark_bar_view_->GetPreferredSize().height() > 1; } void BrowserView::ToggleBookmarkBar() { BookmarkBarView::ToggleWhenVisible(browser_->profile()); } void BrowserView::ShowAboutChromeDialog() { views::Window::CreateChromeWindow( GetWidget()->GetHWND(), gfx::Rect(), new AboutChromeView(browser_->profile()))->Show(); } void BrowserView::ShowBookmarkManager() { BookmarkManagerView::Show(browser_->profile()); } bool BrowserView::IsBookmarkBubbleVisible() const { return toolbar_->star_button()->is_bubble_showing(); } void BrowserView::ShowBookmarkBubble(const GURL& url, bool already_bookmarked) { toolbar_->star_button()->ShowStarBubble(url, !already_bookmarked); } void BrowserView::ShowReportBugDialog() { // Retrieve the URL for the current tab (if any) and tell the BugReportView TabContents* current_tab = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); if (!current_tab) return; BugReportView* bug_report_view = new BugReportView(browser_->profile(), current_tab); if (current_tab->controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry()) { if (current_tab->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB) { // URL for the current page bug_report_view->SetUrl( current_tab->controller()->GetActiveEntry()->url()); } } // retrieve the application version info std::wstring version; scoped_ptr version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule()); if (version_info.get()) { version = version_info->product_name() + L" - " + version_info->file_version() + L" (" + version_info->last_change() + L")"; } bug_report_view->set_version(version); // Grab an exact snapshot of the window that the user is seeing (i.e. as // rendered--do not re-render, and include windowed plugins) std::vector *screenshot_png = new std::vector; win_util::GrabWindowSnapshot(GetWidget()->GetHWND(), screenshot_png); // the BugReportView takes ownership of the png data, and will dispose of // it in its destructor. bug_report_view->set_png_data(screenshot_png); // Create and show the dialog views::Window::CreateChromeWindow(GetWidget()->GetHWND(), gfx::Rect(), bug_report_view)->Show(); } void BrowserView::ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog() { views::Window::CreateChromeWindow( GetWidget()->GetHWND(), gfx::Rect(), new ClearBrowsingDataView(browser_->profile()))->Show(); } void BrowserView::ShowImportDialog() { views::Window::CreateChromeWindow( GetWidget()->GetHWND(), gfx::Rect(), new ImporterView(browser_->profile()))->Show(); } void BrowserView::ShowSearchEnginesDialog() { KeywordEditorView::Show(browser_->profile()); } void BrowserView::ShowPasswordManager() { PasswordManagerView::Show(browser_->profile()); } void BrowserView::ShowHTMLDialog(HtmlDialogContentsDelegate* delegate, void* parent_window) { HWND parent_hwnd = reinterpret_cast(parent_window); parent_hwnd = parent_hwnd ? parent_hwnd : GetWidget()->GetHWND(); HtmlDialogView* html_view = new HtmlDialogView(browser_.get(), browser_->profile(), delegate); views::Window::CreateChromeWindow(parent_hwnd, gfx::Rect(), html_view); html_view->InitDialog(); html_view->window()->Show(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, BrowserWindowTesting implementation: BookmarkBarView* BrowserView::GetBookmarkBarView() { TabContents* current_tab = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); if (!bookmark_bar_view_.get()) { bookmark_bar_view_.reset(new BookmarkBarView(current_tab->profile(), browser_.get())); bookmark_bar_view_->SetParentOwned(false); } else { bookmark_bar_view_->SetProfile(current_tab->profile()); } bookmark_bar_view_->SetPageNavigator(current_tab); return bookmark_bar_view_.get(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, NotificationObserver implementation: void BrowserView::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == NOTIFY_PREF_CHANGED && *Details(details).ptr() == prefs::kShowBookmarkBar) { if (MaybeShowBookmarkBar(browser_->GetSelectedTabContents())) Layout(); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Got a notification we didn't register for!"; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, TabStripModelObserver implementation: void BrowserView::TabDetachedAt(TabContents* contents, int index) { // We use index here rather than comparing |contents| because by this time // the model has already removed |contents| from its list, so // browser_->GetSelectedTabContents() will return NULL or something else. if (index == browser_->tabstrip_model()->selected_index()) { // We need to reset the current tab contents to NULL before it gets // freed. This is because the focus manager performs some operations // on the selected TabContents when it is removed. infobar_container_->ChangeTabContents(NULL); contents_container_->SetTabContents(NULL); } } void BrowserView::TabSelectedAt(TabContents* old_contents, TabContents* new_contents, int index, bool user_gesture) { DCHECK(old_contents != new_contents); // We do not store the focus when closing the tab to work-around bug 4633. // Some reports seem to show that the focus manager and/or focused view can // be garbage at that point, it is not clear why. if (old_contents && !old_contents->is_being_destroyed()) old_contents->StoreFocus(); // Update various elements that are interested in knowing the current // TabContents. infobar_container_->ChangeTabContents(new_contents); contents_container_->SetTabContents(new_contents); // TODO(beng): This should be called automatically by SetTabContents, but I // am striving for parity now rather than cleanliness. This is // required to make features like Duplicate Tab, Undo Close Tab, // etc not result in sad tab. new_contents->DidBecomeSelected(); if (BrowserList::GetLastActive() == browser_ && !browser_->tabstrip_model()->closing_all()) { new_contents->RestoreFocus(); } // Update all the UI bits. UpdateTitleBar(); toolbar_->SetProfile(new_contents->profile()); UpdateToolbar(new_contents, true); UpdateUIForContents(new_contents); } void BrowserView::TabStripEmpty() { // Make sure all optional UI is removed before we are destroyed, otherwise // there will be consequences (since our view hierarchy will still have // references to freed views). UpdateUIForContents(NULL); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, views::WindowDelegate implementation: bool BrowserView::CanResize() const { return true; } bool BrowserView::CanMaximize() const { return true; } bool BrowserView::IsModal() const { return false; } std::wstring BrowserView::GetWindowTitle() const { return browser_->GetCurrentPageTitle(); } views::View* BrowserView::GetInitiallyFocusedView() const { return GetLocationBarView(); } bool BrowserView::ShouldShowWindowTitle() const { return SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TITLEBAR); } SkBitmap BrowserView::GetWindowIcon() { if (browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_APP) return browser_->GetCurrentPageIcon(); return SkBitmap(); } bool BrowserView::ShouldShowWindowIcon() const { return SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TITLEBAR); } bool BrowserView::ExecuteWindowsCommand(int command_id) { // Translate WM_APPCOMMAND command ids into a command id that the browser // knows how to handle. int command_id_from_app_command = GetCommandIDForAppCommandID(command_id); if (command_id_from_app_command != -1) command_id = command_id_from_app_command; if (browser_->command_updater()->SupportsCommand(command_id)) { if (browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command_id)) browser_->ExecuteCommand(command_id); return true; } return false; } std::wstring BrowserView::GetWindowName() const { return browser_->GetWindowPlacementKey(); } void BrowserView::SaveWindowPlacement(const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool maximized, bool always_on_top) { if (browser_->ShouldSaveWindowPlacement()) { WindowDelegate::SaveWindowPlacement(bounds, maximized, always_on_top); browser_->SaveWindowPlacement(bounds, maximized); } } bool BrowserView::GetSavedWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) const { *bounds = browser_->GetSavedWindowBounds(); if (browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_POPUP) { // We are a popup window. The value passed in |bounds| represents two // pieces of information: // - the position of the window, in screen coordinates (outer position). // - the size of the content area (inner size). // We need to use these values to determine the appropriate size and // position of the resulting window. if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TOOLBAR) || SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR)) { // If we're showing the toolbar, we need to adjust |*bounds| to include // its desired height, since the toolbar is considered part of the // window's client area as far as GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds is // concerned... bounds->set_height( bounds->height() + toolbar_->GetPreferredSize().height()); } gfx::Rect window_rect = frame_->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds(*bounds); window_rect.set_origin(bounds->origin()); // When we are given x/y coordinates of 0 on a created popup window, // assume none were given by the window.open() command. if (window_rect.x() == 0 && window_rect.y() == 0) { window_rect.set_origin(GetNormalBounds().origin()); window_rect.Offset(kWindowTilePixels, kWindowTilePixels); } *bounds = window_rect; } // We return true because we can _always_ locate reasonable bounds using the // WindowSizer, and we don't want to trigger the Window's built-in "size to // default" handling because the browser window has no default preferred // size. return true; } bool BrowserView::GetSavedMaximizedState(bool* maximized) const { *maximized = browser_->GetSavedMaximizedState(); return true; } void BrowserView::WindowClosing() { } views::View* BrowserView::GetContentsView() { return contents_container_; } views::ClientView* BrowserView::CreateClientView(views::Window* window) { set_window(window); return this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, views::ClientView overrides: bool BrowserView::CanClose() const { // You cannot close a frame for which there is an active originating drag // session. if (tabstrip_->IsDragSessionActive()) return false; // Give beforeunload handlers the chance to cancel the close before we hide // the window below. if (!browser_->ShouldCloseWindow()) return false; if (!browser_->tabstrip_model()->empty()) { // Tab strip isn't empty. Hide the frame (so it appears to have closed // immediately) and close all the tabs, allowing the renderers to shut // down. When the tab strip is empty we'll be called back again. frame_->GetWindow()->Hide(); browser_->OnWindowClosing(); return false; } // Empty TabStripModel, it's now safe to allow the Window to be closed. NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_WINDOW_CLOSED, Source(frame_->GetWindow()->GetHWND()), NotificationService::NoDetails()); return true; } int BrowserView::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) { // Since the TabStrip only renders in some parts of the top of the window, // the un-obscured area is considered to be part of the non-client caption // area of the window. So we need to treat hit-tests in these regions as // hit-tests of the titlebar. // Determine if the TabStrip exists and is capable of being clicked on. We // might be a popup window without a TabStrip, or the TabStrip could be // animating. if (IsTabStripVisible() && tabstrip_->CanProcessInputEvents()) { views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); gfx::Point point_in_view_coords(point); View::ConvertPointToView(GetParent(), this, &point_in_view_coords); // See if the mouse pointer is within the bounds of the TabStrip. gfx::Point point_in_tabstrip_coords(point); View::ConvertPointToView(GetParent(), tabstrip_, &point_in_tabstrip_coords); if (tabstrip_->HitTest(point_in_tabstrip_coords)) { if (tabstrip_->PointIsWithinWindowCaption(point_in_tabstrip_coords)) return HTCAPTION; return HTCLIENT; } // The top few pixels of the TabStrip are a drop-shadow - as we're pretty // starved of dragable area, let's give it to window dragging (this also // makes sense visually). if (!window->IsMaximized() && (point_in_view_coords.y() < tabstrip_->y() + kTabShadowSize)) { // We return HTNOWHERE as this is a signal to our containing // NonClientView that it should figure out what the correct hit-test // code is given the mouse position... return HTNOWHERE; } } // If the point's y coordinate is below the top of the toolbar and otherwise // within the bounds of this view, the point is considered to be within the // client area. gfx::Rect bv_bounds = bounds(); bv_bounds.Offset(0, toolbar_->y()); bv_bounds.set_height(bv_bounds.height() - toolbar_->y()); if (bv_bounds.Contains(point)) return HTCLIENT; // If the point's y coordinate is above the top of the toolbar, but not in // the tabstrip (per previous checking in this function), then we consider it // in the window caption (e.g. the area to the right of the tabstrip // underneath the window controls). However, note that we DO NOT return // HTCAPTION here, because when the window is maximized the window controls // will fall into this space (since the BrowserView is sized to entire size // of the window at that point), and the HTCAPTION value will cause the // window controls not to work. So we return HTNOWHERE so that the caller // will hit-test the window controls before finally falling back to // HTCAPTION. bv_bounds = bounds(); bv_bounds.set_height(toolbar_->y()); if (bv_bounds.Contains(point)) return HTNOWHERE; // If the point is somewhere else, delegate to the default implementation. return ClientView::NonClientHitTest(point); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, views::View overrides: void BrowserView::Layout() { int top = LayoutTabStrip(); top = LayoutToolbar(top); top = LayoutBookmarkAndInfoBars(top); int bottom = LayoutDownloadShelf(); LayoutTabContents(top, bottom); LayoutStatusBubble(bottom); #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION if (IsPersonalizationEnabled()) { Personalization::ConfigureFramePersonalization(personalization_, toolbar_, 0); } #endif SchedulePaint(); } void BrowserView::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child) { if (is_add && child == this && GetWidget() && !initialized_) { Init(); initialized_ = true; } if (!is_add) dropable_views_.erase(child); } bool BrowserView::CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data) { can_drop_ = (tabstrip_->IsVisible() && !tabstrip_->IsAnimating() && data.HasURL()); return can_drop_; } void BrowserView::OnDragEntered(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { if (can_drop_ && ShouldForwardToTabStrip(event)) { forwarding_to_tab_strip_ = true; scoped_ptr mapped_event( MapEventToTabStrip(event)); tabstrip_->OnDragEntered(*mapped_event.get()); } } int BrowserView::OnDragUpdated(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { if (can_drop_) { if (ShouldForwardToTabStrip(event)) { scoped_ptr mapped_event( MapEventToTabStrip(event)); if (!forwarding_to_tab_strip_) { tabstrip_->OnDragEntered(*mapped_event.get()); forwarding_to_tab_strip_ = true; } return tabstrip_->OnDragUpdated(*mapped_event.get()); } else if (forwarding_to_tab_strip_) { forwarding_to_tab_strip_ = false; tabstrip_->OnDragExited(); } } return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } void BrowserView::OnDragExited() { if (forwarding_to_tab_strip_) { forwarding_to_tab_strip_ = false; tabstrip_->OnDragExited(); } } int BrowserView::OnPerformDrop(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { if (forwarding_to_tab_strip_) { forwarding_to_tab_strip_ = false; scoped_ptr mapped_event( MapEventToTabStrip(event)); return tabstrip_->OnPerformDrop(*mapped_event.get()); } return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserView, private: void BrowserView::InitSystemMenu() { HMENU system_menu = GetSystemMenu(frame_->GetWindow()->GetHWND(), FALSE); system_menu_.reset(new Menu(system_menu)); int insertion_index = std::max(0, system_menu_->ItemCount() - 1); // We add the menu items in reverse order so that insertion_index never needs // to change. if (browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL) { system_menu_->AddSeparator(insertion_index); system_menu_->AddMenuItemWithLabel(insertion_index, IDC_TASK_MANAGER, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASK_MANAGER)); // If it's a regular browser window with tabs, we don't add any more items, // since it already has menus (Page, Chrome). } else { BuildMenuForTabStriplessWindow(system_menu_.get(), insertion_index); } } bool BrowserView::ShouldForwardToTabStrip( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { if (!tabstrip_->IsVisible()) return false; const int tab_y = tabstrip_->y(); const int tab_height = tabstrip_->height(); if (event.y() >= tab_y + tab_height) return false; if (event.y() >= tab_y) return true; // Mouse isn't over the tab strip. Only forward if the mouse isn't over // another view on the tab strip or is over a view we were told the user can // drop on. views::View* view_over_mouse = GetViewForPoint(event.location()); return (view_over_mouse == this || view_over_mouse == tabstrip_ || dropable_views_.find(view_over_mouse) != dropable_views_.end()); } views::DropTargetEvent* BrowserView::MapEventToTabStrip( const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { gfx::Point tab_strip_loc(event.location()); ConvertPointToView(this, tabstrip_, &tab_strip_loc); return new views::DropTargetEvent(event.GetData(), tab_strip_loc.x(), tab_strip_loc.y(), event.GetSourceOperations()); } int BrowserView::LayoutTabStrip() { if (IsTabStripVisible()) { gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds = frame_->GetBoundsForTabStrip(tabstrip_); gfx::Point tabstrip_origin = tabstrip_bounds.origin(); ConvertPointToView(GetParent(), this, &tabstrip_origin); tabstrip_bounds.set_origin(tabstrip_origin); tabstrip_->SetBounds(tabstrip_bounds.x(), tabstrip_bounds.y(), tabstrip_bounds.width(), tabstrip_bounds.height()); return tabstrip_bounds.bottom(); } return 0; } int BrowserView::LayoutToolbar(int top) { if (IsToolbarVisible()) { gfx::Size ps = toolbar_->GetPreferredSize(); int toolbar_y = top - (IsTabStripVisible() ? kToolbarTabStripVerticalOverlap : 0); // With detached popup windows with the aero glass frame, we need to offset // by a pixel to make things look good. if (!IsTabStripVisible() && win_util::ShouldUseVistaFrame()) ps.Enlarge(0, -1); int browser_view_width = width(); #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION if (IsPersonalizationEnabled()) Personalization::AdjustBrowserView(personalization_, &browser_view_width); #endif toolbar_->SetBounds(0, toolbar_y, browser_view_width, ps.height()); return toolbar_y + ps.height(); } toolbar_->SetVisible(false); return top; } int BrowserView::LayoutBookmarkAndInfoBars(int top) { if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR)) { // If we have an Info-bar showing, and we're showing the New Tab Page, and // the Bookmark bar isn't visible on all tabs, then we need to show the // Info bar _above_ the Bookmark bar, since the Bookmark bar is styled to // look like it's part of the New Tab Page... if (active_bookmark_bar_ && bookmark_bar_view_->OnNewTabPage() && !bookmark_bar_view_->IsAlwaysShown()) { top = LayoutInfoBar(top); return LayoutBookmarkBar(top); } // If we're showing a regular bookmark bar and it's not below an infobar, // make it overlap the toolbar so that the bar items can be drawn higher. if (active_bookmark_bar_) top -= bookmark_bar_view_->GetToolbarOverlap(); // Otherwise, Bookmark bar first, Info bar second. top = LayoutBookmarkBar(top); } return LayoutInfoBar(top); } int BrowserView::LayoutBookmarkBar(int top) { if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR) && active_bookmark_bar_) { gfx::Size ps = active_bookmark_bar_->GetPreferredSize(); if (!active_info_bar_ || show_bookmark_bar_pref_.GetValue()) top -= kSeparationLineHeight; active_bookmark_bar_->SetBounds(0, top, width(), ps.height()); top += ps.height(); } return top; } int BrowserView::LayoutInfoBar(int top) { if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_INFOBAR)) { // Layout the InfoBar container. gfx::Size ps = infobar_container_->GetPreferredSize(); infobar_container_->SetBounds(0, top, width(), ps.height()); top += ps.height(); } return top; } void BrowserView::LayoutTabContents(int top, int bottom) { contents_container_->SetBounds(0, top, width(), bottom - top); } int BrowserView::LayoutDownloadShelf() { int bottom = height(); if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_DOWNLOADSHELF) && active_download_shelf_) { gfx::Size ps = active_download_shelf_->GetPreferredSize(); active_download_shelf_->SetBounds(0, bottom - ps.height(), width(), ps.height()); active_download_shelf_->Layout(); bottom -= ps.height(); } return bottom; } void BrowserView::LayoutStatusBubble(int top) { gfx::Point origin(-kStatusBubbleHorizontalOverlap, top - kStatusBubbleHeight + kStatusBubbleVerticalOverlap); ConvertPointToView(this, GetParent(), &origin); status_bubble_->SetBounds(origin.x(), origin.y(), width() / 3, kStatusBubbleHeight); } bool BrowserView::MaybeShowBookmarkBar(TabContents* contents) { views::View* new_bookmark_bar_view = NULL; if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR) && contents) { new_bookmark_bar_view = GetBookmarkBarView(); if (!show_bookmark_bar_pref_.GetValue() && new_bookmark_bar_view->GetPreferredSize().height() == 0) { new_bookmark_bar_view = NULL; } } return UpdateChildViewAndLayout(new_bookmark_bar_view, &active_bookmark_bar_); } bool BrowserView::MaybeShowInfoBar(TabContents* contents) { // TODO(beng): Remove this function once the interface between // InfoBarContainer, DownloadShelfView and TabContents and this // view is sorted out. return true; } bool BrowserView::MaybeShowDownloadShelf(TabContents* contents) { views::View* new_shelf = NULL; if (contents && contents->IsDownloadShelfVisible()) new_shelf = contents->GetDownloadShelfView(); return UpdateChildViewAndLayout(new_shelf, &active_download_shelf_); } void BrowserView::UpdateUIForContents(TabContents* contents) { bool needs_layout = MaybeShowBookmarkBar(contents); needs_layout |= MaybeShowInfoBar(contents); needs_layout |= MaybeShowDownloadShelf(contents); if (needs_layout) Layout(); } bool BrowserView::UpdateChildViewAndLayout(views::View* new_view, views::View** old_view) { DCHECK(old_view); if (*old_view == new_view) { // The views haven't changed, if the views pref changed schedule a layout. if (new_view) { if (new_view->GetPreferredSize().height() != new_view->height()) return true; } return false; } // The views differ, and one may be null (but not both). Remove the old // view (if it non-null), and add the new one (if it is non-null). If the // height has changed, schedule a layout, otherwise reuse the existing // bounds to avoid scheduling a layout. int current_height = 0; if (*old_view) { current_height = (*old_view)->height(); RemoveChildView(*old_view); } int new_height = 0; if (new_view) { new_height = new_view->GetPreferredSize().height(); AddChildView(new_view); } bool changed = false; if (new_height != current_height) { changed = true; } else if (new_view && *old_view) { // The view changed, but the new view wants the same size, give it the // bounds of the last view and have it repaint. new_view->SetBounds((*old_view)->bounds()); new_view->SchedulePaint(); } else if (new_view) { DCHECK(new_height == 0); // The heights are the same, but the old view is null. This only happens // when the height is zero. Zero out the bounds. new_view->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); } *old_view = new_view; return changed; } void BrowserView::LoadAccelerators() { HACCEL accelerator_table = AtlLoadAccelerators(IDR_MAINFRAME); DCHECK(accelerator_table); // We have to copy the table to access its contents. int count = CopyAcceleratorTable(accelerator_table, 0, 0); if (count == 0) { // Nothing to do in that case. return; } ACCEL* accelerators = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(ACCEL) * count)); CopyAcceleratorTable(accelerator_table, accelerators, count); views::FocusManager* focus_manager = views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetWidget()->GetHWND()); DCHECK(focus_manager); // Let's build our own accelerator table. accelerator_table_.reset(new std::map); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { bool alt_down = (accelerators[i].fVirt & FALT) == FALT; bool ctrl_down = (accelerators[i].fVirt & FCONTROL) == FCONTROL; bool shift_down = (accelerators[i].fVirt & FSHIFT) == FSHIFT; views::Accelerator accelerator(accelerators[i].key, shift_down, ctrl_down, alt_down); (*accelerator_table_)[accelerator] = accelerators[i].cmd; // Also register with the focus manager. focus_manager->RegisterAccelerator(accelerator, this); } // We don't need the Windows accelerator table anymore. free(accelerators); } void BrowserView::BuildMenuForTabStriplessWindow(Menu* menu, int insertion_index) { encoding_menu_delegate_.reset(new EncodingMenuControllerDelegate( browser_.get())); for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kMenuLayout); ++i) { if (kMenuLayout[i].separator) { menu->AddSeparator(insertion_index); } else { int command = kMenuLayout[i].command; if (command == IDC_ENCODING_MENU) { Menu* encoding_menu = menu->AddSubMenu( insertion_index, IDC_ENCODING_MENU, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ENCODING_MENU)); encoding_menu->set_delegate(encoding_menu_delegate_.get()); EncodingMenuControllerDelegate::BuildEncodingMenu(browser_->profile(), encoding_menu); } else if (command == IDC_ZOOM_MENU) { Menu* zoom_menu = menu->AddSubMenu(insertion_index, IDC_ZOOM_MENU, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ZOOM_MENU)); zoom_menu->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( IDC_ZOOM_PLUS, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ZOOM_PLUS)); zoom_menu->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ZOOM_NORMAL)); zoom_menu->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( IDC_ZOOM_MINUS, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ZOOM_MINUS)); } else { menu->AddMenuItemWithLabel(insertion_index, command, l10n_util::GetString(kMenuLayout[i].label)); } } } } int BrowserView::GetCommandIDForAppCommandID(int app_command_id) const { switch (app_command_id) { // NOTE: The order here matches the APPCOMMAND declaration order in the // Windows headers. case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD: return IDC_BACK; case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD: return IDC_FORWARD; case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_REFRESH: return IDC_RELOAD; case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_HOME: return IDC_HOME; case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_STOP: return IDC_STOP; case APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_SEARCH: return IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH; case APPCOMMAND_HELP: return IDC_HELP_PAGE; case APPCOMMAND_NEW: return IDC_NEW_TAB; case APPCOMMAND_OPEN: return IDC_OPEN_FILE; case APPCOMMAND_CLOSE: return IDC_CLOSE_TAB; case APPCOMMAND_SAVE: return IDC_SAVE_PAGE; case APPCOMMAND_PRINT: return IDC_PRINT; case APPCOMMAND_COPY: return IDC_COPY; case APPCOMMAND_CUT: return IDC_CUT; case APPCOMMAND_PASTE: return IDC_PASTE; // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1113069 Handle these. case APPCOMMAND_UNDO: case APPCOMMAND_REDO: case APPCOMMAND_SPELL_CHECK: default: return -1; } } void BrowserView::LoadingAnimationCallback() { if (SupportsWindowFeature(FEATURE_TABSTRIP)) { // Loading animations are shown in the tab for tabbed windows. tabstrip_->UpdateLoadingAnimations(); } else if (ShouldShowWindowIcon()) { // ... or in the window icon area for popups and app windows. TabContents* tab_contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); // GetSelectedTabContents can return NULL for example under Purify when // the animations are running slowly and this function is called on a timer // through LoadingAnimationCallback. frame_->UpdateThrobber(tab_contents && tab_contents->is_loading()); } } void BrowserView::InitHangMonitor() { PrefService* pref_service = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (!pref_service) return; int plugin_message_response_timeout = pref_service->GetInteger(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout); int hung_plugin_detect_freq = pref_service->GetInteger(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency); if ((hung_plugin_detect_freq > 0) && hung_window_detector_.Initialize(GetWidget()->GetHWND(), plugin_message_response_timeout)) { ticker_.set_tick_interval(hung_plugin_detect_freq); ticker_.RegisterTickHandler(&hung_window_detector_); ticker_.Start(); pref_service->SetInteger(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout, plugin_message_response_timeout); pref_service->SetInteger(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency, hung_plugin_detect_freq); } } // static void BrowserView::InitClass() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); default_favicon_ = *rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_DEFAULT_FAVICON); initialized = true; } }