// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/opaque_browser_frame_view.h" #include "app/gfx/canvas.h" #include "app/gfx/font.h" #include "app/gfx/path.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "app/theme_provider.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_frame.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip_wrapper.h" #include "grit/app_resources.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include "views/widget/root_view.h" #include "views/window/window.h" #include "views/window/window_resources.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "app/win_util.h" #endif #if defined(OS_LINUX) #include "views/window/hit_test.h" #endif // static SkBitmap* OpaqueBrowserFrameView::distributor_logo_ = NULL; gfx::Font* OpaqueBrowserFrameView::title_font_ = NULL; namespace { // The frame border is only visible in restored mode and is hardcoded to 4 px on // each side regardless of the system window border size. const int kFrameBorderThickness = 4; // Besides the frame border, there's another 11 px of empty space atop the // window in restored mode, to use to drag the window around. const int kNonClientRestoredExtraThickness = 11; // While resize areas on Windows are normally the same size as the window // borders, our top area is shrunk by 1 px to make it easier to move the window // around with our thinner top grabbable strip. (Incidentally, our side and // bottom resize areas don't match the frame border thickness either -- they // span the whole nonclient area, so there's no "dead zone" for the mouse.) const int kTopResizeAdjust = 1; // In the window corners, the resize areas don't actually expand bigger, but the // 16 px at the end of each edge triggers diagonal resizing. const int kResizeAreaCornerSize = 16; // The titlebar never shrinks to less than 18 px tall, plus the height of the // frame border and any bottom edge. const int kTitlebarMinimumHeight = 18; // The icon is inset 2 px from the left frame border. const int kIconLeftSpacing = 2; // The icon takes up 16/25th of the available titlebar height. (This is // expressed as two ints to avoid precision losses leading to off-by-one pixel // errors.) const int kIconHeightFractionNumerator = 16; const int kIconHeightFractionDenominator = 25; // The icon never shrinks below 16 px on a side. const int kIconMinimumSize = 16; // Because our frame border has a different "3D look" than Windows', with a less // cluttered top edge, we need to shift the icon up by 1 px in restored mode so // it looks more centered. const int kIconRestoredAdjust = 1; // There is a 4 px gap between the icon and the title text. const int kIconTitleSpacing = 4; // The title text starts 2 px below the bottom of the top frame border. const int kTitleTopSpacing = 2; // There is a 5 px gap between the title text and the distributor logo (if // present) or caption buttons. const int kTitleLogoSpacing = 5; // In maximized mode, the OTR avatar starts 2 px below the top of the screen, so // that it doesn't extend into the "3D edge" portion of the titlebar. const int kOTRMaximizedTopSpacing = 2; // The OTR avatar ends 2 px above the bottom of the tabstrip (which, given the // way the tabstrip draws its bottom edge, will appear like a 1 px gap to the // user). const int kOTRBottomSpacing = 2; // There are 2 px on each side of the OTR avatar (between the frame border and // it on the left, and between it and the tabstrip on the right). const int kOTRSideSpacing = 2; // The top 1 px of the tabstrip is shadow; in maximized mode we push this off // the top of the screen so the tabs appear flush against the screen edge. const int kTabstripTopShadowThickness = 1; // In restored mode, the New Tab button isn't at the same height as the caption // buttons, but the space will look cluttered if it actually slides under them, // so we stop it when the gap between the two is down to 5 px. const int kNewTabCaptionRestoredSpacing = 5; // In maximized mode, where the New Tab button and the caption buttons are at // similar vertical coordinates, we need to reserve a larger, 16 px gap to avoid // looking too cluttered. const int kNewTabCaptionMaximizedSpacing = 16; // When there's a distributor logo, we leave a 7 px gap between it and the // caption buttons. const int kLogoCaptionSpacing = 7; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, public: OpaqueBrowserFrameView::OpaqueBrowserFrameView(BrowserFrame* frame, BrowserView* browser_view) : BrowserNonClientFrameView(), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( minimize_button_(new views::ImageButton(this))), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( maximize_button_(new views::ImageButton(this))), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( restore_button_(new views::ImageButton(this))), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( close_button_(new views::ImageButton(this))), window_icon_(NULL), frame_(frame), browser_view_(browser_view) { InitClass(); ThemeProvider* tp = frame_->GetThemeProviderForFrame(); SkColor color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND); SkBitmap* background = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND); minimize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MINIMIZE)); minimize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MINIMIZE_H)); minimize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MINIMIZE_P)); if (browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) minimize_button_->SetBackground(color, background, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MINIMIZE_BUTTON_MASK)); minimize_button_->SetAccessibleName( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_MINIMIZE)); AddChildView(minimize_button_); maximize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MAXIMIZE)); maximize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MAXIMIZE_H)); maximize_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MAXIMIZE_P)); if (browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) maximize_button_->SetBackground(color, background, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_MAXIMIZE_BUTTON_MASK)); maximize_button_->SetAccessibleName( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_MAXIMIZE)); AddChildView(maximize_button_); restore_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_RESTORE)); restore_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_RESTORE_H)); restore_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_RESTORE_P)); if (browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) restore_button_->SetBackground(color, background, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_RESTORE_BUTTON_MASK)); restore_button_->SetAccessibleName( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_RESTORE)); AddChildView(restore_button_); close_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE)); close_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_H)); close_button_->SetImage( views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_P)); if (browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) close_button_->SetBackground(color, background, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BUTTON_MASK)); close_button_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_CLOSE)); AddChildView(close_button_); // Initializing the TabIconView is expensive, so only do it if we need to. if (browser_view_->ShouldShowWindowIcon()) { window_icon_ = new TabIconView(this); window_icon_->set_is_light(true); AddChildView(window_icon_); window_icon_->Update(); } // Only load the title font if we're going to need to use it to paint. // Loading fonts is expensive. if (browser_view_->ShouldShowWindowTitle()) InitAppWindowResources(); } OpaqueBrowserFrameView::~OpaqueBrowserFrameView() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, BrowserNonClientFrameView implementation: gfx::Rect OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetBoundsForTabStrip( TabStripWrapper* tabstrip) const { int tabstrip_x = browser_view_->ShouldShowOffTheRecordAvatar() ? (otr_avatar_bounds_.right() + kOTRSideSpacing) : NonClientBorderThickness(); int tabstrip_width = minimize_button_->x() - tabstrip_x - (frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized() ? kNewTabCaptionMaximizedSpacing : kNewTabCaptionRestoredSpacing); return gfx::Rect(tabstrip_x, NonClientTopBorderHeight(), std::max(0, tabstrip_width), tabstrip->GetPreferredHeight()); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::UpdateThrobber(bool running) { if (window_icon_) window_icon_->Update(); } gfx::Size OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetMinimumSize() { gfx::Size min_size(browser_view_->GetMinimumSize()); int border_thickness = NonClientBorderThickness(); min_size.Enlarge(2 * border_thickness, NonClientTopBorderHeight() + border_thickness); views::WindowDelegate* d = frame_->GetWindow()->GetDelegate(); int min_titlebar_width = (2 * FrameBorderThickness()) + kIconLeftSpacing + (d->ShouldShowWindowIcon() ? (IconSize(NULL, NULL, NULL) + kTitleLogoSpacing) : 0) + ((distributor_logo_ && browser_view_->ShouldShowDistributorLogo()) ? (distributor_logo_->width() + kLogoCaptionSpacing) : 0); #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) min_titlebar_width += minimize_button_->GetMinimumSize().width() + restore_button_->GetMinimumSize().width() + close_button_->GetMinimumSize().width(); #endif min_size.set_width(std::max(min_size.width(), min_titlebar_width)); return min_size; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, views::NonClientFrameView implementation: gfx::Rect OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetBoundsForClientView() const { return client_view_bounds_; } bool OpaqueBrowserFrameView::AlwaysUseNativeFrame() const { return frame_->AlwaysUseNativeFrame(); } gfx::Rect OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( const gfx::Rect& client_bounds) const { int top_height = NonClientTopBorderHeight(); int border_thickness = NonClientBorderThickness(); return gfx::Rect(std::max(0, client_bounds.x() - border_thickness), std::max(0, client_bounds.y() - top_height), client_bounds.width() + (2 * border_thickness), client_bounds.height() + top_height + border_thickness); } gfx::Point OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetSystemMenuPoint() const { gfx::Point system_menu_point( MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(FrameBorderThickness()), NonClientTopBorderHeight() + browser_view_->GetTabStripHeight() - (frame_->GetWindow()->IsFullscreen() ? 0 : kClientEdgeThickness)); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &system_menu_point); return system_menu_point; } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) { if (!bounds().Contains(point)) return HTNOWHERE; int frame_component = frame_->GetWindow()->GetClientView()->NonClientHitTest(point); if (frame_component != HTNOWHERE) return frame_component; // Then see if the point is within any of the window controls. if (close_button_->IsVisible() && close_button_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).Contains(point)) return HTCLOSE; if (restore_button_->IsVisible() && restore_button_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).Contains( point)) return HTMAXBUTTON; if (maximize_button_->IsVisible() && maximize_button_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).Contains( point)) return HTMAXBUTTON; if (minimize_button_->IsVisible() && minimize_button_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).Contains( point)) return HTMINBUTTON; if (window_icon_ && window_icon_->GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION).Contains(point)) return HTSYSMENU; int window_component = GetHTComponentForFrame(point, TopResizeHeight(), NonClientBorderThickness(), kResizeAreaCornerSize, kResizeAreaCornerSize, frame_->GetWindow()->GetDelegate()->CanResize()); // Fall back to the caption if no other component matches. return (window_component == HTNOWHERE) ? HTCAPTION : window_component; } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetWindowMask(const gfx::Size& size, gfx::Path* window_mask) { DCHECK(window_mask); if (frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized() || frame_->GetWindow()->IsFullscreen()) return; // Redefine the window visible region for the new size. window_mask->moveTo(0, 3); window_mask->lineTo(1, 2); window_mask->lineTo(1, 1); window_mask->lineTo(2, 1); window_mask->lineTo(3, 0); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width() - 3), 0); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width() - 2), 1); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width() - 1), 1); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width() - 1), 2); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width()), 3); window_mask->lineTo(SkIntToScalar(size.width()), SkIntToScalar(size.height())); window_mask->lineTo(0, SkIntToScalar(size.height())); window_mask->close(); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::EnableClose(bool enable) { close_button_->SetEnabled(enable); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::ResetWindowControls() { restore_button_->SetState(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL); minimize_button_->SetState(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL); maximize_button_->SetState(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL); // The close button isn't affected by this constraint. } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, views::View overrides: void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); if (window->IsFullscreen()) return; // Nothing is visible, so don't bother to paint. if (window->IsMaximized()) PaintMaximizedFrameBorder(canvas); else PaintRestoredFrameBorder(canvas); PaintDistributorLogo(canvas); PaintTitleBar(canvas); PaintToolbarBackground(canvas); PaintOTRAvatar(canvas); if (!window->IsMaximized()) PaintRestoredClientEdge(canvas); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::Layout() { LayoutWindowControls(); LayoutDistributorLogo(); LayoutTitleBar(); LayoutOTRAvatar(); LayoutClientView(); } bool OpaqueBrowserFrameView::HitTest(const gfx::Point& l) const { // If the point is outside the bounds of the client area, claim it. bool in_nonclient = NonClientFrameView::HitTest(l); if (in_nonclient) return in_nonclient; // Otherwise claim it only if it's in a non-tab portion of the tabstrip. if (l.y() > browser_view_->tabstrip()->GetView()->bounds().bottom()) return false; // We convert from our parent's coordinates since we assume we fill its bounds // completely. We need to do this since we're not a parent of the tabstrip, // meaning ConvertPointToView would otherwise return something bogus. gfx::Point browser_view_point(l); View::ConvertPointToView(GetParent(), browser_view_, &browser_view_point); return browser_view_->IsPositionInWindowCaption(browser_view_point); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child) { if (is_add && child == this) { // The Accessibility glue looks for the product name on these two views to // determine if this is in fact a Chrome window. GetRootView()->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); } } bool OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetAccessibleRole(AccessibilityTypes::Role* role) { DCHECK(role); *role = AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_TITLEBAR; return true; } bool OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetAccessibleName(std::wstring* name) { DCHECK(name); if (!accessible_name_.empty()) { *name = accessible_name_; return true; } return false; } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::SetAccessibleName(const std::wstring& name) { accessible_name_ = name; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, views::ButtonListener implementation: void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::ButtonPressed( views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) { views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); if (sender == minimize_button_) window->Minimize(); else if (sender == maximize_button_) window->Maximize(); else if (sender == restore_button_) window->Restore(); else if (sender == close_button_) window->Close(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, TabIconView::TabContentsProvider implementation: bool OpaqueBrowserFrameView::ShouldTabIconViewAnimate() const { // This function is queried during the creation of the window as the // TabIconView we host is initialized, so we need to NULL check the selected // TabContents because in this condition there is not yet a selected tab. TabContents* current_tab = browser_view_->GetSelectedTabContents(); return current_tab ? current_tab->is_loading() : false; } SkBitmap OpaqueBrowserFrameView::GetFavIconForTabIconView() { return frame_->GetWindow()->GetDelegate()->GetWindowIcon(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpaqueBrowserFrameView, private: int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::FrameBorderThickness() const { views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); return (window->IsMaximized() || window->IsFullscreen()) ? 0 : kFrameBorderThickness; } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::TopResizeHeight() const { return FrameBorderThickness() - kTopResizeAdjust; } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::NonClientBorderThickness() const { // When we fill the screen, we don't show a client edge. views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); return FrameBorderThickness() + ((window->IsMaximized() || window->IsFullscreen()) ? 0 : kClientEdgeThickness); } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::NonClientTopBorderHeight() const { views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); if (window->GetDelegate()->ShouldShowWindowTitle()) return TitleCoordinates(NULL, NULL); if (browser_view_->IsTabStripVisible() && window->IsMaximized()) return FrameBorderThickness() - kTabstripTopShadowThickness; return FrameBorderThickness() + ((window->IsMaximized() || window->IsFullscreen()) ? 0 : kNonClientRestoredExtraThickness); } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::UnavailablePixelsAtBottomOfNonClientHeight() const { // Tricky: When a toolbar is edging the titlebar, it not only draws its own // shadow and client edge, but an extra, light "shadow" pixel as well, which // is treated as available space. Thus the nonclient area actually _fails_ to // include some available pixels, leading to a negative number here. if (browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible()) return -kFrameShadowThickness; return kFrameShadowThickness + (frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized() ? 0 : kClientEdgeThickness); } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::TitleCoordinates(int* title_top_spacing_ptr, int* title_thickness_ptr) const { int frame_thickness = FrameBorderThickness(); int min_titlebar_height = kTitlebarMinimumHeight + frame_thickness; int title_top_spacing = frame_thickness + kTitleTopSpacing; // The bottom spacing should be the same apparent height as the top spacing. // Because the actual top spacing height varies based on the system border // thickness, we calculate this based on the restored top spacing and then // adjust for maximized mode. We also don't include the frame shadow here, // since while it's part of the bottom spacing it will be added in at the end // as necessary (when a toolbar is present, the "shadow" is actually drawn by // the toolbar). int title_bottom_spacing = kFrameBorderThickness + kTitleTopSpacing - kFrameShadowThickness; if (frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized()) { // When we maximize, the top border appears to be chopped off; shift the // title down to stay centered within the remaining space. int title_adjust = (kFrameBorderThickness / 2); title_top_spacing += title_adjust; title_bottom_spacing -= title_adjust; } int title_thickness = std::max(title_font_->height(), min_titlebar_height - title_top_spacing - title_bottom_spacing); if (title_top_spacing_ptr) *title_top_spacing_ptr = title_top_spacing; if (title_thickness_ptr) *title_thickness_ptr = title_thickness; return title_top_spacing + title_thickness + title_bottom_spacing + UnavailablePixelsAtBottomOfNonClientHeight(); } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::RightEdge() const { return width() - FrameBorderThickness(); } int OpaqueBrowserFrameView::IconSize(int* title_top_spacing_ptr, int* title_thickness_ptr, int* available_height_ptr) const { // The usable height of the titlebar area is the total height minus the top // resize border and any edge area we draw at its bottom. int frame_thickness = FrameBorderThickness(); int top_height = TitleCoordinates(title_top_spacing_ptr, title_thickness_ptr); int available_height = top_height - frame_thickness - UnavailablePixelsAtBottomOfNonClientHeight(); if (available_height_ptr) *available_height_ptr = available_height; // The icon takes up a constant fraction of the available height, down to a // minimum size, and is always an even number of pixels on a side (presumably // to make scaled icons look better). It's centered within the usable height. return std::max((available_height * kIconHeightFractionNumerator / kIconHeightFractionDenominator) / 2 * 2, kIconMinimumSize); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintRestoredFrameBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); SkBitmap* top_left_corner = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_LEFT_CORNER); SkBitmap* top_right_corner = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER); SkBitmap* top_edge = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_CENTER); SkBitmap* right_edge = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_RIGHT_SIDE); SkBitmap* left_edge = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_LEFT_SIDE); SkBitmap* bottom_left_corner = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER); SkBitmap* bottom_right_corner = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER); SkBitmap* bottom_edge = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_CENTER); // Window frame mode and color SkBitmap* theme_frame; SkColor frame_color; // Never theme app and popup windows. if (!browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); if (ShouldPaintAsActive()) { theme_frame = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FRAME); frame_color = browser_view_->IsOffTheRecord() ? ResourceBundle::frame_color_incognito : ResourceBundle::frame_color; } else { theme_frame = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE); frame_color = browser_view_->IsOffTheRecord() ? ResourceBundle::frame_color_incognito_inactive : ResourceBundle::frame_color_inactive; } } else if (!browser_view_->IsOffTheRecord()) { if (ShouldPaintAsActive()) { theme_frame = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME); frame_color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_FRAME); } else { theme_frame = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE); frame_color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_FRAME_INACTIVE); } } else { if (ShouldPaintAsActive()) { theme_frame = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO); frame_color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO); } else { theme_frame = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE); frame_color = tp->GetColor( BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE); } } // Fill with the frame color first so we have a constant background for // areas not covered by the theme image. canvas->FillRectInt(frame_color, 0, 0, width(), theme_frame->height()); // Now fill down the sides canvas->FillRectInt(frame_color, 0, theme_frame->height(), left_edge->width(), height() - theme_frame->height()); canvas->FillRectInt(frame_color, width() - right_edge->width(), theme_frame->height(), right_edge->width(), height() - theme_frame->height()); // Now fill the bottom area. canvas->FillRectInt(frame_color, left_edge->width(), height() - bottom_edge->height(), width() - left_edge->width() - right_edge->width(), bottom_edge->height()); // Draw the theme frame. canvas->TileImageInt(*theme_frame, 0, 0, width(), theme_frame->height()); // Draw the theme frame overlay if (tp->HasCustomImage(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY) && browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { SkBitmap* theme_overlay; if (ShouldPaintAsActive()) theme_overlay = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY); else theme_overlay = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*theme_overlay, 0, 0); } // Top. int top_left_height = std::min(top_left_corner->height(), height() - bottom_left_corner->height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*top_left_corner, 0, 0, top_left_corner->width(), top_left_height, 0, 0, top_left_corner->width(), top_left_height, false); canvas->TileImageInt(*top_edge, top_left_corner->width(), 0, width() - top_right_corner->width(), top_edge->height()); int top_right_height = std::min(top_right_corner->height(), height() - bottom_right_corner->height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*top_right_corner, 0, 0, top_right_corner->width(), top_right_height, width() - top_right_corner->width(), 0, top_right_corner->width(), top_right_height, false); // Note: When we don't have a toolbar, we need to draw some kind of bottom // edge here. Because the App Window graphics we use for this have an // attached client edge and their sizing algorithm is a little involved, we do // all this in PaintRestoredClientEdge(). // Right. canvas->TileImageInt(*right_edge, width() - right_edge->width(), top_right_height, right_edge->width(), height() - top_right_height - bottom_right_corner->height()); // Bottom. canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*bottom_right_corner, width() - bottom_right_corner->width(), height() - bottom_right_corner->height()); canvas->TileImageInt(*bottom_edge, bottom_left_corner->width(), height() - bottom_edge->height(), width() - bottom_left_corner->width() - bottom_right_corner->width(), bottom_edge->height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*bottom_left_corner, 0, height() - bottom_left_corner->height()); // Left. canvas->TileImageInt(*left_edge, 0, top_left_height, left_edge->width(), height() - top_left_height - bottom_left_corner->height()); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintMaximizedFrameBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); views::Window* window = frame_->GetWindow(); // Window frame mode and color SkBitmap* theme_frame; // Never theme app and popup windows. if (!browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); if (ShouldPaintAsActive()) theme_frame = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_FRAME); else theme_frame = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE); } else if (!browser_view_->IsOffTheRecord()) { theme_frame = ShouldPaintAsActive() ? tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME) : tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INACTIVE); } else { theme_frame = ShouldPaintAsActive() ? tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO) : tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_INCOGNITO_INACTIVE); } // Draw the theme frame. canvas->TileImageInt(*theme_frame, 0, 0, width(), theme_frame->height()); // Draw the theme frame overlay if (tp->HasCustomImage(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY) && browser_view_->IsBrowserTypeNormal()) { SkBitmap* theme_overlay = ShouldPaintAsActive() ? tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY) : tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_FRAME_OVERLAY_INACTIVE); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*theme_overlay, 0, 0); } if (!browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible()) { // There's no toolbar to edge the frame border, so we need to draw a bottom // edge. The graphic we use for this has a built in client edge, so we clip // it off the bottom. SkBitmap* top_center = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_APP_TOP_CENTER); int edge_height = top_center->height() - kClientEdgeThickness; canvas->TileImageInt(*top_center, 0, window->GetClientView()->y() - edge_height, width(), edge_height); } } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintDistributorLogo(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // The distributor logo is only painted when the frame is not maximized and // when we actually have a logo. if (!frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized() && distributor_logo_ && browser_view_->ShouldShowDistributorLogo()) { canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*distributor_logo_, MirroredLeftPointForRect(logo_bounds_), logo_bounds_.y()); } } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintTitleBar(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // The window icon is painted by the TabIconView. views::WindowDelegate* d = frame_->GetWindow()->GetDelegate(); if (d->ShouldShowWindowTitle()) { canvas->DrawStringInt(d->GetWindowTitle(), *title_font_, SK_ColorWHITE, MirroredLeftPointForRect(title_bounds_), title_bounds_.y(), title_bounds_.width(), title_bounds_.height()); /* TODO(pkasting): If this window is active, we should also draw a drop * shadow on the title. This is tricky, because we don't want to hardcode a * shadow color (since we want to work with various themes), but we can't * alpha-blend either (since the Windows text APIs don't really do this). * So we'd need to sample the background color at the right location and * synthesize a good shadow color. */ } } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintToolbarBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (!browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible()) return; gfx::Rect toolbar_bounds(browser_view_->GetToolbarBounds()); if (toolbar_bounds.IsEmpty()) return; ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); gfx::Point toolbar_origin(toolbar_bounds.origin()); View::ConvertPointToView(frame_->GetWindow()->GetClientView(), this, &toolbar_origin); toolbar_bounds.set_origin(toolbar_origin); SkColor theme_toolbar_color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_TOOLBAR); canvas->FillRectInt(theme_toolbar_color, toolbar_bounds.x(), toolbar_bounds.y() + 2, toolbar_bounds.width(), toolbar_bounds.height() - 2); int strip_height = browser_view_->GetTabStripHeight(); SkBitmap* theme_toolbar = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR); canvas->TileImageInt(*theme_toolbar, toolbar_bounds.x() - 1, strip_height - 1, // crop src toolbar_bounds.x() - 1, toolbar_bounds.y() + 2, toolbar_bounds.width() + 2, theme_toolbar->height()); SkBitmap* toolbar_left = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER); // Gross hack: We split the toolbar images into two pieces, since sometimes // (popup mode) the toolbar isn't tall enough to show the whole image. The // split happens between the top shadow section and the bottom gradient // section so that we never break the gradient. int split_point = kFrameShadowThickness * 2; int bottom_y = toolbar_bounds.y() + split_point; int bottom_edge_height = std::min(toolbar_left->height(), toolbar_bounds.height()) - split_point; canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*toolbar_left, 0, 0, toolbar_left->width(), split_point, toolbar_bounds.x() - toolbar_left->width(), toolbar_bounds.y(), toolbar_left->width(), split_point, false); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*toolbar_left, 0, toolbar_left->height() - bottom_edge_height, toolbar_left->width(), bottom_edge_height, toolbar_bounds.x() - toolbar_left->width(), bottom_y, toolbar_left->width(), bottom_edge_height, false); SkBitmap* toolbar_center = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_TOP_CENTER); canvas->TileImageInt(*toolbar_center, 0, 0, toolbar_bounds.x(), toolbar_bounds.y(), toolbar_bounds.width(), split_point); SkBitmap* toolbar_right = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*toolbar_right, 0, 0, toolbar_right->width(), split_point, toolbar_bounds.right(), toolbar_bounds.y(), toolbar_right->width(), split_point, false); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*toolbar_right, 0, toolbar_right->height() - bottom_edge_height, toolbar_right->width(), bottom_edge_height, toolbar_bounds.right(), bottom_y, toolbar_right->width(), bottom_edge_height, false); // Draw the content/toolbar separator. canvas->DrawLineInt(ResourceBundle::toolbar_separator_color, toolbar_bounds.x(), toolbar_bounds.bottom() - 1, toolbar_bounds.right() - 1, toolbar_bounds.bottom() - 1); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintOTRAvatar(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (!browser_view_->ShouldShowOffTheRecordAvatar()) return; SkBitmap otr_avatar_icon = browser_view_->GetOTRAvatarIcon(); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(otr_avatar_icon, 0, (otr_avatar_icon.height() - otr_avatar_bounds_.height()) / 2, otr_avatar_bounds_.width(), otr_avatar_bounds_.height(), MirroredLeftPointForRect(otr_avatar_bounds_), otr_avatar_bounds_.y(), otr_avatar_bounds_.width(), otr_avatar_bounds_.height(), false); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::PaintRestoredClientEdge(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); int client_area_top = frame_->GetWindow()->GetClientView()->y(); gfx::Rect client_area_bounds = CalculateClientAreaBounds(width(), height()); SkColor toolbar_color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_TOOLBAR); if (browser_view_->IsToolbarVisible()) { // The client edges start below the toolbar or its corner images, whichever // is shorter. gfx::Rect toolbar_bounds(browser_view_->GetToolbarBounds()); client_area_top += browser_view_->GetToolbarBounds().y() + std::min(tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER)->height(), toolbar_bounds.height()); } else { // The toolbar isn't going to draw a client edge for us, so draw one // ourselves. SkBitmap* top_left = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_APP_TOP_LEFT); SkBitmap* top_center = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_APP_TOP_CENTER); SkBitmap* top_right = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_APP_TOP_RIGHT); int top_edge_y = client_area_top - top_center->height(); int height = client_area_top - top_edge_y; canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*top_left, 0, 0, top_left->width(), height, client_area_bounds.x() - top_left->width(), top_edge_y, top_left->width(), height, false); canvas->TileImageInt(*top_center, 0, 0, client_area_bounds.x(), top_edge_y, client_area_bounds.width(), std::min(height, top_center->height())); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*top_right, 0, 0, top_right->width(), height, client_area_bounds.right(), top_edge_y, top_right->width(), height, false); // Draw the toolbar color across the top edge. canvas->DrawLineInt(toolbar_color, client_area_bounds.x() - kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_top - kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bounds.right() + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_top - kClientEdgeThickness); } int client_area_bottom = std::max(client_area_top, height() - NonClientBorderThickness()); int client_area_height = client_area_bottom - client_area_top; // Draw the toolbar color so that the one pixel areas down the sides // show the right color even if not covered by the toolbar image. canvas->DrawLineInt(toolbar_color, client_area_bounds.x() - kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_top, client_area_bounds.x() - kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bottom - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness); canvas->DrawLineInt(toolbar_color, client_area_bounds.x() - kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bottom - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bounds.right() + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bottom - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness); canvas->DrawLineInt(toolbar_color, client_area_bounds.right() - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bottom - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_bounds.right() - 1 + kClientEdgeThickness, client_area_top); SkBitmap* right = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_RIGHT_SIDE); canvas->TileImageInt(*right, client_area_bounds.right(), client_area_top, right->width(), client_area_height); canvas->DrawBitmapInt( *tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER), client_area_bounds.right(), client_area_bottom); SkBitmap* bottom = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_CENTER); canvas->TileImageInt(*bottom, client_area_bounds.x(), client_area_bottom, client_area_bounds.width(), bottom->height()); SkBitmap* bottom_left = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*bottom_left, client_area_bounds.x() - bottom_left->width(), client_area_bottom); SkBitmap* left = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_CONTENT_LEFT_SIDE); canvas->TileImageInt(*left, client_area_bounds.x() - left->width(), client_area_top, left->width(), client_area_height); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::LayoutWindowControls() { bool is_maximized = frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized(); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) minimize_button_->SetVisible(!is_maximized); restore_button_->SetVisible(!is_maximized); maximize_button_->SetVisible(!is_maximized); close_button_->SetVisible(!is_maximized); if (is_maximized) { // Set the bounds of the minimize button so that we don't have to change // other places that rely on the bounds. minimize_button_->SetBounds(RightEdge(), 0, 0, 0); return; } #endif close_button_->SetImageAlignment(views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); // Maximized buttons start at window top so that even if their images aren't // drawn flush with the screen edge, they still obey Fitts' Law. int frame_thickness = FrameBorderThickness(); int caption_y = is_maximized ? frame_thickness : kFrameShadowThickness; // There should always be the same number of non-shadow pixels visible to the // side of the caption buttons. In maximized mode we extend the rightmost // button to the screen corner to obey Fitts' Law. int right_extra_width = is_maximized ? (kFrameBorderThickness - kFrameShadowThickness) : 0; gfx::Size close_button_size = close_button_->GetPreferredSize(); close_button_->SetBounds(RightEdge() - close_button_size.width() - right_extra_width, caption_y, close_button_size.width() + right_extra_width, close_button_size.height()); // When the window is restored, we show a maximized button; otherwise, we show // a restore button. bool is_restored = !is_maximized && !frame_->GetWindow()->IsMinimized(); views::ImageButton* invisible_button = is_restored ? restore_button_ : maximize_button_; invisible_button->SetVisible(false); views::ImageButton* visible_button = is_restored ? maximize_button_ : restore_button_; visible_button->SetVisible(true); visible_button->SetImageAlignment(views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); gfx::Size visible_button_size = visible_button->GetPreferredSize(); visible_button->SetBounds(close_button_->x() - visible_button_size.width(), caption_y, visible_button_size.width(), visible_button_size.height()); minimize_button_->SetVisible(true); minimize_button_->SetImageAlignment(views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); gfx::Size minimize_button_size = minimize_button_->GetPreferredSize(); minimize_button_->SetBounds( visible_button->x() - minimize_button_size.width(), caption_y, minimize_button_size.width(), minimize_button_size.height()); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::LayoutDistributorLogo() { // Always lay out the logo, even when it's not present, so we can lay out the // window title based on its position. if (distributor_logo_ && browser_view_->ShouldShowDistributorLogo()) { logo_bounds_.SetRect(minimize_button_->x() - distributor_logo_->width() - kLogoCaptionSpacing, TopResizeHeight(), distributor_logo_->width(), distributor_logo_->height()); } else { logo_bounds_.SetRect(minimize_button_->x(), TopResizeHeight(), 0, 0); } } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::LayoutTitleBar() { // Always lay out the icon, even when it's not present, so we can lay out the // window title based on its position. int frame_thickness = FrameBorderThickness(); int icon_x = frame_thickness + kIconLeftSpacing; InitAppWindowResources(); // ! Should we do this? Isn't this a perf hit? int title_top_spacing, title_thickness, available_height; int icon_size = IconSize(&title_top_spacing, &title_thickness, &available_height); int icon_y = ((available_height - icon_size) / 2) + frame_thickness; // Hack: Our frame border has a different "3D look" than Windows'. Theirs has // a more complex gradient on the top that they push their icon/title below; // then the maximized window cuts this off and the icon/title are centered in // the remaining space. Because the apparent shape of our border is simpler, // using the same positioning makes things look slightly uncentered with // restored windows, so we come up to compensate. if (!frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized()) icon_y -= kIconRestoredAdjust; views::WindowDelegate* d = frame_->GetWindow()->GetDelegate(); if (!d->ShouldShowWindowIcon()) icon_size = 0; if (window_icon_) window_icon_->SetBounds(icon_x, icon_y, icon_size, icon_size); // Size the title, if visible. if (d->ShouldShowWindowTitle()) { int title_x = icon_x + icon_size + (d->ShouldShowWindowIcon() ? kIconTitleSpacing : 0); title_bounds_.SetRect(title_x, title_top_spacing + ((title_thickness - title_font_->height()) / 2), std::max(0, logo_bounds_.x() - kTitleLogoSpacing - title_x), title_font_->height()); } } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::LayoutOTRAvatar() { SkBitmap otr_avatar_icon = browser_view_->GetOTRAvatarIcon(); int top_height = NonClientTopBorderHeight(); int tabstrip_height, otr_height; if (browser_view_->IsTabStripVisible()) { tabstrip_height = browser_view_->GetTabStripHeight() - kOTRBottomSpacing; otr_height = frame_->GetWindow()->IsMaximized() ? (tabstrip_height - kOTRMaximizedTopSpacing) : otr_avatar_icon.height(); } else { tabstrip_height = otr_height = 0; } otr_avatar_bounds_.SetRect(NonClientBorderThickness() + kOTRSideSpacing, top_height + tabstrip_height - otr_height, otr_avatar_icon.width(), otr_height); } void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::LayoutClientView() { client_view_bounds_ = CalculateClientAreaBounds(width(), height()); } gfx::Rect OpaqueBrowserFrameView::CalculateClientAreaBounds(int width, int height) const { int top_height = NonClientTopBorderHeight(); int border_thickness = NonClientBorderThickness(); return gfx::Rect(border_thickness, top_height, std::max(0, width - (2 * border_thickness)), std::max(0, height - top_height - border_thickness)); } // static void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::InitClass() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) distributor_logo_ = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(). GetBitmapNamed(IDR_DISTRIBUTOR_LOGO_LIGHT); #endif initialized = true; } } // static void OpaqueBrowserFrameView::InitAppWindowResources() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { #if defined(OS_WIN) title_font_ = new gfx::Font(win_util::GetWindowTitleFont()); #else title_font_ = new gfx::Font(); #endif initialized = true; } }