// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/info_bubble.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/frame_util.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/path.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "chrome/views/root_view.h" using ChromeViews::View; // All sizes are in pixels. // Size of the border, along each edge. static const int kBorderSize = 1; // Size of the arrow. static const int kArrowSize = 5; // Number of pixels to the start of the arrow from the edge of the window. static const int kArrowXOffset = 13; // Number of pixels between the tip of the arrow and the region we're // pointing to. static const int kArrowToContentPadding = -4; // Background color of the bubble. static const SkColor kBackgroundColor = SK_ColorWHITE; // Color of the border and arrow. static const SkColor kBorderColor1 = SkColorSetRGB(99, 99, 99); // Border shadow color. static const SkColor kBorderColor2 = SkColorSetRGB(160, 160, 160); // Intended dimensions of the bubble's corner images. If you update these, // make sure that the OnSize code works. static const int kInfoBubbleCornerWidth = 3; static const int kInfoBubbleCornerHeight = 3; // Bubble corner images. static const SkBitmap* kInfoBubbleCornerTopLeft = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kInfoBubbleCornerTopRight = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kInfoBubbleCornerBottomLeft = NULL; static const SkBitmap* kInfoBubbleCornerBottomRight = NULL; // Margins around the content. static const int kInfoBubbleViewTopMargin = 6; static const int kInfoBubbleViewBottomMargin = 9; static const int kInfoBubbleViewLeftMargin = 6; static const int kInfoBubbleViewRightMargin = 6; // The minimum alpha the bubble can be - because we're using a simple layered // window (in order to get window-level alpha at the same time as using native // controls), the window's drop shadow doesn't fade; this means if we went // to zero alpha, you'd see a drop shadow outline against nothing. static const int kMinimumAlpha = 72; // InfoBubble ----------------------------------------------------------------- // static InfoBubble* InfoBubble::Show(HWND parent_hwnd, const gfx::Rect& position_relative_to, ChromeViews::View* content, InfoBubbleDelegate* delegate) { InfoBubble* window = new InfoBubble(); window->Init(parent_hwnd, position_relative_to, content); BrowserWindow* frame = window->GetHostingWindow(); if (frame) frame->InfoBubbleShowing(); window->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); window->delegate_ = delegate; return window; } InfoBubble::InfoBubble() : content_view_(NULL) { } InfoBubble::~InfoBubble() { } void InfoBubble::Init(HWND parent_hwnd, const gfx::Rect& position_relative_to, ChromeViews::View* content) { if (kInfoBubbleCornerTopLeft == NULL) { kInfoBubbleCornerTopLeft = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() .GetBitmapNamed(IDR_INFO_BUBBLE_CORNER_TOP_LEFT); kInfoBubbleCornerTopRight = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() .GetBitmapNamed(IDR_INFO_BUBBLE_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT); kInfoBubbleCornerBottomLeft = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() .GetBitmapNamed(IDR_INFO_BUBBLE_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT); kInfoBubbleCornerBottomRight = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() .GetBitmapNamed(IDR_INFO_BUBBLE_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } set_window_style(WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); set_window_ex_style(WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); content_view_ = CreateContentView(content); gfx::Rect bounds = content_view_-> CalculateWindowBounds(parent_hwnd, position_relative_to); set_initial_class_style( (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_XP) ? 0 : CS_DROPSHADOW); HWNDViewContainer::Init(parent_hwnd, bounds, true); SetContentsView(content_view_); // The preferred size may differ when parented. Ask for the bounds again // and if they differ reset the bounds. gfx::Rect parented_bounds = content_view_-> CalculateWindowBounds(parent_hwnd, position_relative_to); // Set our initial alpha to zero so we don't flicker at the user. This // doesn't trigger UpdateLayeredWindow, which would explode our native // controls. SetLayeredAlpha(kMinimumAlpha); if (bounds != parented_bounds) { SetWindowPos(NULL, parented_bounds.x(), parented_bounds.y(), parented_bounds.width(), parented_bounds.height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOZORDER); // Invoke ChangeSize, otherwise layered window isn't updated correctly. ChangeSize(0, CSize(parented_bounds.width(), parented_bounds.height())); } // Register the Escape accelerator for closing. ChromeViews::FocusManager* focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetHWND()); focus_manager->RegisterAccelerator(ChromeViews::Accelerator(VK_ESCAPE, false, false, false), this); fade_animation_.reset(new SlideAnimation(this)); fade_animation_->Show(); } void InfoBubble::Close() { // We don't fade out because it looks terrible. BrowserWindow* frame = GetHostingWindow(); if (delegate_) delegate_->InfoBubbleClosing(this); if (frame) frame->InfoBubbleClosing(); HWNDViewContainer::Close(); } void InfoBubble::AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) { int alpha = static_cast(static_cast (fade_animation_->GetCurrentValue() * (255.0 - kMinimumAlpha) + kMinimumAlpha)); SetLayeredWindowAttributes(GetHWND(), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), alpha, LWA_ALPHA); content_view_->SchedulePaint(); } bool InfoBubble::AcceleratorPressed( const ChromeViews::Accelerator& accelerator) { DCHECK(accelerator.GetKeyCode() == VK_ESCAPE); if (!delegate_ || delegate_->CloseOnEscape()) { Close(); return true; } return false; } void InfoBubble::OnSize(UINT param, const CSize& size) { SetWindowRgn(content_view_->GetMask(size), TRUE); } void InfoBubble::OnActivate(UINT action, BOOL minimized, HWND window) { // The popup should close when it is deactivated. if (action == WA_INACTIVE) { Close(); } else if (action == WA_ACTIVE) { DCHECK(GetRootView()->GetChildViewCount() > 0); GetRootView()->GetChildViewAt(0)->RequestFocus(); } } InfoBubble::ContentView* InfoBubble::CreateContentView(View* content) { return new ContentView(content, this); } BrowserWindow* InfoBubble::GetHostingWindow() { HWND owning_frame_hwnd = GetAncestor(GetHWND(), GA_ROOTOWNER); BrowserWindow* frame = FrameUtil::GetBrowserWindowForHWND(owning_frame_hwnd); if (!frame) { // We should always have a frame, but there was a bug else where that // made it possible for the frame to be NULL, so we have the check. If // you hit this, file a bug. NOTREACHED(); } return frame; } // ContentView ---------------------------------------------------------------- InfoBubble::ContentView::ContentView(ChromeViews::View* content, InfoBubble* host) : host_(host) { if (UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) { arrow_edge_ = TOP_RIGHT; } else { arrow_edge_ = TOP_LEFT; } AddChildView(content); } gfx::Rect InfoBubble::ContentView::CalculateWindowBounds( HWND parent_hwnd, const gfx::Rect& position_relative_to) { gfx::Rect monitor_bounds = win_util::GetMonitorBoundsForRect( position_relative_to); // Calculate the bounds using TOP_LEFT (the default). gfx::Rect window_bounds = CalculateWindowBounds(position_relative_to); if (monitor_bounds.IsEmpty() || monitor_bounds.Contains(window_bounds)) return window_bounds; // Didn't fit, adjust the edge to fit as much as we can. if (window_bounds.bottom() > monitor_bounds.bottom()) SetArrowEdge(BOTTOM_LEFT); if (window_bounds.right() > monitor_bounds.right()) { if (IsTop()) SetArrowEdge(TOP_RIGHT); else SetArrowEdge(BOTTOM_RIGHT); } // And return new bounds. return CalculateWindowBounds(position_relative_to); } void InfoBubble::ContentView::GetPreferredSize(CSize* pref) { DCHECK(GetChildViewCount() == 1); View* content = GetChildViewAt(0); content->GetPreferredSize(pref); pref->cx += kBorderSize + kBorderSize + kInfoBubbleViewLeftMargin + kInfoBubbleViewRightMargin; pref->cy += kBorderSize + kBorderSize + kArrowSize + kInfoBubbleViewTopMargin + kInfoBubbleViewBottomMargin; } void InfoBubble::ContentView::Layout() { DCHECK(GetChildViewCount() == 1); View* content = GetChildViewAt(0); int x = kBorderSize; int y = kBorderSize; int content_width = width() - kBorderSize - kBorderSize - kInfoBubbleViewLeftMargin - kInfoBubbleViewRightMargin; int content_height = height() - kBorderSize - kBorderSize - kArrowSize - kInfoBubbleViewTopMargin - kInfoBubbleViewBottomMargin; if (IsTop()) y += kArrowSize; x += kInfoBubbleViewLeftMargin; y += kInfoBubbleViewTopMargin; content->SetBounds(x, y, content_width, content_height); } HRGN InfoBubble::ContentView::GetMask(const CSize &size) { gfx::Path mask; // Redefine the window visible region so that our dropshadows look right. SkScalar width = SkIntToScalar(size.cx); SkScalar height = SkIntToScalar(size.cy); SkScalar arrow_size = SkIntToScalar(kArrowSize); SkScalar arrow_x = SkIntToScalar( (IsLeft() ? kArrowXOffset : width - kArrowXOffset) - 1); SkScalar corner_size = SkIntToScalar(kInfoBubbleCornerHeight); if (IsTop()) { // Top left corner. mask.moveTo(0, arrow_size + corner_size - 1); mask.lineTo(corner_size - 1, arrow_size); // Draw the arrow and the notch of the arrow. mask.lineTo(arrow_x - arrow_size, arrow_size); mask.lineTo(arrow_x, 0); mask.lineTo(arrow_x + 3, 0); mask.lineTo(arrow_x + arrow_size + 3, arrow_size); // Top right corner. mask.lineTo(width - corner_size + 1, arrow_size); mask.lineTo(width, arrow_size + corner_size - 1); // Bottom right corner. mask.lineTo(width, height - corner_size); mask.lineTo(width - corner_size, height); // Bottom left corner. mask.lineTo(corner_size, height); mask.lineTo(0, height - corner_size); } else { // Top left corner. mask.moveTo(0, corner_size - 1); mask.lineTo(corner_size - 1, 0); // Top right corner. mask.lineTo(width - corner_size + 1, 0); mask.lineTo(width, corner_size - 1); // Bottom right corner. mask.lineTo(width, height - corner_size - arrow_size); mask.lineTo(width - corner_size, height - arrow_size); // Draw the arrow and the notch of the arrow. mask.lineTo(arrow_x + arrow_size + 2, height - arrow_size); mask.lineTo(arrow_x + 2, height); mask.lineTo(arrow_x + 1, height); mask.lineTo(arrow_x - arrow_size + 1, height - arrow_size); // Bottom left corner. mask.lineTo(corner_size, height - arrow_size); mask.lineTo(0, height - corner_size - arrow_size); } mask.close(); return mask.CreateHRGN(); } void InfoBubble::ContentView::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { int bubble_x = 0; int bubble_y = 0; int bubble_w = width(); int bubble_h = height() - kArrowSize; int border_w = bubble_w - 2 * kInfoBubbleCornerWidth; int border_h = bubble_h - 2 * kInfoBubbleCornerHeight; if (IsTop()) bubble_y += kArrowSize; // Fill in the background. // Left side. canvas->FillRectInt(kBackgroundColor, bubble_x, bubble_y + kInfoBubbleCornerHeight, kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, border_h); // Center Column. canvas->FillRectInt(kBackgroundColor, kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y, border_w, bubble_h); // Right Column. canvas->FillRectInt(kBackgroundColor, bubble_w - kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y + kInfoBubbleCornerHeight, kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, border_h); // Draw the border. // Top border. canvas->DrawRectInt(kBorderColor1, kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y, border_w, 0); // Bottom border. canvas->DrawRectInt(kBorderColor1, kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y + bubble_h - 1, border_w, 0); // Left border. canvas->DrawRectInt(kBorderColor1, bubble_x, bubble_y + kInfoBubbleCornerHeight, 0, border_h); // Right border. canvas->DrawRectInt(kBorderColor1, width() - 1, bubble_y + kInfoBubbleCornerHeight, 0, border_h); // Draw the corners. canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*kInfoBubbleCornerTopLeft, 0, bubble_y); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*kInfoBubbleCornerTopRight, bubble_w - kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*kInfoBubbleCornerBottomLeft, 0, bubble_y + bubble_h - kInfoBubbleCornerHeight); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*kInfoBubbleCornerBottomRight, bubble_w - kInfoBubbleCornerWidth, bubble_y + bubble_h - kInfoBubbleCornerHeight); // Draw the arrow and the notch of the arrow. int arrow_x = IsLeft() ? kArrowXOffset : width() - kArrowXOffset; int arrow_y = IsTop() ? bubble_y : bubble_y + bubble_h - 1; const int arrow_delta = IsTop() ? -1 : 1; for (int i = 0, y = arrow_y; i <= kArrowSize; ++i, y += arrow_delta) { if (kArrowSize != i) { // Draw the notch formed by the arrow. canvas->FillRectInt(kBackgroundColor, arrow_x - (kArrowSize - i) + 1, y, (kArrowSize - i) * 2 - 1, 1); } // Draw the sides of the arrow. canvas->FillRectInt(kBorderColor1, arrow_x - (kArrowSize - i), y, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(kBorderColor1, arrow_x + (kArrowSize - i), y, 1, 1); if (i != 0) { canvas->FillRectInt(kBorderColor2, arrow_x - (kArrowSize - i) - 1, y, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(kBorderColor2, arrow_x + (kArrowSize - i) + 1, y, 1, 1); } } } gfx::Rect InfoBubble::ContentView::CalculateWindowBounds( const gfx::Rect& position_relative_to) { CSize pref; GetPreferredSize(&pref); int x = position_relative_to.x() + position_relative_to.width() / 2; int y; if (IsLeft()) x -= kArrowXOffset; else x = x + kArrowXOffset - pref.cx; if (IsTop()) { y = position_relative_to.bottom() + kArrowToContentPadding; } else { y = position_relative_to.y() - kArrowToContentPadding - pref.cy; } return gfx::Rect(x, y, pref.cx, pref.cy); }