// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/template_url.h" #include "chrome/browser/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/keyword_editor_view.h" #include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" // Base class for keyword editor tests. Creates a profile containing an // empty TemplateURLModel. class KeywordEditorViewTest : public testing::Test, public ChromeViews::TableModelObserver { public: virtual void SetUp() { model_changed_count_ = items_changed_count_ = added_count_ = removed_count_ = 0; profile_.reset(new TestingProfile()); profile_->CreateTemplateURLModel(); model_ = profile_->GetTemplateURLModel(); editor_.reset(new KeywordEditorView(profile_.get())); editor_->table_model_->SetObserver(this); } virtual void OnModelChanged() { model_changed_count_++; } virtual void OnItemsChanged(int start, int length) { items_changed_count_++; } virtual void OnItemsAdded(int start, int length) { added_count_++; } virtual void OnItemsRemoved(int start, int length) { removed_count_++; } void VerifyChangeCount(int model_changed_count, int item_changed_count, int added_count, int removed_count) { ASSERT_EQ(model_changed_count, model_changed_count_); ASSERT_EQ(item_changed_count, items_changed_count_); ASSERT_EQ(added_count, added_count_); ASSERT_EQ(removed_count, removed_count_); ClearChangeCount(); } void ClearChangeCount() { model_changed_count_ = items_changed_count_ = added_count_ = removed_count_ = 0; } TemplateURLTableModel* table_model() const { return editor_->table_model_.get(); } protected: MessageLoopForUI message_loop_; scoped_ptr profile_; scoped_ptr editor_; TemplateURLModel* model_; int model_changed_count_; int items_changed_count_; int added_count_; int removed_count_; }; // Tests adding a TemplateURL. TEST_F(KeywordEditorViewTest, Add) { editor_->AddTemplateURL(L"a", L"b", L"http://c"); // Verify the observer was notified. VerifyChangeCount(0, 0, 1, 0); if (HasFatalFailure()) return; // Verify the TableModel has the new data. ASSERT_EQ(1, table_model()->RowCount()); // Verify the TemplateURLModel has the new entry. ASSERT_EQ(1, model_->GetTemplateURLs().size()); // Verify the entry is what we added. const TemplateURL* turl = model_->GetTemplateURLs()[0]; EXPECT_EQ(L"a", turl->short_name()); EXPECT_EQ(L"b", turl->keyword()); EXPECT_TRUE(turl->url() != NULL); EXPECT_TRUE(turl->url()->url() == L"http://c"); } // Tests modifying a TemplateURL. TEST_F(KeywordEditorViewTest, Modify) { editor_->AddTemplateURL(L"a", L"b", L"http://c"); ClearChangeCount(); // Modify the entry. const TemplateURL* turl = model_->GetTemplateURLs()[0]; editor_->ModifyTemplateURL(turl, L"a1", L"b1", L"http://c1"); // Make sure it was updated appropriately. VerifyChangeCount(0, 1, 0, 0); EXPECT_EQ(L"a1", turl->short_name()); EXPECT_EQ(L"b1", turl->keyword()); EXPECT_TRUE(turl->url() != NULL); EXPECT_TRUE(turl->url()->url() == L"http://c1"); } // Tests making a TemplateURL the default search provider. TEST_F(KeywordEditorViewTest, MakeDefault) { editor_->AddTemplateURL(L"a", L"b", L"http://c{searchTerms}"); ClearChangeCount(); const TemplateURL* turl = model_->GetTemplateURLs()[0]; editor_->MakeDefaultSearchProvider(0); // Making an item the default sends a handful of changes. Which are sent isn't // important, what is important is 'something' is sent. ASSERT_TRUE(items_changed_count_ > 0 || added_count_ > 0 || removed_count_ > 0); ASSERT_TRUE(model_->GetDefaultSearchProvider() == turl); } // Mutates the TemplateURLModel and make sure table model is updating // appropriately. TEST_F(KeywordEditorViewTest, MutateTemplateURLModel) { TemplateURL* turl = new TemplateURL(); turl->set_keyword(L"a"); turl->set_short_name(L"b"); model_->Add(turl); // Table model should have updated. VerifyChangeCount(1, 0, 0, 0); // And should contain the newly added TemplateURL. ASSERT_EQ(1, table_model()->RowCount()); ASSERT_EQ(0, table_model()->IndexOfTemplateURL(turl)); }