// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/old_frames/vista_frame.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/gfx/native_theme.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/frame_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/suspend_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/download_shelf_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tab_contents_container_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_contents_view.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "chrome/views/accessibility/view_accessibility.h" #include "chrome/views/aero_tooltip_manager.h" #include "chrome/views/background.h" #include "chrome/views/event.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view_container.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_notification_source.h" #include "chromium_strings.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // By how much the toolbar overlaps with the tab strip. static const int kToolbarOverlapVertOffset = 3; // How much space on the right is not used for the tab strip (to provide // separation between the tabs and the window controls). static const int kTabStripRightHorizOffset = 30; static const int kResizeCornerSize = 12; static const int kResizeBorder = 5; static const int kTitlebarHeight = 14; static const int kTabShadowSize = 2; // The line drawn to separate tab end contents. static const int kSeparationLineHeight = 1; // OTR image offsets. static const int kOTRImageHorizMargin = 2; static const int kOTRImageVertMargin = 2; // Distributor logo offsets. static const int kDistributorLogoVerticalOffset = 3; // The DWM puts a light border around the client area - we need to // take this border size into account when we reduce its size so that // we don't draw our content border dropshadow images over the top. static const int kDwmBorderSize = 1; // When laying out the tabstrip, we size it such that it fits to the left of // the window controls. We get the bounds of the window controls by sending a // message to the window, but Windows answers the question assuming 96 dpi and // a fairly conventional screen layout (i.e. not rotated etc). So we need to // hack around this by making sure the tabstrip is at least this amount inset // from the right side of the window. static const int kWindowControlsMinOffset = 100; //static bool VistaFrame::g_initialized = FALSE; //static SkBitmap** VistaFrame::g_bitmaps; static const int kImageNames[] = { IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_CENTER, IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER, IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER, IDR_CONTENT_LEFT_SIDE, IDR_CONTENT_RIGHT_SIDE, IDR_CONTENT_TOP_CENTER, IDR_CONTENT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER, IDR_CONTENT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER, }; typedef enum { CT_BOTTOM_CENTER = 0, CT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER, CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER, CT_LEFT_SIDE, CT_RIGHT_SIDE, CT_TOP_CENTER, CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER, CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER }; using ChromeViews::Accelerator; using ChromeViews::FocusManager; //static VistaFrame* VistaFrame::CreateFrame(const gfx::Rect& bounds, Browser* browser, bool is_off_the_record) { VistaFrame* instance = new VistaFrame(browser); instance->Create(NULL, bounds.ToRECT(), l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME).c_str()); instance->InitAfterHWNDCreated(); instance->SetIsOffTheRecord(is_off_the_record); FocusManager::CreateFocusManager(instance->m_hWnd, instance->GetRootView()); return instance; } VistaFrame::VistaFrame(Browser* browser) : browser_(browser), root_view_(this), tabstrip_(NULL), active_bookmark_bar_(NULL), tab_contents_container_(NULL), custom_window_enabled_(false), saved_window_placement_(false), on_mouse_leave_armed_(false), in_drag_session_(false), shelf_view_(NULL), bookmark_bar_view_(NULL), info_bar_view_(NULL), is_off_the_record_(false), off_the_record_image_(NULL), distributor_logo_(NULL), ignore_ncactivate_(false), should_save_window_placement_(browser->GetType() != BrowserType::BROWSER), browser_view_(NULL) { InitializeIfNeeded(); } void VistaFrame::InitializeIfNeeded() { if (!g_initialized) { ResourceBundle &rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); g_bitmaps = new SkBitmap*[arraysize(kImageNames)]; for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kImageNames); i++) g_bitmaps[i] = rb.GetBitmapNamed(kImageNames[i]); g_initialized = TRUE; } } VistaFrame::~VistaFrame() { DestroyBrowser(); } // On Vista (unlike on XP), we let the OS render the Windows decor (close // button, maximize button, etc.). Since the mirroring infrastructure in // ChromeViews does not rely on HWND flipping, the Windows decor on Vista are // not mirrored for RTL locales; that is, they appear on the upper right // instead of on the upper left (see bug http://b/issue?id=1128173). // // Due to the above, we need to be careful when positioning the tabstrip and // the OTR image. The OTR image and the tabstrip are automatically mirrored for // RTL locales by the mirroring infrastructure. In order to make sure they are // not mirrored, we flip them manually so make sure they don't overlap the // Windows decor. Unfortunately, there is no cleaner way to do this because the // current ChromeViews mirroring API does not allow mirroring the position of // a subset of child Views; in other words, once a View is mirrored (in our // case frame_view_), then the positions of all its child Views (including, in // our case, the OTR image and the tabstrip) are mirrored. Once bug mentioned // above is fixed, we won't need to perform any manual mirroring. void VistaFrame::Layout() { CRect client_rect; GetClientRect(&client_rect); int width = client_rect.Width(); int height = client_rect.Height(); root_view_.SetBounds(0, 0, width, height); frame_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, width, height); if (IsTabStripVisible()) { tabstrip_->SetVisible(true); int tabstrip_x = g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(); if (is_off_the_record_) { off_the_record_image_->SetVisible(true); CSize otr_image_size; off_the_record_image_->GetPreferredSize(&otr_image_size); tabstrip_x += otr_image_size.cx + (2 * kOTRImageHorizMargin); gfx::Rect off_the_record_bounds; if (IsZoomed()) { off_the_record_bounds.SetRect(g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(), kResizeBorder, otr_image_size.cx, tabstrip_->GetPreferredHeight() - kToolbarOverlapVertOffset + 1); } else { off_the_record_bounds.SetRect(g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(), kResizeBorder + kTitlebarHeight + tabstrip_->GetPreferredHeight() - otr_image_size.cy - kToolbarOverlapVertOffset + 1, otr_image_size.cx, otr_image_size.cy); } if (frame_view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) off_the_record_bounds.set_x(frame_view_->MirroredLeftPointForRect( off_the_record_bounds)); off_the_record_image_->SetBounds(off_the_record_bounds.x(), off_the_record_bounds.y(), off_the_record_bounds.width(), off_the_record_bounds.height()); } // Figure out where the minimize button is for layout purposes. TITLEBARINFOEX titlebar_info; titlebar_info.cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFOEX); SendMessage(WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX, 0, (WPARAM)&titlebar_info); // rgrect[2] refers to the minimize button. min_offset will // be the distance between the right side of the window // and the minimize button. CRect window_rect; GetWindowRect(&window_rect); int min_offset = window_rect.right - titlebar_info.rgrect[2].left; // If we are maxmized, the tab strip will be in line with the window // controls, so we need to make sure they don't overlap. int zoomed_offset = 0; if (distributor_logo_) { if(IsZoomed()) { zoomed_offset = std::max(min_offset, kWindowControlsMinOffset); // Hide the distributor logo if we're zoomed. distributor_logo_->SetVisible(false); } else { CSize distributor_logo_size; distributor_logo_->GetPreferredSize(&distributor_logo_size); int logo_x; // Because of Bug 1128173, our Window controls aren't actually flipped // on Vista, yet all our math and layout presumes that they are. if (frame_view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) logo_x = width - distributor_logo_size.cx; else logo_x = width - min_offset - distributor_logo_size.cx; distributor_logo_->SetVisible(true); distributor_logo_->SetBounds(logo_x, kDistributorLogoVerticalOffset, distributor_logo_size.cx, distributor_logo_size.cy); } } gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds(tabstrip_x, kResizeBorder + (IsZoomed() ? kDwmBorderSize : kTitlebarHeight), width - tabstrip_x - kTabStripRightHorizOffset - zoomed_offset, tabstrip_->GetPreferredHeight()); if (frame_view_->UILayoutIsRightToLeft() && (IsZoomed() || is_off_the_record_)) tabstrip_bounds.set_x( frame_view_->MirroredLeftPointForRect(tabstrip_bounds)); tabstrip_->SetBounds(tabstrip_bounds.x(), tabstrip_bounds.y(), tabstrip_bounds.width(), tabstrip_bounds.height()); frame_view_->SetContentsOffset(tabstrip_->y() + tabstrip_->height() - kToolbarOverlapVertOffset); } else { tabstrip_->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); tabstrip_->SetVisible(false); if (is_off_the_record_) off_the_record_image_->SetVisible(false); } int toolbar_bottom; if (IsToolBarVisible()) { browser_view_->SetVisible(true); browser_view_->SetBounds(g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(), tabstrip_->y() + tabstrip_->height() - kToolbarOverlapVertOffset, width - g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width() - g_bitmaps[CT_RIGHT_SIDE]->width(), g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_CENTER]->height()); browser_view_->Layout(); toolbar_bottom = browser_view_->y() + browser_view_->height(); } else { browser_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); browser_view_->SetVisible(false); toolbar_bottom = tabstrip_->y() + tabstrip_->height(); } int browser_x, browser_y; int browser_w, browser_h; if (IsTabStripVisible()) { browser_x = g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(); browser_y = toolbar_bottom; browser_w = width - g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width() - g_bitmaps[CT_RIGHT_SIDE]->width(); browser_h = height - browser_y - g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER]->height(); } else { browser_x = 0; browser_y = toolbar_bottom; browser_w = width; browser_h = height; } CSize preferred_size; if (shelf_view_) { shelf_view_->GetPreferredSize(&preferred_size); shelf_view_->SetBounds(browser_x, height - g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER]->height() - preferred_size.cy, browser_w, preferred_size.cy); browser_h -= preferred_size.cy; } CSize bookmark_bar_size; CSize info_bar_size; if (bookmark_bar_view_.get()) bookmark_bar_view_->GetPreferredSize(&bookmark_bar_size); if (info_bar_view_) info_bar_view_->GetPreferredSize(&info_bar_size); // If we're showing a bookmarks bar in the new tab page style and we // have an infobar showing, we need to flip them. if (info_bar_view_ && bookmark_bar_view_.get() && bookmark_bar_view_->IsNewTabPage() && !bookmark_bar_view_->IsAlwaysShown()) { info_bar_view_->SetBounds(browser_x, browser_y, browser_w, info_bar_size.cy); browser_h -= info_bar_size.cy; browser_y += info_bar_size.cy - kSeparationLineHeight; bookmark_bar_view_->SetBounds(browser_x, browser_y, browser_w, bookmark_bar_size.cy); browser_h -= bookmark_bar_size.cy - kSeparationLineHeight; browser_y += bookmark_bar_size.cy; } else { if (bookmark_bar_view_.get()) { // We want our bookmarks bar to be responsible for drawing its own // separator, so we let it overlap ours. browser_y -= kSeparationLineHeight; bookmark_bar_view_->SetBounds(browser_x, browser_y, browser_w, bookmark_bar_size.cy); browser_h -= bookmark_bar_size.cy - kSeparationLineHeight; browser_y += bookmark_bar_size.cy; } if (info_bar_view_) { info_bar_view_->SetBounds(browser_x, browser_y, browser_w, info_bar_size.cy); browser_h -= info_bar_size.cy; browser_y += info_bar_size.cy; } } // While our OnNCCalcSize handler does a good job of covering most of the // cases where we need to do this, it unfortunately doesn't cover the // case where we're returning from maximized mode. ResetDWMFrame(); tab_contents_container_->SetBounds(browser_x, browser_y, browser_w, browser_h); browser_view_->LayoutStatusBubble(browser_y + browser_h); frame_view_->SchedulePaint(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BrowserWindow implementation // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VistaFrame::Init() { FrameUtil::RegisterBrowserWindow(this); // Link the HWND with its root view so we can retrieve the RootView from the // HWND for automation purposes. ChromeViews::SetRootViewForHWND(m_hWnd, &root_view_); frame_view_ = new VistaFrameView(this); root_view_.AddChildView(frame_view_); root_view_.SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); frame_view_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); browser_view_ = new BrowserView(this, browser_, NULL, NULL); frame_view_->AddChildView(browser_view_); tabstrip_ = CreateTabStrip(browser_); tabstrip_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_TABSTRIP)); frame_view_->AddChildView(tabstrip_); ResourceBundle &rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); if (is_off_the_record_) { off_the_record_image_ = new ChromeViews::ImageView(); frame_view_->AddViewToDropList(off_the_record_image_); SkBitmap* otr_icon = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_OTR_ICON); off_the_record_image_->SetImage(*otr_icon); off_the_record_image_->SetTooltipText( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_OFF_THE_RECORD_TOOLTIP)); off_the_record_image_->SetVerticalAlignment( ChromeViews::ImageView::LEADING); frame_view_->AddChildView(off_the_record_image_); } SkBitmap* image = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_DISTRIBUTOR_LOGO); if (!image->isNull()) { distributor_logo_ = new ChromeViews::ImageView(); frame_view_->AddViewToDropList(distributor_logo_); distributor_logo_->SetImage(image); frame_view_->AddChildView(distributor_logo_); } tab_contents_container_ = new TabContentsContainerView(); frame_view_->AddChildView(tab_contents_container_); // Add the task manager item to the system menu before the last entry. task_manager_label_text_ = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TASKMANAGER); HMENU system_menu = ::GetSystemMenu(m_hWnd, FALSE); int index = ::GetMenuItemCount(system_menu) - 1; if (index < 0) { NOTREACHED(); // Paranoia check. index = 0; } // First we add the separator. MENUITEMINFO menu_info; memset(&menu_info, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO)); menu_info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); menu_info.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE; menu_info.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; ::InsertMenuItem(system_menu, index, TRUE, &menu_info); // Then the actual menu. menu_info.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_ID | MIIM_STRING; menu_info.fType = MFT_STRING; menu_info.fState = MFS_ENABLED; menu_info.wID = IDC_TASKMANAGER; menu_info.dwTypeData = const_cast(task_manager_label_text_.c_str()); ::InsertMenuItem(system_menu, index, TRUE, &menu_info); // Register accelerators. HACCEL accelerators_table = AtlLoadAccelerators(IDR_MAINFRAME); DCHECK(accelerators_table); FrameUtil::LoadAccelerators(this, accelerators_table, this); ShelfVisibilityChanged(); root_view_.OnViewContainerCreated(); Layout(); } TabStrip* VistaFrame::CreateTabStrip(Browser* browser) { return new TabStrip(browser->tabstrip_model()); } void VistaFrame::Show(int command, bool adjust_to_fit) { if (adjust_to_fit) win_util::AdjustWindowToFit(*this); ::ShowWindow(*this, command); } // This is called when we receive WM_ENDSESSION. In Vista the we have 5 seconds // or will be forcefully terminated if we get stuck servicing this message and // not pump the final messages. void VistaFrame::OnEndSession(BOOL ending, UINT logoff) { tabstrip_->AbortActiveDragSession(); FrameUtil::EndSession(); } // Note: called directly by the handler macros to handle WM_CLOSE messages. void VistaFrame::Close() { // You cannot close a frame for which there is an active originating drag // session. if (tabstrip_->IsDragSessionActive()) return; // Give beforeunload handlers the chance to cancel the close before we hide // the window below. if (!browser_->ShouldCloseWindow()) return; // We call this here so that the window position gets saved before moving // the window into hyperspace. if (!saved_window_placement_ && should_save_window_placement_ && browser_) { browser_->SaveWindowPlacement(); browser_->SaveWindowPlacementToDatabase(); saved_window_placement_ = true; } if (browser_ && !browser_->tabstrip_model()->empty()) { // Tab strip isn't empty. Hide the window (so it appears to have closed // immediately) and close all the tabs, allowing the renderers to shut // down. When the tab strip is empty we'll be called back recursively. // NOTE: Don't use ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) here, otherwise end session blocks // here. SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); browser_->OnWindowClosing(); } else { // Empty tab strip, it's now safe to clean-up. root_view_.OnViewContainerDestroyed(); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_WINDOW_CLOSED, Source(m_hWnd), NotificationService::NoDetails()); DestroyWindow(); } } void* VistaFrame::GetPlatformID() { return reinterpret_cast(m_hWnd); } void VistaFrame::SetAcceleratorTable( std::map* accelerator_table) { accelerator_table_.reset(accelerator_table); } bool VistaFrame::GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, ChromeViews::Accelerator* accelerator) { std::map::iterator it = accelerator_table_->begin(); for (; it != accelerator_table_->end(); ++it) { if(it->second == cmd_id) { *accelerator = it->first; return true; } } return false; } bool VistaFrame::AcceleratorPressed(const Accelerator& accelerator) { DCHECK(accelerator_table_.get()); std::map::const_iterator iter = accelerator_table_->find(accelerator); DCHECK(iter != accelerator_table_->end()); int command_id = iter->second; if (browser_->SupportsCommand(command_id) && browser_->IsCommandEnabled(command_id)) { browser_->ExecuteCommand(command_id); return true; } return false; } gfx::Rect VistaFrame::GetNormalBounds() { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(wp); const bool ret = !!GetWindowPlacement(&wp); DCHECK(ret); return gfx::Rect(wp.rcNormalPosition); } bool VistaFrame::IsMaximized() { return !!IsZoomed(); } gfx::Rect VistaFrame::GetBoundsForContentBounds(const gfx::Rect content_rect) { if (tab_contents_container_->x() == 0 && tab_contents_container_->width() == 0) { Layout(); } CPoint p(0, 0); ChromeViews::View::ConvertPointToViewContainer(tab_contents_container_, &p); CRect bounds; GetBounds(&bounds, true); gfx::Rect r; r.set_x(content_rect.x() - p.x); r.set_y(content_rect.y() - p.y); r.set_width(p.x + content_rect.width() + (bounds.Width() - (p.x + tab_contents_container_->width()))); r.set_height(p.y + content_rect.height() + (bounds.Height() - (p.y + tab_contents_container_->height()))); return r; } void VistaFrame::InfoBubbleShowing() { ignore_ncactivate_ = true; } ToolbarStarToggle* VistaFrame::GetStarButton() const { return NULL; } LocationBarView* VistaFrame::GetLocationBarView() const { return NULL; } GoButton* VistaFrame::GetGoButton() const { return NULL; } BookmarkBarView* VistaFrame::GetBookmarkBarView() { TabContents* current_tab = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); if (!current_tab || !current_tab->profile()) return NULL; if (!bookmark_bar_view_.get()) { bookmark_bar_view_.reset(new BookmarkBarView(current_tab->profile(), browser_)); bookmark_bar_view_->SetParentOwned(false); } else { bookmark_bar_view_->SetProfile(current_tab->profile()); } bookmark_bar_view_->SetPageNavigator(current_tab); return bookmark_bar_view_.get(); } BrowserView* VistaFrame::GetBrowserView() const { return browser_view_; } void VistaFrame::UpdateToolbar(TabContents* contents, bool should_restore_state) { } void VistaFrame::ProfileChanged(Profile* profile) { } void VistaFrame::FocusToolbar() { } bool VistaFrame::IsBookmarkBarVisible() const { if (!bookmark_bar_view_.get()) return false; if (bookmark_bar_view_->IsNewTabPage() || bookmark_bar_view_->IsAnimating()) return true; CSize sz; bookmark_bar_view_->GetPreferredSize(&sz); // 1 is the minimum in GetPreferredSize for the bookmark bar. return sz.cy > 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Events // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRESULT VistaFrame::OnSettingChange(UINT u_msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param, BOOL& handled) { // Set this to false, if we actually handle the message, we'll set it to // true below. handled = FALSE; if (w_param != SPI_SETWORKAREA) return 0; // Return value is effectively ignored in atlwin.h. win_util::AdjustWindowToFit(m_hWnd); handled = TRUE; return 0; // Return value is effectively ignored in atlwin.h. } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnNCActivate(BOOL param) { if (ignore_ncactivate_) { ignore_ncactivate_ = false; return DefWindowProc(WM_NCACTIVATE, TRUE, 0); } SetMsgHandled(false); return 0; } BOOL VistaFrame::OnPowerBroadcast(DWORD power_event, DWORD data) { if (PBT_APMSUSPEND == power_event) { SuspendController::OnSuspend(browser_->profile()); return TRUE; } else if (PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC == power_event) { SuspendController::OnResume(browser_->profile()); return TRUE; } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return FALSE; } void VistaFrame::OnThemeChanged() { // Notify NativeTheme. gfx::NativeTheme::instance()->CloseHandles(); } void VistaFrame::OnMouseButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { if (m_hWnd == NULL) { return; } if (ProcessMousePressed(pt, flags, FALSE)) { SetMsgHandled(TRUE); } else { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } } void VistaFrame::OnMouseButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { if (m_hWnd == NULL) { return; } if (in_drag_session_) { ProcessMouseReleased(pt, flags); } } void VistaFrame::OnMouseButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { if (ProcessMousePressed(pt, flags, TRUE)) { SetMsgHandled(TRUE); } else { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } } void VistaFrame::OnLButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { OnMouseButtonUp(flags | MK_LBUTTON, pt); } void VistaFrame::OnMButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { OnMouseButtonUp(flags | MK_MBUTTON, pt); } void VistaFrame::OnRButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { OnMouseButtonUp(flags | MK_RBUTTON, pt); } void VistaFrame::OnNCMButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { // The point is in screen coordinate system so we need to convert CRect window_rect; GetWindowRect(&window_rect); CPoint point(pt); point.x -= window_rect.left; point.y -= window_rect.top; // Yes we need to add MK_MBUTTON. Windows doesn't include it OnMouseButtonDown(flags | MK_MBUTTON, point); } void VistaFrame::OnNCRButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { if (flags == HTCAPTION) { HMENU system_menu = ::GetSystemMenu(*this, FALSE); int id = ::TrackPopupMenu(system_menu, TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, *this, NULL); if (id) ::SendMessage(*this, WM_SYSCOMMAND, id, 0); } else { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } } void VistaFrame::OnMouseMove(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { if (m_hWnd == NULL) { return; } if (in_drag_session_) { ProcessMouseDragged(pt, flags); } else { ArmOnMouseLeave(); ProcessMouseMoved(pt, flags); } } void VistaFrame::OnMouseLeave() { if (m_hWnd == NULL) { return; } ProcessMouseExited(); on_mouse_leave_armed_ = false; } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM object_id) { LRESULT reference_result = static_cast(0L); // Accessibility readers will send an OBJID_CLIENT message if (OBJID_CLIENT == object_id) { // If our MSAA root is already created, reuse that pointer. Otherwise, // create a new one. if (!accessibility_root_) { CComObject* instance = NULL; HRESULT hr = CComObject::CreateInstance(&instance); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (!instance) { // Return with failure. return static_cast(0L); } CComPtr accessibility_instance(instance); if (!SUCCEEDED(instance->Initialize(&root_view_))) { // Return with failure. return static_cast(0L); } // All is well, assign the temp instance to the class smart pointer accessibility_root_.Attach(accessibility_instance.Detach()); if (!accessibility_root_) { // Return with failure. return static_cast(0L); } // Notify that an instance of IAccessible was allocated for m_hWnd ::NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, m_hWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF); } // Create a reference to ViewAccessibility that MSAA will marshall // to the client. reference_result = LresultFromObject(IID_IAccessible, w_param, static_cast(accessibility_root_)); } return reference_result; } void VistaFrame::OnKeyDown(TCHAR c, UINT rep_cnt, UINT flags) { ChromeViews::KeyEvent event(ChromeViews::Event::ET_KEY_PRESSED, c, rep_cnt, flags); root_view_.ProcessKeyEvent(event); } void VistaFrame::OnKeyUp(TCHAR c, UINT rep_cnt, UINT flags) { ChromeViews::KeyEvent event(ChromeViews::Event::ET_KEY_RELEASED, c, rep_cnt, flags); root_view_.ProcessKeyEvent(event); } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnAppCommand( HWND w_param, short app_command, WORD device, int keystate) { if (browser_ && !browser_->ExecuteWindowsAppCommand(app_command)) SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } void VistaFrame::OnCommand(UINT notification_code, int command_id, HWND window) { if (browser_ && browser_->SupportsCommand(command_id)) { browser_->ExecuteCommand(command_id); } else { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } } void VistaFrame::OnSysCommand(UINT notification_code, CPoint click) { switch (notification_code) { case IDC_TASKMANAGER: if (browser_) browser_->ExecuteCommand(IDC_TASKMANAGER); break; default: // Use the default implementation for any other command. SetMsgHandled(FALSE); break; } } void VistaFrame::OnMove(const CSize& size) { if (!saved_window_placement_ && should_save_window_placement_ ) browser_->SaveWindowPlacementToDatabase(); browser_->WindowMoved(); } void VistaFrame::OnMoving(UINT param, LPRECT new_bounds) { // We want to let the browser know that the window moved so that it can // update the positions of any dependent WS_POPUPs browser_->WindowMoved(); } void VistaFrame::OnSize(UINT param, const CSize& size) { Layout(); if (root_view_.NeedsPainting(false)) { PaintNow(root_view_.GetScheduledPaintRect()); } if (!saved_window_placement_ && should_save_window_placement_) browser_->SaveWindowPlacementToDatabase(); } void VistaFrame::OnFinalMessage(HWND hwnd) { delete this; } void VistaFrame::OnNCLButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& pt) { SetMsgHandled(false); } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnNCCalcSize(BOOL w_param, LPARAM l_param) { // By default the client side is set to the window size which is what // we want. if (w_param == TRUE) { // Calculate new NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS based on custom NCA inset. NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *pncsp = reinterpret_cast(l_param); // Hack necessary to stop black background flicker, we cut out // resizeborder here to save us from having to do too much // addition and subtraction in Layout(). We don't cut off the // top + titlebar as that prevents the window controls from // highlighting. pncsp->rgrc[0].left = pncsp->rgrc[0].left + kResizeBorder; pncsp->rgrc[0].right = pncsp->rgrc[0].right - kResizeBorder; pncsp->rgrc[0].bottom = pncsp->rgrc[0].bottom - kResizeBorder; // We need to reset the frame, as Vista resets it whenever it changes // composition modes (and NCCALCSIZE is the closest thing we get to // a reliable message about the change). ResetDWMFrame(); SetMsgHandled(TRUE); return 0; } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& pt) { SetMsgHandled(TRUE); // Test the caption buttons LRESULT l_res; BOOL dwm_processed = DwmDefWindowProc(m_hWnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y), &l_res); if (dwm_processed) { return l_res; } CRect cr; GetBounds(&cr, false); CPoint tab_pt(pt); ChromeViews::View::ConvertPointToView(NULL, tabstrip_, &tab_pt); // If we are over the tabstrip if (tab_pt.x > 0 && tab_pt.y >= kTabShadowSize && tab_pt.x < tabstrip_->width() && tab_pt.y < tabstrip_->height()) { ChromeViews::View* v = tabstrip_->GetViewForPoint(tab_pt); if (v == tabstrip_) return HTCAPTION; // If the view under mouse is a tab, check if the tab strip allows tab // dragging or not. If not, return caption to get window dragging. if (v->GetClassName() == Tab::kTabClassName && !tabstrip_->HasAvailableDragActions()) return HTCAPTION; return HTCLIENT; } CPoint p(pt); CRect r; GetWindowRect(&r); // Convert from screen to window coordinates p.x -= r.left; p.y -= r.top; if (p.x < kResizeBorder + g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width()) { if (p.y < kResizeCornerSize) { return HTTOPLEFT; } else if (p.y >= (r.Height() - kResizeCornerSize)) { return HTBOTTOMLEFT; } else { return HTLEFT; } // BOTTOM_LEFT / TOP_LEFT horizontal extensions } else if (p.x < kResizeCornerSize) { if (p.y < kResizeBorder) { return HTTOPLEFT; } else if (p.y >= (r.Height() - kResizeBorder)) { return HTBOTTOMLEFT; } // EAST / BOTTOMRIGHT / TOPRIGHT edge } else if (p.x >= (r.Width() - kResizeBorder - g_bitmaps[CT_RIGHT_SIDE]->width())) { if (p.y < kResizeCornerSize) { return HTTOPRIGHT; } else if (p.y >= (r.Height() - kResizeCornerSize)) { return HTBOTTOMRIGHT; } else { return HTRIGHT; } // EAST / BOTTOMRIGHT / TOPRIGHT horizontal extensions } else if (p.x >= (r.Width() - kResizeCornerSize)) { if (p.y < kResizeBorder) { return HTTOPRIGHT; } else if (p.y >= (r.Height() - kResizeBorder)) { return HTBOTTOMRIGHT; } // TOP edge } else if (p.y < kResizeBorder) { return HTTOP; // BOTTOM edge } else if (p.y >= (r.Height() - kResizeBorder - g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER]->height())) { return HTBOTTOM; } if (p.y <= tabstrip_->y() + tabstrip_->height()) { return HTCAPTION; } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } void VistaFrame::OnActivate(UINT n_state, BOOL is_minimized, HWND other) { if (FrameUtil::ActivateAppModalDialog(browser_)) return; // Enable our custom window if we haven't already (this works in combination // with our NCCALCSIZE handler). if (!custom_window_enabled_) { RECT rcClient; ::GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient); ::SetWindowPos( m_hWnd, NULL, rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top, SWP_FRAMECHANGED); custom_window_enabled_ = true; // We need to fire this here as well as in OnNCCalcSize, as that function // does not fire at the right time for this to work when opening the // window. ResetDWMFrame(); } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); if (!is_minimized) browser_->WindowActivationChanged(n_state != WA_INACTIVE); } int VistaFrame::OnMouseActivate(CWindow wndTopLevel, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { return FrameUtil::ActivateAppModalDialog(browser_) ? MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT : MA_ACTIVATE; } void VistaFrame::OnPaint(HDC dc) { // Warning: on Vista the ChromeCanvasPaint *must* use an opaque flag of true // so that ChromeCanvasPaint performs a BitBlt and not an alpha blend. // root_view_.OnPaint(*this); } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnEraseBkgnd(HDC dc) { SetMsgHandled(TRUE); return 0; } void VistaFrame::ArmOnMouseLeave() { if (!on_mouse_leave_armed_) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = *this; tme.dwHoverTime = 0; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); on_mouse_leave_armed_ = TRUE; } } void VistaFrame::OnCaptureChanged(HWND hwnd) { if (in_drag_session_) root_view_.ProcessMouseDragCanceled(); in_drag_session_ = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // View events propagation // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool VistaFrame::ProcessMousePressed(const CPoint& pt, UINT flags, bool dbl_click) { using namespace ChromeViews; MouseEvent mouse_pressed(Event::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, pt.x, pt.y, (dbl_click ? MouseEvent::EF_IS_DOUBLE_CLICK : 0) | Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); if (root_view_.OnMousePressed(mouse_pressed)) { // If an additional button is pressed during a drag session we don't want // to call SetCapture() again as it will result in no more events. if (!in_drag_session_) { in_drag_session_ = true; SetCapture(); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void VistaFrame::ProcessMouseDragged(const CPoint& pt, UINT flags) { using namespace ChromeViews; MouseEvent drag_event(Event::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, pt.x, pt.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); root_view_.OnMouseDragged(drag_event); } void VistaFrame::ProcessMouseReleased(const CPoint& pt, UINT flags) { using namespace ChromeViews; if (in_drag_session_) { in_drag_session_ = false; ReleaseCapture(); } MouseEvent mouse_released(Event::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, pt.x, pt.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); root_view_.OnMouseReleased(mouse_released, false); } void VistaFrame::ProcessMouseMoved(const CPoint &pt, UINT flags) { using namespace ChromeViews; MouseEvent mouse_move(Event::ET_MOUSE_MOVED, pt.x, pt.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); root_view_.OnMouseMoved(mouse_move); } void VistaFrame::ProcessMouseExited() { root_view_.ProcessOnMouseExited(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ChromeViews::ViewContainer // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VistaFrame::GetBounds(CRect *out, bool including_frame) const { if (including_frame) { GetWindowRect(out); } else { GetClientRect(out); POINT p = {0, 0}; ::ClientToScreen(*this, &p); out->left += p.x; out->top += p.y; out->right += p.x; out->bottom += p.y; } } void VistaFrame::MoveToFront(bool should_activate) { int flags = SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE; if (!should_activate) { flags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE; } SetWindowPos(HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); SetForegroundWindow(*this); } HWND VistaFrame::GetHWND() const { return m_hWnd; } void VistaFrame::PaintNow(const CRect& update_rect) { if (!update_rect.IsRectNull() && IsVisible()) { RedrawWindow(update_rect, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_NOERASE); } } ChromeViews::RootView* VistaFrame::GetRootView() { return const_cast(&root_view_); } bool VistaFrame::IsVisible() { return !!::IsWindowVisible(*this); } bool VistaFrame::IsActive() { return win_util::IsWindowActive(*this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // VistaFrameView // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::PaintContentsBorder(ChromeCanvas* canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!parent_->IsTabStripVisible()) return; int ro, bo; canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER], x, y); canvas->TileImageInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_CENTER], x + g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->width(), y, w - g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->width() - g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->width(), g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_CENTER]->height()); ro = x + w - g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->width(); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER], ro, y); canvas->TileImageInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_RIGHT_SIDE], ro, y + g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->height(), g_bitmaps[CT_RIGHT_SIDE]->width(), h - (g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->height() + g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->height())); bo = y + h - g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->height(); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER], x + w - g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->width(), bo); canvas->TileImageInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER], x + g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->width(), bo, w - (g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->width() + g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER]->width()), g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER]->height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER], x, bo); canvas->TileImageInt(*g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE], x, y + g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->height(), g_bitmaps[CT_LEFT_SIDE]->width(), h - (g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->height() + g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER]->height())); } void VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { canvas->save(); // When painting the border, exclude the contents area. This will prevent the // border bitmaps (which might be larger than the visible area) from coming // into the content area when there is no tab painted yet. int x = parent_->tab_contents_container_->x(); int y = parent_->tab_contents_container_->y(); SkRect clip; clip.set(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y), SkIntToScalar(x + parent_->tab_contents_container_->width()), SkIntToScalar(y + parent_->tab_contents_container_->height())); canvas->clipRect(clip, SkRegion::kDifference_Op); PaintContentsBorder(canvas, 0, contents_offset_, width(), height() - contents_offset_); canvas->restore(); } void VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::SetContentsOffset(int o) { contents_offset_ = o; } bool VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT* role) { DCHECK(role); role->vt = VT_I4; role->lVal = ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT; return true; } bool VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::GetAccessibleName(std::wstring* name) { if (!accessible_name_.empty()) { name->assign(accessible_name_); return true; } return false; } void VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::SetAccessibleName(const std::wstring& name) { accessible_name_.assign(name); } // Helper function to extract the min/max x-coordinate as well as the max // y coordinate from the TITLEBARINFOEX struct at the specified index. static void UpdatePosition(const TITLEBARINFOEX& info, int element, int* min_x, int* max_x, int* max_y) { if ((info.rgstate[element] & (STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE | STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN | STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE)) == 0) { *min_x = std::min(*min_x, static_cast(info.rgrect[element].left)); *max_x = std::max(*max_x, static_cast(info.rgrect[element].right)); *max_y = std::max(*max_y, static_cast(info.rgrect[element].bottom)); } } bool VistaFrame::VistaFrameView::ShouldForwardToTabStrip( const ChromeViews::DropTargetEvent& event) { if (!FrameView::ShouldForwardToTabStrip(event)) return false; TITLEBARINFOEX titlebar_info; titlebar_info.cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFOEX); SendMessage(parent_->m_hWnd, WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX, 0, (WPARAM)&titlebar_info); int min_x = std::numeric_limits::max(); int max_x = std::numeric_limits::min(); int max_y = std::numeric_limits::min(); // 2 is the minimize button. UpdatePosition(titlebar_info, 2, &min_x, &max_x, &max_y); // 3 is the maximize button. UpdatePosition(titlebar_info, 3, &min_x, &max_x, &max_y); // 5 is the close button. UpdatePosition(titlebar_info, 5, &min_x, &max_x, &max_y); if (min_x != std::numeric_limits::max() && max_x != std::numeric_limits::min() && max_y != std::numeric_limits::min()) { CPoint screen_drag_point(event.x(), event.y()); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_drag_point); if (screen_drag_point.x >= min_x && screen_drag_point.x <= max_x && screen_drag_point.y <= max_y) { return false; } } return true; } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnMouseRange(UINT u_msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param, BOOL& handled) { // Tooltip handling is broken in Vista when using custom frames, so // we have to implement a lot of this ourselves. tooltip_manager_->OnMouse(u_msg, w_param, l_param); handled = FALSE; return 0; } LRESULT VistaFrame::OnNotify(int w_param, NMHDR* l_param) { bool handled; LRESULT result = tooltip_manager_->OnNotify(w_param, l_param, &handled); SetMsgHandled(handled); return result; } ChromeViews::TooltipManager* VistaFrame::GetTooltipManager() { return tooltip_manager_.get(); } StatusBubble* VistaFrame::GetStatusBubble() { return NULL; } void VistaFrame::InitAfterHWNDCreated() { tooltip_manager_.reset(new ChromeViews::AeroTooltipManager(this, m_hWnd)); } void VistaFrame::ResetDWMFrame() { if (IsTabStripVisible()) { // Note: we don't use DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow because any region not // included in the glass region is composited source over. This means // that anything drawn directly with GDI appears fully transparent. // // We want this region to extend past our content border images, as they // may be partially-transparent. MARGINS margins = {kDwmBorderSize + g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_LEFT_CORNER]->width(), kDwmBorderSize + g_bitmaps[CT_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER]->width(), kDwmBorderSize + IsToolBarVisible() ? browser_view_->y() + kToolbarOverlapVertOffset : tabstrip_->height(), kDwmBorderSize + g_bitmaps[CT_BOTTOM_CENTER]->height()}; DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(*this, &margins); } } void VistaFrame::ShelfVisibilityChanged() { ShelfVisibilityChangedImpl(browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()); } void VistaFrame::SelectedTabToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating) { if (is_animating) { tab_contents_container_->set_fast_resize(true); ShelfVisibilityChanged(); tab_contents_container_->set_fast_resize(false); } else { ShelfVisibilityChanged(); tab_contents_container_->UpdateHWNDBounds(); } } bool VistaFrame::UpdateChildViewAndLayout(ChromeViews::View* new_view, ChromeViews::View** view) { DCHECK(view); if (*view == new_view) { // The views haven't changed, if the views pref changed schedule a layout. if (new_view) { CSize pref_size; new_view->GetPreferredSize(&pref_size); if (pref_size.cy != new_view->height()) return true; } return false; } // The views differ, and one may be null (but not both). Remove the old // view (if it non-null), and add the new one (if it is non-null). If the // height has changed, schedule a layout, otherwise reuse the existing // bounds to avoid scheduling a layout. int current_height = 0; if (*view) { current_height = (*view)->height(); root_view_.RemoveChildView(*view); } int new_height = 0; if (new_view) { CSize preferred_size; new_view->GetPreferredSize(&preferred_size); new_height = preferred_size.cy; root_view_.AddChildView(new_view); } bool changed = false; if (new_height != current_height) { changed = true; } else if (new_view && *view) { // The view changed, but the new view wants the same size, give it the // bounds of the last view and have it repaint. CRect last_bounds; (*view)->GetBounds(&last_bounds); new_view->SetBounds(last_bounds.left, last_bounds.top, last_bounds.Width(), last_bounds.Height()); new_view->SchedulePaint(); } else if (new_view) { DCHECK(new_height == 0); // The heights are the same, but the old view is null. This only happens // when the height is zero. Zero out the bounds. new_view->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); } *view = new_view; return changed; } void VistaFrame::SetWindowTitle(const std::wstring& title) { SetWindowText(title.c_str()); } void VistaFrame::Activate() { if (IsIconic()) ShowWindow(SW_RESTORE); MoveToFront(true); } void VistaFrame::FlashFrame() { FLASHWINFO flash_window_info; flash_window_info.cbSize = sizeof(FLASHWINFO); flash_window_info.hwnd = GetHWND(); flash_window_info.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL; flash_window_info.uCount = 4; flash_window_info.dwTimeout = 0; ::FlashWindowEx(&flash_window_info); } void VistaFrame::ShowTabContents(TabContents* selected_contents) { tab_contents_container_->SetTabContents(selected_contents); // Force a LoadingStateChanged notification because the TabContents // could be loading (such as when the user unconstrains a tab. if (selected_contents && selected_contents->delegate()) selected_contents->delegate()->LoadingStateChanged(selected_contents); ShelfVisibilityChangedImpl(selected_contents); } TabStrip* VistaFrame::GetTabStrip() const { return tabstrip_; } void VistaFrame::ContinueDetachConstrainedWindowDrag(const gfx::Point& mouse_pt, int frame_component) { // Need to force a paint at this point so that the newly created window looks // correct. (Otherwise parts of the tabstrip are clipped). CRect cr; GetClientRect(&cr); PaintNow(cr); // The user's mouse is already moving, and the left button is down, but we // need to start moving this frame, so we _post_ it a NCLBUTTONDOWN message // with the HTCAPTION flag to trick windows into believing the user just // started dragging on the title bar. All the frame moving is then handled // automatically by windows. Note that we use PostMessage here since we need // to return to the message loop first otherwise Windows' built in move code // will not be able to be triggered. POINTS pts; pts.x = mouse_pt.x(); pts.y = mouse_pt.y(); PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, frame_component, reinterpret_cast(&pts)); } void VistaFrame::SizeToContents(const gfx::Rect& contents_bounds) { // First we need to ensure everything has an initial size. Currently, the // window has the wrong size, but that's OK, doing this will allow us to // figure out how big all the UI bits are. Layout(); // Now figure out the height of the non-client area (the Native windows // chrome) by comparing the window bounds to the client bounds. CRect window_bounds, client_bounds; GetBounds(&window_bounds, true); GetBounds(&client_bounds, false); int left_edge_width = client_bounds.left - window_bounds.left; int top_edge_height = client_bounds.top - window_bounds.top; int right_edge_width = window_bounds.right - client_bounds.right; int bottom_edge_height = window_bounds.bottom - client_bounds.bottom; // Now resize the window. This will result in Layout() getting called again // and the contents getting sized to the value specified in |contents_bounds| SetWindowPos(NULL, contents_bounds.x() - left_edge_width, contents_bounds.y() - top_edge_height, contents_bounds.width() + left_edge_width + right_edge_width, contents_bounds.height() + top_edge_height + bottom_edge_height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } void VistaFrame::SetIsOffTheRecord(bool value) { is_off_the_record_ = value; } TabContentsContainerView* VistaFrame::GetTabContentsContainer() { return tab_contents_container_; } void VistaFrame::DestroyBrowser() { // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) tidy this up, just fixing the build red for now. // Need to do this first, before the browser_ is deleted and we can't remove // the tabstrip from the model's observer list because the model was // destroyed with browser_. if (browser_) { if (bookmark_bar_view_.get() && bookmark_bar_view_->GetParent()) { // The bookmark bar should not be parented by the time we get here. // If you hit this NOTREACHED file a bug with the trace. NOTREACHED(); bookmark_bar_view_->GetParent()->RemoveChildView(bookmark_bar_view_.get()); } // Explicitly delete the BookmarkBarView now. That way we don't have to // worry about the BookmarkBarView potentially outliving the Browser & // Profile. bookmark_bar_view_.reset(NULL); browser_->tabstrip_model()->RemoveObserver(tabstrip_); delete browser_; browser_ = NULL; } } void VistaFrame::ShelfVisibilityChangedImpl(TabContents* current_tab) { // Coalesce layouts. bool changed = false; ChromeViews::View* new_shelf = NULL; if (current_tab && current_tab->IsDownloadShelfVisible()) new_shelf = current_tab->GetDownloadShelfView(); changed |= UpdateChildViewAndLayout(new_shelf, &shelf_view_); ChromeViews::View* new_info_bar = NULL; WebContents* web_contents = current_tab ? current_tab->AsWebContents() : NULL; if (web_contents && web_contents->view()->IsInfoBarVisible()) new_info_bar = web_contents->view()->GetInfoBarView(); changed |= UpdateChildViewAndLayout(new_info_bar, &info_bar_view_); ChromeViews::View* new_bookmark_bar_view = NULL; if (SupportsBookmarkBar()) new_bookmark_bar_view = GetBookmarkBarView(); changed |= UpdateChildViewAndLayout(new_bookmark_bar_view, &active_bookmark_bar_); // Only do a layout if the current contents is non-null. We assume that if the // contents is NULL, we're either being destroyed, or ShowTabContents is going // to be invoked with a non-null TabContents again so that there is no need // in doing a layout now (and would result in extra work/invalidation on // tab switches). if (changed && current_tab) Layout(); }