// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/gfx/rect.h"
#include "chrome/views/widget.h"
#include "chrome/views/widget_win.h"

class GURL;

// StatusBubble displays a bubble of text that fades in, hovers over the
// browser chrome and fades away when not needed. It is primarily designed
// to allow users to see where hovered links point to.
class StatusBubble {
  explicit StatusBubble(views::Widget* frame);

  // Sets the bubble contents to a specific string and causes the bubble
  // to display immediately. Subsequent empty SetURL calls (typically called
  // when the cursor exits a link) will set the status bubble back to its
  // status text. To hide the status bubble again, either call SetStatus
  // with an empty string, or call Hide().
  void SetStatus(const std::wstring& status);

  // Sets the bubble text to a URL - if given a non-empty URL, this will cause
  // the bubble to fade in and remain open until given an empty URL or until
  // the Hide() method is called. languages is the value of Accept-Language
  // to determine what characters are understood by a user.
  void SetURL(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& languages);

  // Clear the URL and begin the fadeout of the bubble if not status text
  // needs to be displayed.
  void ClearURL();

  // Skip the fade and instant-hide the bubble.
  void Hide();

  // Called when the user's mouse has moved over web content.
  void MouseMoved();

  // Set the bounds of the bubble relative to the browser window.
  void SetBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h);

  // Reposition the bubble - as we are using a WS_POPUP for the bubble,
  // we have to manually position it when the browser window moves.
  void Reposition();

  class StatusView;

  // Initializes the popup and view.
  void Init();

  // Attempt to move the status bubble out of the way of the cursor, allowing
  // users to see links in the region normally occupied by the status bubble.
  void AvoidMouse();

  // The status text we want to display when there are no URLs to display.
  std::wstring status_text_;

  // The url we want to display when there is not status text to display.
  std::wstring url_text_;

  // Position relative to the parent window.
  CPoint position_;
  CSize size_;

  // How vertically offset the bubble is from its root position_.
  int offset_;

  // We use a HWND for the popup so that it may float above any HWNDs in our
  // UI (the location bar, for example).
  scoped_ptr<views::WidgetWin> popup_;
  double opacity_;

  views::Widget* frame_;
  StatusView* view_;
