// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab.h" #include "base/gfx/size.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/path.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/views/chrome_menu.h" #include "chrome/views/tooltip_manager.h" #include "chrome/views/widget.h" #include "generated_resources.h" const std::string Tab::kTabClassName = "browser/tabs/Tab"; static const SkScalar kTabCapWidth = 15; static const SkScalar kTabTopCurveWidth = 4; static const SkScalar kTabBottomCurveWidth = 3; class Tab::ContextMenuController : public views::MenuDelegate { public: explicit ContextMenuController(Tab* tab) : tab_(tab), last_command_(TabStripModel::CommandFirst) { menu_.reset(new views::MenuItemView(this)); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(TabStripModel::CommandNewTab, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_NEWTAB)); menu_->AppendSeparator(); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel(TabStripModel::CommandReload, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_RELOAD)); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( TabStripModel::CommandDuplicate, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_DUPLICATE)); menu_->AppendSeparator(); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( TabStripModel::CommandCloseTab, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_CLOSETAB)); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( TabStripModel::CommandCloseOtherTabs, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_CLOSEOTHERTABS)); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( TabStripModel::CommandCloseTabsToRight, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_CLOSETABSTORIGHT)); menu_->AppendMenuItemWithLabel( TabStripModel::CommandCloseTabsOpenedBy, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_CXMENU_CLOSETABSOPENEDBY)); } void RunMenuAt(int x, int y) { menu_->RunMenuAt(tab_->GetWidget()->GetHWND(), gfx::Rect(x, y, 0, 0), views::MenuItemView::TOPLEFT, true); if (tab_) tab_->ContextMenuClosed(); delete this; } void Cancel() { tab_ = NULL; menu_->Cancel(); } private: virtual ~ContextMenuController() { } // views::MenuDelegate implementation: virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(int id) const { // The MenuItemView used to contain the contents of the Context Menu itself // has a command id of 0, and it will check to see if it's enabled for // some reason during its construction. The TabStripModel can't handle // command indices it doesn't know about, so we need to filter this out // here. if (id == 0 || !tab_) return false; return tab_->delegate()->IsCommandEnabledForTab( static_cast(id), tab_); } virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id) { if (!tab_) return; tab_->delegate()->ExecuteCommandForTab( static_cast(id), tab_); } virtual void SelectionChanged(views::MenuItemView* menu) { if (!tab_) return; TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand command = static_cast(menu->GetCommand()); tab_->delegate()->StopHighlightTabsForCommand(last_command_, tab_); last_command_ = command; tab_->delegate()->StartHighlightTabsForCommand(command, tab_); } private: // The context menu. scoped_ptr menu_; // The Tab the context menu was brought up for. Set to NULL when the menu // is canceled. Tab* tab_; // The last command that was selected, so that we can start/stop highlighting // appropriately as the user moves through the menu. TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand last_command_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ContextMenuController); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tab, public: Tab::Tab(TabDelegate* delegate) : TabRenderer(), delegate_(delegate), closing_(false), menu_controller_(NULL) { close_button()->SetListener(this, 0); close_button()->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_CLOSE)); close_button()->SetAnimationDuration(0); SetContextMenuController(this); } Tab::~Tab() { if (menu_controller_) { // The menu is showing. Close the menu. menu_controller_->Cancel(); // Invoke this so that we hide the highlight. ContextMenuClosed(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tab, TabRenderer overrides: bool Tab::IsSelected() const { return delegate_->IsTabSelected(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tab, views::View overrides: bool Tab::HasHitTestMask() const { return true; } void Tab::GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const { MakePathForTab(mask); } bool Tab::OnMousePressed(const views::MouseEvent& event) { if (event.IsOnlyLeftMouseButton()) { // Store whether or not we were selected just now... we only want to be // able to drag foreground tabs, so we don't start dragging the tab if // it was in the background. bool just_selected = !IsSelected(); if (just_selected) delegate_->SelectTab(this); delegate_->MaybeStartDrag(this, event); } return true; } bool Tab::OnMouseDragged(const views::MouseEvent& event) { delegate_->ContinueDrag(event); return true; } void Tab::OnMouseReleased(const views::MouseEvent& event, bool canceled) { // Notify the drag helper that we're done with any potential drag operations. // Clean up the drag helper, which is re-created on the next mouse press. // In some cases, ending the drag will schedule the tab for destruction; if // so, bail immediately, since our members are already dead and we shouldn't // do anything else except drop the tab where it is. if (delegate_->EndDrag(canceled)) return; // Close tab on middle click, but only if the button is released over the tab // (normal windows behavior is to discard presses of a UI element where the // releases happen off the element). if (event.IsMiddleMouseButton() && HitTest(event.location())) delegate_->CloseTab(this); } bool Tab::GetTooltipText(int x, int y, std::wstring* tooltip) { std::wstring title = GetTitle(); if (!title.empty()) { // Only show the tooltip if the title is truncated. ChromeFont font; if (font.GetStringWidth(title) > title_bounds().width()) { *tooltip = title; return true; } } return false; } bool Tab::GetTooltipTextOrigin(int x, int y, CPoint* origin) { ChromeFont font; origin->x = title_bounds().x() + 10; origin->y = -views::TooltipManager::GetTooltipHeight() - 4; return true; } bool Tab::GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT* role) { DCHECK(role); role->vt = VT_I4; role->lVal = ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB; return true; } bool Tab::GetAccessibleName(std::wstring* name) { *name = GetTitle(); return !name->empty(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tab, views::ContextMenuController implementation: void Tab::ShowContextMenu(views::View* source, int x, int y, bool is_mouse_gesture) { if (menu_controller_) return; menu_controller_ = new ContextMenuController(this); menu_controller_->RunMenuAt(x, y); // ContextMenuController takes care of deleting itself. } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // views::BaseButton::ButtonListener implementation: void Tab::ButtonPressed(views::BaseButton* sender) { if (sender == close_button()) delegate_->CloseTab(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tab, private: void Tab::MakePathForTab(gfx::Path* path) const { DCHECK(path); SkScalar h = SkIntToScalar(height()); SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(width()); path->moveTo(0, h); // Left end cap. path->lineTo(kTabBottomCurveWidth, h - kTabBottomCurveWidth); path->lineTo(kTabCapWidth - kTabTopCurveWidth, kTabTopCurveWidth); path->lineTo(kTabCapWidth, 0); // Connect to the right cap. path->lineTo(w - kTabCapWidth, 0); // Right end cap. path->lineTo(w - kTabCapWidth - kTabTopCurveWidth, kTabTopCurveWidth); path->lineTo(w - kTabBottomCurveWidth, h - kTabBottomCurveWidth); path->lineTo(w, h); // Close out the path. path->lineTo(0, h); path->close(); } void Tab::ContextMenuClosed() { delegate()->StopAllHighlighting(); menu_controller_ = NULL; }