// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_renderer.h" #include #include "app/gfx/canvas.h" #include "app/gfx/font.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "grit/app_resources.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "skia/ext/image_operations.h" #include "views/widget/widget.h" #include "views/window/non_client_view.h" #include "views/window/window.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "app/win_util.h" #endif static const int kLeftPadding = 16; static const int kTopPadding = 6; static const int kRightPadding = 15; static const int kBottomPadding = 5; static const int kDropShadowHeight = 2; static const int kToolbarOverlap = 1; static const int kFavIconTitleSpacing = 4; static const int kTitleCloseButtonSpacing = 5; static const int kStandardTitleWidth = 175; static const int kCloseButtonVertFuzz = 0; static const int kCloseButtonHorzFuzz = 5; static const int kFaviconSize = 16; static const int kSelectedTitleColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // How long the hover state takes. static const int kHoverDurationMs = 90; // How long the pulse throb takes. static const int kPulseDurationMs = 200; // How opaque to make the hover state (out of 1). static const double kHoverOpacity = 0.33; // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) This stuff should move onto the class. static gfx::Font* title_font = NULL; static int title_font_height = 0; static SkBitmap* close_button_n = NULL; static SkBitmap* close_button_h = NULL; static SkBitmap* close_button_p = NULL; static int close_button_height = 0; static int close_button_width = 0; static SkBitmap* waiting_animation_frames = NULL; static SkBitmap* loading_animation_frames = NULL; static SkBitmap* crashed_fav_icon = NULL; static int loading_animation_frame_count = 0; static int waiting_animation_frame_count = 0; static int waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio = 0; TabRenderer::TabImage TabRenderer::tab_alpha = {0}; TabRenderer::TabImage TabRenderer::tab_active = {0}; TabRenderer::TabImage TabRenderer::tab_inactive = {0}; namespace { void InitResources() { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { // TODO(glen): Allow theming of these. ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); title_font = new gfx::Font(rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont)); title_font_height = title_font->height(); close_button_n = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_CLOSE); close_button_h = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_CLOSE_H); close_button_p = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_CLOSE_P); close_button_width = close_button_n->width(); close_button_height = close_button_n->height(); TabRenderer::LoadTabImages(); // The loading animation image is a strip of states. Each state must be // square, so the height must divide the width evenly. loading_animation_frames = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THROBBER); DCHECK(loading_animation_frames); DCHECK(loading_animation_frames->width() % loading_animation_frames->height() == 0); loading_animation_frame_count = loading_animation_frames->width() / loading_animation_frames->height(); // We get a DIV0 further down when the throbber is replaced by an image // which is taller than wide. In this case we cannot deduce an animation // sequence from it since we assume that each animation frame has the width // of the image's height. if (loading_animation_frame_count == 0) { #ifdef WIN32 // TODO(idanan): Remove this when we have a way to handle theme errors. // See: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=12531 // For now, this is Windows-specific because some users have downloaded // a DLL from outside of Google to override the theme. std::wstring text = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_RESOURCE_ERROR); std::wstring caption = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_RESOURCE_ERROR_CAPTION); UINT flags = MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_TOPMOST; win_util::MessageBox(NULL, text, caption, flags); #endif CHECK(loading_animation_frame_count) << "Invalid throbber size. Width = " << loading_animation_frames->width() << ", height = " << loading_animation_frames->height(); } waiting_animation_frames = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THROBBER_WAITING); DCHECK(waiting_animation_frames); DCHECK(waiting_animation_frames->width() % waiting_animation_frames->height() == 0); waiting_animation_frame_count = waiting_animation_frames->width() / waiting_animation_frames->height(); waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio = waiting_animation_frame_count / loading_animation_frame_count; // TODO(beng): eventually remove this when we have a proper themeing system. // themes not supporting IDR_THROBBER_WAITING are causing this // value to be 0 which causes DIV0 crashes. The value of 5 // matches the current bitmaps in our source. if (waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio == 0) waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio = 5; crashed_fav_icon = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_SAD_FAVICON); initialized = true; } } int GetContentHeight() { // The height of the content of the Tab is the largest of the favicon, // the title text and the close button graphic. int content_height = std::max(kFaviconSize, title_font_height); return std::max(content_height, close_button_height); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseButton // // This is a Button subclass that causes middle clicks to be forwarded to the // parent View by explicitly not handling them in OnMousePressed. class TabCloseButton : public views::ImageButton { public: explicit TabCloseButton(views::ButtonListener* listener) : views::ImageButton(listener) { } virtual ~TabCloseButton() {} virtual bool OnMousePressed(const views::MouseEvent& event) { bool handled = ImageButton::OnMousePressed(event); // Explicitly mark midle-mouse clicks as non-handled to ensure the tab // sees them. return event.IsOnlyMiddleMouseButton() ? false : handled; } // We need to let the parent know about mouse state so that it // can highlight itself appropriately. Note that Exit events // fire before Enter events, so this works. virtual void OnMouseEntered(const views::MouseEvent& event) { CustomButton::OnMouseEntered(event); GetParent()->OnMouseEntered(event); } virtual void OnMouseExited(const views::MouseEvent& event) { CustomButton::OnMouseExited(event); GetParent()->OnMouseExited(event); } private: DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(TabCloseButton); }; } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FaviconCrashAnimation // // A custom animation subclass to manage the favicon crash animation. class TabRenderer::FavIconCrashAnimation : public Animation, public AnimationDelegate { public: explicit FavIconCrashAnimation(TabRenderer* target) : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(Animation(1000, 25, this)), target_(target) { } virtual ~FavIconCrashAnimation() {} // Animation overrides: virtual void AnimateToState(double state) { const double kHidingOffset = 27; if (state < .5) { target_->SetFavIconHidingOffset( static_cast(floor(kHidingOffset * 2.0 * state))); } else { target_->DisplayCrashedFavIcon(); target_->SetFavIconHidingOffset( static_cast( floor(kHidingOffset - ((state - .5) * 2.0 * kHidingOffset)))); } } // AnimationDelegate overrides: virtual void AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) { target_->SetFavIconHidingOffset(0); } private: TabRenderer* target_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(FavIconCrashAnimation); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, public: TabRenderer::TabRenderer() : animation_state_(ANIMATION_NONE), animation_frame_(0), showing_icon_(false), showing_close_button_(false), fav_icon_hiding_offset_(0), crash_animation_(NULL), should_display_crashed_favicon_(false), theme_provider_(NULL) { InitResources(); // Add the Close Button. close_button_ = new TabCloseButton(this); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, close_button_n); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, close_button_h); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, close_button_p); AddChildView(close_button_); hover_animation_.reset(new SlideAnimation(this)); hover_animation_->SetSlideDuration(kHoverDurationMs); pulse_animation_.reset(new ThrobAnimation(this)); pulse_animation_->SetSlideDuration(kPulseDurationMs); } TabRenderer::~TabRenderer() { delete crash_animation_; } void TabRenderer::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child) { if (parent->GetThemeProvider()) SetThemeProvider(parent->GetThemeProvider()); } ThemeProvider* TabRenderer::GetThemeProvider() { ThemeProvider* tp = View::GetThemeProvider(); if (tp) return tp; if (theme_provider_) return theme_provider_; // return contents->profile()->GetThemeProvider(); NOTREACHED() << "Unable to find a theme provider"; return NULL; } void TabRenderer::UpdateData(TabContents* contents, bool loading_only) { DCHECK(contents); if (!loading_only) { data_.title = UTF16ToWideHack(contents->GetTitle()); data_.off_the_record = contents->profile()->IsOffTheRecord(); data_.crashed = contents->is_crashed(); data_.favicon = contents->GetFavIcon(); } // TODO(glen): Temporary hax. theme_provider_ = contents->profile()->GetThemeProvider(); // Loading state also involves whether we show the favicon, since that's where // we display the throbber. data_.loading = contents->is_loading(); data_.show_icon = contents->ShouldDisplayFavIcon(); } void TabRenderer::UpdateFromModel() { // Force a layout, since the tab may have grown a favicon. Layout(); SchedulePaint(); if (data_.crashed) { if (!should_display_crashed_favicon_ && !IsPerformingCrashAnimation()) StartCrashAnimation(); } else { if (IsPerformingCrashAnimation()) StopCrashAnimation(); ResetCrashedFavIcon(); } } bool TabRenderer::IsSelected() const { return true; } void TabRenderer::ValidateLoadingAnimation(AnimationState animation_state) { if (animation_state_ != animation_state) { // The waiting animation is the reverse of the loading animation, but at a // different rate - the following reverses and scales the animation_frame_ // so that the frame is at an equivalent position when going from one // animation to the other. if (animation_state_ == ANIMATION_WAITING && animation_state == ANIMATION_LOADING) { animation_frame_ = loading_animation_frame_count - (animation_frame_ / waiting_to_loading_frame_count_ratio); } animation_state_ = animation_state; } if (animation_state_ != ANIMATION_NONE) { animation_frame_ = ++animation_frame_ % ((animation_state_ == ANIMATION_WAITING) ? waiting_animation_frame_count : loading_animation_frame_count); } else { animation_frame_ = 0; } SchedulePaint(); } void TabRenderer::StartPulse() { pulse_animation_->Reset(); pulse_animation_->StartThrobbing(std::numeric_limits::max()); } void TabRenderer::StopPulse() { if (pulse_animation_->IsAnimating()) pulse_animation_->Stop(); } // static gfx::Size TabRenderer::GetMinimumUnselectedSize() { InitResources(); gfx::Size minimum_size; minimum_size.set_width(kLeftPadding + kRightPadding); // Since we use bitmap images, the real minimum height of the image is // defined most accurately by the height of the end cap images. minimum_size.set_height(tab_active.image_l->height()); return minimum_size; } // static gfx::Size TabRenderer::GetMinimumSelectedSize() { gfx::Size minimum_size = GetMinimumUnselectedSize(); minimum_size.set_width(kLeftPadding + kFaviconSize + kRightPadding); return minimum_size; } // static gfx::Size TabRenderer::GetStandardSize() { gfx::Size standard_size = GetMinimumUnselectedSize(); standard_size.set_width( standard_size.width() + kFavIconTitleSpacing + kStandardTitleWidth); return standard_size; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, protected: std::wstring TabRenderer::GetTitle() const { return data_.title; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, views::View overrides: void TabRenderer::Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // Don't paint if we're narrower than we can render correctly. (This should // only happen during animations). if (width() < GetMinimumUnselectedSize().width()) return; // See if the model changes whether the icons should be painted. const bool show_icon = ShouldShowIcon(); const bool show_close_button = ShouldShowCloseBox(); if (show_icon != showing_icon_ || show_close_button != showing_close_button_) Layout(); PaintTabBackground(canvas); // Paint the loading animation if the page is currently loading, otherwise // show the page's favicon. if (show_icon) { if (animation_state_ != ANIMATION_NONE) { PaintLoadingAnimation(canvas); } else { canvas->save(); canvas->ClipRectInt(0, 0, width(), height() - 4); if (should_display_crashed_favicon_) { canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*crashed_fav_icon, 0, 0, crashed_fav_icon->width(), crashed_fav_icon->height(), favicon_bounds_.x(), favicon_bounds_.y() + fav_icon_hiding_offset_, kFaviconSize, kFaviconSize, true); } else { if (!data_.favicon.isNull()) { // TODO(pkasting): Use code in tab_icon_view.cc:PaintIcon() (or switch // to using that class to render the favicon). canvas->DrawBitmapInt(data_.favicon, 0, 0, data_.favicon.width(), data_.favicon.height(), favicon_bounds_.x(), favicon_bounds_.y() + fav_icon_hiding_offset_, kFaviconSize, kFaviconSize, true); } } canvas->restore(); } } // Paint the Title. std::wstring title = data_.title; if (title.empty()) { if (data_.loading) { title = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_LOADING_TITLE); } else { title = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_UNTITLED_TITLE); } } else { Browser::FormatTitleForDisplay(&title); } SkColor title_color = GetThemeProvider()-> GetColor(IsSelected() ? BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_TAB_TEXT : BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_BACKGROUND_TAB_TEXT); canvas->DrawStringInt(title, *title_font, title_color, title_bounds_.x(), title_bounds_.y(), title_bounds_.width(), title_bounds_.height()); } void TabRenderer::Layout() { gfx::Rect lb = GetLocalBounds(false); if (lb.IsEmpty()) return; lb.Inset(kLeftPadding, kTopPadding, kRightPadding, kBottomPadding); // First of all, figure out who is tallest. int content_height = GetContentHeight(); // Size the Favicon. showing_icon_ = ShouldShowIcon(); if (showing_icon_) { int favicon_top = kTopPadding + (content_height - kFaviconSize) / 2; favicon_bounds_.SetRect(lb.x(), favicon_top, kFaviconSize, kFaviconSize); } else { favicon_bounds_.SetRect(lb.x(), lb.y(), 0, 0); } // Size the Close button. showing_close_button_ = ShouldShowCloseBox(); if (showing_close_button_) { int close_button_top = kTopPadding + kCloseButtonVertFuzz + (content_height - close_button_height) / 2; // If the ratio of the close button size to tab width exceeds the maximum. close_button_->SetBounds(lb.width() + kCloseButtonHorzFuzz, close_button_top, close_button_width, close_button_height); close_button_->SetVisible(true); } else { close_button_->SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); close_button_->SetVisible(false); } // Size the Title text to fill the remaining space. int title_left = favicon_bounds_.right() + kFavIconTitleSpacing; int title_top = kTopPadding + (content_height - title_font_height) / 2; // If the user has big fonts, the title will appear rendered too far down on // the y-axis if we use the regular top padding, so we need to adjust it so // that the text appears centered. gfx::Size minimum_size = GetMinimumUnselectedSize(); int text_height = title_top + title_font_height + kBottomPadding; if (text_height > minimum_size.height()) title_top -= (text_height - minimum_size.height()) / 2; int title_width; if (close_button_->IsVisible()) { title_width = std::max(close_button_->x() - kTitleCloseButtonSpacing - title_left, 0); } else { title_width = std::max(lb.width() - title_left, 0); } title_bounds_.SetRect(title_left, title_top, title_width, title_font_height); // Certain UI elements within the Tab (the favicon, etc.) are not represented // as child Views (which is the preferred method). Instead, these UI elements // are drawn directly on the canvas from within Tab::Paint(). The Tab's child // Views (for example, the Tab's close button which is a views::Button // instance) are automatically mirrored by the mirroring infrastructure in // views. The elements Tab draws directly on the canvas need to be manually // mirrored if the View's layout is right-to-left. favicon_bounds_.set_x(MirroredLeftPointForRect(favicon_bounds_)); title_bounds_.set_x(MirroredLeftPointForRect(title_bounds_)); } void TabRenderer::OnMouseEntered(const views::MouseEvent& e) { hover_animation_->SetTweenType(SlideAnimation::EASE_OUT); hover_animation_->Show(); } void TabRenderer::OnMouseExited(const views::MouseEvent& e) { hover_animation_->SetTweenType(SlideAnimation::EASE_IN); hover_animation_->Hide(); } void TabRenderer::ThemeChanged() { LoadTabImages(); View::ThemeChanged(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, AnimationDelegate implementation: void TabRenderer::AnimationProgressed(const Animation* animation) { SchedulePaint(); } void TabRenderer::AnimationCanceled(const Animation* animation) { AnimationEnded(animation); } void TabRenderer::AnimationEnded(const Animation* animation) { SchedulePaint(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, private void TabRenderer::PaintTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (IsSelected()) { // Sometimes detaching a tab quickly can result in the model reporting it // as not being selected, so is_drag_clone_ ensures that we always paint // the active representation for the dragged tab. PaintActiveTabBackground(canvas); } else { // Draw our hover state. Animation* animation = hover_animation_.get(); if (pulse_animation_->IsAnimating()) animation = pulse_animation_.get(); PaintInactiveTabBackground(canvas); if (animation->GetCurrentValue() > 0) { SkRect bounds; bounds.set(0, 0, SkIntToScalar(width()), SkIntToScalar(height())); canvas->saveLayerAlpha(&bounds, static_cast(animation->GetCurrentValue() * kHoverOpacity * 0xff), SkCanvas::kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag); canvas->drawARGB(0, 255, 255, 255, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode); PaintActiveTabBackground(canvas); canvas->restore(); } } } void TabRenderer::PaintInactiveTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { bool is_otr = data_.off_the_record; // The tab image needs to be lined up with the background image // so that it feels partially transparent. These offsets represent the tab // position within the frame background image. int offset = GetX(views::View::APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION) + background_offset_.x(); int tab_id; if (GetWidget() && GetWidget()->GetWindow()->GetNonClientView()->UseNativeFrame()) { tab_id = IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_V; } else { tab_id = is_otr ? IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND_INCOGNITO : IDR_THEME_TAB_BACKGROUND; } SkBitmap* tab_bg = GetThemeProvider()->GetBitmapNamed(tab_id); // Draw left edge. Don't draw over the toolbar, as we're not the foreground // tab. SkBitmap tab_l = skia::ImageOperations::CreateTiledBitmap( *tab_bg, offset, background_offset_.y(), tab_active.l_width, height()); SkBitmap theme_l = skia::ImageOperations::CreateMaskedBitmap( tab_l, *tab_alpha.image_l); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(theme_l, 0, 0, theme_l.width(), theme_l.height() - kToolbarOverlap, 0, 0, theme_l.width(), theme_l.height() - kToolbarOverlap, false); // Draw right edge. Again, don't draw over the toolbar. SkBitmap tab_r = skia::ImageOperations::CreateTiledBitmap( *tab_bg, offset + width() - tab_active.r_width, background_offset_.y(), tab_active.r_width, height()); SkBitmap theme_r = skia::ImageOperations::CreateMaskedBitmap( tab_r, *tab_alpha.image_r); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(theme_r, 0, 0, theme_r.width(), theme_r.height() - kToolbarOverlap, width() - theme_r.width(), 0, theme_r.width(), theme_r.height() - kToolbarOverlap, false); // Draw center. Instead of masking out the top portion we simply skip over it // by incrementing by kDropShadowHeight, since it's a simple rectangle. And // again, don't draw over the toolbar. canvas->TileImageInt(*tab_bg, offset + tab_active.l_width, background_offset_.y() + kDropShadowHeight, tab_active.l_width, kDropShadowHeight, width() - tab_active.l_width - tab_active.r_width, height() - kDropShadowHeight - kToolbarOverlap); // Now draw the highlights/shadows around the tab edge. canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*tab_inactive.image_l, 0, 0); canvas->TileImageInt(*tab_inactive.image_c, tab_inactive.l_width, 0, width() - tab_inactive.l_width - tab_inactive.r_width, height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*tab_inactive.image_r, width() - tab_inactive.r_width, 0); } void TabRenderer::PaintActiveTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { int offset = GetX(views::View::APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION) + background_offset_.x(); ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); if (!tp) NOTREACHED() << "Unable to get theme provider"; SkBitmap* tab_bg = GetThemeProvider()->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR); // Draw left edge. SkBitmap tab_l = skia::ImageOperations::CreateTiledBitmap( *tab_bg, offset, 0, tab_active.l_width, height()); SkBitmap theme_l = skia::ImageOperations::CreateMaskedBitmap( tab_l, *tab_alpha.image_l); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(theme_l, 0, 0); // Draw right edge. SkBitmap tab_r = skia::ImageOperations::CreateTiledBitmap( *tab_bg, offset + width() - tab_active.r_width, 0, tab_active.r_width, height()); SkBitmap theme_r = skia::ImageOperations::CreateMaskedBitmap( tab_r, *tab_alpha.image_r); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(theme_r, width() - tab_active.r_width, 0); // Draw center. Instead of masking out the top portion we simply skip over it // by incrementing by kDropShadowHeight, since it's a simple rectangle. canvas->TileImageInt(*tab_bg, offset + tab_active.l_width, kDropShadowHeight, tab_active.l_width, kDropShadowHeight, width() - tab_active.l_width - tab_active.r_width, height() - kDropShadowHeight); // Now draw the highlights/shadows around the tab edge. canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*tab_active.image_l, 0, 0); canvas->TileImageInt(*tab_active.image_c, tab_active.l_width, 0, width() - tab_active.l_width - tab_active.r_width, height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*tab_active.image_r, width() - tab_active.r_width, 0); } void TabRenderer::PaintHoverTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas, double opacity) { SkBitmap left = skia::ImageOperations::CreateBlendedBitmap( *tab_inactive.image_l, *tab_active.image_l, opacity); SkBitmap center = skia::ImageOperations::CreateBlendedBitmap( *tab_inactive.image_c, *tab_active.image_c, opacity); SkBitmap right = skia::ImageOperations::CreateBlendedBitmap( *tab_inactive.image_r, *tab_active.image_r, opacity); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(left, 0, 0); canvas->TileImageInt(center, tab_active.l_width, 0, width() - tab_active.l_width - tab_active.r_width, height()); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(right, width() - tab_active.r_width, 0); } void TabRenderer::PaintLoadingAnimation(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { SkBitmap* frames = (animation_state_ == ANIMATION_WAITING) ? waiting_animation_frames : loading_animation_frames; int image_size = frames->height(); int image_offset = animation_frame_ * image_size; int dst_y = (height() - image_size) / 2; // Just like with the Tab's title and favicon, the position for the page // loading animation also needs to be mirrored if the View's UI layout is // right-to-left. int dst_x; if (UILayoutIsRightToLeft()) { dst_x = width() - kLeftPadding - image_size; } else { dst_x = kLeftPadding; } canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*frames, image_offset, 0, image_size, image_size, dst_x, dst_y, image_size, image_size, false); } int TabRenderer::IconCapacity() const { if (height() < GetMinimumUnselectedSize().height()) return 0; return (width() - kLeftPadding - kRightPadding) / kFaviconSize; } bool TabRenderer::ShouldShowIcon() const { if (!data_.show_icon) { return false; } else if (IsSelected()) { // The selected tab clips favicon before close button. return IconCapacity() >= 2; } // Non-selected tabs clip close button before favicon. return IconCapacity() >= 1; } bool TabRenderer::ShouldShowCloseBox() const { // The selected tab never clips close button. return IsSelected() || IconCapacity() >= 3; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabRenderer, private: void TabRenderer::StartCrashAnimation() { if (!crash_animation_) crash_animation_ = new FavIconCrashAnimation(this); crash_animation_->Reset(); crash_animation_->Start(); } void TabRenderer::StopCrashAnimation() { if (!crash_animation_) return; crash_animation_->Stop(); } bool TabRenderer::IsPerformingCrashAnimation() const { return crash_animation_ && crash_animation_->IsAnimating(); } void TabRenderer::SetFavIconHidingOffset(int offset) { fav_icon_hiding_offset_ = offset; SchedulePaint(); } void TabRenderer::DisplayCrashedFavIcon() { should_display_crashed_favicon_ = true; } void TabRenderer::ResetCrashedFavIcon() { should_display_crashed_favicon_ = false; } // static void TabRenderer::LoadTabImages() { // We're not letting people override tab images just yet. ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); tab_alpha.image_l = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_ALPHA_LEFT); tab_alpha.image_r = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_ALPHA_RIGHT); tab_active.image_l = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_ACTIVE_LEFT); tab_active.image_c = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_ACTIVE_CENTER); tab_active.image_r = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_ACTIVE_RIGHT); tab_active.l_width = tab_active.image_l->width(); tab_active.r_width = tab_active.image_r->width(); tab_inactive.image_l = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_INACTIVE_LEFT); tab_inactive.image_c = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_INACTIVE_CENTER); tab_inactive.image_r = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_TAB_INACTIVE_RIGHT); tab_inactive.l_width = tab_inactive.image_l->width(); tab_inactive.r_width = tab_inactive.image_r->width(); loading_animation_frames = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THROBBER); waiting_animation_frames = rb.GetBitmapNamed(IDR_THROBBER_WAITING); }