// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip.h" #include "app/animation_container.h" #include "app/drag_drop_types.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "app/slide_animation.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/defaults.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip_controller.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "gfx/canvas.h" #include "gfx/path.h" #include "gfx/size.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "views/controls/image_view.h" #include "views/widget/default_theme_provider.h" #include "views/window/non_client_view.h" #include "views/window/window.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "app/win_util.h" #include "views/widget/widget_win.h" #elif defined(OS_LINUX) #include "views/widget/widget_gtk.h" #endif #undef min #undef max #if defined(COMPILER_GCC) // Squash false positive signed overflow warning in GenerateStartAndEndWidths // when doing 'start_tab_count < end_tab_count'. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-overflow" #endif using views::DropTargetEvent; static const int kNewTabButtonHOffset = -5; static const int kNewTabButtonVOffset = 5; static const int kResizeTabsTimeMs = 300; static const int kSuspendAnimationsTimeMs = 200; static const int kTabHOffset = -16; static const int kTabStripAnimationVSlop = 40; // Alpha value phantom tabs are rendered at. static const int kPhantomTabAlpha = 105; // Alpha value phantom tab icons are rendered at. static const int kPhantomTabIconAlpha = 160; // Size of the drop indicator. static int drop_indicator_width; static int drop_indicator_height; static inline int Round(double x) { // Why oh why is this not in a standard header? return static_cast(floor(x + 0.5)); } namespace { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NewTabButton // // A subclass of button that hit-tests to the shape of the new tab button. class NewTabButton : public views::ImageButton { public: explicit NewTabButton(views::ButtonListener* listener) : views::ImageButton(listener) { } virtual ~NewTabButton() {} protected: // Overridden from views::View: virtual bool HasHitTestMask() const { // When the button is sized to the top of the tab strip we want the user to // be able to click on complete bounds, and so don't return a custom hit // mask. return !browser_defaults::kSizeTabButtonToTopOfTabStrip; } virtual void GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* path) const { DCHECK(path); SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(width()); // These values are defined by the shape of the new tab bitmap. Should that // bitmap ever change, these values will need to be updated. They're so // custom it's not really worth defining constants for. path->moveTo(0, 1); path->lineTo(w - 7, 1); path->lineTo(w - 4, 4); path->lineTo(w, 16); path->lineTo(w - 1, 17); path->lineTo(7, 17); path->lineTo(4, 13); path->lineTo(0, 1); path->close(); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NewTabButton); }; } // namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, public: // static const int TabStrip::mini_to_non_mini_gap_ = 3; // static const int TabStrip::extra_gap_for_nano_ = 10; TabStrip::TabStrip(TabStripController* controller) : BaseTabStrip(controller, BaseTabStrip::HORIZONTAL_TAB_STRIP), resize_layout_factory_(this), added_as_message_loop_observer_(false), current_unselected_width_(Tab::GetStandardSize().width()), current_selected_width_(Tab::GetStandardSize().width()), available_width_for_tabs_(-1), in_tab_close_(false), animation_container_(new AnimationContainer()), new_tab_button_enabled_(true) { Init(); } TabStrip::~TabStrip() { // The animations may reference the tabs. Shut down the animation before we // delete the tabs. StopAnimating(false); DestroyDragController(); // Make sure we unhook ourselves as a message loop observer so that we don't // crash in the case where the user closes the window after closing a tab // but before moving the mouse. RemoveMessageLoopObserver(); // The children (tabs) may callback to us from their destructor. Delete them // so that if they call back we aren't in a weird state. RemoveAllChildViews(true); } void TabStrip::InitTabStripButtons() { newtab_button_ = new NewTabButton(this); if (browser_defaults::kSizeTabButtonToTopOfTabStrip) { newtab_button_->SetImageAlignment(views::ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); } LoadNewTabButtonImage(); newtab_button_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_NEWTAB)); AddChildView(newtab_button_); } gfx::Rect TabStrip::GetNewTabButtonBounds() { return newtab_button_->bounds(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, BaseTabStrip implementation: int TabStrip::GetPreferredHeight() { return GetPreferredSize().height(); } void TabStrip::SetBackgroundOffset(const gfx::Point& offset) { for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i)->SetBackgroundOffset(offset); } bool TabStrip::IsPositionInWindowCaption(const gfx::Point& point) { views::View* v = GetViewForPoint(point); // If there is no control at this location, claim the hit was in the title // bar to get a move action. if (v == this) return true; // Check to see if the point is within the non-button parts of the new tab // button. The button has a non-rectangular shape, so if it's not in the // visual portions of the button we treat it as a click to the caption. gfx::Point point_in_newtab_coords(point); View::ConvertPointToView(this, newtab_button_, &point_in_newtab_coords); if (newtab_button_->bounds().Contains(point) && !newtab_button_->HitTest(point_in_newtab_coords)) { return true; } // All other regions, including the new Tab button, should be considered part // of the containing Window's client area so that regular events can be // processed for them. return false; } void TabStrip::SetDraggedTabBounds(int tab_index, const gfx::Rect& tab_bounds) { } TabStrip* TabStrip::AsTabStrip() { return this; } void TabStrip::PrepareForCloseAt(int model_index) { if (!in_tab_close_ && IsAnimating()) { // Cancel any current animations. We do this as remove uses the current // ideal bounds and we need to know ideal bounds is in a good state. StopAnimating(true); } int model_count = GetModelCount(); if (model_index + 1 != model_count && model_count > 1) { // The user is about to close a tab other than the last tab. Set // available_width_for_tabs_ so that if we do a layout we don't position a // tab past the end of the second to last tab. We do this so that as the // user closes tabs with the mouse a tab continues to fall under the mouse. available_width_for_tabs_ = GetAvailableWidthForTabs( GetTabAtModelIndex(model_count - 2)); } in_tab_close_ = true; AddMessageLoopObserver(); } void TabStrip::RemoveTabAt(int model_index) { if (in_tab_close_ && model_index != GetModelCount()) StartMouseInitiatedRemoveTabAnimation(model_index); else StartRemoveTabAnimation(model_index); } void TabStrip::SelectTabAt(int old_model_index, int new_model_index) { // We have "tiny tabs" if the tabs are so tiny that the unselected ones are // a different size to the selected ones. bool tiny_tabs = current_unselected_width_ != current_selected_width_; if (!IsAnimating() && (!in_tab_close_ || tiny_tabs)) { Layout(); } else { SchedulePaint(); } if (old_model_index >= 0) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(ModelIndexToTabIndex(old_model_index)); tab->StopMiniTabTitleAnimation(); tab->SelectedChanged(); } if (new_model_index >= 0) { GetTabAtTabDataIndex( ModelIndexToTabIndex(new_model_index))->SelectedChanged(); } } void TabStrip::TabTitleChangedNotLoading(int model_index) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtModelIndex(model_index); if (tab->data().mini && !tab->IsSelected()) tab->StartMiniTabTitleAnimation(); } void TabStrip::StartHighlight(int model_index) { GetTabAtModelIndex(model_index)->StartPulse(); } void TabStrip::StopAllHighlighting() { for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i)->StopPulse(); } BaseTab* TabStrip::CreateTabForDragging() { Tab* tab = new Tab(NULL); // Make sure the dragged tab shares our theme provider. We need to explicitly // do this as during dragging there isn't a theme provider. tab->set_theme_provider(GetThemeProvider()); return tab; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, views::View overrides: void TabStrip::PaintChildren(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // Tabs are painted in reverse order, so they stack to the left. // Phantom tabs appear behind all other tabs and are rendered first. To make // them slightly transparent we render them to a different layer. if (HasPhantomTabs()) { SkRect bounds; bounds.set(0, 0, SkIntToScalar(width()), SkIntToScalar(height())); canvas->saveLayerAlpha(&bounds, kPhantomTabAlpha, SkCanvas::kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag); canvas->drawARGB(0, 255, 255, 255, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode); for (int i = tab_count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); if (tab->data().phantom) tab->ProcessPaint(canvas); } canvas->restore(); canvas->saveLayerAlpha(&bounds, kPhantomTabIconAlpha, SkCanvas::kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag); canvas->drawARGB(0, 255, 255, 255, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode); for (int i = tab_count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); if (tab->data().phantom) { canvas->save(); canvas->ClipRectInt(tab->MirroredX(), tab->y(), tab->width(), tab->height()); canvas->TranslateInt(tab->MirroredX(), tab->y()); tab->PaintIcon(canvas); canvas->restore(); } } canvas->restore(); } Tab* selected_tab = NULL; Tab* dragging_tab = NULL; for (int i = tab_count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); // We must ask the _Tab's_ model, not ourselves, because in some situations // the model will be different to this object, e.g. when a Tab is being // removed after its TabContents has been destroyed. if (!tab->data().phantom) { if (tab->dragging()) { dragging_tab = tab; } else if (!tab->IsSelected()) { tab->ProcessPaint(canvas); } else { selected_tab = tab; } } } if (GetWindow()->GetNonClientView()->UseNativeFrame()) { // Make sure unselected tabs are somewhat transparent. SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SkColorSetARGB(200, 255, 255, 255)); paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->FillRectInt( 0, 0, width(), height() - 2, // Visible region that overlaps the toolbar. paint); } // Paint the selected tab last, so it overlaps all the others. if (selected_tab) selected_tab->ProcessPaint(canvas); // Paint the New Tab button. newtab_button_->ProcessPaint(canvas); // And the dragged tab. if (dragging_tab) dragging_tab->ProcessPaint(canvas); } // Overridden to support automation. See automation_proxy_uitest.cc. views::View* TabStrip::GetViewByID(int view_id) const { if (tab_count() > 0) { if (view_id == VIEW_ID_TAB_LAST) { return GetTabAtTabDataIndex(tab_count() - 1); } else if ((view_id >= VIEW_ID_TAB_0) && (view_id < VIEW_ID_TAB_LAST)) { int index = view_id - VIEW_ID_TAB_0; if (index >= 0 && index < tab_count()) { return GetTabAtTabDataIndex(index); } else { return NULL; } } } return View::GetViewByID(view_id); } void TabStrip::Layout() { BaseTabStrip::Layout(); if (new_tab_button_enabled_) { newtab_button_->SetBounds(newtab_button_bounds_); newtab_button_->SetVisible(true); } else { newtab_button_->SetVisible(false); } } gfx::Size TabStrip::GetPreferredSize() { return gfx::Size(0, Tab::GetMinimumUnselectedSize().height()); } void TabStrip::OnDragEntered(const DropTargetEvent& event) { // Force animations to stop, otherwise it makes the index calculation tricky. StopAnimating(true); UpdateDropIndex(event); } int TabStrip::OnDragUpdated(const DropTargetEvent& event) { UpdateDropIndex(event); return GetDropEffect(event); } void TabStrip::OnDragExited() { SetDropIndex(-1, false); } int TabStrip::OnPerformDrop(const DropTargetEvent& event) { if (!drop_info_.get()) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; const int drop_index = drop_info_->drop_index; const bool drop_before = drop_info_->drop_before; // Hide the drop indicator. SetDropIndex(-1, false); GURL url; std::wstring title; if (!event.GetData().GetURLAndTitle(&url, &title) || !url.is_valid()) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; controller()->PerformDrop(drop_before, drop_index, url); return GetDropEffect(event); } bool TabStrip::GetAccessibleRole(AccessibilityTypes::Role* role) { DCHECK(role); *role = AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_PAGETABLIST; return true; } views::View* TabStrip::GetViewForPoint(const gfx::Point& point) { // Return any view that isn't a Tab or this TabStrip immediately. We don't // want to interfere. views::View* v = View::GetViewForPoint(point); if (v && v != this && v->GetClassName() != Tab::kViewClassName) return v; // The display order doesn't necessarily match the child list order, so we // walk the display list hit-testing Tabs. Since the selected tab always // renders on top of adjacent tabs, it needs to be hit-tested before any // left-adjacent Tab, so we look ahead for it as we walk. for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { Tab* next_tab = i < (tab_count() - 1) ? GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i + 1) : NULL; if (next_tab && next_tab->IsSelected() && IsPointInTab(next_tab, point)) return next_tab; Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); if (IsPointInTab(tab, point)) return tab; } // No need to do any floating view stuff, we don't use them in the TabStrip. return this; } void TabStrip::ThemeChanged() { LoadNewTabButtonImage(); } BaseTab* TabStrip::CreateTab() { Tab* tab = new Tab(this); tab->set_animation_container(animation_container_.get()); return tab; } void TabStrip::StartInsertTabAnimation(int model_index, bool foreground) { PrepareForAnimation(); // The TabStrip can now use its entire width to lay out Tabs. in_tab_close_ = false; available_width_for_tabs_ = -1; GenerateIdealBounds(); int tab_data_index = ModelIndexToTabIndex(model_index); BaseTab* tab = base_tab_at_tab_index(tab_data_index); if (model_index == 0) { tab->SetBounds(0, ideal_bounds(tab_data_index).y(), 0, ideal_bounds(tab_data_index).height()); } else { BaseTab* last_tab = base_tab_at_tab_index(tab_data_index - 1); tab->SetBounds(last_tab->bounds().right() + kTabHOffset, ideal_bounds(tab_data_index).y(), 0, ideal_bounds(tab_data_index).height()); } AnimateToIdealBounds(); } void TabStrip::StartMoveTabAnimation() { PrepareForAnimation(); GenerateIdealBounds(); AnimateToIdealBounds(); } void TabStrip::AnimateToIdealBounds() { for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); if (!tab->closing() && !tab->dragging()) bounds_animator().AnimateViewTo(tab, ideal_bounds(i)); } bounds_animator().AnimateViewTo(newtab_button_, newtab_button_bounds_); } bool TabStrip::ShouldHighlightCloseButtonAfterRemove() { return in_tab_close_; } void TabStrip::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, views::View* parent, views::View* child) { if (is_add && child == this) InitTabStripButtons(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, Tab::Delegate implementation: bool TabStrip::IsTabSelected(const BaseTab* btr) const { const Tab* tab = static_cast(btr); return !tab->closing() && BaseTabStrip::IsTabSelected(btr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, views::BaseButton::ButtonListener implementation: void TabStrip::ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) { if (sender == newtab_button_) controller()->CreateNewTab(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, MessageLoop::Observer implementation: #if defined(OS_WIN) void TabStrip::WillProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) { } void TabStrip::DidProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) { // We spy on three different Windows messages here to see if the mouse has // moved out of the bounds of the tabstrip, which we use as our cue to kick // of the resize animation. The messages are: // // WM_MOUSEMOVE: // For when the mouse moves from the tabstrip over into the rest of the // browser UI, i.e. within the bounds of the same windows HWND. // WM_MOUSELEAVE: // For when the mouse moves very rapidly from a tab closed in the middle of // the tabstrip (_not_ the end) out of the bounds of the browser's HWND and // over some other HWND. // WM_NCMOUSELEAVE: // For when the mouse moves very rapidly from the end of the tabstrip (when // the last tab is closed and the mouse is left floating over the title // bar). Because the empty area of the tabstrip at the end of the title bar // is registered by the ChromeFrame as part of the "caption" area of the // window (the frame's OnNCHitTest method returns HTCAPTION for this // region), the frame's HWND receives a WM_MOUSEMOVE message immediately, // because as far as it is concerned the mouse has _left_ the client area // of the window (and is now over the non-client area). To be notified // again when the mouse leaves the _non-client_ area, we use the // WM_NCMOUSELEAVE message, which causes us to re-evaluate the cursor // position and correctly resize the tabstrip. // switch (msg.message) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_MOUSELEAVE: case WM_NCMOUSELEAVE: HandleGlobalMouseMoveEvent(); break; } } #else void TabStrip::WillProcessEvent(GdkEvent* event) { } void TabStrip::DidProcessEvent(GdkEvent* event) { switch (event->type) { case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: HandleGlobalMouseMoveEvent(); break; default: break; } } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabStrip, private: void TabStrip::Init() { SetID(VIEW_ID_TAB_STRIP); newtab_button_bounds_.SetRect(0, 0, kNewTabButtonWidth, kNewTabButtonHeight); if (browser_defaults::kSizeTabButtonToTopOfTabStrip) { newtab_button_bounds_.set_height( kNewTabButtonHeight + kNewTabButtonVOffset); } if (drop_indicator_width == 0) { // Direction doesn't matter, both images are the same size. SkBitmap* drop_image = GetDropArrowImage(true); drop_indicator_width = drop_image->width(); drop_indicator_height = drop_image->height(); } } void TabStrip::LoadNewTabButtonImage() { ThemeProvider* tp = GetThemeProvider(); // If we don't have a theme provider yet, it means we do not have a // root view, and are therefore in a test. bool in_test = false; if (tp == NULL) { tp = new views::DefaultThemeProvider(); in_test = true; } SkBitmap* bitmap = tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_NEWTAB_BUTTON); SkColor color = tp->GetColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND); SkBitmap* background = tp->GetBitmapNamed( IDR_THEME_WINDOW_CONTROL_BACKGROUND); newtab_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, bitmap); newtab_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_NEWTAB_BUTTON_P)); newtab_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_NEWTAB_BUTTON_H)); newtab_button_->SetBackground(color, background, tp->GetBitmapNamed(IDR_NEWTAB_BUTTON_MASK)); if (in_test) delete tp; } Tab* TabStrip::GetTabAtTabDataIndex(int tab_data_index) const { return static_cast(base_tab_at_tab_index(tab_data_index)); } Tab* TabStrip::GetTabAtModelIndex(int model_index) const { return GetTabAtTabDataIndex(ModelIndexToTabIndex(model_index)); } void TabStrip::GetCurrentTabWidths(double* unselected_width, double* selected_width) const { *unselected_width = current_unselected_width_; *selected_width = current_selected_width_; } void TabStrip::GetDesiredTabWidths(int tab_count, int mini_tab_count, int nano_tab_count, double* unselected_width, double* selected_width) const { DCHECK(tab_count >= 0 && mini_tab_count >= 0 && mini_tab_count <= tab_count); DCHECK(nano_tab_count >= 0 && nano_tab_count <= tab_count); const double min_unselected_width = Tab::GetMinimumUnselectedSize().width(); const double min_selected_width = Tab::GetMinimumSelectedSize().width(); *unselected_width = min_unselected_width; *selected_width = min_selected_width; if (tab_count == 0) { // Return immediately to avoid divide-by-zero below. return; } // Determine how much space we can actually allocate to tabs. int available_width; if (available_width_for_tabs_ < 0) { available_width = width(); available_width -= (kNewTabButtonHOffset + newtab_button_bounds_.width()); } else { // Interesting corner case: if |available_width_for_tabs_| > the result // of the calculation in the conditional arm above, the strip is in // overflow. We can either use the specified width or the true available // width here; the first preserves the consistent "leave the last tab under // the user's mouse so they can close many tabs" behavior at the cost of // prolonging the glitchy appearance of the overflow state, while the second // gets us out of overflow as soon as possible but forces the user to move // their mouse for a few tabs' worth of closing. We choose visual // imperfection over behavioral imperfection and select the first option. available_width = available_width_for_tabs_; } if (mini_tab_count > 0) { available_width -= mini_tab_count * (Tab::GetMiniWidth() + kTabHOffset); tab_count -= mini_tab_count; if (tab_count == 0) { *selected_width = *unselected_width = Tab::GetStandardSize().width(); return; } // Account for gap between the last mini-tab and first non-mini-tab. available_width -= mini_to_non_mini_gap_; // And add some extra space if you have nano tabs in the mix. if (nano_tab_count > 0) available_width -= extra_gap_for_nano_; } // Calculate the desired tab widths by dividing the available space into equal // portions. Don't let tabs get larger than the "standard width" or smaller // than the minimum width for each type, respectively. const int total_offset = kTabHOffset * (tab_count - 1); const double desired_tab_width = std::min((static_cast( available_width - total_offset) / static_cast(tab_count)), static_cast(Tab::GetStandardSize().width())); *unselected_width = std::max(desired_tab_width, min_unselected_width); *selected_width = std::max(desired_tab_width, min_selected_width); // When there are multiple tabs, we'll have one selected and some unselected // tabs. If the desired width was between the minimum sizes of these types, // try to shrink the tabs with the smaller minimum. For example, if we have // a strip of width 10 with 4 tabs, the desired width per tab will be 2.5. If // selected tabs have a minimum width of 4 and unselected tabs have a minimum // width of 1, the above code would set *unselected_width = 2.5, // *selected_width = 4, which results in a total width of 11.5. Instead, we // want to set *unselected_width = 2, *selected_width = 4, for a total width // of 10. if (tab_count > 1) { if ((min_unselected_width < min_selected_width) && (desired_tab_width < min_selected_width)) { // Unselected width = (total width - selected width) / (num_tabs - 1) *unselected_width = std::max(static_cast( available_width - total_offset - min_selected_width) / static_cast(tab_count - 1), min_unselected_width); } else if ((min_unselected_width > min_selected_width) && (desired_tab_width < min_unselected_width)) { // Selected width = (total width - (unselected width * (num_tabs - 1))) *selected_width = std::max(available_width - total_offset - (min_unselected_width * (tab_count - 1)), min_selected_width); } } } void TabStrip::ResizeLayoutTabs() { // We've been called back after the TabStrip has been emptied out (probably // just prior to the window being destroyed). We need to do nothing here or // else GetTabAt below will crash. if (tab_count() == 0) return; resize_layout_factory_.RevokeAll(); // It is critically important that this is unhooked here, otherwise we will // keep spying on messages forever. RemoveMessageLoopObserver(); in_tab_close_ = false; available_width_for_tabs_ = -1; int mini_tab_count = GetMiniTabCount(); if (mini_tab_count == tab_count()) { // Only mini-tabs, we know the tab widths won't have changed (all // mini-tabs have the same width), so there is nothing to do. return; } Tab* first_tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(mini_tab_count); double unselected, selected; GetDesiredTabWidths(tab_count(), mini_tab_count, GetNanoTabCount(), &unselected, &selected); int w = Round(first_tab->IsSelected() ? selected : selected); // We only want to run the animation if we're not already at the desired // size. if (abs(first_tab->width() - w) > 1) StartResizeLayoutAnimation(); } bool TabStrip::IsCursorInTabStripZone() const { gfx::Rect bounds = GetLocalBounds(true); gfx::Point tabstrip_topleft(bounds.origin()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &tabstrip_topleft); bounds.set_origin(tabstrip_topleft); bounds.set_height(bounds.height() + kTabStripAnimationVSlop); #if defined(OS_WIN) DWORD pos = GetMessagePos(); gfx::Point cursor_point(pos); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) // TODO(sky): make sure this is right with multiple monitors. GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default(); GdkDisplay* display = gdk_screen_get_display(screen); gint x, y; gdk_display_get_pointer(display, NULL, &x, &y, NULL); gfx::Point cursor_point(x, y); #endif return bounds.Contains(cursor_point.x(), cursor_point.y()); } void TabStrip::AddMessageLoopObserver() { if (!added_as_message_loop_observer_) { MessageLoopForUI::current()->AddObserver(this); added_as_message_loop_observer_ = true; } } void TabStrip::RemoveMessageLoopObserver() { if (added_as_message_loop_observer_) { MessageLoopForUI::current()->RemoveObserver(this); added_as_message_loop_observer_ = false; } } gfx::Rect TabStrip::GetDropBounds(int drop_index, bool drop_before, bool* is_beneath) { DCHECK(drop_index != -1); int center_x; if (drop_index < tab_count()) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(drop_index); if (drop_before) center_x = tab->x() - (kTabHOffset / 2); else center_x = tab->x() + (tab->width() / 2); } else { Tab* last_tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(drop_index - 1); center_x = last_tab->x() + last_tab->width() + (kTabHOffset / 2); } // Mirror the center point if necessary. center_x = MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(center_x); // Determine the screen bounds. gfx::Point drop_loc(center_x - drop_indicator_width / 2, -drop_indicator_height); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &drop_loc); gfx::Rect drop_bounds(drop_loc.x(), drop_loc.y(), drop_indicator_width, drop_indicator_height); // If the rect doesn't fit on the monitor, push the arrow to the bottom. #if defined(OS_WIN) gfx::Rect monitor_bounds = win_util::GetMonitorBoundsForRect(drop_bounds); *is_beneath = (monitor_bounds.IsEmpty() || !monitor_bounds.Contains(drop_bounds)); #else *is_beneath = false; NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif if (*is_beneath) drop_bounds.Offset(0, drop_bounds.height() + height()); return drop_bounds; } void TabStrip::UpdateDropIndex(const DropTargetEvent& event) { // If the UI layout is right-to-left, we need to mirror the mouse // coordinates since we calculate the drop index based on the // original (and therefore non-mirrored) positions of the tabs. const int x = MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(event.x()); // We don't allow replacing the urls of mini-tabs. for (int i = GetMiniTabCount(); i < tab_count(); ++i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); const int tab_max_x = tab->x() + tab->width(); const int hot_width = tab->width() / 3; if (x < tab_max_x) { if (x < tab->x() + hot_width) SetDropIndex(i, true); else if (x >= tab_max_x - hot_width) SetDropIndex(i + 1, true); else SetDropIndex(i, false); return; } } // The drop isn't over a tab, add it to the end. SetDropIndex(tab_count(), true); } void TabStrip::SetDropIndex(int tab_data_index, bool drop_before) { if (tab_data_index == -1) { if (drop_info_.get()) drop_info_.reset(NULL); return; } if (drop_info_.get() && drop_info_->drop_index == tab_data_index && drop_info_->drop_before == drop_before) { return; } bool is_beneath; gfx::Rect drop_bounds = GetDropBounds(tab_data_index, drop_before, &is_beneath); if (!drop_info_.get()) { drop_info_.reset(new DropInfo(tab_data_index, drop_before, !is_beneath)); } else { drop_info_->drop_index = tab_data_index; drop_info_->drop_before = drop_before; if (is_beneath == drop_info_->point_down) { drop_info_->point_down = !is_beneath; drop_info_->arrow_view->SetImage( GetDropArrowImage(drop_info_->point_down)); } } // Reposition the window. Need to show it too as the window is initially // hidden. #if defined(OS_WIN) drop_info_->arrow_window->SetWindowPos( HWND_TOPMOST, drop_bounds.x(), drop_bounds.y(), drop_bounds.width(), drop_bounds.height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); #else drop_info_->arrow_window->SetBounds(drop_bounds); drop_info_->arrow_window->Show(); #endif } int TabStrip::GetDropEffect(const views::DropTargetEvent& event) { const int source_ops = event.GetSourceOperations(); if (source_ops & DragDropTypes::DRAG_COPY) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_COPY; if (source_ops & DragDropTypes::DRAG_LINK) return DragDropTypes::DRAG_LINK; return DragDropTypes::DRAG_MOVE; } // static SkBitmap* TabStrip::GetDropArrowImage(bool is_down) { return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( is_down ? IDR_TAB_DROP_DOWN : IDR_TAB_DROP_UP); } // TabStrip::DropInfo ---------------------------------------------------------- TabStrip::DropInfo::DropInfo(int drop_index, bool drop_before, bool point_down) : drop_index(drop_index), drop_before(drop_before), point_down(point_down) { arrow_view = new views::ImageView; arrow_view->SetImage(GetDropArrowImage(point_down)); #if defined(OS_WIN) arrow_window = new views::WidgetWin; arrow_window->set_window_style(WS_POPUP); arrow_window->set_window_ex_style(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); #else arrow_window = new views::WidgetGtk(views::WidgetGtk::TYPE_POPUP); arrow_window->MakeTransparent(); #endif arrow_window->Init( NULL, gfx::Rect(0, 0, drop_indicator_width, drop_indicator_height)); arrow_window->SetContentsView(arrow_view); } TabStrip::DropInfo::~DropInfo() { // Close eventually deletes the window, which deletes arrow_view too. arrow_window->Close(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called from: // - BasicLayout // - Tab insertion/removal // - Tab reorder void TabStrip::GenerateIdealBounds() { int non_closing_tab_count = 0; int mini_tab_count = 0; int nano_tab_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { BaseTab* tab = base_tab_at_tab_index(i); if (!tab->closing()) { ++non_closing_tab_count; if (tab->data().mini) mini_tab_count++; if (tab->data().app) nano_tab_count++; } } double unselected, selected; GetDesiredTabWidths(non_closing_tab_count, mini_tab_count, nano_tab_count, &unselected, &selected); current_unselected_width_ = unselected; current_selected_width_ = selected; // NOTE: This currently assumes a tab's height doesn't differ based on // selected state or the number of tabs in the strip! int tab_height = Tab::GetStandardSize().height(); double tab_x = 0; bool last_was_mini = false; for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { Tab* tab = GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i); if (!tab->closing()) { double tab_width = unselected; if (tab->data().mini) { tab_width = Tab::GetMiniWidth(); } else { if (last_was_mini) { // Give a bigger gap between mini and non-mini tabs. tab_x += mini_to_non_mini_gap_; if (nano_tab_count > 0) tab_x += extra_gap_for_nano_; } if (tab->IsSelected()) tab_width = selected; } double end_of_tab = tab_x + tab_width; int rounded_tab_x = Round(tab_x); set_ideal_bounds(i, gfx::Rect(rounded_tab_x, 0, Round(end_of_tab) - rounded_tab_x, tab_height)); tab_x = end_of_tab + kTabHOffset; last_was_mini = tab->data().mini; } } // Update bounds of new tab button. int new_tab_x; int new_tab_y = browser_defaults::kSizeTabButtonToTopOfTabStrip ? 0 : kNewTabButtonVOffset; if (abs(Round(unselected) - Tab::GetStandardSize().width()) > 1 && !in_tab_close_) { // We're shrinking tabs, so we need to anchor the New Tab button to the // right edge of the TabStrip's bounds, rather than the right edge of the // right-most Tab, otherwise it'll bounce when animating. new_tab_x = width() - newtab_button_bounds_.width(); } else { new_tab_x = Round(tab_x - kTabHOffset) + kNewTabButtonHOffset; } newtab_button_bounds_.set_origin(gfx::Point(new_tab_x, new_tab_y)); } void TabStrip::StartResizeLayoutAnimation() { PrepareForAnimation(); GenerateIdealBounds(); AnimateToIdealBounds(); } void TabStrip::StartMiniTabAnimation() { in_tab_close_ = false; available_width_for_tabs_ = -1; PrepareForAnimation(); GenerateIdealBounds(); AnimateToIdealBounds(); } void TabStrip::StartMouseInitiatedRemoveTabAnimation(int model_index) { // The user initiated the close. We want to persist the bounds of all the // existing tabs, so we manually shift ideal_bounds then animate. int tab_data_index = ModelIndexToTabIndex(model_index); DCHECK(tab_data_index != tab_count()); BaseTab* tab_closing = base_tab_at_tab_index(tab_data_index); int delta = tab_closing->width() + kTabHOffset; if (tab_closing->data().mini && model_index + 1 < GetModelCount() && !GetBaseTabAtModelIndex(model_index + 1)->data().mini) { delta += mini_to_non_mini_gap_; } for (int i = tab_data_index + 1; i < tab_count(); ++i) { BaseTab* tab = base_tab_at_tab_index(i); if (!tab->closing()) { gfx::Rect bounds = ideal_bounds(i); bounds.set_x(bounds.x() - delta); set_ideal_bounds(i, bounds); } } newtab_button_bounds_.set_x(newtab_button_bounds_.x() - delta); PrepareForAnimation(); // Mark the tab as closing. tab_closing->set_closing(true); AnimateToIdealBounds(); gfx::Rect tab_bounds = tab_closing->bounds(); if (type() == HORIZONTAL_TAB_STRIP) tab_bounds.set_width(0); else tab_bounds.set_height(0); bounds_animator().AnimateViewTo(tab_closing, tab_bounds); // Register delegate to do cleanup when done, BoundsAnimator takes // ownership of RemoveTabDelegate. bounds_animator().SetAnimationDelegate(tab_closing, CreateRemoveTabDelegate(tab_closing), true); } void TabStrip::StopAnimating(bool layout) { if (!IsAnimating()) return; bounds_animator().Cancel(); DCHECK(!IsAnimating()); if (layout) Layout(); } int TabStrip::GetMiniTabCount() const { int mini_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { if (base_tab_at_tab_index(i)->data().mini) mini_count++; else return mini_count; } return mini_count; } int TabStrip::GetNanoTabCount() const { int nano_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { if (base_tab_at_tab_index(i)->data().app) nano_count++; else return nano_count; } return nano_count; } int TabStrip::GetAvailableWidthForTabs(Tab* last_tab) const { return last_tab->x() + last_tab->width(); } bool TabStrip::IsPointInTab(Tab* tab, const gfx::Point& point_in_tabstrip_coords) { gfx::Point point_in_tab_coords(point_in_tabstrip_coords); View::ConvertPointToView(this, tab, &point_in_tab_coords); return tab->HitTest(point_in_tab_coords); } void TabStrip::HandleGlobalMouseMoveEvent() { if (!IsCursorInTabStripZone()) { // Mouse moved outside the tab slop zone, start a timer to do a resize // layout after a short while... if (resize_layout_factory_.empty()) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, resize_layout_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &TabStrip::ResizeLayoutTabs), kResizeTabsTimeMs); } } else { // Mouse moved quickly out of the tab strip and then into it again, so // cancel the timer so that the strip doesn't move when the mouse moves // back over it. resize_layout_factory_.RevokeAll(); } } bool TabStrip::HasPhantomTabs() const { for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { if (GetTabAtTabDataIndex(i)->data().phantom) return true; } return false; }