// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/views/info_bubble.h"
#include "chrome/views/button.h"

class BrowserToolbarView;
class GURL;

// ToolbarStarToggle is used for the star button on the toolbar, allowing the
// user to star the current page. ToolbarStarToggle manages showing the
// InfoBubble and rendering the appropriate state while the bubble is visible.

class ToolbarStarToggle : public ChromeViews::ToggleButton,
                          public InfoBubbleDelegate {
  explicit ToolbarStarToggle(BrowserToolbarView* host);

  // If the bubble isn't showing, shows it.
  void ShowStarBubble(const GURL& url, bool newly_bookmarked);

  bool is_bubble_showing() const { return is_bubble_showing_; }

  // Overridden to update ignore_click_ based on whether the mouse was clicked
  // quickly after the bubble was hidden.
  virtual bool OnMousePressed(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& e);

  // Overridden to set ignore_click_ to false.
  virtual void OnMouseReleased(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& e,
                               bool canceled);
  virtual void OnDragDone();

  // Only invokes super if ignore_click_ is true and the bubble isn't showing.
  virtual void NotifyClick(int mouse_event_flags);

  // Overridden to so that we appear pressed while the bubble is showing.
  virtual SkBitmap GetImageToPaint();

  // InfoBubbleDelegate.
  virtual void InfoBubbleClosing(InfoBubble* info_bubble);
  virtual bool CloseOnEscape();

  // Contains us.
  BrowserToolbarView* host_;

  // Time the bubble last closed.
  TimeTicks bubble_closed_time_;

  // If true NotifyClick does nothing. This is set in OnMousePressed based on
  // the amount of time between when the bubble clicked and now.
  bool ignore_click_;

  // Is the bubble showing?
  bool is_bubble_showing_;
