// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/views/wrench_menu.h" #include <cmath> #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_source.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" #include "gfx/canvas.h" #include "gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "gfx/skia_util.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h" #include "views/background.h" #include "views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include "views/controls/button/menu_button.h" #include "views/controls/button/text_button.h" #include "views/controls/label.h" #include "views/controls/menu/menu_config.h" #include "views/controls/menu/menu_item_view.h" #include "views/controls/menu/menu_scroll_view_container.h" #include "views/controls/menu/submenu_view.h" #include "views/window/window.h" using menus::MenuModel; using views::CustomButton; using views::ImageButton; using views::Label; using views::MenuConfig; using views::MenuItemView; using views::TextButton; using views::View; namespace { // Colors used for buttons. const SkColor kHotBorderColor = SkColorSetARGB(72, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kBorderColor = SkColorSetARGB(36, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kPushedBorderColor = SkColorSetARGB(72, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kHotBackgroundColor = SkColorSetARGB(204, 255, 255, 255); const SkColor kBackgroundColor = SkColorSetARGB(102, 255, 255, 255); const SkColor kPushedBackgroundColor = SkColorSetARGB(13, 0, 0, 0); // Horizontal padding on the edges of the buttons. const int kHorizontalPadding = 6; // Subclass of ImageButton whose preferred size includes the size of the border. class FullscreenButton : public ImageButton { public: explicit FullscreenButton(views::ButtonListener* listener) : ImageButton(listener) { } virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() { gfx::Size pref = ImageButton::GetPreferredSize(); gfx::Insets insets; if (border()) border()->GetInsets(&insets); pref.Enlarge(insets.width(), insets.height()); return pref; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FullscreenButton); }; // Border for buttons contained in the menu. This is only used for getting the // insets, the actual painting is done in MenuButtonBackground. class MenuButtonBorder : public views::Border { public: MenuButtonBorder() {} virtual void Paint(const View& view, gfx::Canvas* canvas) const { // Painting of border is done in MenuButtonBackground. } virtual void GetInsets(gfx::Insets* insets) const { insets->Set(MenuConfig::instance().item_top_margin, kHorizontalPadding, MenuConfig::instance().item_bottom_margin, kHorizontalPadding); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MenuButtonBorder); }; // Combination border/background for the buttons contained in the menu. The // painting of the border/background is done here as TextButton does not always // paint the border. class MenuButtonBackground : public views::Background { public: enum ButtonType { LEFT_BUTTON, CENTER_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, SINGLE_BUTTON, }; explicit MenuButtonBackground(ButtonType type) : type_(type), left_button_(NULL), right_button_(NULL) {} // Used when the type is CENTER_BUTTON to determine if the left/right edge // needs to be rendered selected. void SetOtherButtons(CustomButton* left_button, CustomButton* right_button) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { left_button_ = right_button; right_button_ = left_button; } else { left_button_ = left_button; right_button_ = right_button; } } virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas, View* view) const { CustomButton::ButtonState state = (view->GetClassName() == views::Label::kViewClassName) ? CustomButton::BS_NORMAL : static_cast<CustomButton*>(view)->state(); int w = view->width(); int h = view->height(); switch (TypeAdjustedForRTL()) { case LEFT_BUTTON: canvas->FillRectInt(background_color(state), 1, 1, w, h - 2); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 2, 0, w, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, 1, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 0, 2, 1, h - 4); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, h - 2, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 2, h - 1, w, 1); break; case CENTER_BUTTON: { canvas->FillRectInt(background_color(state), 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2); SkColor left_color = state != CustomButton::BS_NORMAL ? border_color(state) : border_color(left_button_->state()); canvas->FillRectInt(left_color, 0, 0, 1, h); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, 0, w - 2, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, h - 1, w - 2, 1); SkColor right_color = state != CustomButton::BS_NORMAL ? border_color(state) : border_color(right_button_->state()); canvas->FillRectInt(right_color, w - 1, 0, 1, h); break; } case RIGHT_BUTTON: canvas->FillRectInt(background_color(state), 0, 1, w - 1, h - 2); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 0, 0, w - 2, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 2, 1, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 1, 2, 1, h - 4); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 2, h - 2, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 0, h - 1, w - 2, 1); break; case SINGLE_BUTTON: canvas->FillRectInt(background_color(state), 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 2, 0, w - 4, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, 1, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 0, 2, 1, h - 4); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 1, h - 2, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), 2, h - 1, w - 4, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 2, 1, 1, 1); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 1, 2, 1, h - 4); canvas->FillRectInt(border_color(state), w - 2, h - 2, 1, 1); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } private: static SkColor border_color(CustomButton::ButtonState state) { switch (state) { case CustomButton::BS_HOT: return kHotBorderColor; case CustomButton::BS_PUSHED: return kPushedBorderColor; default: return kBorderColor; } } static SkColor background_color(CustomButton::ButtonState state) { switch (state) { case CustomButton::BS_HOT: return kHotBackgroundColor; case CustomButton::BS_PUSHED: return kPushedBackgroundColor; default: return kBackgroundColor; } } ButtonType TypeAdjustedForRTL() const { if (!base::i18n::IsRTL()) return type_; switch (type_) { case LEFT_BUTTON: return RIGHT_BUTTON; case RIGHT_BUTTON: return LEFT_BUTTON; default: break; } return type_; } const ButtonType type_; // See description above setter for details. CustomButton* left_button_; CustomButton* right_button_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MenuButtonBackground); }; // A View subclass that forces SchedulePaint to paint all. Normally when the // mouse enters/exits a button the buttons invokes SchedulePaint. As part of the // button border (MenuButtonBackground) is rendered by the button to the // left/right of it SchedulePaint on the the button may not be enough, so this // forces a paint all. class ScheduleAllView : public views::View { public: ScheduleAllView() {} virtual void SchedulePaint(const gfx::Rect& r, bool urgent) { if (!IsVisible()) return; if (GetParent()) { GetParent()->SchedulePaint(GetBounds(APPLY_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION), urgent); } } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScheduleAllView); }; std::wstring GetAccessibleNameForWrenchMenuItem( MenuModel* model, int item_index, int accessible_string_id) { std::wstring accessible_name = l10n_util::GetString(accessible_string_id); std::wstring accelerator_text; menus::Accelerator menu_accelerator; if (model->GetAcceleratorAt(item_index, &menu_accelerator)) { accelerator_text = views::Accelerator(menu_accelerator.GetKeyCode(), menu_accelerator.modifiers()).GetShortcutText(); } return MenuItemView::GetAccessibleNameForMenuItem( accessible_name, accelerator_text); } // WrenchMenuView is a view that can contain text buttons. class WrenchMenuView : public ScheduleAllView, public views::ButtonListener { public: WrenchMenuView(WrenchMenu* menu, MenuModel* menu_model) : menu_(menu), menu_model_(menu_model) { } TextButton* CreateAndConfigureButton(int string_id, MenuButtonBackground::ButtonType type, int index, MenuButtonBackground** background) { return CreateButtonWithAccName( string_id, type, index, background, string_id); } TextButton* CreateButtonWithAccName(int string_id, MenuButtonBackground::ButtonType type, int index, MenuButtonBackground** background, int acc_string_id) { TextButton* button = new TextButton(this, l10n_util::GetString(string_id)); button->SetAccessibleName( GetAccessibleNameForWrenchMenuItem(menu_model_, index, acc_string_id)); button->SetFocusable(true); button->set_request_focus_on_press(false); button->set_tag(index); button->SetEnabled(menu_model_->IsEnabledAt(index)); button->set_prefix_type(TextButton::PREFIX_HIDE); MenuButtonBackground* bg = new MenuButtonBackground(type); button->set_background(bg); button->SetEnabledColor(MenuConfig::instance().text_color); if (background) *background = bg; button->set_border(new MenuButtonBorder()); button->set_alignment(TextButton::ALIGN_CENTER); button->SetNormalHasBorder(true); button->SetFont(views::MenuConfig::instance().font); button->ClearMaxTextSize(); AddChildView(button); return button; } protected: // Hosting WrenchMenu. WrenchMenu* menu_; // The menu model containing the increment/decrement/reset items. MenuModel* menu_model_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WrenchMenuView); }; } // namespace // CutCopyPasteView ------------------------------------------------------------ // CutCopyPasteView is the view containing the cut/copy/paste buttons. class WrenchMenu::CutCopyPasteView : public WrenchMenuView { public: CutCopyPasteView(WrenchMenu* menu, MenuModel* menu_model, int cut_index, int copy_index, int paste_index) : WrenchMenuView(menu, menu_model) { TextButton* cut = CreateAndConfigureButton( IDS_CUT, MenuButtonBackground::LEFT_BUTTON, cut_index, NULL); MenuButtonBackground* copy_background = NULL; CreateAndConfigureButton( IDS_COPY, MenuButtonBackground::CENTER_BUTTON, copy_index, ©_background); TextButton* paste = CreateAndConfigureButton( IDS_PASTE, MenuButtonBackground::RIGHT_BUTTON, paste_index, NULL); copy_background->SetOtherButtons(cut, paste); } gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() { // Returned height doesn't matter as MenuItemView forces everything to the // height of the menuitemview. return gfx::Size(GetMaxChildViewPreferredWidth() * GetChildViewCount(), 0); } void Layout() { // All buttons are given the same width. int width = GetMaxChildViewPreferredWidth(); for (int i = 0; i < GetChildViewCount(); ++i) GetChildViewAt(i)->SetBounds(i * width, 0, width, height()); } // ButtonListener virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) { menu_->CancelAndEvaluate(menu_model_, sender->tag()); } private: // Returns the max preferred width of all the children. int GetMaxChildViewPreferredWidth() { int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetChildViewCount(); ++i) width = std::max(width, GetChildViewAt(i)->GetPreferredSize().width()); return width; } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CutCopyPasteView); }; // ZoomView -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Padding between the increment buttons and the reset button. static const int kZoomPadding = 6; // ZoomView contains the various zoom controls: two buttons to increase/decrease // the zoom, a label showing the current zoom percent, and a button to go // full-screen. class WrenchMenu::ZoomView : public WrenchMenuView, public NotificationObserver { public: ZoomView(WrenchMenu* menu, MenuModel* menu_model, int decrement_index, int increment_index, int fullscreen_index) : WrenchMenuView(menu, menu_model), fullscreen_index_(fullscreen_index), increment_button_(NULL), zoom_label_(NULL), decrement_button_(NULL), fullscreen_button_(NULL), zoom_label_width_(0) { decrement_button_ = CreateButtonWithAccName( IDS_ZOOM_MINUS2, MenuButtonBackground::LEFT_BUTTON, decrement_index, NULL, IDS_ACCNAME_ZOOM_MINUS2); zoom_label_ = new Label(l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_ZOOM_PERCENT, L"100")); zoom_label_->SetColor(MenuConfig::instance().text_color); zoom_label_->SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT); MenuButtonBackground* center_bg = new MenuButtonBackground(MenuButtonBackground::CENTER_BUTTON); zoom_label_->set_background(center_bg); zoom_label_->set_border(new MenuButtonBorder()); zoom_label_->SetFont(MenuConfig::instance().font); AddChildView(zoom_label_); zoom_label_width_ = MaxWidthForZoomLabel(); increment_button_ = CreateButtonWithAccName( IDS_ZOOM_PLUS2, MenuButtonBackground::RIGHT_BUTTON, increment_index, NULL, IDS_ACCNAME_ZOOM_PLUS2); center_bg->SetOtherButtons(decrement_button_, increment_button_); fullscreen_button_ = new FullscreenButton(this); fullscreen_button_->SetImage( ImageButton::BS_NORMAL, ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_FULLSCREEN_MENU_BUTTON)); fullscreen_button_->SetFocusable(true); fullscreen_button_->set_request_focus_on_press(false); fullscreen_button_->set_tag(fullscreen_index); fullscreen_button_->SetImageAlignment( ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER, ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE); fullscreen_button_->set_border(views::Border::CreateEmptyBorder( 0, kHorizontalPadding, 0, kHorizontalPadding)); fullscreen_button_->set_background( new MenuButtonBackground(MenuButtonBackground::SINGLE_BUTTON)); fullscreen_button_->SetAccessibleName( GetAccessibleNameForWrenchMenuItem( menu_model, fullscreen_index, IDS_ACCNAME_FULLSCREEN)); AddChildView(fullscreen_button_); UpdateZoomControls(); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::ZOOM_LEVEL_CHANGED, Source<Profile>(menu->browser_->profile())); } gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() { // The increment/decrement button are forced to the same width. int button_width = std::max(increment_button_->GetPreferredSize().width(), decrement_button_->GetPreferredSize().width()); int fullscreen_width = fullscreen_button_->GetPreferredSize().width(); // Returned height doesn't matter as MenuItemView forces everything to the // height of the menuitemview. return gfx::Size(button_width + zoom_label_width_ + button_width + kZoomPadding + fullscreen_width, 0); } void Layout() { int x = 0; int button_width = std::max(increment_button_->GetPreferredSize().width(), decrement_button_->GetPreferredSize().width()); gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, button_width, height()); decrement_button_->SetBounds(bounds); x += bounds.width(); bounds.set_x(x); bounds.set_width(zoom_label_width_); zoom_label_->SetBounds(bounds); x += bounds.width(); bounds.set_x(x); bounds.set_width(button_width); increment_button_->SetBounds(bounds); x += bounds.width() + kZoomPadding; bounds.set_x(x); bounds.set_width(fullscreen_button_->GetPreferredSize().width()); fullscreen_button_->SetBounds(bounds); } // ButtonListener: virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) { if (sender->tag() == fullscreen_index_) { menu_->CancelAndEvaluate(menu_model_, sender->tag()); } else { // Zoom buttons don't close the menu. menu_model_->ActivatedAt(sender->tag()); } } // NotificationObserver: virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(NotificationType::ZOOM_LEVEL_CHANGED, type.value); UpdateZoomControls(); } private: void UpdateZoomControls() { bool enable_increment = false; bool enable_decrement = false; TabContents* selected_tab = menu_->browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); int zoom = 100; if (selected_tab) zoom = selected_tab->GetZoomPercent(&enable_increment, &enable_decrement); increment_button_->SetEnabled(enable_increment); decrement_button_->SetEnabled(enable_decrement); zoom_label_->SetText(l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_ZOOM_PERCENT, UTF8ToWide(base::IntToString(zoom)))); zoom_label_width_ = MaxWidthForZoomLabel(); } // Calculates the max width the zoom string can be. int MaxWidthForZoomLabel() { gfx::Font font = zoom_label_->font(); gfx::Insets insets; if (zoom_label_->border()) zoom_label_->border()->GetInsets(&insets); int max_w = 0; TabContents* selected_tab = menu_->browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); if (selected_tab) { int min_percent = selected_tab->minimum_zoom_percent(); int max_percent = selected_tab->maximum_zoom_percent(); int step = (max_percent - min_percent) / 10; for (int i = min_percent; i <= max_percent; i += step) { int w = font.GetStringWidth(l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_ZOOM_PERCENT, i)); max_w = std::max(w, max_w); } } else { max_w = font.GetStringWidth(l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_ZOOM_PERCENT, 100)); } return max_w + insets.width(); } // Index of the fullscreen menu item in the model. const int fullscreen_index_; NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Button for incrementing the zoom. TextButton* increment_button_; // Label showing zoom as a percent. Label* zoom_label_; // Button for decrementing the zoom. TextButton* decrement_button_; ImageButton* fullscreen_button_; // Width given to |zoom_label_|. This is the width at 100%. int zoom_label_width_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ZoomView); }; // WrenchMenu ------------------------------------------------------------------ WrenchMenu::WrenchMenu(Browser* browser) : browser_(browser), selected_menu_model_(NULL), selected_index_(0) { } void WrenchMenu::Init(menus::MenuModel* model) { DCHECK(!root_.get()); root_.reset(new MenuItemView(this)); root_->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ACCNAME_APP)); root_->set_has_icons(true); // We have checks, radios and icons, set this // so we get the taller menu style. int next_id = 1; PopulateMenu(root_.get(), model, &next_id); } void WrenchMenu::RunMenu(views::MenuButton* host) { // Up the ref count while the menu is displaying. This way if the window is // deleted while we're running we won't prematurely delete the menu. // TODO(sky): fix this, the menu should really take ownership of the menu // (57890). scoped_refptr<WrenchMenu> dont_delete_while_running(this); gfx::Point screen_loc; views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(host, &screen_loc); gfx::Rect bounds(screen_loc, host->size()); root_->RunMenuAt(host->GetWindow()->GetNativeWindow(), host, bounds, base::i18n::IsRTL() ? MenuItemView::TOPLEFT : MenuItemView::TOPRIGHT, true); if (selected_menu_model_) selected_menu_model_->ActivatedAt(selected_index_); } bool WrenchMenu::IsItemChecked(int id) const { const Entry& entry = id_to_entry_.find(id)->second; return entry.first->IsItemCheckedAt(entry.second); } bool WrenchMenu::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const { if (id == 0) return false; // The root item. const Entry& entry = id_to_entry_.find(id)->second; int command_id = entry.first->GetCommandIdAt(entry.second); // The items representing the cut (cut/copy/paste) and zoom menu // (increment/decrement/reset) are always enabled. The child views of these // items enabled state updates appropriately. return command_id == IDC_CUT || command_id == IDC_ZOOM_MINUS || entry.first->IsEnabledAt(entry.second); } void WrenchMenu::ExecuteCommand(int id) { const Entry& entry = id_to_entry_.find(id)->second; int command_id = entry.first->GetCommandIdAt(entry.second); if (command_id == IDC_CUT || command_id == IDC_ZOOM_MINUS) { // These items are represented by child views. If ExecuteCommand is invoked // it means the user clicked on the area around the buttons and we should // not do anyting. return; } return entry.first->ActivatedAt(entry.second); } bool WrenchMenu::GetAccelerator(int id, views::Accelerator* accelerator) { const Entry& entry = id_to_entry_.find(id)->second; int command_id = entry.first->GetCommandIdAt(entry.second); if (command_id == IDC_CUT || command_id == IDC_ZOOM_MINUS) { // These have special child views; don't show the accelerator for them. return false; } menus::Accelerator menu_accelerator; if (!entry.first->GetAcceleratorAt(entry.second, &menu_accelerator)) return false; *accelerator = views::Accelerator(menu_accelerator.GetKeyCode(), menu_accelerator.modifiers()); return true; } WrenchMenu::~WrenchMenu() { } void WrenchMenu::PopulateMenu(MenuItemView* parent, MenuModel* model, int* next_id) { int index_offset = model->GetFirstItemIndex(NULL); for (int i = 0, max = model->GetItemCount(); i < max; ++i) { int index = i + index_offset; MenuItemView* item = AppendMenuItem(parent, model, index, model->GetTypeAt(index), next_id); if (model->GetTypeAt(index) == MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) PopulateMenu(item, model->GetSubmenuModelAt(index), next_id); if (model->GetCommandIdAt(index) == IDC_CUT) { DCHECK_EQ(MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND, model->GetTypeAt(index)); DCHECK_LT(i + 2, max); DCHECK_EQ(IDC_COPY, model->GetCommandIdAt(index + 1)); DCHECK_EQ(IDC_PASTE, model->GetCommandIdAt(index + 2)); item->SetTitle(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_EDIT2)); item->AddChildView( new CutCopyPasteView(this, model, index, index + 1, index + 2)); i += 2; } else if (model->GetCommandIdAt(index) == IDC_ZOOM_MINUS) { DCHECK_EQ(MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND, model->GetTypeAt(index)); DCHECK_EQ(IDC_ZOOM_PLUS, model->GetCommandIdAt(index + 1)); DCHECK_EQ(IDC_FULLSCREEN, model->GetCommandIdAt(index + 2)); item->SetTitle(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ZOOM_MENU2)); item->AddChildView( new ZoomView(this, model, index, index + 1, index + 2)); i += 2; } } } MenuItemView* WrenchMenu::AppendMenuItem(MenuItemView* parent, MenuModel* model, int index, MenuModel::ItemType menu_type, int* next_id) { int id = (*next_id)++; SkBitmap icon; std::wstring label; MenuItemView::Type type; switch (menu_type) { case MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND: model->GetIconAt(index, &icon); type = MenuItemView::NORMAL; label = UTF16ToWide(model->GetLabelAt(index)); break; case MenuModel::TYPE_CHECK: type = MenuItemView::CHECKBOX; label = UTF16ToWide(model->GetLabelAt(index)); break; case MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO: type = MenuItemView::RADIO; label = UTF16ToWide(model->GetLabelAt(index)); break; case MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR: type = MenuItemView::SEPARATOR; break; case MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU: type = MenuItemView::SUBMENU; label = UTF16ToWide(model->GetLabelAt(index)); break; default: NOTREACHED(); type = MenuItemView::NORMAL; break; } id_to_entry_[id].first = model; id_to_entry_[id].second = index; MenuItemView* menu_item = parent->AppendMenuItemImpl(id, label, icon, type); if (menu_item) menu_item->SetVisible(model->IsVisibleAt(index)); if (menu_type == MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND && model->HasIcons()) { SkBitmap icon; if (model->GetIconAt(index, &icon)) menu_item->SetIcon(icon); } return menu_item; } void WrenchMenu::CancelAndEvaluate(MenuModel* model, int index) { selected_menu_model_ = model; selected_index_ = index; root_->Cancel(); }