// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/web_contents.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "chrome/app/locales/locale_settings.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmark_bar_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/cache_manager_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/character_encoding.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_operation_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/download_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_in_page_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/find_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/interstitial_page_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/js_before_unload_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/jsmessage_box_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/load_from_memory_cache_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/load_notification_details.h" #include "chrome/browser/modal_html_dialog_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/password_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/plugin_installer.h" #include "chrome/browser/plugin_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/printing/print_job.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_view_context_menu.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_view_context_menu_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/render_widget_host_hwnd.h" #include "chrome/browser/template_url_fetcher.h" #include "chrome/browser/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/hung_renderer_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/sad_tab_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_drag_source.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_drop_target.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin_delegate_impl.h" #include "generated_resources.h" namespace { // Amount of time we wait between when a key event is received and the renderer // is queried for its state and pushed to the NavigationEntry. const int kQueryStateDelay = 5000; const int kSyncWaitDelay = 40; // If another javascript message box is displayed within // kJavascriptMessageExpectedDelay of a previous javascript message box being // dismissed, display an option to suppress future message boxes from this // contents. const int kJavascriptMessageExpectedDelay = 1000; // Minimum amount of time in ms that has to elapse since the download shelf was // shown for us to hide it when navigating away from the current page. const int kDownloadShelfHideDelay = 5000; const wchar_t kLinkDoctorBaseURL[] = L"http://linkhelp.clients.google.com/tbproxy/lh/fixurl"; // The printer icon in shell32.dll. That's a standard icon user will quickly // recognize. const int kShell32PrinterIcon = 17; // The list of prefs we want to observe. const wchar_t* kPrefsToObserve[] = { prefs::kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled, prefs::kWebKitJavaEnabled, prefs::kWebKitJavascriptEnabled, prefs::kWebKitLoadsImagesAutomatically, prefs::kWebKitPluginsEnabled, prefs::kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector, prefs::kWebKitSerifFontFamily, prefs::kWebKitSansSerifFontFamily, prefs::kWebKitFixedFontFamily, prefs::kWebKitDefaultFontSize, prefs::kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize, prefs::kDefaultCharset // kWebKitStandardFontIsSerif needs to be added // if we let users pick which font to use, serif or sans-serif when // no font is specified or a CSS generic family (serif or sans-serif) // is not specified. }; const int kPrefsToObserveLength = arraysize(kPrefsToObserve); void InitWebContentsClass() { static bool web_contents_class_initialized = false; if (!web_contents_class_initialized) { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); web_contents_class_initialized = true; } } GURL GURLWithoutRef(const GURL& url) { url_canon::Replacements<char> replacements; replacements.ClearRef(); return url.ReplaceComponents(replacements); } } // namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebContents class WebContents::GearsCreateShortcutCallbackFunctor { public: explicit GearsCreateShortcutCallbackFunctor(WebContents* contents) : contents_(contents) {} void Run(const GearsShortcutData& shortcut_data, bool success) { if (contents_) contents_->OnGearsCreateShortcutDone(shortcut_data, success); delete this; } void Cancel() { contents_ = NULL; } private: WebContents* contents_; }; // static void WebContents::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled, true); WebPreferences pref_defaults; prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitJavascriptEnabled, pref_defaults.javascript_enabled); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref( prefs::kWebKitJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitLoadsImagesAutomatically, pref_defaults.loads_images_automatically); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitPluginsEnabled, pref_defaults.plugins_enabled); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitDomPasteEnabled, pref_defaults.dom_paste_enabled); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit, pref_defaults.shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabled, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitTextAreasAreResizable, pref_defaults.text_areas_are_resizable); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitJavaEnabled, pref_defaults.java_enabled); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kAcceptLanguages, IDS_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kDefaultCharset, IDS_DEFAULT_ENCODING); prefs->RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitStandardFontIsSerif, IDS_STANDARD_FONT_IS_SERIF); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kWebKitFixedFontFamily, IDS_FIXED_FONT_FAMILY); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kWebKitSerifFontFamily, IDS_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kWebKitSansSerifFontFamily, IDS_SANS_SERIF_FONT_FAMILY); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kWebKitCursiveFontFamily, IDS_CURSIVE_FONT_FAMILY); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kWebKitFantasyFontFamily, IDS_FANTASY_FONT_FAMILY); prefs->RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(prefs::kWebKitDefaultFontSize, IDS_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); prefs->RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(prefs::kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize, IDS_DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT_SIZE); prefs->RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(prefs::kWebKitMinimumFontSize, IDS_MINIMUM_FONT_SIZE); prefs->RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(prefs::kWebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize, IDS_MINIMUM_LOGICAL_FONT_SIZE); prefs->RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref(prefs::kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector, IDS_USES_UNIVERSAL_DETECTOR); prefs->RegisterLocalizedStringPref(prefs::kStaticEncodings, IDS_STATIC_ENCODING_LIST); } WebContents::WebContents(Profile* profile, SiteInstance* site_instance, RenderViewHostFactory* render_view_factory, int routing_id, HANDLE modal_dialog_event) : TabContents(TAB_CONTENTS_WEB), #pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here. render_manager_(render_view_factory, this, this), render_view_factory_(render_view_factory), has_page_title_(false), info_bar_visible_(false), is_starred_(false), printing_(*this), notify_disconnection_(false), message_box_active_(CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)), capturing_contents_(false), #pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here. fav_icon_helper_(this), crashed_plugin_info_bar_(NULL), suppress_javascript_messages_(false), load_state_(net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE) { InitWebContentsClass(); pending_install_.page_id = 0; pending_install_.callback_functor = NULL; render_manager_.Init(profile, site_instance, routing_id, modal_dialog_event); // Register for notifications about all interested prefs change. PrefService* prefs = profile->GetPrefs(); if (prefs) for (int i = 0; i < kPrefsToObserveLength; ++i) prefs->AddPrefObserver(kPrefsToObserve[i], this); // Register for notifications about URL starredness changing on any profile. NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED, NotificationService::AllSources()); NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } WebContents::~WebContents() { if (web_app_.get()) web_app_->RemoveObserver(this); if (pending_install_.callback_functor) pending_install_.callback_functor->Cancel(); } void WebContents::CreateView(HWND parent_hwnd, const gfx::Rect& initial_bounds) { set_delete_on_destroy(false); HWNDViewContainer::Init(parent_hwnd, initial_bounds, false); // Remove the root view drop target so we can register our own. RevokeDragDrop(GetHWND()); drop_target_ = new WebDropTarget(GetHWND(), this); } void WebContents::GetContainerBounds(gfx::Rect *out) const { CRect r; GetBounds(&r, false); *out = r; } void WebContents::ShowContents() { if (view()) view()->DidBecomeSelected(); // Loop through children and send DidBecomeSelected to them, too. int count = static_cast<int>(child_windows_.size()); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ConstrainedWindow* window = child_windows_.at(i); window->DidBecomeSelected(); } // If we have a FindInPage dialog, notify it that its tab was selected. if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->DidBecomeSelected(); } void WebContents::HideContents() { // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1239839 Right now we purposefully don't call // our superclass HideContents(), because some callers want to be very picky // about the order in which these get called. In addition to making the code // here practically impossible to understand, this also means we end up // calling TabContents::WasHidden() twice if callers call both versions of // HideContents() on a WebContents. WasHidden(); } void WebContents::SizeContents(const gfx::Size& size) { if (view()) view()->SetSize(size); if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->RespondToResize(size); RepositionSupressedPopupsToFit(size); } void WebContents::FirePageBeforeUnload() { render_view_host()->FirePageBeforeUnload(); } void WebContents::FirePageUnload() { render_view_host()->FirePageUnload(); } void WebContents::Destroy() { // Tell the notification service we no longer want notifications. NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED, NotificationService::AllSources()); NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED, NotificationService::AllSources()); // Destroy the print manager right now since a Print command may be pending. printing_.Destroy(); // Unregister the notifications of all observed prefs change. PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); if (prefs) { for (int i = 0; i < kPrefsToObserveLength; ++i) prefs->RemovePrefObserver(kPrefsToObserve[i], this); } cancelable_consumer_.CancelAllRequests(); // Close the Find in page dialog. if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->Close(); // Detach plugin windows so that they are not destroyed automatically. // They will be cleaned up properly in plugin process. DetachPluginWindows(); NotifyDisconnected(); HungRendererWarning::HideForWebContents(this); render_manager_.Shutdown(); TabContents::Destroy(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event Handlers void WebContents::OnDestroy() { if (drop_target_.get()) { RevokeDragDrop(GetHWND()); drop_target_ = NULL; } } void WebContents::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* window_pos) { if (window_pos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) { HideContents(); } else { // The WebContents was shown by a means other than the user selecting a // Tab, e.g. the window was minimized then restored. if (window_pos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) ShowContents(); // Unless we were specifically told not to size, cause the renderer to be // sized to the new bounds, which forces a repaint. Not required for the // simple minimize-restore case described above, for example, since the // size hasn't changed. if (!(window_pos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { gfx::Size size(window_pos->cx, window_pos->cy); SizeContents(size); } // If we have a FindInPage dialog, notify it that the window changed. if (find_in_page_controller_.get() && find_in_page_controller_->IsVisible()) find_in_page_controller_->MoveWindowIfNecessary(gfx::Rect()); } } void WebContents::OnPaint(HDC junk_dc) { if (render_view_host() && !render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) { if (!sad_tab_.get()) sad_tab_.reset(new SadTabView); CRect cr; GetClientRect(&cr); sad_tab_->SetBounds(cr); ChromeCanvasPaint canvas(GetHWND(), true); sad_tab_->ProcessPaint(&canvas); return; } // We need to do this to validate the dirty area so we don't end up in a // WM_PAINTstorm that causes other mysterious bugs (such as WM_TIMERs not // firing etc). It doesn't matter that we don't have any non-clipped area. CPaintDC dc(GetHWND()); SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } void WebContents::OnHScroll(int scroll_type, short position, HWND scrollbar) { // This window can receive scroll events as a result of the ThinkPad's // trackpad scroll wheel emulation. if (!ScrollZoom(scroll_type)) SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } LRESULT WebContents::OnMouseRange(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { switch (msg) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: // Make sure this TabContents is activated when it is clicked on. if (delegate()) delegate()->ActivateContents(this); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // Let our delegate know that the mouse moved (useful for resetting status // bubble state). if (delegate()) delegate()->ContentsMouseEvent(this, WM_MOUSEMOVE); break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: // This message is reflected from the view() to this window. if (GET_KEYSTATE_WPARAM(w_param) & MK_CONTROL) { WheelZoom(GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(w_param)); return 1; } break; } return 0; } void WebContents::OnMouseLeave() { // Let our delegate know that the mouse moved (useful for resetting status // bubble state). if (delegate()) delegate()->ContentsMouseEvent(this, WM_MOUSELEAVE); SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } LRESULT WebContents::OnReflectedMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { MSG* message = reinterpret_cast<MSG*>(l_param); LRESULT ret = 0; if (message) { ProcessWindowMessage(message->hwnd, message->message, message->wParam, message->lParam, ret); } return ret; } void WebContents::OnVScroll(int scroll_type, short position, HWND scrollbar) { // This window can receive scroll events as a result of the ThinkPad's // TrackPad scroll wheel emulation. if (!ScrollZoom(scroll_type)) SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } bool WebContents::ScrollZoom(int scroll_type) { // If ctrl is held, zoom the UI. There are three issues with this: // 1) Should the event be eaten or forwarded to content? We eat the event, // which is like Firefox and unlike IE. // 2) Should wheel up zoom in or out? We zoom in (increase font size), which // is like IE and Google maps, but unlike Firefox. // 3) Should the mouse have to be over the content area? We zoom as long as // content has focus, although FF and IE require that the mouse is over // content. This is because all events get forwarded when content has // focus. if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { int distance = 0; switch (scroll_type) { case SB_LINEUP: distance = WHEEL_DELTA; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: distance = -WHEEL_DELTA; break; // TODO(joshia): Handle SB_PAGEUP, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_THUMBPOSITION, // and SB_THUMBTRACK for completeness default: break; } WheelZoom(distance); return true; } return false; } void WebContents::WheelZoom(int distance) { if (delegate()) { bool zoom_in = distance > 0; delegate()->ContentsZoomChange(zoom_in); } } void WebContents::OnSetFocus(HWND window) { // TODO(jcampan): figure out why removing this prevents tabs opened in the // background from properly taking focus. // We NULL-check the render_view_host_ here because Windows can send us // messages during the destruction process after it has been destroyed. if (view()) { HWND inner_hwnd = view()->GetPluginHWND(); if (::IsWindow(inner_hwnd)) ::SetFocus(inner_hwnd); } } void WebContents::OnSavePage() { // If we can not save the page, try to download it. if (!SavePackage::IsSavableContents(contents_mime_type())) { DownloadManager* dlm = profile()->GetDownloadManager(); const GURL& current_page_url = GetURL(); if (dlm && current_page_url.is_valid()) dlm->DownloadUrl(current_page_url, GURL(), this); return; } // Get our user preference state. PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); DCHECK(prefs); std::wstring suggest_name = SavePackage::GetSuggestNameForSaveAs(prefs, GetTitle()); SavePackage::SavePackageParam param(contents_mime_type()); param.prefs = prefs; // TODO(rocking): Use new asynchronous dialog boxes to prevent the SaveAs // dialog blocking the UI thread. See bug: http://b/issue?id=1129694. if (SavePackage::GetSaveInfo(suggest_name, GetContainerHWND(), ¶m)) SavePage(param.saved_main_file_path, param.dir, param.save_type); } void WebContents::SavePage(const std::wstring& main_file, const std::wstring& dir_path, SavePackage::SavePackageType save_type) { // Stop the page from navigating. Stop(); save_package_ = new SavePackage(this, save_type, main_file, dir_path); save_package_->Init(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cross-Site Navigations // // If a WebContents is told to navigate to a different web site (as determined // by SiteInstance), it will replace its current RenderViewHost with a new // RenderViewHost dedicated to the new SiteInstance. This works as follows: // // - Navigate determines whether the destination is cross-site, and if so, // it creates a pending_render_view_host_ and moves into the PENDING // RendererState. // - The pending RVH is "suspended," so that no navigation messages are sent to // its renderer until the onbeforeunload JavaScript handler has a chance to // run in the current RVH. // - The pending RVH tells CrossSiteRequestManager (a thread-safe singleton) // that it has a pending cross-site request. ResourceDispatcherHost will // check for this when the response arrives. // - The current RVH runs its onbeforeunload handler. If it returns false, we // cancel all the pending logic and go back to NORMAL. Otherwise we allow // the pending RVH to send the navigation request to its renderer. // - ResourceDispatcherHost receives a ResourceRequest on the IO thread. It // checks CrossSiteRequestManager to see that the RVH responsible has a // pending cross-site request, and then installs a CrossSiteEventHandler. // - When RDH receives a response, the BufferedEventHandler determines whether // it is a download. If so, it sends a message to the new renderer causing // it to cancel the request, and the download proceeds in the download // thread. For now, we stay in a PENDING state (with a pending RVH) until // the next DidNavigate event for this WebContents. This isn't ideal, but it // doesn't affect any functionality. // - After RDH receives a response and determines that it is safe and not a // download, it pauses the response to first run the old page's onunload // handler. It does this by asynchronously calling the OnCrossSiteResponse // method of WebContents on the UI thread, which sends a ClosePage message // to the current RVH. // - Once the onunload handler is finished, a ClosePage_ACK message is sent to // the ResourceDispatcherHost, who unpauses the response. Data is then sent // to the pending RVH. // - The pending renderer sends a FrameNavigate message that invokes the // DidNavigate method. This replaces the current RVH with the // pending RVH and goes back to the NORMAL RendererState. bool WebContents::Navigate(const NavigationEntry& entry, bool reload) { RenderViewHost* dest_render_view_host = render_manager_.Navigate(entry); // Used for page load time metrics. current_load_start_ = TimeTicks::Now(); // Navigate in the desired RenderViewHost dest_render_view_host->NavigateToEntry(entry, reload); if (entry.page_id() == -1) { // HACK!! This code suppresses javascript: URLs from being added to // session history, which is what we want to do for javascript: URLs that // do not generate content. What we really need is a message from the // renderer telling us that a new page was not created. The same message // could be used for mailto: URLs and the like. if (entry.url().SchemeIs("javascript")) return false; } if (reload && !profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) { HistoryService* history = profile()->GetHistoryService(Profile::IMPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) history->SetFavIconOutOfDateForPage(entry.url()); } return true; } void WebContents::Stop() { render_manager_.Stop(); printing_.Stop(); } void WebContents::DidBecomeSelected() { TabContents::DidBecomeSelected(); if (view()) view()->DidBecomeSelected(); CacheManagerHost::GetInstance()->ObserveActivity(process()->host_id()); } void WebContents::WasHidden() { if (!capturing_contents_) { // |render_view_host()| can be NULL if the user middle clicks a link to open // a tab in then background, then closes the tab before selecting it. This // is because closing the tab calls WebContents::Destroy(), which removes // the |render_view_host()|; then when we actually destroy the window, // OnWindowPosChanged() notices and calls HideContents() (which calls us). if (view()) view()->WasHidden(); // Loop through children and send WasHidden to them, too. int count = static_cast<int>(child_windows_.size()); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ConstrainedWindow* window = child_windows_.at(i); window->WasHidden(); } } // If we have a FindInPage dialog, notify it that its tab was hidden. if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->DidBecomeUnselected(); TabContents::WasHidden(); } void WebContents::StartFinding(int request_id, const std::wstring& search_string, bool forward, bool match_case, bool find_next) { if (search_string.empty()) return; render_view_host()->StartFinding(request_id, search_string, forward, match_case, find_next); } void WebContents::StopFinding(bool clear_selection) { render_view_host()->StopFinding(clear_selection); } void WebContents::OpenFindInPageWindow(const Browser& browser) { if (!find_in_page_controller_.get()) { // Get the Chrome top-level (Frame) window. HWND hwnd = browser.GetTopLevelHWND(); find_in_page_controller_.reset(new FindInPageController(this, hwnd)); } else { find_in_page_controller_->Show(); } } void WebContents::ReparentFindWindow(HWND new_parent) { DCHECK(new_parent); if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) { find_in_page_controller_->SetParent(new_parent); } } bool WebContents::AdvanceFindSelection(bool forward_direction) { // If no controller has been created or it doesn't know what to search for // then just return false so that caller knows that it should create and // show the window. if (!find_in_page_controller_.get() || find_in_page_controller_->find_string().empty()) return false; // The dialog already exists, so show if hidden. if (!find_in_page_controller_->IsVisible()) find_in_page_controller_->Show(); find_in_page_controller_->StartFinding(forward_direction); return true; } bool WebContents::IsFindWindowFullyVisible() { return find_in_page_controller_->IsVisible() && !find_in_page_controller_->IsAnimating(); } bool WebContents::GetFindInPageWindowLocation(int* x, int* y) { DCHECK(x && y); HWND find_wnd = find_in_page_controller_->GetHWND(); CRect window_rect; if (IsFindWindowFullyVisible() && ::IsWindow(find_wnd) && ::GetWindowRect(find_wnd, &window_rect)) { *x = window_rect.TopLeft().x; *y = window_rect.TopLeft().y; return true; } return false; } void WebContents::AlterTextSize(text_zoom::TextSize size) { render_view_host()->AlterTextSize(size); // TODO(creis): should this be propagated to other and future RVHs? } void WebContents::SetPageEncoding(const std::string& encoding_name) { render_view_host()->SetPageEncoding(encoding_name); // TODO(creis): should this be propagated to other and future RVHs? } void WebContents::CopyImageAt(int x, int y) { render_view_host()->CopyImageAt(x, y); } void WebContents::InspectElementAt(int x, int y) { render_view_host()->InspectElementAt(x, y); } void WebContents::ShowJavaScriptConsole() { render_view_host()->ShowJavaScriptConsole(); } void WebContents::AllowDomAutomationBindings() { render_view_host()->AllowDomAutomationBindings(); // TODO(creis): should this be propagated to other and future RVHs? } void WebContents::OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed(IPC::Message* reply_msg, bool success, const std::wstring& prompt) { last_javascript_message_dismissal_ = TimeTicks::Now(); render_manager_.OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed(reply_msg, success, prompt); } // Generic NotificationObserver callback. void WebContents::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { TabContents::Observe(type, source, details); switch (type) { case NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED: // BookmarkBarModel finished loading, // fall through to update starred state. case NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED: { // Somewhere, a URL has been starred. // Ignore notifications for profiles other than our current one. Profile* source_profile = Source<Profile>(source).ptr(); if (!source_profile->IsSameProfile(profile())) return; UpdateStarredStateForCurrentURL(); break; } case NOTIFY_PREF_CHANGED: { std::wstring* pref_name_in = Details<std::wstring>(details).ptr(); DCHECK(Source<PrefService>(source).ptr() == profile()->GetPrefs()); if (*pref_name_in == prefs::kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled) { UpdateAlternateErrorPageURL(); } else if (*pref_name_in == prefs::kDefaultCharset || StartsWithASCII(WideToUTF8(*pref_name_in), "webkit.webprefs.", true) ) { UpdateWebPreferences(); } else { NOTREACHED() << "unexpected pref change notification" << *pref_name_in; } break; } default: { NOTREACHED(); break; } } } void WebContents::NotifySwapped() { // After sending out a swap notification, we need to send a disconnect // notification so that clients that pick up a pointer to |this| can NULL the // pointer. See Bug 1230284. notify_disconnection_ = true; NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_SWAPPED, Source<WebContents>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void WebContents::NotifyConnected() { notify_disconnection_ = true; NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_CONNECTED, Source<WebContents>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void WebContents::NotifyDisconnected() { if (!notify_disconnection_) return; notify_disconnection_ = false; NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED, Source<WebContents>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void WebContents::SetSuppressJavascriptMessageBoxes( bool suppress_javascript_messages) { suppress_javascript_messages_ = suppress_javascript_messages; } void WebContents::UpdateHistoryForNavigation(const GURL& display_url, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { if (profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; // Add to history service. HistoryService* hs = profile()->GetHistoryService(Profile::IMPLICIT_ACCESS); if (hs) { if (PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition) && display_url != params.url) { // Hack on the "display" URL so that it will appear in history. For some // types of URLs, we will display a magic URL that is different from where // the page is actually navigated. We want the user to see in history // what they saw in the URL bar, so we add the display URL as a redirect. // This only applies to the main frame, as the display URL doesn't apply // to sub-frames. std::vector<GURL> redirects = params.redirects; if (!redirects.empty()) redirects.back() = display_url; hs->AddPage(display_url, this, params.page_id, params.referrer, params.transition, redirects); } else { hs->AddPage(params.url, this, params.page_id, params.referrer, params.transition, params.redirects); } } } void WebContents::MaybeCloseChildWindows( const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { if (net::RegistryControlledDomainService::SameDomainOrHost( last_url_, params.url)) return; last_url_ = params.url; // Clear out any child windows since we are leaving this page entirely. // We use indices instead of iterators in case CloseWindow does something // that may invalidate an iterator. int size = static_cast<int>(child_windows_.size()); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ConstrainedWindow* window = child_windows_[i]; if (window) window->CloseConstrainedWindow(); } } void WebContents::SetDownloadShelfVisible(bool visible) { TabContents::SetDownloadShelfVisible(visible); if (visible) { // Always set this value as it reflects the last time the download shelf // was made visible (even if it was already visible). last_download_shelf_show_ = TimeTicks::Now(); } } void WebContents::SetInfoBarVisible(bool visible) { if (info_bar_visible_ != visible) { info_bar_visible_ = visible; if (info_bar_visible_) { // Invoke GetInfoBarView to force the info bar to be created. GetInfoBarView(); } ToolbarSizeChanged(false); } } void WebContents::SetFindInPageVisible(bool visible) { if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) { if (visible) find_in_page_controller_->Show(); else find_in_page_controller_->EndFindSession(); } } InfoBarView* WebContents::GetInfoBarView() { if (info_bar_view_.get() == NULL) { info_bar_view_.reset(new InfoBarView(this)); // The WebContents owns the info-bar. info_bar_view_->SetParentOwned(false); } return info_bar_view_.get(); } void WebContents::ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame( const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript) { render_view_host()->ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame(frame_xpath, jscript); } void WebContents::AddMessageToConsole( const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& msg, ConsoleMessageLevel level) { render_view_host()->AddMessageToConsole(frame_xpath, msg, level); } void WebContents::Undo() { render_view_host()->Undo(); } void WebContents::Redo() { render_view_host()->Redo(); } void WebContents::Replace(const std::wstring& text) { render_view_host()->Replace(text); } void WebContents::Delete() { render_view_host()->Delete(); } void WebContents::SelectAll() { render_view_host()->SelectAll(); } void WebContents::StartFileUpload(const std::wstring& file_path, const std::wstring& form, const std::wstring& file, const std::wstring& submit, const std::wstring& other_values) { render_view_host()->UploadFile(file_path, form, file, submit, other_values); } void WebContents::SetWebApp(WebApp* web_app) { if (web_app_.get()) { web_app_->RemoveObserver(this); web_app_->SetWebContents(NULL); } web_app_ = web_app; if (web_app) { web_app->AddObserver(this); web_app_->SetWebContents(this); } } bool WebContents::IsWebApplication() const { return (web_app_.get() != NULL); } void WebContents::CreateShortcut() { NavigationEntry* entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); if (!entry) return; // We only allow one pending install request. By resetting the page id we // effectively cancel the pending install request. pending_install_.page_id = entry->page_id(); pending_install_.icon = GetFavIcon(); pending_install_.title = GetTitle(); pending_install_.url = GetURL(); if (pending_install_.callback_functor) { pending_install_.callback_functor->Cancel(); pending_install_.callback_functor = NULL; } DCHECK(!pending_install_.icon.isNull()) << "Menu item should be disabled."; if (pending_install_.title.empty()) pending_install_.title = UTF8ToWide(GetURL().spec()); // Request the application info. When done OnDidGetApplicationInfo is invoked // and we'll create the shortcut. render_view_host()->GetApplicationInfo(pending_install_.page_id); } void WebContents::FillForm(const FormData& form) { render_view_host()->FillForm(form); } void WebContents::FillPasswordForm( const PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& form_data) { render_view_host()->FillPasswordForm(form_data); } void WebContents::DragTargetDragEnter(const WebDropData& drop_data, const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt) { render_view_host()->DragTargetDragEnter(drop_data, client_pt, screen_pt); } void WebContents::DragTargetDragOver( const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt) { render_view_host()->DragTargetDragOver(client_pt, screen_pt); } void WebContents::DragTargetDragLeave() { render_view_host()->DragTargetDragLeave(); } void WebContents::DragTargetDrop( const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt) { render_view_host()->DragTargetDrop(client_pt, screen_pt); } PasswordManager* WebContents::GetPasswordManager() { if (password_manager_.get() == NULL) password_manager_.reset(new PasswordManager(this)); return password_manager_.get(); } PluginInstaller* WebContents::GetPluginInstaller() { if (plugin_installer_.get() == NULL) plugin_installer_.reset(new PluginInstaller(this)); return plugin_installer_.get(); } bool WebContents::IsActiveEntry(int32 page_id) { NavigationEntry* active_entry = controller()->GetActiveEntry(); return (active_entry != NULL && active_entry->site_instance() == site_instance() && active_entry->page_id() == page_id); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RenderViewHostDelegate implementation: RenderViewHostDelegate::FindInPage* WebContents::GetFindInPageDelegate() { // The find in page controller implements this interface for us. Our return // value can be NULL, so it's fine if the find in controller doesn't exist. return find_in_page_controller_.get(); } Profile* WebContents::GetProfile() const { return profile(); } void WebContents::CreateView(int route_id, HANDLE modal_dialog_event) { WebContents* new_view = new WebContents(profile(), site_instance(), render_view_factory_, route_id, modal_dialog_event); new_view->SetupController(profile()); // TODO(beng) // The intention here is to create background tabs, which should ideally // be parented to NULL. However doing that causes the corresponding view // container windows to show up as overlapped windows, which causes // other issues. We should fix this. HWND new_view_parent_window = ::GetAncestor(GetHWND(), GA_ROOT); new_view->CreateView(new_view_parent_window, gfx::Rect()); // TODO(brettw) it seems bogus that we have to call this function on the // newly created object and give it one of its own member variables. new_view->CreatePageView(new_view->render_view_host()); // Don't show the view until we get enough context in ShowView. pending_views_[route_id] = new_view; } void WebContents::CreateWidget(int route_id) { RenderWidgetHost* widget_host = new RenderWidgetHost(process(), route_id); RenderWidgetHostHWND* widget_view = new RenderWidgetHostHWND(widget_host); widget_host->set_view(widget_view); // We set the parent HWDN explicitly as pop-up HWNDs are parented and owned by // the first non-child HWND of the HWND that was specified to the CreateWindow // call. widget_view->set_parent_hwnd(view()->GetPluginHWND()); widget_view->set_close_on_deactivate(true); // Don't show the widget until we get its position in ShowWidget. pending_widgets_[route_id] = widget_host; } void WebContents::ShowView(int route_id, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos, bool user_gesture) { PendingViews::iterator iter = pending_views_.find(route_id); if (iter == pending_views_.end()) { DCHECK(false); return; } WebContents* new_view = iter->second; pending_views_.erase(route_id); if (!new_view->view() || !new_view->process()->channel()) { // The view has gone away or the renderer crashed. Nothing to do. return; } // TODO(brettw) this seems bogus to reach into here and initialize the host. new_view->render_view_host()->Init(); AddNewContents(new_view, disposition, initial_pos, user_gesture); } void WebContents::ShowWidget(int route_id, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos) { PendingWidgets::iterator iter = pending_widgets_.find(route_id); if (iter == pending_widgets_.end()) { DCHECK(false); return; } RenderWidgetHost* widget_host = iter->second; pending_widgets_.erase(route_id); // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) move all this windows-specific creation and showing // code into RenderWidgetHostHWND behind some API that a // ChromeView can also reasonably implement. RenderWidgetHostHWND* widget_view = static_cast<RenderWidgetHostHWND*>(widget_host->view()); if (!widget_view || !widget_host->process()->channel()) { // The view has gone away or the renderer crashed. Nothing to do. return; } widget_view->Create(GetHWND(), NULL, NULL, WS_POPUP, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); widget_view->MoveWindow(initial_pos.x(), initial_pos.y(), initial_pos.width(), initial_pos.height(), TRUE); widget_view->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); widget_host->Init(); } void WebContents::RendererReady(RenderViewHost* rvh) { if (render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page() && rvh == render_view_host()) { // We are showing an interstitial page, don't notify the world. return; } else if (rvh != render_view_host()) { // Don't notify the world, since this came from a renderer in the // background. return; } NotifyConnected(); SetIsCrashed(false); } void WebContents::RendererGone(RenderViewHost* rvh) { // Ask the print preview if this renderer was valuable. if (!printing_.OnRendererGone(rvh)) return; if (rvh != render_view_host()) { // The pending or interstitial page's RenderViewHost is gone. If we are // showing an interstitial, this may mean that the original RenderViewHost // is gone. If so, we will call RendererGone again if we try to swap that // RenderViewHost back in, in SwapToRenderView. return; } // Force an invalidation here to render sad tab. however, it is possible for // our window to have already gone away (since we may be in the process of // closing this render view). if (::IsWindow(GetHWND())) InvalidateRect(GetHWND(), NULL, FALSE); SetIsLoading(false, NULL); // Ensure that this browser window is enabled. This deals with the case where // a renderer crashed while showing a modal dialog. We're assuming that the // browser code will never show a modal dialog, so we could only be disabled // by something the renderer (or some plug-in) did. HWND root_window = ::GetAncestor(GetHWND(), GA_ROOT); if (!::IsWindowEnabled(root_window)) ::EnableWindow(root_window, TRUE); NotifyDisconnected(); SetIsCrashed(true); // Hide any visible hung renderer warning for this web contents' process. HungRendererWarning::HideForWebContents(this); } void WebContents::DidNavigate(RenderViewHost* rvh, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { if (PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition)) render_manager_.DidNavigateMainFrame(rvh); // In the case of interstitial, we don't mess with the navigation entries. if (render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page()) return; // Check for navigations we don't expect. if (!controller() || !is_active_ || params.page_id == -1) { if (params.page_id == -1) { DCHECK(controller()->GetActiveEntry() == NULL) << "The renderer is permitted to send a FrameNavigate event for an " "invalid |page_id| if, and only if, this is the initial blank " "page for a main frame."; } BroadcastProvisionalLoadCommit(rvh, params); return; } // Generate the details for the notification. // TODO(brettw) bug 1343146: Move into the NavigationController. NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails details; // WebKit doesn't set the "auto" transition on meta refreshes properly (bug // 1051891) so we manually set it for redirects which we normally treat as // "non-user-gestures" where we want to update stuff after navigations. // // Note that the redirect check also checks for a pending entry to // differentiate real redirects from browser initiated navigations to a // redirected entry. This happens when you hit back to go to a page that was // the destination of a redirect, we don't want to treat it as a redirect // even though that's what its transition will be. See bug 1117048. // // TODO(brettw) write a test for this complicated logic. details.is_auto = (PageTransition::IsRedirect(params.transition) && !controller()->GetPendingEntry()) || params.gesture == NavigationGestureAuto; details.is_in_page = IsInPageNavigation(params.url); details.is_main_frame = PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition); // DO NOT ADD MORE STUFF TO THIS FUNCTION! Don't make me come over there! // ======================================================================= // Add your code to DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit if you have a helper object // that needs to know about all navigations. If it needs to do it only for // main frame or sub-frame navigations, add your code to // DidNavigate*PostCommit. // Create the new navigation entry for this navigation and do work specific to // this frame type. The main frame / sub frame functions will do additional // updates to the NavigationEntry appropriate for the navigation type (in // addition to a lot of other stuff). scoped_ptr<NavigationEntry> entry(CreateNavigationEntryForCommit(params)); // Commit the entry to the navigation controller. DidNavigateToEntry(entry.release(), &details); // WARNING: NavigationController will have taken ownership of entry at this // point, and may have deleted it. As such, do NOT use entry after this. // Run post-commit tasks. if (details.is_main_frame) DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(details, params); DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit(rvh, details, params); } // TODO(brettw) bug 1343146: This logic should be moved to NavigationController. NavigationEntry* WebContents::CreateNavigationEntryForCommit( const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { // This new navigation entry will represent the navigation. Note that we // don't set the URL. This will happen in the DidNavigateMainFrame/SubFrame // because the entry's URL should represent the toplevel frame only. NavigationEntry* entry = new NavigationEntry(type()); if (PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition)) entry->set_url(params.url); entry->set_page_id(params.page_id); entry->set_transition_type(params.transition); entry->set_site_instance(site_instance()); // Now that we've assigned a SiteInstance to this entry, we need to // assign it to the NavigationController's pending entry as well. This // allows us to find it via GetEntryWithPageID, etc. if (controller()->GetPendingEntry()) controller()->GetPendingEntry()->set_site_instance(entry->site_instance()); // Update the site of the SiteInstance if it doesn't have one yet, unless we // are showing an interstitial page. If we are, we should wait until the // real page commits. // // TODO(brettw) the old code only checked for INTERSTIAL, this new code also // checks for LEAVING_INTERSTITIAL mode in the manager. Is this difference // important? if (!site_instance()->has_site() && !render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page()) site_instance()->SetSite(params.url); // When the navigation is just a change in ref or a sub-frame navigation, the // new page should inherit the existing entry's title and favicon, since it // will be the same. A change in ref also inherits the security style and SSL // associated info. bool in_page_nav; if ((in_page_nav = IsInPageNavigation(params.url)) || !PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition)) { // In the case of a sub-frame navigation within a window that was created // without an URL (via window.open), we may not have a committed entry yet! NavigationEntry* old_entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); if (old_entry) { entry->set_title(old_entry->title()); entry->favicon() = old_entry->favicon(); if (in_page_nav) entry->ssl() = old_entry->ssl(); } } if (PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition)) { NavigationEntry* pending = controller()->GetPendingEntry(); if (pending) { // Copy fields from the pending NavigationEntry into the actual // NavigationEntry that we're committing to. entry->set_user_typed_url(pending->user_typed_url()); if (pending->has_display_url()) entry->set_display_url(pending->display_url()); if (pending->url().SchemeIsFile()) entry->set_title(pending->title()); entry->set_content_state(pending->content_state()); } entry->set_has_post_data(params.is_post); } else { NavigationEntry* last_committed = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); if (last_committed) { // In the case of a sub-frame navigation within a window that was created // without an URL (window.open), we may not have a committed entry yet! // Reset entry state to match that of the pending entry. entry->set_unique_id(last_committed->unique_id()); entry->set_url(last_committed->url()); entry->set_transition_type(last_committed->transition_type()); entry->set_user_typed_url(last_committed->user_typed_url()); entry->set_content_state(last_committed->content_state()); // TODO(jcampan): when navigating to an insecure/unsafe inner frame, the // main entry is the one that gets notified of the mixed/unsafe contents // (see SSLPolicy::OnRequestStarted()). Here we are just transferring // that state. We should find a better way to do this. Note that it is OK // that the mixed/unsafe contents is set on the wrong navigation entry, as // that state is reset when navigating back to it. DCHECK(last_committed->ssl().content_status() == 0) << "We should never " "be setting the status bits from 1 to 0 on navigate."; entry->ssl() = last_committed->ssl(); } } return entry; } void WebContents::DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit( const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { // Hide the download shelf if all the following conditions are true: // - there are no active downloads. // - this is a navigation to a different TLD. // - at least 5 seconds have elapsed since the download shelf was shown. // TODO(jcampan): bug 1156075 when user gestures are reliable, they should // be used to ensure we are hiding only on user initiated // navigations. DownloadManager* download_manager = profile()->GetDownloadManager(); // download_manager can be NULL in unit test context. if (download_manager && download_manager->in_progress_count() == 0 && !details.previous_url.is_empty() && !net::RegistryControlledDomainService::SameDomainOrHost( details.previous_url, details.entry->url())) { TimeDelta time_delta( TimeTicks::Now() - last_download_shelf_show_); if (time_delta > TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDownloadShelfHideDelay)) { SetDownloadShelfVisible(false); } } if (details.is_user_initiated_main_frame_load()) { // Clear the status bubble. This is a workaround for a bug where WebKit // doesn't let us know that the cursor left an element during a // transition (this is also why the mouse cursor remains as a hand after // clicking on a link); see bugs 1184641 and 980803. We don't want to // clear the bubble when a user navigates to a named anchor in the same // page. UpdateTargetURL(details.entry->page_id(), GURL()); // UpdateHelpersForDidNavigate will handle the case where the password_form // origin is valid. // TODO(brettw) bug 1343111: Password manager stuff in here needs to be // cleaned up and covered by tests. if (!params.password_form.origin.is_valid()) GetPasswordManager()->DidNavigate(); } // The keyword generator uses the navigation entries, so must be called after // the commit. GenerateKeywordIfNecessary(params); // We no longer know the title after this navigation. has_page_title_ = false; // Update contents MIME type of the main webframe. contents_mime_type_ = params.contents_mime_type; // Get the favicon, either from history or request it from the net. fav_icon_helper_.FetchFavIcon(details.entry->url()); // Close constrained popups if necessary. MaybeCloseChildWindows(params); // We hide the FindInPage window when the user navigates away, except on // reload. if (PageTransition::StripQualifier(params.transition) != PageTransition::RELOAD) SetFindInPageVisible(false); // Update the starred state. UpdateStarredStateForCurrentURL(); } void WebContents::DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { // If we navigate, start showing messages again. This does nothing to prevent // a malicious script from spamming messages, since the script could just // reload the page to stop blocking. suppress_javascript_messages_ = false; // Update history. Note that this needs to happen after the entry is complete, // which WillNavigate[Main,Sub]Frame will do before this function is called. if (params.should_update_history) { // Most of the time, the displayURL matches the loaded URL, but for about: // URLs, we use a data: URL as the real value. We actually want to save // the about: URL to the history db and keep the data: URL hidden. This is // what the TabContents' URL getter does. UpdateHistoryForNavigation(GetURL(), params); } // Have the controller save the current session. controller()->NotifyEntryChangedByPageID(type(), site_instance(), details.entry->page_id()); // Notify the password manager of the navigation or form submit. // TODO(brettw) bug 1343111: Password manager stuff in here needs to be // cleaned up and covered by tests. if (params.password_form.origin.is_valid()) GetPasswordManager()->ProvisionallySavePassword(params.password_form); BroadcastProvisionalLoadCommit(render_view_host, params); } bool WebContents::IsWebApplicationActive() const { if (!web_app_.get()) return false; // If we are inside an application, the application is always active. For // example, this allows us to display the GMail icon even when we are bounced // the login page. if (delegate() && delegate()->IsApplication()) return true; return (GetURL() == web_app_->url()); } void WebContents::WebAppImagesChanged(WebApp* web_app) { DCHECK(web_app == web_app_.get()); if (delegate() && IsWebApplicationActive()) delegate()->NavigationStateChanged(this, TabContents::INVALIDATE_FAVICON); } void WebContents::BroadcastProvisionalLoadCommit( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { ProvisionalLoadDetails details( PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition), render_manager_.IsRenderViewInterstitial(render_view_host), IsInPageNavigation(params.url), params.url, params.security_info); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_FRAME_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_COMMITTED, Source<NavigationController>(controller()), Details<ProvisionalLoadDetails>(&details)); } void WebContents::UpdateStarredStateForCurrentURL() { BookmarkBarModel* model = profile()->GetBookmarkBarModel(); const bool old_state = is_starred_; is_starred_ = (model && model->GetNodeByURL(GetURL())); if (is_starred_ != old_state && delegate()) delegate()->URLStarredChanged(this, is_starred_); } void WebContents::UpdateAlternateErrorPageURL() { GURL url = GetAlternateErrorPageURL(); render_view_host()->SetAlternateErrorPageURL(url); } void WebContents::UpdateWebPreferences() { render_view_host()->UpdateWebPreferences(GetWebkitPrefs()); } void WebContents::UpdateRenderViewSize() { // Using same technique as OnPaint, which sets size of SadTab. CRect cr; GetClientRect(&cr); gfx::Size new_size(cr.Width(), cr.Height()); SizeContents(new_size); } void WebContents::UpdateState(RenderViewHost* rvh, int32 page_id, const GURL& url, const std::wstring& title, const std::string& state) { if (rvh != render_view_host() || render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page()) { // This UpdateState is either: // - targeted not at the current RenderViewHost. This could be that we are // showing the interstitial page and getting an update for the regular page, // or that we are navigating from the interstitial and getting an update // for it. // - targeted at the interstitial page. Ignore it as we don't want to update // the fake navigation entry. return; } if (!controller()) return; // We must be prepared to handle state updates for any page, these occur // when the user is scrolling and entering form data, as well as when we're // leaving a page, in which case our state may have already been moved to // the next page. The navigation controller will look up the appropriate // NavigationEntry and update it when it is notified via the delegate. NavigationEntry* entry = controller()->GetEntryWithPageID( type(), site_instance(), page_id); if (!entry) return; unsigned changed_flags = 0; // Update the URL. if (url != entry->url()) { changed_flags |= INVALIDATE_URL; if (entry == controller()->GetActiveEntry()) fav_icon_helper_.FetchFavIcon(url); entry->set_url(url); } // For file URLs without a title, use the pathname instead. std::wstring final_title; if (url.SchemeIsFile() && title.empty()) { final_title = UTF8ToWide(url.ExtractFileName()); } else { TrimWhitespace(title, TRIM_ALL, &final_title); } if (final_title != entry->title()) { changed_flags |= INVALIDATE_TITLE; entry->set_title(final_title); // Update the history system for this page. if (!profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) { HistoryService* hs = profile()->GetHistoryService(Profile::IMPLICIT_ACCESS); if (hs) hs->SetPageTitle(entry->display_url(), final_title); } } if (GetHWND()) { // It's possible to get this after the hwnd has been destroyed. ::SetWindowText(GetHWND(), title.c_str()); ::SetWindowText(view()->GetPluginHWND(), title.c_str()); } // Update the state (forms, etc.). if (state != entry->content_state()) { changed_flags |= INVALIDATE_STATE; entry->set_content_state(state); } // Notify everybody of the changes (only when the current page changed). if (changed_flags && entry == controller()->GetActiveEntry()) NotifyNavigationStateChanged(changed_flags); controller()->NotifyEntryChangedByPageID(type(), site_instance(), page_id); } void WebContents::UpdateTitle(RenderViewHost* rvh, int32 page_id, const std::wstring& title) { if (!controller()) return; // If we have a title, that's a pretty good indication that we've started // getting useful data. response_started_ = false; NavigationEntry* entry; if (render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page() && (rvh == render_view_host())) { // We are showing an interstitial page in a different RenderViewHost, so // the page_id is not sufficient to find the entry from the controller. // (both RenderViewHost page_ids overlap). We know it is the last entry, // so just use that. entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); } else { entry = controller()->GetEntryWithPageID(type(), site_instance(), page_id); } if (!entry) return; std::wstring trimmed_title; TrimWhitespace(title, TRIM_ALL, &trimmed_title); if (title == entry->title()) return; // Title did not change, do nothing. entry->set_title(trimmed_title); // Broadcast notifications when the UI should be updated. if (entry == controller()->GetEntryAtOffset(0)) NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TITLE); // Update the history system for this page. if (profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; HistoryService* hs = profile()->GetHistoryService(Profile::IMPLICIT_ACCESS); if (hs && !has_page_title_ && !trimmed_title.empty()) { hs->SetPageTitle(entry->display_url(), trimmed_title); has_page_title_ = true; } } void WebContents::UpdateEncoding(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, const std::string& encoding_name) { SetEncoding(encoding_name); } void WebContents::UpdateTargetURL(int32 page_id, const GURL& url) { if (delegate()) delegate()->UpdateTargetURL(this, url); } void WebContents::UpdateThumbnail(const GURL& url, const SkBitmap& bitmap, const ThumbnailScore& score) { // Tell History about this thumbnail HistoryService* hs; if (!profile()->IsOffTheRecord() && (hs = profile()->GetHistoryService(Profile::IMPLICIT_ACCESS))) { hs->SetPageThumbnail(url, bitmap, score); } } void WebContents::Close(RenderViewHost* rvh) { // Ignore this if it comes from a RenderViewHost that we aren't showing. if (delegate() && rvh == render_view_host()) delegate()->CloseContents(this); } void WebContents::RequestMove(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) { if (delegate() && delegate()->IsPopup(this)) delegate()->MoveContents(this, new_bounds); } void WebContents::DidStartLoading(RenderViewHost* rvh, int32 page_id) { if (plugin_installer_ != NULL) plugin_installer_->OnStartLoading(); SetIsLoading(true, NULL); // Overrides the page's encoding if we need to open this page with specified // encoding. if (!override_encoding_.empty()) { SetPageEncoding(override_encoding_); // Once we override the new encoding, we need to clear the encoding value // for avoiding overriding it again. override_encoding_.clear(); } } void WebContents::DidStopLoading(RenderViewHost* rvh, int32 page_id) { scoped_ptr<LoadNotificationDetails> details; if (controller()) { NavigationEntry* entry = controller()->GetActiveEntry(); if (entry) { scoped_ptr<process_util::ProcessMetrics> metrics( process_util::ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics( process()->process())); TimeDelta elapsed = TimeTicks::Now() - current_load_start_; details.reset(new LoadNotificationDetails( entry->display_url(), entry->transition_type(), elapsed, controller(), controller()->GetCurrentEntryIndex())); } else { DCHECK(page_id == -1) << "When a controller exists a NavigationEntry should always be " "available in OnMsgDidStopLoading unless we are loading the " "initial blank page."; } } // Tell PasswordManager we've finished a page load, which serves as a // green light to save pending passwords and reset itself. GetPasswordManager()->DidStopLoading(); SetIsLoading(false, details.get()); } void WebContents::DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool is_main_frame, const GURL& url) { ProvisionalLoadDetails details( is_main_frame, render_manager_.IsRenderViewInterstitial(render_view_host), IsInPageNavigation(url), url, std::string()); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_FRAME_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_START, Source<NavigationController>(controller()), Details<ProvisionalLoadDetails>(&details)); } void WebContents::DidRedirectProvisionalLoad(int32 page_id, const GURL& source_url, const GURL& target_url) { NavigationEntry* entry; if (page_id == -1) entry = controller()->GetPendingEntry(); else entry = controller()->GetEntryWithPageID(type(), site_instance(), page_id); if (!entry || entry->tab_type() != type() || entry->url() != source_url) return; entry->set_url(target_url); } void WebContents::DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache( const GURL& url, const std::string& security_info) { if (!controller()) return; // Send out a notification that we loaded a resource from our memory cache. int cert_id, cert_status, security_bits; SSLManager::DeserializeSecurityInfo(security_info, &cert_id, &cert_status, &security_bits); LoadFromMemoryCacheDetails details(url, cert_id, cert_status); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_LOAD_FROM_MEMORY_CACHE, Source<NavigationController>(controller()), Details<LoadFromMemoryCacheDetails>(&details)); } void WebContents::DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool is_main_frame, int error_code, const GURL& url, bool showing_repost_interstitial) { if (!controller()) return; if (net::ERR_ABORTED == error_code) { // This will discard our pending entry if we cancelled the load (e.g., if we // decided to download the file instead of load it). Only discard the // pending entry if the URLs match, otherwise the user initiated a navigate // before the page loaded so that the discard would discard the wrong entry. NavigationEntry* pending_entry = controller()->GetPendingEntry(); if (pending_entry && pending_entry->url() == url) controller()->DiscardPendingEntry(); render_manager_.RendererAbortedProvisionalLoad(render_view_host); } // Send out a notification that we failed a provisional load with an error. ProvisionalLoadDetails details( is_main_frame, render_manager_.IsRenderViewInterstitial(render_view_host), IsInPageNavigation(url), url, std::string()); details.set_error_code(error_code); render_manager_.set_showing_repost_interstitial(showing_repost_interstitial); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_FAIL_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_WITH_ERROR, Source<NavigationController>(controller()), Details<ProvisionalLoadDetails>(&details)); } void WebContents::UpdateFavIconURL(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const GURL& icon_url) { fav_icon_helper_.SetFavIconURL(icon_url); } void WebContents::DidDownloadImage( RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int id, const GURL& image_url, bool errored, const SkBitmap& image) { // A notification for downloading would be more flexible, but for now I'm // forwarding to the two places that could possibly have initiated the // request. If we end up with another place invoking DownloadImage, probably // best to refactor out into notification service, or something similar. if (errored) fav_icon_helper_.FavIconDownloadFailed(id); else fav_icon_helper_.SetFavIcon(id, image_url, image); if (web_app_.get() && !errored) web_app_->SetImage(image_url, image); } void WebContents::ShowContextMenu( const ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu_Params& params) { RenderViewContextMenuController menu_controller(this, params); RenderViewContextMenu menu(&menu_controller, GetHWND(), params.type, params.dictionary_suggestions, profile()); POINT screen_pt = { params.x, params.y }; MapWindowPoints(GetHWND(), HWND_DESKTOP, &screen_pt, 1); // Enable recursive tasks on the message loop so we can get updates while // the context menu is being displayed. bool old_state = MessageLoop::current()->NestableTasksAllowed(); MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(true); menu.RunMenuAt(screen_pt.x, screen_pt.y); MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(old_state); } void WebContents::StartDragging(const WebDropData& drop_data) { scoped_refptr<OSExchangeData> data(new OSExchangeData); // TODO(tc): Generate an appropriate drag image. // We set the file contents before the URL because the URL also sets file // contents (to a .URL shortcut). We want to prefer file content data over a // shortcut. if (!drop_data.file_contents.empty()) { data->SetFileContents(drop_data.file_description_filename, drop_data.file_contents); } if (!drop_data.cf_html.empty()) data->SetCFHtml(drop_data.cf_html); if (drop_data.url.is_valid()) data->SetURL(drop_data.url, drop_data.url_title); if (!drop_data.plain_text.empty()) data->SetString(drop_data.plain_text); scoped_refptr<WebDragSource> drag_source( new WebDragSource(GetHWND(), render_view_host())); DWORD effects; // We need to enable recursive tasks on the message loop so we can get // updates while in the system DoDragDrop loop. bool old_state = MessageLoop::current()->NestableTasksAllowed(); MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(true); DoDragDrop(data, drag_source, DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_LINK, &effects); MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(old_state); if (render_view_host()) render_view_host()->DragSourceSystemDragEnded(); } void WebContents::UpdateDragCursor(bool is_drop_target) { drop_target_->set_is_drop_target(is_drop_target); } void WebContents::RequestOpenURL(const GURL& url, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { OpenURL(url, disposition, PageTransition::LINK); } void WebContents::DomOperationResponse(const std::string& json_string, int automation_id) { DomOperationNotificationDetails details(json_string, automation_id); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE, Source<WebContents>(this), Details<DomOperationNotificationDetails>(&details)); } void WebContents::ProcessExternalHostMessage(const std::string& receiver, const std::string& message) { if (delegate()) delegate()->ForwardMessageToExternalHost(receiver, message); } void WebContents::GoToEntryAtOffset(int offset) { if (!controller()) return; controller()->GoToOffset(offset); } void WebContents::GetHistoryListCount(int* back_list_count, int* forward_list_count) { *back_list_count = 0; *forward_list_count = 0; if (controller()) { int current_index = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(); *back_list_count = current_index; *forward_list_count = controller()->GetEntryCount() - current_index - 1; } } void WebContents::RunFileChooser(const std::wstring& default_file) { HWND toplevel_hwnd = GetAncestor(GetContainerHWND(), GA_ROOT); if (!select_file_dialog_.get()) select_file_dialog_ = SelectFileDialog::Create(this); select_file_dialog_->SelectFile(SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE, L"", default_file, toplevel_hwnd, NULL); } void WebContents::RunJavaScriptMessage( const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& default_prompt, const int flags, IPC::Message* reply_msg) { if (!suppress_javascript_messages_) { TimeDelta time_since_last_message( TimeTicks::Now() - last_javascript_message_dismissal_); bool show_suppress_checkbox = false; // Show a checkbox offering to suppress further messages if this message is // being displayed within kJavascriptMessageExpectedDelay of the last one. if (time_since_last_message < TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kJavascriptMessageExpectedDelay)) show_suppress_checkbox = true; JavascriptMessageBoxHandler::RunJavascriptMessageBox(this, flags, message, default_prompt, show_suppress_checkbox, reply_msg); } else { // If we are suppressing messages, just reply as is if the user immediately // pressed "Cancel". OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed(reply_msg, false, L""); } } void WebContents::RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(const std::wstring& message, IPC::Message* reply_msg) { JavascriptBeforeUnloadHandler::RunBeforeUnloadDialog(this, message, reply_msg); } void WebContents::ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, IPC::Message* reply_msg) { if (delegate()) { ModalHtmlDialogDelegate* dialog_delegate = new ModalHtmlDialogDelegate(url, width, height, json_arguments, reply_msg, this); delegate()->ShowHtmlDialog(dialog_delegate, NULL); } } void WebContents::PasswordFormsSeen( const std::vector<PasswordForm>& forms) { GetPasswordManager()->PasswordFormsSeen(forms); } void WebContents::TakeFocus(bool reverse) { ChromeViews::FocusManager* focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetHWND()); // We may not have a focus manager if the tab has been switched before this // message arrived. if (focus_manager) { focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(reverse); } } GURL WebContents::GetAlternateErrorPageURL() const { GURL url; PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); DCHECK(prefs); if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled)) { url = google_util::AppendGoogleLocaleParam(GURL(kLinkDoctorBaseURL)); url = google_util::AppendGoogleTLDParam(url); } return url; } WebPreferences WebContents::GetWebkitPrefs() { // Initialize web_preferences_ to chrome defaults. WebPreferences web_prefs; PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); // TODO(darin): Support overriding this value from prefs, which also // involves modifying our URLRequestContext. web_prefs.user_agent = webkit_glue::GetDefaultUserAgent(); web_prefs.fixed_font_family = prefs->GetString(prefs::kWebKitFixedFontFamily); web_prefs.serif_font_family = prefs->GetString(prefs::kWebKitSerifFontFamily); web_prefs.sans_serif_font_family = prefs->GetString(prefs::kWebKitSansSerifFontFamily); if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitStandardFontIsSerif)) web_prefs.standard_font_family = web_prefs.serif_font_family; else web_prefs.standard_font_family = web_prefs.sans_serif_font_family; web_prefs.cursive_font_family = prefs->GetString(prefs::kWebKitCursiveFontFamily); web_prefs.fantasy_font_family = prefs->GetString(prefs::kWebKitFantasyFontFamily); web_prefs.default_font_size = prefs->GetInteger(prefs::kWebKitDefaultFontSize); web_prefs.default_fixed_font_size = prefs->GetInteger(prefs::kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize); web_prefs.minimum_font_size = prefs->GetInteger(prefs::kWebKitMinimumFontSize); web_prefs.minimum_logical_font_size = prefs->GetInteger(prefs::kWebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize); web_prefs.default_encoding = prefs->GetString(prefs::kDefaultCharset); web_prefs.javascript_can_open_windows_automatically = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically); web_prefs.dom_paste_enabled = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitDomPasteEnabled); web_prefs.shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit); { // Command line switches are used for preferences with no user interface. CommandLine command_line; web_prefs.developer_extras_enabled = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableDevTools) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabled); web_prefs.javascript_enabled = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableJavaScript) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitJavascriptEnabled); web_prefs.plugins_enabled = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisablePlugins) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitPluginsEnabled); web_prefs.java_enabled = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableJava) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitJavaEnabled); web_prefs.loads_images_automatically = !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableImages) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitLoadsImagesAutomatically); } web_prefs.uses_universal_detector = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector); web_prefs.text_areas_are_resizable = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kWebKitTextAreasAreResizable); // User CSS is currently disabled because it crashes chrome. See // webkit/glue/webpreferences.h for more details. // Make sure we will set the default_encoding with canonical encoding name. web_prefs.default_encoding = UTF8ToWide( CharacterEncoding::GetCanonicalEncodingNameByAliasName( WideToUTF8(web_prefs.default_encoding))); if (web_prefs.default_encoding.empty()) { prefs->ClearPref(prefs::kDefaultCharset); web_prefs.default_encoding = prefs->GetString( prefs::kDefaultCharset); } DCHECK(!web_prefs.default_encoding.empty()); return web_prefs; } void WebContents::OnMissingPluginStatus(int status) { GetPluginInstaller()->OnMissingPluginStatus(status); } void WebContents::OnCrashedPlugin(const std::wstring& plugin_path) { DCHECK(!plugin_path.empty()); std::wstring plugin_name = plugin_path; scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(plugin_path)); if (version_info.get()) { const std::wstring& product_name = version_info->product_name(); if (!product_name.empty()) plugin_name = product_name; } std::wstring info_bar_message = l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_PLUGIN_CRASHED_PROMPT, plugin_name); InfoBarView* view = GetInfoBarView(); if (-1 == view->GetChildIndex(crashed_plugin_info_bar_)) { crashed_plugin_info_bar_ = new InfoBarMessageView(info_bar_message); view->AddChildView(crashed_plugin_info_bar_); } else { crashed_plugin_info_bar_->SetMessageText(info_bar_message); } } void WebContents::OnJSOutOfMemory() { std::wstring info_bar_message = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_JS_OUT_OF_MEMORY_PROMPT); InfoBarView* view = GetInfoBarView(); if (-1 == view->GetChildIndex(crashed_plugin_info_bar_)) { crashed_plugin_info_bar_ = new InfoBarMessageView(info_bar_message); view->AddChildView(crashed_plugin_info_bar_); } else { crashed_plugin_info_bar_->SetMessageText(info_bar_message); } } // Returns true if the entry's transition type is FORM_SUBMIT. static bool IsFormSubmit(const NavigationEntry* entry) { DCHECK(entry); return (PageTransition::StripQualifier(entry->transition_type()) == PageTransition::FORM_SUBMIT); } void WebContents::PageHasOSDD(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id, const GURL& url, bool autodetected) { // Make sure page_id is the current page, and the TemplateURLModel is loaded. DCHECK(url.is_valid()); if (!controller() || !IsActiveEntry(page_id)) return; TemplateURLModel* url_model = profile()->GetTemplateURLModel(); if (!url_model) return; if (!url_model->loaded()) { url_model->Load(); return; } if (!profile()->GetTemplateURLFetcher()) return; if (profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; const NavigationEntry* entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); DCHECK(entry); const NavigationEntry* base_entry = entry; if (IsFormSubmit(base_entry)) { // If the current page is a form submit, find the last page that was not // a form submit and use its url to generate the keyword from. int index = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex() - 1; while (index >= 0 && IsFormSubmit(controller()->GetEntryAtIndex(index))) index--; if (index >= 0) base_entry = controller()->GetEntryAtIndex(index); else base_entry = NULL; } // We want to use the user typed URL if available since that represents what // the user typed to get here, and fall back on the regular URL if not. if (!base_entry) return; GURL keyword_url = base_entry->user_typed_url().is_valid() ? base_entry->user_typed_url() : base_entry->url(); if (!keyword_url.is_valid()) return; std::wstring keyword = TemplateURLModel::GenerateKeyword(keyword_url, autodetected); if (keyword.empty()) return; const TemplateURL* template_url = url_model->GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword); if (template_url && (!template_url->safe_for_autoreplace() || template_url->originating_url() == url)) { // Either there is a user created TemplateURL for this keyword, or the // keyword has the same OSDD url and we've parsed it. return; } // Download the OpenSearch description document. If this is successful a // new keyword will be created when done. profile()->GetTemplateURLFetcher()->ScheduleDownload( keyword, url, base_entry->favicon().url(), GetAncestor(GetHWND(), GA_ROOT), autodetected); } void WebContents::OnDidGetApplicationInfo( int32 page_id, const webkit_glue::WebApplicationInfo& info) { if (pending_install_.page_id != page_id) return; // The user clicked create on a separate page. Ignore this. pending_install_.callback_functor = new GearsCreateShortcutCallbackFunctor(this); GearsCreateShortcut( info, pending_install_.title, pending_install_.url, pending_install_.icon, NewCallback(pending_install_.callback_functor, &GearsCreateShortcutCallbackFunctor::Run)); } void WebContents::OnGearsCreateShortcutDone( const GearsShortcutData& shortcut_data, bool success) { NavigationEntry* current_entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); bool same_page = current_entry && pending_install_.page_id == current_entry->page_id(); if (success && same_page) { // Only switch to app mode if the user chose to create a shortcut and // we're still on the same page that it corresponded to. SetWebApp(new WebApp(profile(), shortcut_data)); if (delegate()) delegate()->ConvertContentsToApplication(this); } // Reset the page id to indicate no requests are pending. pending_install_.page_id = 0; pending_install_.callback_functor = NULL; } void WebContents::UpdateMaxPageIDIfNecessary(SiteInstance* site_instance, RenderViewHost* rvh) { // If we are creating a RVH for a restored controller, then we might // have more page IDs than the SiteInstance's current max page ID. We must // make sure that the max page ID is larger than any restored page ID. // Note that it is ok for conflicting page IDs to exist in another tab // (i.e., NavigationController), but if any page ID is larger than the max, // the back/forward list will get confused. int max_restored_page_id = controller()->max_restored_page_id(); if (max_restored_page_id > 0) { int curr_max_page_id = site_instance->max_page_id(); if (max_restored_page_id > curr_max_page_id) { // Need to update the site instance immediately. site_instance->UpdateMaxPageID(max_restored_page_id); // Also tell the renderer to update its internal representation. We // need to reserve enough IDs to make all restored page IDs less than // the max. if (curr_max_page_id < 0) curr_max_page_id = 0; rvh->ReservePageIDRange(max_restored_page_id - curr_max_page_id); } } } void WebContents::BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager( bool proceed, bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) { delegate()->BeforeUnloadFired(this, proceed, proceed_to_fire_unload); } HWND WebContents::GetContentHWND() { if (!view()) return NULL; return view()->GetPluginHWND(); } bool WebContents::CanDisplayFile(const std::wstring& full_path) { bool allow_wildcard = false; std::string mime_type; net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(full_path, &mime_type); if (net::IsSupportedMimeType(mime_type) || (PluginService::GetInstance() && PluginService::GetInstance()->HavePluginFor(mime_type, allow_wildcard))) return true; return false; } void WebContents::PrintPreview() { // We can't print interstitial page for now. if (render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page()) return; // If we have a FindInPage dialog, notify it that its tab was hidden. if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->DidBecomeUnselected(); // We don't show the print preview for the beta, only the print dialog. printing_.ShowPrintDialog(); } bool WebContents::PrintNow() { // We can't print interstitial page for now. if (render_manager_.showing_interstitial_page()) return false; // If we have a FindInPage dialog, notify it that its tab was hidden. if (find_in_page_controller_.get()) find_in_page_controller_->DidBecomeUnselected(); return printing_.PrintNow(); } void WebContents::WillCaptureContents() { capturing_contents_ = true; } void WebContents::DidCaptureContents() { capturing_contents_ = false; } void WebContents::Cut() { render_view_host()->Cut(); } void WebContents::Copy() { render_view_host()->Copy(); } void WebContents::Paste() { render_view_host()->Paste(); } void WebContents::SetInitialFocus(bool reverse) { render_view_host()->SetInitialFocus(reverse); } void WebContents::GenerateKeywordIfNecessary( const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) { DCHECK(controller()); if (!params.searchable_form_url.is_valid()) return; if (profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; const int last_index = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(); // When there was no previous page, the last index will be 0. This is // normally due to a form submit that opened in a new tab. // TODO(brettw) bug 916126: we should support keywords when form submits // happen in new tabs. if (last_index <= 0) return; const NavigationEntry* previous_entry = controller()->GetEntryAtIndex(last_index - 1); if (IsFormSubmit(previous_entry)) { // Only generate a keyword if the previous page wasn't itself a form // submit. return; } GURL keyword_url = previous_entry->user_typed_url().is_valid() ? previous_entry->user_typed_url() : previous_entry->url(); std::wstring keyword = TemplateURLModel::GenerateKeyword(keyword_url, true); // autodetected if (keyword.empty()) return; TemplateURLModel* url_model = profile()->GetTemplateURLModel(); if (!url_model) return; if (!url_model->loaded()) { url_model->Load(); return; } const TemplateURL* current_url; std::wstring url = UTF8ToWide(params.searchable_form_url.spec()); if (!url_model->CanReplaceKeyword(keyword, url, ¤t_url)) return; if (current_url) { if (current_url->originating_url().is_valid()) { // The existing keyword was generated from an OpenSearch description // document, don't regenerate. return; } url_model->Remove(current_url); } TemplateURL* new_url = new TemplateURL(); new_url->set_keyword(keyword); new_url->set_short_name(keyword); new_url->SetURL(url, 0, 0); new_url->add_input_encoding(params.searchable_form_encoding); DCHECK(controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry()); const GURL& favicon_url = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry()->favicon().url(); if (favicon_url.is_valid()) { new_url->SetFavIconURL(favicon_url); } else { // The favicon url isn't valid. This means there really isn't a favicon, // or the favicon url wasn't obtained before the load started. This assumes // the later. // TODO(sky): Need a way to set the favicon that doesn't involve generating // its url. new_url->SetFavIconURL(TemplateURL::GenerateFaviconURL(params.referrer)); } new_url->set_safe_for_autoreplace(true); url_model->Add(new_url); } void WebContents::InspectElementReply(int num_resources) { // We have received reply from inspect element request. Notify the // automation provider in case we need to notify automation client. NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_DOM_INSPECT_ELEMENT_RESPONSE, Source<WebContents>(this), Details<int>(&num_resources)); } // The renderer sends back to the browser the key events it did not process. void WebContents::HandleKeyboardEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { // The renderer returned a keyboard event it did not process. This may be // a keyboard shortcut that we have to process. if (event.type == WebInputEvent::KEY_DOWN) { ChromeViews::FocusManager* focus_manager = ChromeViews::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(GetHWND()); // We may not have a focus_manager at this point (if the tab has been // switched by the time this message returned). if (focus_manager) { ChromeViews::Accelerator accelerator(event.key_code, (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::SHIFT_KEY) == WebInputEvent::SHIFT_KEY, (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::CTRL_KEY) == WebInputEvent::CTRL_KEY, (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ALT_KEY) == WebInputEvent::ALT_KEY); if (focus_manager->ProcessAccelerator(accelerator, false)) return; } } // Any unhandled keyboard/character messages should be defproced. // This allows stuff like Alt+F4, etc to work correctly. DefWindowProc(event.actual_message.hwnd, event.actual_message.message, event.actual_message.wParam, event.actual_message.lParam); } bool WebContents::CreateRenderViewForRenderManager( RenderViewHost* render_view_host) { RenderWidgetHostHWND* view = CreatePageView(render_view_host); bool ok = render_view_host->CreateRenderView(); if (ok) { CRect client_rect; ::GetClientRect(GetHWND(), &client_rect); view->SetSize(gfx::Size(client_rect.Width(), client_rect.Height())); UpdateMaxPageIDIfNecessary(render_view_host->site_instance(), render_view_host); } return ok; } RenderWidgetHostHWND* WebContents::CreatePageView( RenderViewHost* render_view_host) { // Create the View as well. Its lifetime matches the child process'. DCHECK(!render_view_host->view()); RenderWidgetHostHWND* view = new RenderWidgetHostHWND(render_view_host); render_view_host->set_view(view); view->Create(GetHWND()); view->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); return view; } void WebContents::DidGetPrintedPagesCount(int cookie, int number_pages) { printing_.DidGetPrintedPagesCount(cookie, number_pages); } void WebContents::DidPrintPage(const ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params& params) { printing_.DidPrintPage(params); } void WebContents::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading, LoadNotificationDetails* details) { if (!is_loading) { load_state_ = net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE; load_state_host_.clear(); } TabContents::SetIsLoading(is_loading, details); render_manager_.SetIsLoading(is_loading); } void WebContents::FileSelected(const std::wstring& path, void* params) { render_view_host()->FileSelected(path); } void WebContents::FileSelectionCanceled(void* params) { // If the user cancels choosing a file to upload we need to pass back the // empty string. render_view_host()->FileSelected(std::wstring()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool WebContents::IsInPageNavigation(const GURL& url) const { // We compare to the last committed entry and not the active entry as the // active entry is the current pending entry (if any). // When this method is called when a navigation initiated from the browser // (ex: when typing the URL in the location bar) is committed, the pending // entry URL is the same as |url|. NavigationEntry* entry = controller()->GetLastCommittedEntry(); return (entry && url.has_ref() && (url != entry->url()) && // Test for reload of a URL with a ref. GURLWithoutRef(entry->url()) == GURLWithoutRef(url)); } SkBitmap WebContents::GetFavIcon() { if (web_app_.get() && IsWebApplicationActive()) { SkBitmap app_icon = web_app_->GetFavIcon(); if (!app_icon.isNull()) return app_icon; } return TabContents::GetFavIcon(); } std::wstring WebContents::GetStatusText() const { if (!is_loading() || load_state_ == net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE) return std::wstring(); switch (load_state_) { case net::LOAD_STATE_WAITING_FOR_CACHE: return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_LOAD_STATE_WAITING_FOR_CACHE); case net::LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL: return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL); case net::LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_HOST: return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_HOST); case net::LOAD_STATE_CONNECTING: return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_LOAD_STATE_CONNECTING); case net::LOAD_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST: return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_LOAD_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST); case net::LOAD_STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE: return l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_LOAD_STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE, load_state_host_); // Ignore net::LOAD_STATE_READING_RESPONSE and net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE } return std::wstring(); } // Called by PluginInstaller to start installation of missing plugin. void WebContents::InstallMissingPlugin() { render_view_host()->InstallMissingPlugin(); } void WebContents::GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage( const GURL& page_url) { render_view_host()->GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage( page_url); } void WebContents::OnReceivedSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage( const std::vector<GURL>& resources_list, const std::vector<GURL>& referrers_list, const std::vector<GURL>& frames_list) { SavePackage* save_package = get_save_package(); if (save_package) { save_package->ProcessCurrentPageAllSavableResourceLinks(resources_list, referrers_list, frames_list); } } void WebContents::GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks( const std::vector<std::wstring>& links, const std::vector<std::wstring>& local_paths, const std::wstring& local_directory_name) { render_view_host()->GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks( links, local_paths, local_directory_name); } void WebContents::OnReceivedSerializedHtmlData(const GURL& frame_url, const std::string& data, int32 status) { SavePackage* save_package = get_save_package(); if (save_package) save_package->ProcessSerializedHtmlData(frame_url, data, status); } bool WebContents::CanBlur() const { return delegate() ? delegate()->CanBlur() : true; } void WebContents::RendererUnresponsive(RenderViewHost* rvh) { if (render_view_host() && render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) HungRendererWarning::ShowForWebContents(this); } void WebContents::RendererResponsive(RenderViewHost* render_view_host) { HungRendererWarning::HideForWebContents(this); } void WebContents::LoadStateChanged(const GURL& url, net::LoadState load_state) { load_state_ = load_state; load_state_host_ = UTF8ToWide(url.host()); if (load_state_ == net::LOAD_STATE_READING_RESPONSE) response_started_ = false; if (is_loading()) NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_LOAD); } void WebContents::DetachPluginWindows() { EnumChildWindows(GetHWND(), WebContents::EnumPluginWindowsCallback, NULL); } BOOL WebContents::EnumPluginWindowsCallback(HWND window, LPARAM) { if (WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsPluginDelegateWindow(window)) { ::ShowWindow(window, SW_HIDE); SetParent(window, NULL); } return TRUE; }