// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/webdata/autofill_table.h" #include <algorithm> #include <limits> #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/guid.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/tuple.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_country.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_type.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/password_manager/encryptor.h" #include "chrome/browser/webdata/autofill_change.h" #include "chrome/browser/webdata/autofill_entry.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "webkit/forms/form_field.h" using base::Time; using webkit::forms::FormField; namespace { typedef std::vector<Tuple3<int64, string16, string16> > AutofillElementList; // TODO(dhollowa): Find a common place for this. It is duplicated in // personal_data_manager.cc. template<typename T> T* address_of(T& v) { return &v; } string16 LimitDataSize(const string16& data) { if (data.size() > AutofillTable::kMaxDataLength) return data.substr(0, AutofillTable::kMaxDataLength); return data; } void BindAutofillProfileToStatement(const AutofillProfile& profile, sql::Statement* s) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(profile.guid())); s->BindString(0, profile.guid()); string16 text = profile.GetInfo(COMPANY_NAME); s->BindString16(1, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1); s->BindString16(2, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2); s->BindString16(3, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY); s->BindString16(4, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE); s->BindString16(5, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP); s->BindString16(6, LimitDataSize(text)); text = profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY); s->BindString16(7, LimitDataSize(text)); std::string country_code = profile.CountryCode(); s->BindString(8, country_code); s->BindInt64(9, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); } AutofillProfile* AutofillProfileFromStatement(const sql::Statement& s) { AutofillProfile* profile = new AutofillProfile; profile->set_guid(s.ColumnString(0)); DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(profile->guid())); profile->SetInfo(COMPANY_NAME, s.ColumnString16(1)); profile->SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1, s.ColumnString16(2)); profile->SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2, s.ColumnString16(3)); profile->SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY, s.ColumnString16(4)); profile->SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE, s.ColumnString16(5)); profile->SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, s.ColumnString16(6)); // Intentionally skip column 7, which stores the localized country name. profile->SetCountryCode(s.ColumnString(8)); // Intentionally skip column 9, which stores the profile's modification date. return profile; } void BindCreditCardToStatement(const CreditCard& credit_card, sql::Statement* s) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(credit_card.guid())); s->BindString(0, credit_card.guid()); string16 text = credit_card.GetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_NAME); s->BindString16(1, LimitDataSize(text)); text = credit_card.GetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_MONTH); s->BindString16(2, LimitDataSize(text)); text = credit_card.GetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_4_DIGIT_YEAR); s->BindString16(3, LimitDataSize(text)); text = credit_card.GetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER); std::string encrypted_data; Encryptor::EncryptString16(text, &encrypted_data); s->BindBlob(4, encrypted_data.data(), static_cast<int>(encrypted_data.length())); s->BindInt64(5, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); } CreditCard* CreditCardFromStatement(const sql::Statement& s) { CreditCard* credit_card = new CreditCard; credit_card->set_guid(s.ColumnString(0)); DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(credit_card->guid())); credit_card->SetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_NAME, s.ColumnString16(1)); credit_card->SetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_MONTH, s.ColumnString16(2)); credit_card->SetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_4_DIGIT_YEAR, s.ColumnString16(3)); int encrypted_number_len = s.ColumnByteLength(4); string16 credit_card_number; if (encrypted_number_len) { std::string encrypted_number; encrypted_number.resize(encrypted_number_len); memcpy(&encrypted_number[0], s.ColumnBlob(4), encrypted_number_len); Encryptor::DecryptString16(encrypted_number, &credit_card_number); } credit_card->SetInfo(CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER, credit_card_number); // Intentionally skip column 5, which stores the modification date. return credit_card; } bool AddAutofillProfileNamesToProfile(sql::Connection* db, AutofillProfile* profile) { sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, first_name, middle_name, last_name " "FROM autofill_profile_names " "WHERE guid=?")); s.BindString(0, profile->guid()); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; std::vector<string16> first_names; std::vector<string16> middle_names; std::vector<string16> last_names; while (s.Step()) { DCHECK_EQ(profile->guid(), s.ColumnString(0)); first_names.push_back(s.ColumnString16(1)); middle_names.push_back(s.ColumnString16(2)); last_names.push_back(s.ColumnString16(3)); } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; profile->SetMultiInfo(NAME_FIRST, first_names); profile->SetMultiInfo(NAME_MIDDLE, middle_names); profile->SetMultiInfo(NAME_LAST, last_names); return true; } bool AddAutofillProfileEmailsToProfile(sql::Connection* db, AutofillProfile* profile) { sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, email " "FROM autofill_profile_emails " "WHERE guid=?")); s.BindString(0, profile->guid()); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; std::vector<string16> emails; while (s.Step()) { DCHECK_EQ(profile->guid(), s.ColumnString(0)); emails.push_back(s.ColumnString16(1)); } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; profile->SetMultiInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS, emails); return true; } bool AddAutofillProfilePhonesToProfile(sql::Connection* db, AutofillProfile* profile) { sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, type, number " "FROM autofill_profile_phones " "WHERE guid=? AND type=?")); // Value used to be either [(0, phone), (1, fax)] but fax has been removed. s.BindString(0, profile->guid()); s.BindInt(1, 0); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; std::vector<string16> numbers; while (s.Step()) { DCHECK_EQ(profile->guid(), s.ColumnString(0)); numbers.push_back(s.ColumnString16(2)); } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; profile->SetMultiInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, numbers); return true; } bool AddAutofillProfileNames(const AutofillProfile& profile, sql::Connection* db) { std::vector<string16> first_names; profile.GetMultiInfo(NAME_FIRST, &first_names); std::vector<string16> middle_names; profile.GetMultiInfo(NAME_MIDDLE, &middle_names); std::vector<string16> last_names; profile.GetMultiInfo(NAME_LAST, &last_names); DCHECK_EQ(first_names.size(), middle_names.size()); DCHECK_EQ(middle_names.size(), last_names.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < first_names.size(); ++i) { // Add the new name. sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profile_names" " (guid, first_name, middle_name, last_name) " "VALUES (?,?,?,?)")); s.BindString(0, profile.guid()); s.BindString16(1, first_names[i]); s.BindString16(2, middle_names[i]); s.BindString16(3, last_names[i]); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool AddAutofillProfileEmails(const AutofillProfile& profile, sql::Connection* db) { std::vector<string16> emails; profile.GetMultiInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS, &emails); for (size_t i = 0; i < emails.size(); ++i) { // Add the new email. sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profile_emails" " (guid, email) " "VALUES (?,?)")); s.BindString(0, profile.guid()); s.BindString16(1, emails[i]); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool AddAutofillProfilePhones(const AutofillProfile& profile, sql::Connection* db) { std::vector<string16> numbers; profile.GetMultiInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, &numbers); for (size_t i = 0; i < numbers.size(); ++i) { // Add the new number. sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profile_phones" " (guid, type, number) " "VALUES (?,?,?)")); s.BindString(0, profile.guid()); // Value used to be either [(0, phone), (1, fax)] but fax has been removed. s.BindInt(1, 0); s.BindString16(2, numbers[i]); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool AddAutofillProfilePieces(const AutofillProfile& profile, sql::Connection* db) { if (!AddAutofillProfileNames(profile, db)) return false; if (!AddAutofillProfileEmails(profile, db)) return false; if (!AddAutofillProfilePhones(profile, db)) return false; return true; } bool RemoveAutofillProfilePieces(const std::string& guid, sql::Connection* db) { sql::Statement s1(db->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_names WHERE guid = ?")); s1.BindString(0, guid); if (!s1.Run()) return false; sql::Statement s2(db->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_emails WHERE guid = ?")); s2.BindString(0, guid); if (!s2.Run()) return false; sql::Statement s3(db->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_phones WHERE guid = ?")); s3.BindString(0, guid); return s3.Run(); } } // namespace // The maximum length allowed for form data. const size_t AutofillTable::kMaxDataLength = 1024; AutofillTable::AutofillTable(sql::Connection* db, sql::MetaTable* meta_table) : WebDatabaseTable(db, meta_table) { } AutofillTable::~AutofillTable() { } bool AutofillTable::Init() { return (InitMainTable() && InitCreditCardsTable() && InitDatesTable() && InitProfilesTable() && InitProfileNamesTable() && InitProfileEmailsTable() && InitProfilePhonesTable() && InitProfileTrashTable()); } bool AutofillTable::IsSyncable() { return true; } bool AutofillTable::AddFormFieldValues(const std::vector<FormField>& elements, std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes) { return AddFormFieldValuesTime(elements, changes, Time::Now()); } bool AutofillTable::AddFormFieldValue(const FormField& element, std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes) { return AddFormFieldValueTime(element, changes, Time::Now()); } bool AutofillTable::GetFormValuesForElementName(const string16& name, const string16& prefix, std::vector<string16>* values, int limit) { DCHECK(values); sql::Statement s; if (prefix.empty()) { s.Assign(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM autofill " "WHERE name = ? " "ORDER BY count DESC " "LIMIT ?")); s.BindString16(0, name); s.BindInt(1, limit); } else { string16 prefix_lower = base::i18n::ToLower(prefix); string16 next_prefix = prefix_lower; next_prefix[next_prefix.length() - 1]++; s.Assign(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT value FROM autofill " "WHERE name = ? AND " "value_lower >= ? AND " "value_lower < ? " "ORDER BY count DESC " "LIMIT ?")); s.BindString16(0, name); s.BindString16(1, prefix_lower); s.BindString16(2, next_prefix); s.BindInt(3, limit); } values->clear(); while (s.Step()) values->push_back(s.ColumnString16(0)); return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween( const Time& delete_begin, const Time& delete_end, std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes) { DCHECK(changes); // Query for the pair_id, name, and value of all form elements that // were used between the given times. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT a.pair_id, a.name, a.value " "FROM autofill_dates ad JOIN autofill a ON ad.pair_id = a.pair_id " "WHERE ad.date_created >= ? AND ad.date_created < ?")); s.BindInt64(0, delete_begin.ToTimeT()); s.BindInt64(1, (delete_end.is_null() || delete_end == base::Time::Max()) ? std::numeric_limits<int64>::max() : delete_end.ToTimeT()); AutofillElementList elements; while (s.Step()) { elements.push_back(MakeTuple(s.ColumnInt64(0), s.ColumnString16(1), s.ColumnString16(2))); } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; for (AutofillElementList::iterator itr = elements.begin(); itr != elements.end(); ++itr) { int how_many = 0; if (!RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(itr->a, delete_begin, delete_end, &how_many)) { return false; } // We store at most 2 time stamps. If we remove both of them we should // delete the corresponding data. If we delete only one it could still be // the last timestamp for the data, so check how many timestamps do remain. bool should_remove = (CountTimestampsData(itr->a) == 0); if (should_remove) { if (!RemoveFormElementForID(itr->a)) return false; } else { if (!AddToCountOfFormElement(itr->a, -how_many)) return false; } AutofillChange::Type change_type = should_remove ? AutofillChange::REMOVE : AutofillChange::UPDATE; changes->push_back(AutofillChange(change_type, AutofillKey(itr->b, itr->c))); } return true; } bool AutofillTable::RemoveExpiredFormElements( std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes) { DCHECK(changes); base::Time delete_end = AutofillEntry::ExpirationTime(); // Query for the pair_id, name, and value of all form elements that // were last used before the |delete_end|. sql::Statement select_for_delete(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT pair_id, name, value " "FROM autofill WHERE pair_id NOT IN " "(SELECT DISTINCT pair_id " "FROM autofill_dates WHERE date_created >= ?)")); select_for_delete.BindInt64(0, delete_end.ToTimeT()); AutofillElementList entries_to_delete; while (select_for_delete.Step()) { entries_to_delete.push_back(MakeTuple(select_for_delete.ColumnInt64(0), select_for_delete.ColumnString16(1), select_for_delete.ColumnString16(2))); } if (!select_for_delete.Succeeded()) return false; sql::Statement delete_data_statement(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill WHERE pair_id NOT IN (" "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill_dates WHERE date_created >= ?)")); delete_data_statement.BindInt64(0, delete_end.ToTimeT()); if (!delete_data_statement.Run()) return false; sql::Statement delete_times_statement(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id NOT IN (" "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill_dates WHERE date_created >= ?)")); delete_times_statement.BindInt64(0, delete_end.ToTimeT()); if (!delete_times_statement.Run()) return false; // Cull remaining entries' timestamps. std::vector<AutofillEntry> entries; if (!GetAllAutofillEntries(&entries)) return false; sql::Statement cull_date_entry(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_dates " "WHERE pair_id == (SELECT pair_id FROM autofill " "WHERE name = ? and value = ?)" "AND date_created != ? AND date_created != ?")); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { cull_date_entry.BindString16(0, entries[i].key().name()); cull_date_entry.BindString16(1, entries[i].key().value()); cull_date_entry.BindInt64(2, entries[i].timestamps().empty() ? 0 : entries[i].timestamps().front().ToTimeT()); cull_date_entry.BindInt64(3, entries[i].timestamps().empty() ? 0 : entries[i].timestamps().back().ToTimeT()); if (!cull_date_entry.Run()) return false; cull_date_entry.Reset(true); } changes->clear(); changes->reserve(entries_to_delete.size()); for (AutofillElementList::iterator it = entries_to_delete.begin(); it != entries_to_delete.end(); ++it) { changes->push_back(AutofillChange( AutofillChange::REMOVE, AutofillKey(it->b, it->c))); } return true; } bool AutofillTable::RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(int64 pair_id, const Time& delete_begin, const Time& delete_end, int* how_many) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id = ? AND " "date_created >= ? AND date_created < ?")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); s.BindInt64(1, delete_begin.is_null() ? 0 : delete_begin.ToTimeT()); s.BindInt64(2, delete_end.is_null() ? std::numeric_limits<int64>::max() : delete_end.ToTimeT()); bool result = s.Run(); if (how_many) *how_many = db_->GetLastChangeCount(); return result; } int AutofillTable::CountTimestampsData(int64 pair_id) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id = ?")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); if (!s.Step()) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } else { return s.ColumnInt(0); } } bool AutofillTable::AddToCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int delta) { int count = 0; if (!GetCountOfFormElement(pair_id, &count)) return false; if (count + delta == 0) { // Should remove the element earlier in the code. NOTREACHED(); return false; } else { if (!SetCountOfFormElement(pair_id, count + delta)) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::GetIDAndCountOfFormElement( const FormField& element, int64* pair_id, int* count) { DCHECK(pair_id); DCHECK(count); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT pair_id, count FROM autofill " "WHERE name = ? AND value = ?")); s.BindString16(0, element.name); s.BindString16(1, element.value); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; *pair_id = 0; *count = 0; if (s.Step()) { *pair_id = s.ColumnInt64(0); *count = s.ColumnInt(1); } return true; } bool AutofillTable::GetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int* count) { DCHECK(count); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT count FROM autofill WHERE pair_id = ?")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); if (s.Step()) { *count = s.ColumnInt(0); return true; } return false; } bool AutofillTable::SetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int count) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE autofill SET count = ? WHERE pair_id = ?")); s.BindInt(0, count); s.BindInt64(1, pair_id); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::InsertFormElement(const FormField& element, int64* pair_id) { DCHECK(pair_id); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill (name, value, value_lower) VALUES (?,?,?)")); s.BindString16(0, element.name); s.BindString16(1, element.value); s.BindString16(2, base::i18n::ToLower(element.value)); if (!s.Run()) return false; *pair_id = db_->GetLastInsertRowId(); return true; } bool AutofillTable::InsertPairIDAndDate(int64 pair_id, const Time& date_created) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_dates " "(pair_id, date_created) VALUES (?, ?)")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); s.BindInt64(1, date_created.ToTimeT()); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::DeleteLastAccess(int64 pair_id) { // Inner SELECT selects the newest |date_created| for a given |pair_id|. // DELETE deletes only that entry. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id = ? and date_created IN " "(SELECT date_created FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id = ? " "ORDER BY date_created DESC LIMIT 1)")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); s.BindInt64(1, pair_id); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::AddFormFieldValuesTime( const std::vector<FormField>& elements, std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes, Time time) { // Only add one new entry for each unique element name. Use |seen_names| to // track this. Add up to |kMaximumUniqueNames| unique entries per form. const size_t kMaximumUniqueNames = 256; std::set<string16> seen_names; bool result = true; for (std::vector<FormField>::const_iterator itr = elements.begin(); itr != elements.end(); ++itr) { if (seen_names.size() >= kMaximumUniqueNames) break; if (seen_names.find(itr->name) != seen_names.end()) continue; result = result && AddFormFieldValueTime(*itr, changes, time); seen_names.insert(itr->name); } return result; } bool AutofillTable::ClearAutofillEmptyValueElements() { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill WHERE TRIM(value)= \"\"")); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; std::set<int64> ids; while (s.Step()) ids.insert(s.ColumnInt64(0)); if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; bool success = true; for (std::set<int64>::const_iterator iter = ids.begin(); iter != ids.end(); ++iter) { if (!RemoveFormElementForID(*iter)) success = false; } return success; } bool AutofillTable::GetAllAutofillEntries(std::vector<AutofillEntry>* entries) { DCHECK(entries); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT name, value, date_created FROM autofill a JOIN " "autofill_dates ad ON a.pair_id=ad.pair_id")); bool first_entry = true; AutofillKey* current_key_ptr = NULL; std::vector<Time>* timestamps_ptr = NULL; string16 name, value; Time time; while (s.Step()) { name = s.ColumnString16(0); value = s.ColumnString16(1); time = Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(2)); if (first_entry) { current_key_ptr = new AutofillKey(name, value); timestamps_ptr = new std::vector<Time>; timestamps_ptr->push_back(time); first_entry = false; } else { // we've encountered the next entry if (current_key_ptr->name().compare(name) != 0 || current_key_ptr->value().compare(value) != 0) { AutofillEntry entry(*current_key_ptr, *timestamps_ptr); entries->push_back(entry); delete current_key_ptr; delete timestamps_ptr; current_key_ptr = new AutofillKey(name, value); timestamps_ptr = new std::vector<Time>; } timestamps_ptr->push_back(time); } } // If there is at least one result returned, first_entry will be false. // For this case we need to do a final cleanup step. if (!first_entry) { AutofillEntry entry(*current_key_ptr, *timestamps_ptr); entries->push_back(entry); delete current_key_ptr; delete timestamps_ptr; } return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::GetAutofillTimestamps(const string16& name, const string16& value, std::vector<Time>* timestamps) { DCHECK(timestamps); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT date_created FROM autofill a JOIN " "autofill_dates ad ON a.pair_id=ad.pair_id " "WHERE a.name = ? AND a.value = ?")); s.BindString16(0, name); s.BindString16(1, value); while (s.Step()) timestamps->push_back(Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(0))); return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::UpdateAutofillEntries( const std::vector<AutofillEntry>& entries) { if (!entries.size()) return true; // Remove all existing entries. for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { std::string sql = "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill " "WHERE name = ? AND value = ?"; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str())); s.BindString16(0, entries[i].key().name()); s.BindString16(1, entries[i].key().value()); if (!s.is_valid()) return false; if (s.Step()) { if (!RemoveFormElementForID(s.ColumnInt64(0))) return false; } } // Insert all the supplied autofill entries. for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { if (!InsertAutofillEntry(entries[i])) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InsertAutofillEntry(const AutofillEntry& entry) { std::string sql = "INSERT INTO autofill (name, value, value_lower, count) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str())); s.BindString16(0, entry.key().name()); s.BindString16(1, entry.key().value()); s.BindString16(2, base::i18n::ToLower(entry.key().value())); s.BindInt(3, entry.timestamps().size()); if (!s.Run()) return false; int64 pair_id = db_->GetLastInsertRowId(); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.timestamps().size(); i++) { if (!InsertPairIDAndDate(pair_id, entry.timestamps()[i])) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::AddFormFieldValueTime(const FormField& element, std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes, Time time) { int count = 0; int64 pair_id; if (!GetIDAndCountOfFormElement(element, &pair_id, &count)) return false; if (count == 0 && !InsertFormElement(element, &pair_id)) return false; if (!SetCountOfFormElement(pair_id, count + 1)) return false; // If we already have more than 2 times delete last one, before adding new // one. if (count >= 2 && !DeleteLastAccess(pair_id)) return false; if (!InsertPairIDAndDate(pair_id, time)) return false; AutofillChange::Type change_type = count == 0 ? AutofillChange::ADD : AutofillChange::UPDATE; changes->push_back( AutofillChange(change_type, AutofillKey(element.name, element.value))); return true; } bool AutofillTable::RemoveFormElement(const string16& name, const string16& value) { // Find the id for that pair. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill WHERE name = ? AND value= ?")); s.BindString16(0, name); s.BindString16(1, value); if (s.Step()) return RemoveFormElementForID(s.ColumnInt64(0)); return false; } bool AutofillTable::AddAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile) { if (IsAutofillGUIDInTrash(profile.guid())) return true; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profiles" "(guid, company_name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state," " zipcode, country, country_code, date_modified)" "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")); BindAutofillProfileToStatement(profile, &s); if (!s.Run()) return false; return AddAutofillProfilePieces(profile, db_); } bool AutofillTable::GetAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid, AutofillProfile** profile) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(guid)); DCHECK(profile); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, company_name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state," " zipcode, country, country_code, date_modified " "FROM autofill_profiles " "WHERE guid=?")); s.BindString(0, guid); if (!s.Step()) return false; scoped_ptr<AutofillProfile> p(AutofillProfileFromStatement(s)); // Get associated name info. AddAutofillProfileNamesToProfile(db_, p.get()); // Get associated email info. AddAutofillProfileEmailsToProfile(db_, p.get()); // Get associated phone info. AddAutofillProfilePhonesToProfile(db_, p.get()); *profile = p.release(); return true; } bool AutofillTable::GetAutofillProfiles( std::vector<AutofillProfile*>* profiles) { DCHECK(profiles); profiles->clear(); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid " "FROM autofill_profiles")); while (s.Step()) { std::string guid = s.ColumnString(0); AutofillProfile* profile = NULL; if (!GetAutofillProfile(guid, &profile)) return false; profiles->push_back(profile); } return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::UpdateAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(profile.guid())); // Don't update anything until the trash has been emptied. There may be // pending modifications to process. if (!IsAutofillProfilesTrashEmpty()) return true; AutofillProfile* tmp_profile = NULL; if (!GetAutofillProfile(profile.guid(), &tmp_profile)) return false; // Preserve appropriate modification dates by not updating unchanged profiles. scoped_ptr<AutofillProfile> old_profile(tmp_profile); if (old_profile->Compare(profile) == 0) return true; AutofillProfile new_profile(profile); std::vector<string16> values; old_profile->GetMultiInfo(NAME_FULL, &values); values[0] = new_profile.GetInfo(NAME_FULL); new_profile.SetMultiInfo(NAME_FULL, values); old_profile->GetMultiInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS, &values); values[0] = new_profile.GetInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS); new_profile.SetMultiInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS, values); old_profile->GetMultiInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, &values); values[0] = new_profile.GetInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER); new_profile.SetMultiInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, values); return UpdateAutofillProfileMulti(new_profile); } bool AutofillTable::UpdateAutofillProfileMulti(const AutofillProfile& profile) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(profile.guid())); // Don't update anything until the trash has been emptied. There may be // pending modifications to process. if (!IsAutofillProfilesTrashEmpty()) return true; AutofillProfile* tmp_profile = NULL; if (!GetAutofillProfile(profile.guid(), &tmp_profile)) return false; // Preserve appropriate modification dates by not updating unchanged profiles. scoped_ptr<AutofillProfile> old_profile(tmp_profile); if (old_profile->Compare(profile) == 0) return true; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE autofill_profiles " "SET guid=?, company_name=?, address_line_1=?, address_line_2=?, " " city=?, state=?, zipcode=?, country=?, country_code=?, " " date_modified=? " "WHERE guid=?")); BindAutofillProfileToStatement(profile, &s); s.BindString(10, profile.guid()); bool result = s.Run(); DCHECK_GT(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 0); if (!result) return result; // Remove the old names, emails, and phone numbers. if (!RemoveAutofillProfilePieces(profile.guid(), db_)) return false; return AddAutofillProfilePieces(profile, db_); } bool AutofillTable::RemoveAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(guid)); if (IsAutofillGUIDInTrash(guid)) { sql::Statement s_trash(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles_trash WHERE guid = ?")); s_trash.BindString(0, guid); bool success = s_trash.Run(); DCHECK_GT(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 0) << "Expected item in trash"; return success; } sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles WHERE guid = ?")); s.BindString(0, guid); if (!s.Run()) return false; return RemoveAutofillProfilePieces(guid, db_); } bool AutofillTable::ClearAutofillProfiles() { sql::Statement s1(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles")); if (!s1.Run()) return false; sql::Statement s2(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_names")); if (!s2.Run()) return false; sql::Statement s3(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_emails")); if (!s3.Run()) return false; sql::Statement s4(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profile_phones")); return s4.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO credit_cards" "(guid, name_on_card, expiration_month, expiration_year, " "card_number_encrypted, date_modified)" "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")); BindCreditCardToStatement(credit_card, &s); if (!s.Run()) return false; DCHECK_GT(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 0); return true; } bool AutofillTable::GetCreditCard(const std::string& guid, CreditCard** credit_card) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(guid)); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, name_on_card, expiration_month, expiration_year, " "card_number_encrypted, date_modified " "FROM credit_cards " "WHERE guid = ?")); s.BindString(0, guid); if (!s.Step()) return false; *credit_card = CreditCardFromStatement(s); return true; } bool AutofillTable::GetCreditCards( std::vector<CreditCard*>* credit_cards) { DCHECK(credit_cards); credit_cards->clear(); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid " "FROM credit_cards")); while (s.Step()) { std::string guid = s.ColumnString(0); CreditCard* credit_card = NULL; if (!GetCreditCard(guid, &credit_card)) return false; credit_cards->push_back(credit_card); } return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(credit_card.guid())); CreditCard* tmp_credit_card = NULL; if (!GetCreditCard(credit_card.guid(), &tmp_credit_card)) return false; // Preserve appropriate modification dates by not updating unchanged cards. scoped_ptr<CreditCard> old_credit_card(tmp_credit_card); if (*old_credit_card == credit_card) return true; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE credit_cards " "SET guid=?, name_on_card=?, expiration_month=?, " " expiration_year=?, card_number_encrypted=?, date_modified=? " "WHERE guid=?")); BindCreditCardToStatement(credit_card, &s); s.BindString(6, credit_card.guid()); bool result = s.Run(); DCHECK_GT(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 0); return result; } bool AutofillTable::RemoveCreditCard(const std::string& guid) { DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(guid)); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM credit_cards WHERE guid = ?")); s.BindString(0, guid); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::RemoveAutofillProfilesAndCreditCardsModifiedBetween( const Time& delete_begin, const Time& delete_end, std::vector<std::string>* profile_guids, std::vector<std::string>* credit_card_guids) { DCHECK(delete_end.is_null() || delete_begin < delete_end); time_t delete_begin_t = delete_begin.ToTimeT(); time_t delete_end_t = (delete_end.is_null() || delete_end == base::Time::Max()) ? std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() : delete_end.ToTimeT(); // Remember Autofill profiles in the time range. sql::Statement s_profiles_get(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid FROM autofill_profiles " "WHERE date_modified >= ? AND date_modified < ?")); s_profiles_get.BindInt64(0, delete_begin_t); s_profiles_get.BindInt64(1, delete_end_t); profile_guids->clear(); while (s_profiles_get.Step()) { std::string guid = s_profiles_get.ColumnString(0); profile_guids->push_back(guid); } if (!s_profiles_get.Succeeded()) return false; // Remove Autofill profiles in the time range. sql::Statement s_profiles(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles " "WHERE date_modified >= ? AND date_modified < ?")); s_profiles.BindInt64(0, delete_begin_t); s_profiles.BindInt64(1, delete_end_t); if (!s_profiles.Run()) return false; // Remember Autofill credit cards in the time range. sql::Statement s_credit_cards_get(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid FROM credit_cards " "WHERE date_modified >= ? AND date_modified < ?")); s_credit_cards_get.BindInt64(0, delete_begin_t); s_credit_cards_get.BindInt64(1, delete_end_t); credit_card_guids->clear(); while (s_credit_cards_get.Step()) { std::string guid = s_credit_cards_get.ColumnString(0); credit_card_guids->push_back(guid); } if (!s_credit_cards_get.Succeeded()) return false; // Remove Autofill credit cards in the time range. sql::Statement s_credit_cards(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM credit_cards " "WHERE date_modified >= ? AND date_modified < ?")); s_credit_cards.BindInt64(0, delete_begin_t); s_credit_cards.BindInt64(1, delete_end_t); return s_credit_cards.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::GetAutofillProfilesInTrash( std::vector<std::string>* guids) { guids->clear(); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid " "FROM autofill_profiles_trash")); while (s.Step()) { std::string guid = s.ColumnString(0); guids->push_back(guid); } return s.Succeeded(); } bool AutofillTable::EmptyAutofillProfilesTrash() { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles_trash")); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::RemoveFormElementForID(int64 pair_id) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "DELETE FROM autofill WHERE pair_id = ?")); s.BindInt64(0, pair_id); if (s.Run()) return RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(pair_id, Time(), Time(), NULL); return false; } bool AutofillTable::AddAutofillGUIDToTrash(const std::string& guid) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profiles_trash" " (guid) " "VALUES (?)")); s.BindString(0, guid); return s.Run(); } bool AutofillTable::IsAutofillProfilesTrashEmpty() { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid " "FROM autofill_profiles_trash")); return !s.Step(); } bool AutofillTable::IsAutofillGUIDInTrash(const std::string& guid) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid " "FROM autofill_profiles_trash " "WHERE guid = ?")); s.BindString(0, guid); return s.Step(); } bool AutofillTable::InitMainTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill (" "name VARCHAR, " "value VARCHAR, " "value_lower VARCHAR, " "pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "count INTEGER DEFAULT 1)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX autofill_name ON autofill (name)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX autofill_name_value_lower ON " "autofill (name, value_lower)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitCreditCardsTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("credit_cards")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE credit_cards ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "name_on_card VARCHAR, " "expiration_month INTEGER, " "expiration_year INTEGER, " "card_number_encrypted BLOB, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitDatesTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_dates")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_dates ( " "pair_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " "date_created INTEGER DEFAULT 0)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (!db_->Execute("CREATE INDEX autofill_dates_pair_id ON " "autofill_dates (pair_id)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitProfilesTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profiles")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "company_name VARCHAR, " "address_line_1 VARCHAR, " "address_line_2 VARCHAR, " "city VARCHAR, " "state VARCHAR, " "zipcode VARCHAR, " "country VARCHAR, " "country_code VARCHAR, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitProfileNamesTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profile_names")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_names ( " "guid VARCHAR, " "first_name VARCHAR, " "middle_name VARCHAR, " "last_name VARCHAR)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitProfileEmailsTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profile_emails")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_emails ( " "guid VARCHAR, " "email VARCHAR)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitProfilePhonesTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profile_phones")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profile_phones ( " "guid VARCHAR, " "type INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " "number VARCHAR)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillTable::InitProfileTrashTable() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profiles_trash")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles_trash ( " "guid VARCHAR)")) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } return true; } // Add the card_number_encrypted column if credit card table was not // created in this build (otherwise the column already exists). // WARNING: Do not change the order of the execution of the SQL // statements in this case! Profile corruption and data migration // issues WILL OCCUR. See http://crbug.com/10913 // // The problem is that if a user has a profile which was created before // r37036, when the credit_cards table was added, and then failed to // update this profile between the credit card addition and the addition // of the "encrypted" columns (44963), the next data migration will put // the user's profile in an incoherent state: The user will update from // a data profile set to be earlier than 22, and therefore pass through // this update case. But because the user did not have a credit_cards // table before starting Chrome, it will have just been initialized // above, and so already have these columns -- and thus this data // update step will have failed. // // The false assumption in this case is that at this step in the // migration, the user has a credit card table, and that this // table does not include encrypted columns! // Because this case does not roll back the complete set of SQL // transactions properly in case of failure (that is, it does not // roll back the table initialization done above), the incoherent // profile will now see itself as being at version 22 -- but include a // fully initialized credit_cards table. Every time Chrome runs, it // will try to update the web database and fail at this step, unless // we allow for the faulty assumption described above by checking for // the existence of the columns only AFTER we've executed the commands // to add them. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion23AddCardNumberEncryptedColumn() { if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "card_number_encrypted")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards ADD COLUMN " "card_number_encrypted BLOB DEFAULT NULL")) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not add card_number_encrypted to " "credit_cards table."; return false; } } if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "verification_code_encrypted")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards ADD COLUMN " "verification_code_encrypted BLOB DEFAULT NULL")) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not add verification_code_encrypted to " "credit_cards table."; return false; } } return true; } // One-time cleanup for http://crbug.com/38364 - In the presence of // multi-byte UTF-8 characters, that bug could cause Autofill strings // to grow larger and more corrupt with each save. The cleanup removes // any row with a string field larger than a reasonable size. The string // fields examined here are precisely the ones that were subject to // corruption by the original bug. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion24CleanupOversizedStringFields() { const std::string autofill_is_too_big = "max(length(name), length(value)) > 500"; const std::string credit_cards_is_too_big = "max(length(label), length(name_on_card), length(type), " " length(expiration_month), length(expiration_year), " " length(billing_address), length(shipping_address) " ") > 500"; const std::string autofill_profiles_is_too_big = "max(length(label), length(first_name), " " length(middle_name), length(last_name), length(email), " " length(company_name), length(address_line_1), " " length(address_line_2), length(city), length(state), " " length(zipcode), length(country), length(phone)) > 500"; std::string query = "DELETE FROM autofill_dates WHERE pair_id IN (" "SELECT pair_id FROM autofill WHERE " + autofill_is_too_big + ")"; if (!db_->Execute(query.c_str())) return false; query = "DELETE FROM autofill WHERE " + autofill_is_too_big; if (!db_->Execute(query.c_str())) return false; // Only delete from legacy credit card tables where specific columns exist. if (db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "label") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "name_on_card") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "type") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "expiration_month") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "expiration_year") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "billing_address") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "shipping_address") && db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "label")) { query = "DELETE FROM credit_cards WHERE (" + credit_cards_is_too_big + ") OR label IN (SELECT label FROM autofill_profiles WHERE " + autofill_profiles_is_too_big + ")"; if (!db_->Execute(query.c_str())) return false; } if (db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "label")) { query = "DELETE FROM autofill_profiles WHERE " + autofill_profiles_is_too_big; if (!db_->Execute(query.c_str())) return false; } return true; } // Change the credit_cards.billing_address column from a string to an // int. The stored string is the label of an address, so we have to // select the unique ID of this address using the label as a foreign // key into the |autofill_profiles| table. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion27UpdateLegacyCreditCards() { // Only migrate from legacy credit card tables where specific columns // exist. if (!(db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "unique_id") && db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "billing_address") && db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "unique_id"))) { return true; } std::string stmt = "SELECT credit_cards.unique_id, autofill_profiles.unique_id " "FROM autofill_profiles, credit_cards " "WHERE credit_cards.billing_address = autofill_profiles.label"; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(stmt.c_str())); std::map<int, int> cc_billing_map; while (s.Step()) cc_billing_map[s.ColumnInt(0)] = s.ColumnInt(1); if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; // Windows already stores the IDs as strings in |billing_address|. Try // to convert those. if (cc_billing_map.empty()) { std::string stmt = "SELECT unique_id,billing_address FROM credit_cards"; sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(stmt.c_str())); while (s.Step()) { int id = 0; if (base::StringToInt(s.ColumnString(1), &id)) cc_billing_map[s.ColumnInt(0)] = id; } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; } if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE credit_cards_temp ( " "label VARCHAR, " "unique_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " "name_on_card VARCHAR, " "type VARCHAR, " "card_number VARCHAR, " "expiration_month INTEGER, " "expiration_year INTEGER, " "verification_code VARCHAR, " "billing_address INTEGER, " "shipping_address VARCHAR, " "card_number_encrypted BLOB, " "verification_code_encrypted BLOB)")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO credit_cards_temp " "SELECT label,unique_id,name_on_card,type,card_number," "expiration_month,expiration_year,verification_code,0," "shipping_address,card_number_encrypted," "verification_code_encrypted FROM credit_cards")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE credit_cards")) return false; if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards_temp RENAME TO credit_cards")) return false; for (std::map<int, int>::const_iterator iter = cc_billing_map.begin(); iter != cc_billing_map.end(); ++iter) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE credit_cards SET billing_address=? WHERE unique_id=?")); s.BindInt(0, (*iter).second); s.BindInt(1, (*iter).first); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion30AddDateModifed() { // Add date_modified to autofill_profiles. if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "date_modified")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE autofill_profiles ADD COLUMN " "date_modified INTEGER NON NULL DEFAULT 0")) { return false; } sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE autofill_profiles SET date_modified=?")); s.BindInt64(0, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); if (!s.Run()) return false; } // Add date_modified to credit_cards. if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "date_modified")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards ADD COLUMN " "date_modified INTEGER NON NULL DEFAULT 0")) { return false; } sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE credit_cards SET date_modified=?")); s.BindInt64(0, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion31AddGUIDToCreditCardsAndProfiles() { // Note that we need to check for the guid column's existence due to the // fact that for a version 22 database the |autofill_profiles| table // gets created fresh with |InitAutofillProfilesTable|. if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "guid")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE autofill_profiles ADD COLUMN " "guid VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\"")) { return false; } // Set all the |guid| fields to valid values. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT unique_id " "FROM autofill_profiles")); while (s.Step()) { sql::Statement update_s( db_->GetUniqueStatement("UPDATE autofill_profiles " "SET guid=? WHERE unique_id=?")); update_s.BindString(0, base::GenerateGUID()); update_s.BindInt(1, s.ColumnInt(0)); if (!update_s.Run()) return false; } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; } // Note that we need to check for the guid column's existence due to the // fact that for a version 22 database the |autofill_profiles| table // gets created fresh with |InitAutofillProfilesTable|. if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "guid")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards ADD COLUMN " "guid VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT \"\"")) { return false; } // Set all the |guid| fields to valid values. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT unique_id " "FROM credit_cards")); while (s.Step()) { sql::Statement update_s( db_->GetUniqueStatement("UPDATE credit_cards " "set guid=? WHERE unique_id=?")); update_s.BindString(0, base::GenerateGUID()); update_s.BindInt(1, s.ColumnInt(0)); if (!update_s.Run()) return false; } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; } return true; } bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion32UpdateProfilesAndCreditCards() { if (db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "unique_id")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles_temp ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "label VARCHAR, " "first_name VARCHAR, " "middle_name VARCHAR, " "last_name VARCHAR, " "email VARCHAR, " "company_name VARCHAR, " "address_line_1 VARCHAR, " "address_line_2 VARCHAR, " "city VARCHAR, " "state VARCHAR, " "zipcode VARCHAR, " "country VARCHAR, " "phone VARCHAR, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO autofill_profiles_temp " "SELECT guid, label, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email, " "company_name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state, " "zipcode, country, phone, date_modified " "FROM autofill_profiles")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE autofill_profiles")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE autofill_profiles_temp RENAME TO autofill_profiles")) { return false; } } if (db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "unique_id")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE credit_cards_temp ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "label VARCHAR, " "name_on_card VARCHAR, " "expiration_month INTEGER, " "expiration_year INTEGER, " "card_number_encrypted BLOB, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO credit_cards_temp " "SELECT guid, label, name_on_card, expiration_month, " "expiration_year, card_number_encrypted, date_modified " "FROM credit_cards")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE credit_cards")) return false; if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards_temp RENAME TO credit_cards")) return false; } return true; } // Test the existence of the |first_name| column as an indication that // we need a migration. It is possible that the new |autofill_profiles| // schema is in place because the table was newly created when migrating // from a pre-version-22 database. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion33ProfilesBasedOnFirstName() { if (db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "first_name")) { // Create autofill_profiles_temp table that will receive the data. if (!db_->DoesTableExist("autofill_profiles_temp")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE autofill_profiles_temp ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "company_name VARCHAR, " "address_line_1 VARCHAR, " "address_line_2 VARCHAR, " "city VARCHAR, " "state VARCHAR, " "zipcode VARCHAR, " "country VARCHAR, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { return false; } } sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, first_name, middle_name, last_name, email, " "company_name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state, " "zipcode, country, phone, date_modified " "FROM autofill_profiles")); while (s.Step()) { AutofillProfile profile; profile.set_guid(s.ColumnString(0)); DCHECK(base::IsValidGUID(profile.guid())); profile.SetInfo(NAME_FIRST, s.ColumnString16(1)); profile.SetInfo(NAME_MIDDLE, s.ColumnString16(2)); profile.SetInfo(NAME_LAST, s.ColumnString16(3)); profile.SetInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS, s.ColumnString16(4)); profile.SetInfo(COMPANY_NAME, s.ColumnString16(5)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1, s.ColumnString16(6)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2, s.ColumnString16(7)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY, s.ColumnString16(8)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE, s.ColumnString16(9)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, s.ColumnString16(10)); profile.SetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY, s.ColumnString16(11)); profile.SetInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, s.ColumnString16(12)); int64 date_modified = s.ColumnInt64(13); sql::Statement s_insert(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO autofill_profiles_temp" "(guid, company_name, address_line_1, address_line_2, city," " state, zipcode, country, date_modified)" "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")); s_insert.BindString(0, profile.guid()); s_insert.BindString16(1, profile.GetInfo(COMPANY_NAME)); s_insert.BindString16(2, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1)); s_insert.BindString16(3, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2)); s_insert.BindString16(4, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY)); s_insert.BindString16(5, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE)); s_insert.BindString16(6, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP)); s_insert.BindString16(7, profile.GetInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY)); s_insert.BindInt64(8, date_modified); if (!s_insert.Run()) return false; // Add the other bits: names, emails, and phone numbers. if (!AddAutofillProfilePieces(profile, db_)) return false; } // endwhile if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE autofill_profiles")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE autofill_profiles_temp RENAME TO autofill_profiles")) { return false; } } // Remove the labels column from the credit_cards table. if (db_->DoesColumnExist("credit_cards", "label")) { if (!db_->Execute("CREATE TABLE credit_cards_temp ( " "guid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "name_on_card VARCHAR, " "expiration_month INTEGER, " "expiration_year INTEGER, " "card_number_encrypted BLOB, " "date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO credit_cards_temp " "SELECT guid, name_on_card, expiration_month, " "expiration_year, card_number_encrypted, date_modified " "FROM credit_cards")) { return false; } if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE credit_cards")) return false; if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE credit_cards_temp RENAME TO credit_cards")) return false; } return true; } // Test the existence of the |country_code| column as an indication that // we need a migration. It is possible that the new |autofill_profiles| // schema is in place because the table was newly created when migrating // from a pre-version-22 database. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion34ProfilesBasedOnCountryCode() { if (!db_->DoesColumnExist("autofill_profiles", "country_code")) { if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE autofill_profiles ADD COLUMN " "country_code VARCHAR")) { return false; } // Set all the |country_code| fields to match existing |country| values. sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement("SELECT guid, country " "FROM autofill_profiles")); while (s.Step()) { sql::Statement update_s( db_->GetUniqueStatement("UPDATE autofill_profiles " "SET country_code=? WHERE guid=?")); string16 country = s.ColumnString16(1); std::string app_locale = AutofillCountry::ApplicationLocale(); update_s.BindString(0, AutofillCountry::GetCountryCode(country, app_locale)); update_s.BindString(1, s.ColumnString(0)); if (!update_s.Run()) return false; } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; } return true; } // Correct all country codes with value "UK" to be "GB". This data // was mistakenly introduced in build 686.0. This migration is to clean // it up. See http://crbug.com/74511 for details. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion35GreatBritainCountryCodes() { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE autofill_profiles SET country_code=\"GB\" " "WHERE country_code=\"UK\"")); return s.Run(); } // Merge and cull older profiles where possible. bool AutofillTable::MigrateToVersion37MergeAndCullOlderProfiles() { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT guid, date_modified FROM autofill_profiles")); // Accumulate the good profiles. std::vector<AutofillProfile> accumulated_profiles; std::vector<AutofillProfile*> accumulated_profiles_p; std::map<std::string, int64> modification_map; while (s.Step()) { std::string guid = s.ColumnString(0); int64 date_modified = s.ColumnInt64(1); modification_map.insert( std::pair<std::string, int64>(guid, date_modified)); AutofillProfile* profile = NULL; if (!GetAutofillProfile(guid, &profile)) return false; scoped_ptr<AutofillProfile> p(profile); if (PersonalDataManager::IsValidLearnableProfile(*p)) { std::vector<AutofillProfile> merged_profiles; bool merged = PersonalDataManager::MergeProfile( *p, accumulated_profiles_p, &merged_profiles); std::swap(accumulated_profiles, merged_profiles); accumulated_profiles_p.clear(); accumulated_profiles_p.resize(accumulated_profiles.size()); std::transform(accumulated_profiles.begin(), accumulated_profiles.end(), accumulated_profiles_p.begin(), address_of<AutofillProfile>); // If the profile got merged trash the original. if (merged) AddAutofillGUIDToTrash(p->guid()); } else { // An invalid profile, so trash it. AddAutofillGUIDToTrash(p->guid()); } } // endwhile if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; // Drop the current profiles. if (!ClearAutofillProfiles()) return false; // Add the newly merged profiles back in. for (std::vector<AutofillProfile>::const_iterator iter = accumulated_profiles.begin(); iter != accumulated_profiles.end(); ++iter) { if (!AddAutofillProfile(*iter)) return false; // Fix up the original modification date. std::map<std::string, int64>::const_iterator date_item = modification_map.find(iter->guid()); if (date_item == modification_map.end()) return false; sql::Statement s_date(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE autofill_profiles SET date_modified=? " "WHERE guid=?")); s_date.BindInt64(0, date_item->second); s_date.BindString(1, iter->guid()); if (!s_date.Run()) return false; } return true; }