// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_AUTOFILL_TABLE_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_AUTOFILL_TABLE_H_ #pragma once #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "chrome/browser/webdata/web_database_table.h" #include class AutofillChange; class AutofillEntry; class AutofillProfile; class AutofillTableTest; class CreditCard; namespace base { class Time; } namespace webkit { namespace forms { struct FormField; } } // This class manages the various autofill tables within the SQLite database // passed to the constructor. It expects the following schemas: // // Note: The database stores time in seconds, UTC. // // autofill // name The name of the input as specified in the html. // value The literal contents of the text field. // value_lower The contents of the text field made lower_case. // pair_id An ID number unique to the row in the table. // count How many times the user has entered the string |value| // in a field of name |name|. // // autofill_dates This table associates a row to each separate time the // user submits a form containing a certain name/value // pair. The |pair_id| should match the |pair_id| field // in the appropriate row of the autofill table. // pair_id // date_created // // autofill_profiles This table contains Autofill profile data added by the // user with the Autofill dialog. Most of the columns are // standard entries in a contact information form. // // guid A guid string to uniquely identify the profile. // Added in version 31. // company_name // address_line_1 // address_line_2 // city // state // zipcode // country The country name. Deprecated, should be removed once // the stable channel reaches version 11. // country_code // date_modified The date on which this profile was last modified. // Added in version 30. // // autofill_profile_names // This table contains the multi-valued name fields // associated with a profile. // // guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which // the name belongs. // first_name // middle_name // last_name // // autofill_profile_emails // This table contains the multi-valued email fields // associated with a profile. // // guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which // the email belongs. // email // // autofill_profile_phones // This table contains the multi-valued phone fields // associated with a profile. // // guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which // the phone number belongs. // type An integer constant designating either phone type of the // number. // TODO(jhawkins): Remove the type column and migrate the // database. // number // // autofill_profiles_trash // This table contains guids of "trashed" autofill // profiles. When a profile is removed its guid is added // to this table so that Sync can perform deferred removal. // // guid The guid string that identifies the trashed profile. // // credit_cards This table contains credit card data added by the user // with the Autofill dialog. Most of the columns are // standard entries in a credit card form. // // guid A guid string to uniquely identify the profile. // Added in version 31. // name_on_card // expiration_month // expiration_year // card_number_encrypted Stores encrypted credit card number. // date_modified The date on which this entry was last modified. // Added in version 30. // class AutofillTable : public WebDatabaseTable { public: AutofillTable(sql::Connection* db, sql::MetaTable* meta_table); virtual ~AutofillTable(); virtual bool Init() OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsSyncable() OVERRIDE; // Records the form elements in |elements| in the database in the // autofill table. A list of all added and updated autofill entries // is returned in the changes out parameter. bool AddFormFieldValues(const std::vector& elements, std::vector* changes); // Records a single form element in the database in the autofill table. A list // of all added and updated autofill entries is returned in the changes out // parameter. bool AddFormFieldValue(const webkit::forms::FormField& element, std::vector* changes); // Retrieves a vector of all values which have been recorded in the autofill // table as the value in a form element with name |name| and which start with // |prefix|. The comparison of the prefix is case insensitive. bool GetFormValuesForElementName(const string16& name, const string16& prefix, std::vector* values, int limit); // Removes rows from autofill_dates if they were created on or after // |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|. Decrements the // count of the corresponding rows in the autofill table, and // removes those rows if the count goes to 0. A list of all changed // keys and whether each was updater or removed is returned in the // changes out parameter. bool RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween(const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end, std::vector* changes); // Removes from autofill_dates rows with given pair_id where date_created lies // between delte_begin and delte_end. bool RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(int64 pair_id, const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end, int* how_many); // Increments the count in the row corresponding to |pair_id| by // |delta|. Removes the row from the table and sets the // |was_removed| out parameter to true if the count becomes 0. bool AddToCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int delta, bool* was_removed); // Gets the pair_id and count entries from name and value specified in // |element|. Sets *pair_id and *count to 0 if there is no such row in // the table. bool GetIDAndCountOfFormElement(const webkit::forms::FormField& element, int64* pair_id, int* count); // Gets the count only given the pair_id. bool GetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int* count); // Updates the count entry in the row corresponding to |pair_id| to |count|. bool SetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int count); // Adds a new row to the autofill table with name and value given in // |element|. Sets *pair_id to the pair_id of the new row. bool InsertFormElement(const webkit::forms::FormField& element, int64* pair_id); // Adds a new row to the autofill_dates table. bool InsertPairIDAndDate(int64 pair_id, const base::Time& date_created); // Removes row from the autofill tables given |pair_id|. bool RemoveFormElementForID(int64 pair_id); // Removes row from the autofill tables for the given |name| |value| pair. virtual bool RemoveFormElement(const string16& name, const string16& value); // Retrieves all of the entries in the autofill table. virtual bool GetAllAutofillEntries(std::vector* entries); // Retrieves a single entry from the autofill table. virtual bool GetAutofillTimestamps(const string16& name, const string16& value, std::vector* timestamps); // Replaces existing autofill entries with the entries supplied in // the argument. If the entry does not already exist, it will be // added. virtual bool UpdateAutofillEntries(const std::vector& entries); // Records a single Autofill profile in the autofill_profiles table. virtual bool AddAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile); // Updates the database values for the specified profile. // DEPRECATED: Use |UpdateAutofillProfileMulti| instead. virtual bool UpdateAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile); // Updates the database values for the specified profile. Mulit-value aware. virtual bool UpdateAutofillProfileMulti(const AutofillProfile& profile); // Removes a row from the autofill_profiles table. |guid| is the identifier // of the profile to remove. virtual bool RemoveAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid); // Retrieves a profile with guid |guid|. The caller owns |profile|. bool GetAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid, AutofillProfile** profile); // Retrieves all profiles in the database. Caller owns the returned profiles. virtual bool GetAutofillProfiles(std::vector* profiles); // Records a single credit card in the credit_cards table. bool AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card); // Updates the database values for the specified credit card. bool UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card); // Removes a row from the credit_cards table. |guid| is the identifer of the // credit card to remove. bool RemoveCreditCard(const std::string& guid); // Retrieves a credit card with guid |guid|. The caller owns // |credit_card_id|. bool GetCreditCard(const std::string& guid, CreditCard** credit_card); // Retrieves all credit cards in the database. Caller owns the returned // credit cards. virtual bool GetCreditCards(std::vector* credit_cards); // Removes rows from autofill_profiles and credit_cards if they were created // on or after |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|. Returns lists // of deleted guids in |profile_guids| and |credit_card_guids|. bool RemoveAutofillProfilesAndCreditCardsModifiedBetween( const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end, std::vector* profile_guids, std::vector* credit_card_guids); // Retrieves all profiles in the database that have been deleted since last // "empty" of the trash. bool GetAutofillProfilesInTrash(std::vector* guids); // Empties the Autofill profiles "trash can". bool EmptyAutofillProfilesTrash(); // Removes empty values for autofill that were incorrectly stored in the DB // See bug http://crbug.com/6111 bool ClearAutofillEmptyValueElements(); // Retrieves all profiles in the database that have been deleted since last // "empty" of the trash. bool AddAutofillGUIDToTrash(const std::string& guid); // Clear all profiles. bool ClearAutofillProfiles(); // Table migration functions. bool MigrateToVersion23AddCardNumberEncryptedColumn(); bool MigrateToVersion24CleanupOversizedStringFields(); bool MigrateToVersion27UpdateLegacyCreditCards(); bool MigrateToVersion30AddDateModifed(); bool MigrateToVersion31AddGUIDToCreditCardsAndProfiles(); bool MigrateToVersion32UpdateProfilesAndCreditCards(); bool MigrateToVersion33ProfilesBasedOnFirstName(); bool MigrateToVersion34ProfilesBasedOnCountryCode(); bool MigrateToVersion35GreatBritainCountryCodes(); bool MigrateToVersion37MergeAndCullOlderProfiles(); // Max data length saved in the table; static const size_t kMaxDataLength; private: FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_AddChanges); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_RemoveBetweenChanges); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_UpdateDontReplace); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_AddFormFieldValues); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfile); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, UpdateAutofillProfile); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfileTrash); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfileTrashInteraction); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, RemoveAutofillProfilesAndCreditCardsModifiedBetween); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, CreditCard); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, UpdateCreditCard); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_GetAllAutofillEntries_OneResult); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_GetAllAutofillEntries_TwoDistinct); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_GetAllAutofillEntries_TwoSame); // Methods for adding autofill entries at a specified time. For // testing only. bool AddFormFieldValuesTime( const std::vector& elements, std::vector* changes, base::Time time); bool AddFormFieldValueTime(const webkit::forms::FormField& element, std::vector* changes, base::Time time); // Insert a single AutofillEntry into the autofill/autofill_dates tables. bool InsertAutofillEntry(const AutofillEntry& entry); // Checks if the trash is empty. bool IsAutofillProfilesTrashEmpty(); // Checks if the guid is in the trash. bool IsAutofillGUIDInTrash(const std::string& guid); bool InitMainTable(); bool InitCreditCardsTable(); bool InitDatesTable(); bool InitProfilesTable(); bool InitProfileNamesTable(); bool InitProfileEmailsTable(); bool InitProfilePhonesTable(); bool InitProfileTrashTable(); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutofillTable); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_AUTOFILL_TABLE_H_