// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_WEB_DATABASE_H__ #define CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_WEB_DATABASE_H__ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "chrome/browser/meta_table_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_utils.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h" #include "webkit/glue/autofill_form.h" namespace base { class Time; } struct PasswordForm; #if defined(OS_WIN) struct IE7PasswordInfo; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A Sqlite database instance to store all the meta data we have about web pages // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class WebDatabase { public: WebDatabase(); ~WebDatabase(); // Initialize the database given a name. The name defines where the sqlite // file is. If false is returned, no other method should be called. bool Init(const std::wstring& db_name); // Transactions management void BeginTransaction(); void CommitTransaction(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Keywords // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adds a new keyword, updating the id field on success. // Returns true if successful. bool AddKeyword(const TemplateURL& url); // Removes the specified keyword. // Returns true if successful. bool RemoveKeyword(TemplateURL::IDType id); // Loads the keywords into the specified vector. It's up to the caller to // delete the returned objects. // Returns true on success. bool GetKeywords(std::vector<TemplateURL*>* urls) const; // Updates the database values for the specified url. // Returns true on success. bool UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURL& url); // ID (TemplateURL->id) of the default search provider. bool SetDefaultSearchProviderID(int64 id); int64 GetDefaulSearchProviderID(); // Version of the builtin keywords. bool SetBuitinKeywordVersion(int version); int GetBuitinKeywordVersion(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Password manager support // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adds |form| to the list of remembered password forms. bool AddLogin(const PasswordForm& form); #if defined(OS_WIN) // Adds |info| to the list of imported passwords from ie7/ie8. bool AddIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info); // Removes |info| from the list of imported passwords from ie7/ie8. bool RemoveIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info); // Return the ie7/ie8 login matching |info|. bool GetIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info, IE7PasswordInfo* result); #endif // Updates remembered password form. bool UpdateLogin(const PasswordForm& form); // Removes |form| from the list of remembered password forms. bool RemoveLogin(const PasswordForm& form); // Removes all logins created from |delete_begin| onwards (inclusive) and // before |delete_end|. You may use a null Time value to do an unbounded // delete in either direction. bool RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween(const base::Time delete_begin, const base::Time delete_end); // Loads a list of matching password forms into the specified vector |forms|. // The list will contain all possibly relevant entries to the observed |form|, // including blacklisted matches. bool GetLogins(const PasswordForm& form, std::vector<PasswordForm*>* forms) const; // Loads the complete list of password forms into the specified vector |forms| // if include_blacklisted is true, otherwise only loads those which are // actually autofillable; i.e haven't been blacklisted by the user selecting // the 'Never for this site' button. bool GetAllLogins(std::vector<PasswordForm*>* forms, bool include_blacklisted) const; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Autofill // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Records the form elements in |elements| in the database in the autofill // table. bool AddAutofillFormElements( const std::vector<AutofillForm::Element>& elements); // Records a single form element in in the database in the autofill table. bool AddAutofillFormElement(const AutofillForm::Element& element); // Retrieves a vector of all values which have been recorded in the autofill // table as the value in a form element with name |name| and which start with // |prefix|. The comparison of the prefix is case insensitive. bool GetFormValuesForElementName(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& prefix, std::vector<std::wstring>* values, int limit) const; // Removes rows from autofill_dates if they were created on or after // |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|. Decrements the count of // the corresponding rows in the autofill table, and removes those rows if the // count goes to 0. bool RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween(const base::Time delete_begin, const base::Time delete_end); // Removes from autofill_dates rows with given pair_id where date_created lies // between delte_begin and delte_end. bool RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(int64 pair_id, const base::Time delete_begin, const base::Time delete_end, int* how_many); // Increments the count in the row corresponding to |pair_id| by |delta|. // Removes the row from the table if the count becomes 0. bool AddToCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int delta); // Gets the pair_id and count entries from name and value specified in // |element|. Sets *count to 0 if there is no such row in the table. bool GetIDAndCountOfFormElement(const AutofillForm::Element& element, int64* pair_id, int* count) const; // Gets the count only given the pair_id. bool GetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int* count) const; // Updates the count entry in the row corresponding to |pair_id| to |count|. bool SetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int count); // Adds a new row to the autofill table with name and value given in // |element|. Sets *pair_id to the pair_id of the new row. bool InsertFormElement(const AutofillForm::Element& element, int64* pair_id); // Adds a new row to the autofill_dates table. bool InsertPairIDAndDate(int64 pair_id, const base::Time date_created); // Removes row from the autofill tables given |pair_id|. bool RemoveFormElementForID(int64 pair_id); // Removes row from the autofill tables for the given |name| |value| pair. bool RemoveFormElement(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& value); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Web Apps // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SetWebAppImage(const GURL& url, const SkBitmap& image); bool GetWebAppImages(const GURL& url, std::vector<SkBitmap>* images) const; bool SetWebAppHasAllImages(const GURL& url, bool has_all_images); bool GetWebAppHasAllImages(const GURL& url) const; bool RemoveWebApp(const GURL& url); private: FRIEND_TEST(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill); // Removes empty values for autofill that were incorrectly stored in the DB // (see bug http://crbug.com/6111). // TODO(jcampan): http://crbug.com/7564 remove when we think all users have // run this code. bool ClearAutofillEmptyValueElements(); bool InitKeywordsTable(); bool InitLoginsTable(); bool InitAutofillTable(); bool InitAutofillDatesTable(); bool InitWebAppIconsTable(); bool InitWebAppsTable(); void MigrateOldVersionsAsNeeded(); sqlite3* db_; int transaction_nesting_; MetaTableHelper meta_table_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebDatabase); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_WEBDATA_WEB_DATABASE_H__