// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/window_clipping_info.h" #define DEBUG_WINDOW_CLIPPING_INFO 0 WindowClippingInfo::WindowClippingInfo(HWND aWindow, HWND ignore_wnd) : hwnd_(aWindow), ignore_(ignore_wnd), rgn_(NULL) { ::GetWindowRect(hwnd_, &hwnd_rect_); ComputeScreenClipping(); ComputeWindowsClipping(); if (rgn_) { ::OffsetRgn(rgn_, -hwnd_rect_.left, -hwnd_rect_.top); #if DEBUG_WINDOW_CLIPPING_INFO RECT r; ::GetRgnBox(rgn_, &r); LOG(INFO) << "Window clip rect is (" << r.left << ", " << r.top << ", " << r.right << ", " << r.bottom << ")"; #endif } } WindowClippingInfo::~WindowClippingInfo() { if (rgn_) { DeleteObject(rgn_); } } HRGN WindowClippingInfo::GetClippedRegion() const { return rgn_; } BOOL WindowClippingInfo::IsClipped() const { if (rgn_ == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { CRect r; ::GetRgnBox(rgn_, &r); if (r.Width() > 0 && r.Height() > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } HRGN WindowClippingInfo::CombineRegions(HRGN existing, HRGN additional) const { if (existing == NULL) { return additional; } else { HRGN new_dest = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); ::CombineRgn(new_dest, existing, additional, RGN_OR); DeleteObject(existing); DeleteObject(additional); return new_dest; } } void WindowClippingInfo::ComputeScreenClipping() { int screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); int screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); CRect c; if (hwnd_rect_.left < 0) { c.left = 0; c.right = -hwnd_rect_.left; c.top = 0; c.bottom = hwnd_rect_.Height(); rgn_ = CombineRegions(rgn_, CreateRectRgn(c.left, c.top, c.right, c.bottom)); } if (hwnd_rect_.top < 0) { c.left = 0; c.right = hwnd_rect_.Width(); c.top = 0; c.bottom = -hwnd_rect_.top; rgn_ = CombineRegions(rgn_, CreateRectRgn(c.left, c.top, c.right, c.bottom)); } if (hwnd_rect_.right > screen_width) { c.left = screen_width - hwnd_rect_.left; c.right = hwnd_rect_.right - screen_width + c.left; c.top = 0; c.bottom = hwnd_rect_.Height(); rgn_ = CombineRegions(rgn_, CreateRectRgn(c.left, c.top, c.right, c.bottom)); } if (hwnd_rect_.bottom > screen_height) { c.left = 0; c.right = hwnd_rect_.Width(); c.top = screen_height - hwnd_rect_.top; c.bottom = hwnd_rect_.bottom - screen_height + c.top; rgn_ = CombineRegions(rgn_, CreateRectRgn(c.left, c.top, c.right, c.bottom)); } if (rgn_) { // Convert the region in screen coordinate system to be compatible with // the the windows clipping regions ::OffsetRgn(rgn_, hwnd_rect_.left, hwnd_rect_.top); #if DEBUG_WINDOW_CLIPPING_INFO RECT cr; ::GetRgnBox(rgn_, &cr); LOG(INFO) << "Screen Clip is (" << cr.left << ", " << cr.top << ", " << cr.right << ", " << cr.bottom << ")"; #endif } else { #if DEBUG_WINDOW_CLIPPING_INFO LOG(INFO) << "Screen Clip is null"; #endif } } // WindowEnumProc is called for every top level windows until we // return FALSE or all top level windows have been enumerated. // // Windows are ordered per Z-Order with higher level windows first and // lower level windows last. // //static BOOL CALLBACK WindowClippingInfo::WindowEnumProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { WindowClippingInfo* wci = reinterpret_cast<WindowClippingInfo*>(lParam); if (hwnd == wci->ignore_) { return TRUE; } if (hwnd == wci->hwnd_) { // We have enumerated all the windows above us so we are done return FALSE; } if (::IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { RECT r; ::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &r); RECT intersection; if (::IntersectRect(&intersection, &r, &wci->hwnd_rect_)) { HRGN rgn = CreateRectRgn(intersection.left, intersection.top, intersection.right, intersection.bottom); if (wci->rgn_ == NULL) { wci->rgn_ = rgn; } else { ::CombineRgn(wci->rgn_, wci->rgn_, rgn, RGN_OR); ::DeleteObject(rgn); } } } return TRUE; } void WindowClippingInfo::ComputeWindowsClipping() { ::EnumWindows(WindowEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this)); }