// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/window_sizer.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // An implementation of WindowSizer::StateProvider that gets the last active // and persistent state from the browser window and the user's profile. class DefaultStateProvider : public WindowSizer::StateProvider { public: explicit DefaultStateProvider(const std::wstring& app_name, Browser* browser) : app_name_(app_name), browser_(browser) { } // Overridden from WindowSizer::StateProvider: virtual bool GetPersistentState(gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* maximized, gfx::Rect* work_area) const { DCHECK(bounds && maximized); std::wstring key(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement); if (!app_name_.empty()) { key.append(L"_"); key.append(app_name_); } if (!g_browser_process->local_state()) return false; const DictionaryValue* wp_pref = g_browser_process->local_state()->GetDictionary(key.c_str()); int top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0; bool has_prefs = wp_pref && wp_pref->GetInteger(L"top", &top) && wp_pref->GetInteger(L"left", &left) && wp_pref->GetInteger(L"bottom", &bottom) && wp_pref->GetInteger(L"right", &right) && wp_pref->GetBoolean(L"maximized", maximized); bounds->SetRect(left, top, std::max(0, right - left), std::max(0, bottom - top)); int work_area_top = 0; int work_area_left = 0; int work_area_bottom = 0; int work_area_right = 0; if (wp_pref) { wp_pref->GetInteger(L"work_area_top", &work_area_top); wp_pref->GetInteger(L"work_area_left", &work_area_left); wp_pref->GetInteger(L"work_area_bottom", &work_area_bottom); wp_pref->GetInteger(L"work_area_right", &work_area_right); } work_area->SetRect(work_area_left, work_area_top, std::max(0, work_area_right - work_area_left), std::max(0, work_area_bottom - work_area_top)); return has_prefs; } virtual bool GetLastActiveWindowState(gfx::Rect* bounds) const { // Applications are always restored with the same position. if (!app_name_.empty()) return false; // If a reference browser is set, use its window. Otherwise find last // active. BrowserWindow* window = NULL; if (browser_) { window = browser_->window(); DCHECK(window); } else { BrowserList::const_reverse_iterator it = BrowserList::begin_last_active(); BrowserList::const_reverse_iterator end = BrowserList::end_last_active(); for (; (it != end); ++it) { Browser* last_active = *it; if (last_active && last_active->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL) { window = last_active->window(); DCHECK(window); break; } } } if (window) { *bounds = window->GetRestoredBounds(); return true; } return false; } private: std::wstring app_name_; // If set, is used as the reference browser for GetLastActiveWindowState. Browser* browser_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DefaultStateProvider); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WindowSizer, public: WindowSizer::WindowSizer( StateProvider* state_provider, MonitorInfoProvider* monitor_info_provider) { Init(state_provider, monitor_info_provider); } WindowSizer::~WindowSizer() { if (state_provider_) delete state_provider_; if (monitor_info_provider_) delete monitor_info_provider_; } // static void WindowSizer::GetBrowserWindowBounds(const std::wstring& app_name, const gfx::Rect& specified_bounds, Browser* browser, gfx::Rect* window_bounds, bool* maximized) { const WindowSizer sizer(new DefaultStateProvider(app_name, browser), CreateDefaultMonitorInfoProvider()); sizer.DetermineWindowBounds(specified_bounds, window_bounds, maximized); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WindowSizer, private: WindowSizer::WindowSizer(const std::wstring& app_name) { Init(new DefaultStateProvider(app_name, NULL), CreateDefaultMonitorInfoProvider()); } void WindowSizer::Init(StateProvider* state_provider, MonitorInfoProvider* monitor_info_provider) { state_provider_ = state_provider; monitor_info_provider_ = monitor_info_provider; } void WindowSizer::DetermineWindowBounds(const gfx::Rect& specified_bounds, gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* maximized) const { *bounds = specified_bounds; if (bounds->IsEmpty()) { // See if there's saved placement information. if (!GetLastWindowBounds(bounds)) { if (!GetSavedWindowBounds(bounds, maximized)) { // No saved placement, figure out some sensible default size based on // the user's screen size. GetDefaultWindowBounds(bounds); } } } } bool WindowSizer::GetLastWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) const { DCHECK(bounds); if (!state_provider_ || !state_provider_->GetLastActiveWindowState(bounds)) return false; gfx::Rect last_window_bounds = *bounds; bounds->Offset(kWindowTilePixels, kWindowTilePixels); AdjustBoundsToBeVisibleOnMonitorContaining(last_window_bounds, gfx::Rect(), bounds); return true; } bool WindowSizer::GetSavedWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* maximized) const { DCHECK(bounds && maximized); gfx::Rect saved_work_area; if (!state_provider_ || !state_provider_->GetPersistentState(bounds, maximized, &saved_work_area)) return false; AdjustBoundsToBeVisibleOnMonitorContaining(*bounds, saved_work_area, bounds); return true; } void WindowSizer::GetDefaultWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* default_bounds) const { DCHECK(default_bounds); DCHECK(monitor_info_provider_); gfx::Rect work_area = monitor_info_provider_->GetPrimaryMonitorWorkArea(); // The default size is either some reasonably wide width, or if the work // area is narrower, then the work area width less some aesthetic padding. int default_width = std::min(work_area.width() - 2 * kWindowTilePixels, 1050); int default_height = work_area.height() - 2 * kWindowTilePixels; // For wider aspect ratio displays at higher resolutions, we might size the // window narrower to allow two windows to easily be placed side-by-side. gfx::Rect screen_size = monitor_info_provider_->GetPrimaryMonitorBounds(); double width_to_height = static_cast<double>(screen_size.width()) / screen_size.height(); // The least wide a screen can be to qualify for the halving described above. static const int kMinScreenWidthForWindowHalving = 1600; // We assume 16:9/10 is a fairly standard indicator of a wide aspect ratio // computer display. if (((width_to_height * 10) >= 16) && work_area.width() > kMinScreenWidthForWindowHalving) { // Halve the work area, subtracting aesthetic padding on either side. // The padding is set so that two windows, side by side have // kWindowTilePixels between screen edge and each other. default_width = static_cast<int>(work_area.width() / 2. - 1.5 * kWindowTilePixels); } default_bounds->SetRect(kWindowTilePixels + work_area.x(), kWindowTilePixels + work_area.y(), default_width, default_height); } bool WindowSizer::PositionIsOffscreen(int position, Edge edge) const { DCHECK(monitor_info_provider_); size_t monitor_count = monitor_info_provider_->GetMonitorCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < monitor_count; ++i) { gfx::Rect work_area = monitor_info_provider_->GetWorkAreaAt(i); switch (edge) { case TOP: if (position >= work_area.y()) return false; break; case LEFT: if (position >= work_area.x()) return false; break; case BOTTOM: if (position <= work_area.bottom()) return false; break; case RIGHT: if (position <= work_area.right()) return false; break; } } return true; } namespace { // Minimum height of the visible part of a window. static const int kMinVisibleHeight = 30; // Minimum width of the visible part of a window. static const int kMinVisibleWidth = 30; } void WindowSizer::AdjustBoundsToBeVisibleOnMonitorContaining( const gfx::Rect& other_bounds, const gfx::Rect& saved_work_area, gfx::Rect* bounds) const { DCHECK(bounds); DCHECK(monitor_info_provider_); // Find the size of the work area of the monitor that intersects the bounds // of the anchor window. gfx::Rect work_area = monitor_info_provider_->GetMonitorWorkAreaMatching(other_bounds); // If height or width are 0, reset to the default size. gfx::Rect default_bounds; GetDefaultWindowBounds(&default_bounds); if (bounds->height() <= 0) bounds->set_height(default_bounds.height()); if (bounds->width() <= 0) bounds->set_width(default_bounds.width()); // Ensure the minimum height and width. bounds->set_height(std::max(kMinVisibleHeight, bounds->height())); bounds->set_width(std::max(kMinVisibleWidth, bounds->width())); // Ensure that the title bar is not above the work area. if (bounds->y() < work_area.y()) bounds->set_y(work_area.y()); // Reposition and resize the bounds if the saved_work_area is different from // the current work area and the current work area doesn't completely contain // the bounds. if (!saved_work_area.IsEmpty() && saved_work_area != work_area && !work_area.Contains(*bounds)) { bounds->set_width(std::min(bounds->width(), work_area.width())); bounds->set_height(std::min(bounds->height(), work_area.height())); bounds->set_x( std::max(work_area.x(), std::min(bounds->x(), work_area.right() - bounds->width()))); bounds->set_y( std::max(work_area.y(), std::min(bounds->y(), work_area.bottom() - bounds->height()))); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Limit the maximum height. On the Mac the sizer is on the // bottom-right of the window, and a window cannot be moved "up" // past the menubar. If the window is too tall you'll never be able // to shrink it again. Windows does not have this limitation // (e.g. can be resized from the top). bounds->set_height(std::min(work_area.height(), bounds->height())); // On mac, we want to be aggressive about repositioning windows that are // partially offscreen. If the window is partially offscreen horizontally, // move it to be flush with the left edge of the work area. if (bounds->x() < work_area.x() || bounds->right() > work_area.right()) bounds->set_x(work_area.x()); // If the window is partially offscreen vertically, move it to be flush with // the top of the work area. if (bounds->y() < work_area.y() || bounds->bottom() > work_area.bottom()) bounds->set_y(work_area.y()); #else // On non-Mac platforms, we are less aggressive about repositioning. Simply // ensure that at least kMinVisibleWidth * kMinVisibleHeight is visible. const int min_y = work_area.y() + kMinVisibleHeight - bounds->height(); const int min_x = work_area.x() + kMinVisibleWidth - bounds->width(); const int max_y = work_area.bottom() - kMinVisibleHeight; const int max_x = work_area.right() - kMinVisibleWidth; bounds->set_y(std::max(min_y, std::min(max_y, bounds->y()))); bounds->set_x(std::max(min_x, std::min(max_x, bounds->x()))); #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) }