# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac" or OS=="win"', { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'chrome_dll', 'type': 'none', 'dependencies': [ 'chrome_main_dll', ], 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac" and component=="shared_library"', { 'type': 'shared_library', 'includes': [ 'chrome_dll_bundle.gypi' ], 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-Wl,-reexport_library,<(PRODUCT_DIR)/libchrome_main_dll.dylib', ], }, }], # OS=="mac" ['chrome_multiple_dll==1', { 'dependencies': [ 'chrome_child_dll', ], }], ['incremental_chrome_dll==1', { # Linking to a different directory and then hardlinking back # to OutDir is a workaround to avoid having the .ilk for # chrome.exe and chrome.dll conflicting. See crbug.com/92528 # for more information. Done on the dll instead of the exe so # that people launching from VS don't need to modify # $(TargetPath) for the exe. 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'hardlink_to_output', 'inputs': [ '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll', ], 'outputs': [ '$(OutDir)\\chrome.dll', ], 'action': ['tools\\build\\win\\hardlink_failsafe.bat', '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll', '$(OutDir)\\chrome.dll'], }, ], 'conditions': [ # Only hardlink pdb if we're generating debug info. ['fastbuild==0 or win_z7!=0', { 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'hardlink_pdb_to_output', 'inputs': [ # Not the pdb, since gyp doesn't know about it '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll', ], 'outputs': [ '$(OutDir)\\chrome.dll.pdb', ], 'action': ['tools\\build\\win\\hardlink_failsafe.bat', '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll.pdb', '$(OutDir)\\chrome.dll.pdb'], } ] }] ], }], ] }, { 'target_name': 'chrome_main_dll', 'type': 'shared_library', 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, }, 'dependencies': [ '<@(chromium_browser_dependencies)', '../components/components.gyp:policy', '../content/content.gyp:content_app_browser', ], 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win"', { 'dependencies': [ '<(DEPTH)/chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:chrome_elf', ], }], ['use_aura==1', { 'dependencies': [ '../ui/compositor/compositor.gyp:compositor', ], }], ['OS=="win" and target_arch=="ia32"', { # Add a dependency to custom import library for user32 delay # imports only in x86 builds. 'dependencies': [ 'chrome_user32_delay_imports', ], },], ['OS=="win"', { 'product_name': 'chrome', 'dependencies': [ # On Windows, link the dependencies (libraries) that make # up actual Chromium functionality into this .dll. 'chrome_dll_pdb_workaround', 'chrome_version_resources', '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_unscaled_resources', '../crypto/crypto.gyp:crypto', '../net/net.gyp:net_resources', '../ui/views/views.gyp:views', '../webkit/webkit_resources.gyp:webkit_resources', ], 'sources': [ 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', 'app/chrome_dll.rc', 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', 'app/chrome_main.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.h', 'app/delay_load_hook_win.cc', 'app/delay_load_hook_win.h', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', '../base/win/dllmain.cc', # Cursors. '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/ui/ui_resources/ui_unscaled_resources.rc', ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', ], 'configurations': { 'Debug_Base': { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', }, }, }, }, 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'BaseAddress': '0x01c30000', 'ImportLibrary': '$(OutDir)\\lib\\chrome_dll.lib', # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS for chrome.dll (for consistency). 'SubSystem': '2', 'conditions': [ ['incremental_chrome_dll==1', { 'OutputFile': '$(OutDir)\\initial\\chrome.dll', 'UseLibraryDependencyInputs': "true", }], ['target_arch=="ia32"', { # Link against the XP-constrained user32 import library # instead of the platform-SDK provided one to avoid # inadvertently taking dependencies on post-XP user32 # exports. 'AdditionalDependencies!': [ 'user32.lib', ], 'IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames': [ 'user32.lib', ], # Remove user32 delay load for chrome.dll. 'DelayLoadDLLs!': [ 'user32.dll', ], 'AdditionalDependencies': [ 'user32.winxp.lib', ], 'DelayLoadDLLs': [ 'user32-delay.dll', ], 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [ '<(DEPTH)/build/win/importlibs/x86', ], 'ForceSymbolReferences': [ # Force the inclusion of the delay load hook in this # binary. '_ChromeDelayLoadHook@8', ], }], ], 'DelayLoadDLLs': [ 'comdlg32.dll', 'crypt32.dll', 'cryptui.dll', 'dhcpcsvc.dll', 'imagehlp.dll', 'imm32.dll', 'iphlpapi.dll', 'setupapi.dll', 'urlmon.dll', 'winhttp.dll', 'wininet.dll', 'winspool.drv', 'ws2_32.dll', 'wsock32.dll', ], }, 'VCManifestTool': { 'AdditionalManifestFiles': [ '$(ProjectDir)\\app\\chrome.dll.manifest', ], }, }, 'conditions': [ ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { 'dependencies': [ '<(allocator_target)', ], }], ['enable_printing!=0', { 'dependencies': [ '../printing/printing.gyp:printing', ], }], ['chrome_pgo_phase==1', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '2', }, }, }], ['chrome_pgo_phase==2', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '3', }, }, }], ] }], ['chrome_multiple_dll==1', { 'defines': [ 'CHROME_MULTIPLE_DLL_BROWSER', ], }, { 'dependencies': [ '<@(chromium_child_dependencies)', '../content/content.gyp:content_app_both', '../content/content.gyp:content_worker', ], 'dependencies!': [ '../content/content.gyp:content_app_browser', ], }], ['cld_version==0 or cld_version==1', { 'dependencies': [ '../third_party/cld/cld.gyp:cld', ], }], ['cld_version==0 or cld_version==2', { 'dependencies': [ '../third_party/cld_2/cld_2.gyp:cld_2', ], }], ['OS=="mac" and component!="shared_library"', { 'includes': [ 'chrome_dll_bundle.gypi' ], }], ['OS=="mac" and component=="shared_library"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-Wl,-ObjC' ], }, }], ['OS=="mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { # Define the order of symbols within the framework. This # sets -order_file. 'ORDER_FILE': 'app/framework.order', }, 'sources': [ 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', 'app/chrome_main.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.h', 'app/chrome_main_mac.mm', 'app/chrome_main_mac.h', ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(grit_out_dir)', ], 'postbuilds': [ { # This step causes an error to be raised if the .order file # does not account for all global text symbols. It # validates the completeness of the .order file. 'postbuild_name': 'Verify global text symbol order', 'variables': { 'verify_order_path': 'tools/build/mac/verify_order', }, 'action': [ '<(verify_order_path)', '_ChromeMain', '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${EXECUTABLE_PATH}', ], }, ], 'conditions': [ ['mac_breakpad_compiled_in==1', { 'dependencies': [ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad', '../components/components.gyp:breakpad_component', '../components/components.gyp:policy', ], 'sources': [ 'app/chrome_breakpad_client.cc', 'app/chrome_breakpad_client.h', 'app/chrome_breakpad_client_mac.mm', ], }, { # else: mac_breakpad_compiled_in!=1 # No Breakpad, put in the stubs. 'dependencies': [ '../components/components.gyp:breakpad_stubs', ], }], # mac_breakpad_compiled_in ['internal_pdf', { 'dependencies': [ '../pdf/pdf.gyp:pdf', ], }], ], # conditions }], # OS=="mac" ], # conditions }, # target chrome_main_dll ], # targets }], # OS=="mac" or OS=="win" ['OS=="win"', { 'targets': [ { # This target is only depended upon on Windows. 'target_name': 'chrome_dll_pdb_workaround', 'type': 'static_library', 'sources': [ 'empty_pdb_workaround.cc' ], 'conditions': [ ['fastbuild==0 or win_z7!=0', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { # This *in the compile phase* must match the pdb name that's # output by the final link. See empty_pdb_workaround.cc for # more details. 'DebugInformationFormat': '3', 'ProgramDataBaseFileName': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/chrome.dll.pdb', }, }, }], ], }, ], }], ['chrome_multiple_dll', { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'chrome_child_dll', 'type': 'shared_library', 'product_name': 'chrome_child', 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, }, 'dependencies': [ '<@(chromium_child_dependencies)', '../content/content.gyp:content_app_child', '../content/content.gyp:content_worker', 'chrome_version_resources', 'policy_path_parser', ], 'defines': [ 'CHROME_MULTIPLE_DLL_CHILD', ], 'sources': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', 'app/chrome_main.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.cc', 'app/chrome_main_delegate.h', ], 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win"', { 'dependencies': [ '<(DEPTH)/chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:chrome_elf', ], 'conditions': [ ['chrome_pgo_phase==1', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '2', }, }, }], ['chrome_pgo_phase==2', { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '3', }, }, }], ] }], ], }, # target chrome_child_dll ], }], ], }