// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_CHROME_WATCHER_CHROME_WATCHER_MAIN_API_H_ #define CHROME_CHROME_WATCHER_CHROME_WATCHER_MAIN_API_H_ #include #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/process/process_handle.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" // The name of the watcher DLL. extern const base::FilePath::CharType kChromeWatcherDll[]; // The name of the watcher DLLs entrypoint function. extern const char kChromeWatcherDLLEntrypoint[]; // The subdirectory of the browser data directory where permanently failed crash // reports will be stored. extern const base::FilePath::CharType kPermanentlyFailedReportsSubdir[]; // The type of the watcher DLL's main entry point. // Watches |parent_process|, whose main thread ID is |main_thread_id|, and // records its exit code under |registry_path| in HKCU. The Chrome message // window, owned by |parent_process|, will be monitored for responsiveness. If // enabled, a Kasko reporter process is also instantiated, using // |browser_data_directory| to store crash reports. |on_initialized_event| will // be signaled once the watcher process is fully initialized. Takes ownership of // |parent_process| and |on_initialized_event|. |channel_name| is the current // Chrome distribution channel (one of installer::kChromeChannelXXX). typedef int (*ChromeWatcherMainFunction)( const base::char16* registry_path, HANDLE parent_process, DWORD main_thread_id, HANDLE on_initialized_event, const base::char16* browser_data_directory, const base::char16* channel_name); // Returns an RPC endpoint name for the identified client process. This method // may be invoked in both the client and the watcher process with the PID of the // client process to establish communication between the two using a common // endpoint name. base::string16 GetKaskoEndpoint(base::ProcessId client_process_id); #endif // CHROME_CHROME_WATCHER_CHROME_WATCHER_MAIN_API_H_