// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/mac/crash_logging.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"

class CommandLine;

namespace content {
struct GPUInfo;

// The maximum number of active extensions we will report.
// Also used in chrome/app, but we define it here to avoid a common->app
// dependency.
static const int kMaxReportedActiveExtensions = 10;

// The maximum number of prn-info-* records.
static const size_t kMaxReportedPrinterRecords = 4;

// The maximum number of command line switches to include in the crash
// report's metadata. Note that the mini-dump itself will also contain the
// (original) command line arguments within the PEB.
// Also used in chrome/app, but we define it here to avoid a common->app
// dependency.
static const size_t kMaxSwitches = 15;

namespace child_process_logging {

#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
// These are declared here so the crash reporter can access them directly in
// compromised context without going through the standard library.
extern char g_active_url[];
extern char g_channel[];
extern char g_client_id[];
extern char g_extension_ids[];
extern char g_gpu_vendor_id[];
extern char g_gpu_device_id[];
extern char g_gpu_driver_ver[];
extern char g_gpu_ps_ver[];
extern char g_gpu_vs_ver[];
extern char g_num_extensions[];
extern char g_num_switches[];
extern char g_num_views[];
extern char g_printer_info[];
extern char g_switches[];

// Assume IDs are 32 bytes long.
static const size_t kExtensionLen = 32;

// Assume command line switches are less than 64 chars.
static const size_t kSwitchLen = 64;

// Assume printer info strings are less than 64 chars.
static const size_t kPrinterInfoStrLen = 64;

// Sets the URL that is logged if the child process crashes. Use GURL() to clear
// the URL.
void SetActiveURL(const GURL& url);

// Sets the Client ID that is used as GUID if a Chrome process crashes.
void SetClientId(const std::string& client_id);

// Gets the Client ID to be used as GUID for crash reporting. Returns the client
// id in |client_id| if it's known, an empty string otherwise.
std::string GetClientId();

// Sets the list of "active" extensions in this process. We overload "active" to
// mean different things depending on the process type:
// - browser: all enabled extensions
// - renderer: the unique set of extension ids from all content scripts
// - extension: the id of each extension running in this process (there can be
//   multiple because of process collapsing).
void SetActiveExtensions(const std::set<std::string>& extension_ids);

// Sets a number of views/tabs opened in this process.
void SetNumberOfViews(int number_of_views);

// Sets the data on the gpu to send along with crash reports.
void SetGpuInfo(const content::GPUInfo& gpu_info);

// Sets the data on the printer to send along with crash reports. Data may be
// separated by ';' up to kMaxReportedPrinterRecords strings. Each substring
// would be cut to 63 chars.
void SetPrinterInfo(const char* printer_info);

// Sets the command line arguments to send along with crash reports to the
// values in |command_line|.
void SetCommandLine(const CommandLine* command_line);

#if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_OPENBSD) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Sets the product channel data to send along with crash reports to |channel|.
void SetChannel(const std::string& channel);

// Simple wrapper class that sets the active URL in it's constructor and clears
// the active URL in the destructor.
class ScopedActiveURLSetter {
  explicit ScopedActiveURLSetter(const GURL& url)  {

  ~ScopedActiveURLSetter()  {


// Set/clear information about currently accessed printer.
class ScopedPrinterInfoSetter {
  explicit ScopedPrinterInfoSetter(const std::string& printer_info) {

  ~ScopedPrinterInfoSetter() {


}  // namespace child_process_logging

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)

namespace child_process_logging {

void SetActiveURLImpl(const GURL& url,
                      base::mac::SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func,
                      base::mac::ClearCrashKeyValueFuncPtr clear_key_func);

extern const int kMaxNumCrashURLChunks;
extern const int kMaxNumURLChunkValueLength;
extern const char *kUrlChunkFormatStr;

}  // namespace child_process_logging

#endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX)