// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/child_process_logging.h" #import #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h" #include "content/public/common/gpu_info.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" namespace child_process_logging { using base::mac::SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr; using base::mac::ClearCrashKeyValueFuncPtr; using base::mac::SetCrashKeyValue; using base::mac::ClearCrashKey; const int kMaxNumCrashURLChunks = 8; const int kMaxNumURLChunkValueLength = 255; const char *kUrlChunkFormatStr = "url-chunk-%d"; const char *kGuidParamName = "guid"; const char *kGPUVendorIdParamName = "gpu-venid"; const char *kGPUDeviceIdParamName = "gpu-devid"; const char *kGPUDriverVersionParamName = "gpu-driver"; const char *kGPUPixelShaderVersionParamName = "gpu-psver"; const char *kGPUVertexShaderVersionParamName = "gpu-vsver"; const char *kGPUGLVersionParamName = "gpu-glver"; const char *kNumberOfViews = "num-views"; NSString* const kNumExtensionsName = @"num-extensions"; NSString* const kExtensionNameFormat = @"extension-%d"; NSString* const kPrinterInfoNameFormat = @"prn-info-%zu"; // Account for the terminating null character. static const size_t kClientIdSize = 32 + 1; static char g_client_id[kClientIdSize]; void SetActiveURLImpl(const GURL& url, SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func, ClearCrashKeyValueFuncPtr clear_key_func) { NSString *kUrlChunkFormatStr_utf8 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kUrlChunkFormatStr]; // First remove any old url chunks we might have lying around. for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumCrashURLChunks; i++) { // On Windows the url-chunk items are 1-based, so match that. NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kUrlChunkFormatStr_utf8, i+1]; clear_key_func(key); } const std::string& raw_url_utf8 = url.possibly_invalid_spec(); NSString *raw_url = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:raw_url_utf8.c_str()]; size_t raw_url_length = [raw_url length]; // Bail on zero-length URLs. if (raw_url_length == 0) { return; } // Parcel the URL up into up to 8, 255 byte segments. size_t start_ofs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumCrashURLChunks && start_ofs < raw_url_length; ++i) { // On Windows the url-chunk items are 1-based, so match that. NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kUrlChunkFormatStr_utf8, i+1]; NSRange range; range.location = start_ofs; range.length = std::min((size_t)kMaxNumURLChunkValueLength, raw_url_length - start_ofs); NSString *value = [raw_url substringWithRange:range]; set_key_func(key, value); // Next chunk. start_ofs += kMaxNumURLChunkValueLength; } } void SetClientIdImpl(const std::string& client_id, SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func) { NSString *key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kGuidParamName]; NSString *value = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:client_id.c_str()]; set_key_func(key, value); } void SetActiveURL(const GURL& url) { SetActiveURLImpl(url, SetCrashKeyValue, ClearCrashKey); } void SetClientId(const std::string& client_id) { std::string str(client_id); ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&str, 0, "-", ""); base::strlcpy(g_client_id, str.c_str(), kClientIdSize); SetClientIdImpl(str, SetCrashKeyValue); std::wstring wstr = ASCIIToWide(str); GoogleUpdateSettings::SetMetricsId(wstr); } std::string GetClientId() { return std::string(g_client_id); } void SetActiveExtensions(const std::set& extension_ids) { // Log the count separately to track heavy users. const int count = static_cast(extension_ids.size()); SetCrashKeyValue(kNumExtensionsName, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", count]); // Record up to |kMaxReportedActiveExtensions| extensions, clearing // keys if there aren't that many. std::set::const_iterator iter = extension_ids.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxReportedActiveExtensions; ++i) { NSString* key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kExtensionNameFormat, i]; if (iter != extension_ids.end()) { SetCrashKeyValue(key, [NSString stringWithUTF8String:iter->c_str()]); ++iter; } else { ClearCrashKey(key); } } } void SetGpuKeyValue(const char* param_name, const std::string& value_str, SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func) { NSString *key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:param_name]; NSString *value = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:value_str.c_str()]; set_key_func(key, value); } void SetGpuInfoImpl(const content::GPUInfo& gpu_info, SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func) { SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUVendorIdParamName, base::StringPrintf("0x%04x", gpu_info.vendor_id), set_key_func); SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUDeviceIdParamName, base::StringPrintf("0x%04x", gpu_info.device_id), set_key_func); SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUDriverVersionParamName, gpu_info.driver_version, set_key_func); SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUPixelShaderVersionParamName, gpu_info.pixel_shader_version, set_key_func); SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUVertexShaderVersionParamName, gpu_info.vertex_shader_version, set_key_func); SetGpuKeyValue(kGPUGLVersionParamName, gpu_info.gl_version, set_key_func); } void SetGpuInfo(const content::GPUInfo& gpu_info) { SetGpuInfoImpl(gpu_info, SetCrashKeyValue); } void SetPrinterInfo(const char* printer_info) { std::vector info; base::SplitString(printer_info, L';', &info); info.resize(kMaxReportedPrinterRecords); for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) { NSString* key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kPrinterInfoNameFormat, i]; ClearCrashKey(key); if (!info[i].empty()) { NSString *value = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:info[i].c_str()]; SetCrashKeyValue(key, value); } } } void SetNumberOfViewsImpl(int number_of_views, SetCrashKeyValueFuncPtr set_key_func) { NSString *key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:kNumberOfViews]; NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", number_of_views]; set_key_func(key, value); } void SetNumberOfViews(int number_of_views) { SetNumberOfViewsImpl(number_of_views, SetCrashKeyValue); } void SetCommandLine(const CommandLine* command_line) { DCHECK(command_line); if (!command_line) return; // These should match the corresponding strings in breakpad_win.cc. NSString* const kNumSwitchesKey = @"num-switches"; NSString* const kSwitchKeyFormat = @"switch-%zu"; // 1-based. // Note the total number of switches, not including the exec path. const CommandLine::StringVector& argv = command_line->argv(); SetCrashKeyValue(kNumSwitchesKey, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%zu", argv.size() - 1]); size_t key_i = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < argv.size() && key_i < kMaxSwitches; ++i) { // TODO(shess): Skip boring switches. NSString* key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kSwitchKeyFormat, (key_i + 1)]; NSString* value = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(argv[i]); SetCrashKeyValue(key, value); key_i++; } // Clear out any stale keys. for (; key_i < kMaxSwitches; ++key_i) { NSString* key = [NSString stringWithFormat:kSwitchKeyFormat, (key_i + 1)]; ClearCrashKey(key); } } void SetChannel(const std::string& channel) { // This should match the corresponding string in breakpad_win.cc. NSString* const kChannelKey = @"channel"; SetCrashKeyValue(kChannelKey, base::SysUTF8ToNSString(channel)); } } // namespace child_process_logging