// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_lib.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/perftimer.h" #include "base/registry.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_counters.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" using base::TimeDelta; const TCHAR ChromePluginLib::kRegistryChromePlugins[] = _T("Software\\Google\\Chrome\\Plugins"); static const TCHAR kRegistryLoadOnStartup[] = _T("LoadOnStartup"); static const TCHAR kRegistryPath[] = _T("Path"); typedef base::hash_map<std::wstring, scoped_refptr<ChromePluginLib> > PluginMap; // A map of all the instantiated plugins. static PluginMap* g_loaded_libs; // The thread plugins are loaded and used in, lazily initialized upon // the first creation call. static DWORD g_plugin_thread_id = 0; static MessageLoop* g_plugin_thread_loop = NULL; static bool IsSingleProcessMode() { // We don't support ChromePlugins in single-process mode. CommandLine command_line; return command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess); } // static ChromePluginLib* ChromePluginLib::Create(const std::wstring& filename, const CPBrowserFuncs* bfuncs) { // Keep a map of loaded plugins to ensure we only load each library once. if (!g_loaded_libs) { g_loaded_libs = new PluginMap(); g_plugin_thread_id = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); g_plugin_thread_loop = MessageLoop::current(); } DCHECK(IsPluginThread()); // Lower case to match how PluginList::LoadPlugin stores the path. std::wstring filename_lc = StringToLowerASCII(filename); PluginMap::const_iterator iter = g_loaded_libs->find(filename_lc); if (iter != g_loaded_libs->end()) return iter->second; scoped_refptr<ChromePluginLib> plugin(new ChromePluginLib(filename_lc)); if (!plugin->CP_Initialize(bfuncs)) return NULL; (*g_loaded_libs)[filename_lc] = plugin; return plugin; } // static ChromePluginLib* ChromePluginLib::Find(const std::wstring& filename) { if (g_loaded_libs) { PluginMap::const_iterator iter = g_loaded_libs->find(filename); if (iter != g_loaded_libs->end()) return iter->second; } return NULL; } // static void ChromePluginLib::Destroy(const std::wstring& filename) { DCHECK(g_loaded_libs); PluginMap::iterator iter = g_loaded_libs->find(filename); if (iter != g_loaded_libs->end()) { iter->second->Unload(); g_loaded_libs->erase(iter); } } // static bool ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread() { return ::GetCurrentThreadId() == g_plugin_thread_id; } // static MessageLoop* ChromePluginLib::GetPluginThreadLoop() { return g_plugin_thread_loop; } // static void ChromePluginLib::RegisterPluginsWithNPAPI() { // We don't support ChromePlugins in single-process mode. if (IsSingleProcessMode()) return; std::wstring path; if (!PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_GEARS_PLUGIN, &path)) return; // Note: we can only access the NPAPI list because the PluginService has done // the locking for us. We should not touch it anywhere else. NPAPI::PluginList::AddExtraPluginPath(path); } static void LogPluginLoadTime(const TimeDelta &time) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(L"Gears.LoadTime", time); } // static void ChromePluginLib::LoadChromePlugins(const CPBrowserFuncs* bfuncs) { static bool loaded = false; if (loaded) return; loaded = true; // We don't support ChromePlugins in single-process mode. if (IsSingleProcessMode()) return; std::wstring path; if (!PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_GEARS_PLUGIN, &path)) return; PerfTimer timer; ChromePluginLib::Create(path, bfuncs); LogPluginLoadTime(timer.Elapsed()); // TODO(mpcomplete): disabled loading of plugins from the registry until we // phase out registry keys from the gears installer. #if 0 for (RegistryKeyIterator iter(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kRegistryChromePlugins); iter.Valid(); ++iter) { // Use the registry to gather plugin across the file system. std::wstring reg_path = kRegistryChromePlugins; reg_path.append(L"\\"); reg_path.append(iter.Name()); RegKey key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_path.c_str()); DWORD is_persistent; if (key.ReadValueDW(kRegistryLoadOnStartup, &is_persistent) && is_persistent) { std::wstring path; if (key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, &path)) { ChromePluginLib::Create(path, bfuncs); } } } #endif } // static void ChromePluginLib::UnloadAllPlugins() { if (g_loaded_libs) { PluginMap::iterator it; for (PluginMap::iterator it = g_loaded_libs->begin(); it != g_loaded_libs->end(); ++it) { it->second->Unload(); } delete g_loaded_libs; g_loaded_libs = NULL; } } const CPPluginFuncs& ChromePluginLib::functions() const { DCHECK(initialized_); DCHECK(IsPluginThread()); return plugin_funcs_; } ChromePluginLib::ChromePluginLib(const std::wstring& filename) : filename_(filename), module_(0), initialized_(false), CP_VersionNegotiate_(NULL), CP_Initialize_(NULL) { memset((void*)&plugin_funcs_, 0, sizeof(plugin_funcs_)); } ChromePluginLib::~ChromePluginLib() { } bool ChromePluginLib::CP_Initialize(const CPBrowserFuncs* bfuncs) { if (initialized_) return true; if (!Load()) return false; if (CP_VersionNegotiate_) { uint16 selected_version = 0; CPError rv = CP_VersionNegotiate_(CP_VERSION, CP_VERSION, &selected_version); if ( (rv != CPERR_SUCCESS) || (selected_version != CP_VERSION)) return false; } plugin_funcs_.size = sizeof(plugin_funcs_); CPError rv = CP_Initialize_(cpid(), bfuncs, &plugin_funcs_); initialized_ = (rv == CPERR_SUCCESS) && (CP_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(plugin_funcs_.version) == CP_MAJOR_VERSION) && (CP_GET_MINOR_VERSION(plugin_funcs_.version) <= CP_MINOR_VERSION); return initialized_; } void ChromePluginLib::CP_Shutdown() { DCHECK(initialized_); functions().shutdown(); initialized_ = false; memset((void*)&plugin_funcs_, 0, sizeof(plugin_funcs_)); } int ChromePluginLib::CP_Test(void* param) { DCHECK(initialized_); if (!CP_Test_) return -1; return CP_Test_(param); } bool ChromePluginLib::Load() { DCHECK(module_ == 0); module_ = LoadLibrary(filename_.c_str()); if (module_ == 0) return false; // required initialization function CP_Initialize_ = reinterpret_cast<CP_InitializeFunc> (GetProcAddress(module_, "CP_Initialize")); if (!CP_Initialize_) { FreeLibrary(module_); module_ = 0; return false; } // optional version negotiation function CP_VersionNegotiate_ = reinterpret_cast<CP_VersionNegotiateFunc> (GetProcAddress(module_, "CP_VersionNegotiate")); // optional test function CP_Test_ = reinterpret_cast<CP_TestFunc> (GetProcAddress(module_, "CP_Test")); return true; } void ChromePluginLib::Unload() { NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_CHROME_PLUGIN_UNLOADED, Source<ChromePluginLib>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); if (initialized_) CP_Shutdown(); if (module_) { FreeLibrary(module_); module_ = 0; } }